Playing Against Yourself


Ten Thousand Club
I have just finished a series of very good experiences with a particular type of playing, and I was wondering if anybody else had ever tried anything similar and I'm curious how it worked for you.

Perhaps I should start over.

Me and a friend have been running a series based around a peasant rebellion in Rubylak called the Blind God's Rebellion. I have been playing one of two characters during the sessions. One is Greiving Silk, a Night Caste who is completely committed to the justice of the rebellion, hates the Realm, and has managed to overthrow the ruling Dragon-Bloods there.

The other is Ledaal Tohiro, a loyal Immaculate monk who happened to be close enough to Rubylak to send the appropriate messages to the Realm and is now trying to recapture the city/hold the peace until reinforcements arrive.

Each session I manage to fuck myself over. I have had so much fun doing it.

Has anybody else tried this, and have they met with any success?
I've used alternating casts a couple of times, and had players run their own nemesises a couple of times--but that was in full arcs, not alternating sessions.  

The players set up and see what their opposition is, as well as what led to the situations they're about to run into. And see another side to a conflict, so they could understand another perspective.

Haven't ever done the alternating sessions thing.
I've wanted to try running a temporary minigame with my PCs where I create another circle somewhere doing something related to them or their circumstance. Just to offer another perspective.

Also, Battousai and I have considered crossing our games somewhat by having them within the same continuity so as to add an element of dynamism, as the Hundred Kingdoms in my game would be steadily conquered by "New Gods" as we continue to charade in his game.

In both cases the question arose: what would happen if the two parties were to meet? How messy.

This was complicated further by my divergent setting, as lots of stuff had already happened to the world and to the Realm before his game even began, and it would demand a lot of his game to adapt.
I've done this with great results. I ran the classic perfect circle of solars, and then once that game had run for around 8 months, things began to slow down, so we picked up roots and played Lunars. That was interesting and refreshing, and because they were in the same continuity, there was a lot of dynamism between the world the characters made and the seperate characters. Made a lot of fun when you are playing the counterpart yourself. After the Lunars, they played the Dragon-Blooded, and after that, back to the Solars. It was pretty good.
Well, when I play with myself I like to put on some soft tunes, get a bottle of l....oh, playing against yourself!!!

I haven't actually made players play two sides, but I did run two simultaneous games before, a Solar and an Abyssal game. I had planned to have them fight eventually, but Lord Fuckpants got the Abyssal group destroyed fairly early into the game
Well, when I play with myself I like to put on some soft tunes, get a bottle of l....oh, playing against yourself!!!
I haven't actually made players play two sides, but I did run two simultaneous games before, a Solar and an Abyssal game. I had planned to have them fight eventually, but Lord Fuckpants got the Abyssal group destroyed fairly early into the game
A little Thorny there, mate?
I applaud Lord Fuckpants for bringing the essential element of madness and oblivion to an Abyssal game. Without him, it might have actually gone somewhere and accomplished something.

Have you changed those locks yet, thorn? :P
Not yet. Im planning on getting my own place soon actually.

But, the game he destroyed was actually a second attempt at an Abyssal game. The first one, the dumbass gave into the call of Oblivion before the DL brought him back. That's what he gets for not reading the books...he thought Oblivion imbued deathknights with their powers.

You should've seen his face when I tossed his sheet on the grill...

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