Places and dimensions


The evil one
[Added according to the characters]

[Wicked ~ Emerald City to be Added]

Fantasy Worlds: [A world that is full of wonder to be added]

[Zan ~ The Land Called Rai - Unable to access]

Dream worlds: [Mirror world - undisclosed - Hard access]

[Shadow world/creatures - crosses every dimension - to be revealed]

known Places in modern world: The Nefarious Castle - kitchen - dungeon - stairs - Meeting/dining room - 

Emerald City fashion - 



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Places are not limited to what is listed here, these are just the places that have been revealed through rping, any place that is revealed by any character I will update it and put it in here. This has pictures of areas, but don't worry this is not strict! it is a fairly open sort of thing. 
The Other World: No characters yet from here...

A world that affects ours indirectly, a place where dragons exist, and people are not the rulers. 
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