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Fantasy Pirate Roleplay ~ To Befall a King (Characters)

Ms. Sparrow

Queen of SHIIIPS

Sexual Orientation:


Picture and/or description:
Body Type:
Any Distiguising Marks?:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:




Atmora Etter

"Move you lazy whoresons, or I'll have a reason to shove my blade up that soft arse of yours!"
Name: Atmora Etter
Nickname/Allias: Sea Witch, Captain, King's Bane
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Race: Human (for now...)
Sexuality: Homosexual​

Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 135 lbs
Hair: Long, brown, and rather thick with an undistinguishable part. Extends to her upper back.
Eyes: Dark brown, normally holding an agitated or tired gleam.
Body Type: Ectomorphic with even shoulders and hips.​
Abilities: Swordplay, management, navigation, and being a grade A asshole when necessary.
Magic: N/A
Weaknesses: She's human... and kinda pissed odd the goddess of the sea.... also doesn't know how to swim...
Weapons: Her trusty steel saber. The blade is never not attached to her hip.
Armor: Just the clothing detailed in the image in the previous slide.​
Personality: Not all that afraid to work for what she wants, Atmora is notorious for trampling over those she sees inferior to herself. Yet even with an extremely aloof air about her, she tends to also be more than ambitious and goal orientated, striving for what she sets her mind to no matter how impossible the task might seem.
Hobbies: Gambling, sword fighting
Likes: Freedom, the sea, loyalty
Dislikes: Insubordination, those of a higher authority
Fears: Her crew turning on her, the Goddess of the Sea craving the sweet taste of revenge, never seeing her father again.
History: Atmora was raised by a father who had run his own crew, the man loving his daughter before all the jewels he had plundered and trinkets he had stolen. Life was good, but not to last as when she was 17, he had been arrested by the Navy for the crimes committed against His Majesty. Outraged at how she wasn't able to do anything for him, she had begun finding work. Wanting to live out his legacy as he would wish he had. It took awhile, but she soon managed to scrape together the ungodly amount of coin necessary for a ship of her own. It being quite a beautiful vessel. Years past she a crew to come with it, the woman soon making a name for herself. But not always with the right people...

Aside from other priates and the Navy being out for her head, a month or so ago she had convinced her crew to raid a temple to the Sea Goddess. It was located on an island seemingly in the middle of nowhere. And because she didn't fully believe that there was truly a deity behind all of it, Atmora managed to plunder most of its riches leaving the once marvelous structure in a heap of ruins. But now... the woman grows nervous with each passing day. The sea has become rougher, storms threatening to tear her sails or send boulders through the vessel's flanks. She tells herself not to worry over such things but she can't help but wonder if there was really someone behind the unpleasant experiences of the last few days.​
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Atmora Etter

"Move you lazy whoresons, or I'll have a reason to shove my blade up that soft arse of yours!"

Name: Atmora Etter
Nickname/Allias: Sea Witch, Captain, King's Bane
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Race: Human (for now...)
Sexuality: Homosexual


Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 135 lbs
Hair: Long, brown, and rather thick with an undistinguishable part. Extends to her upper back.
Eyes: Dark brown, normally holding an agitated or tired gleam.
Body Type: Ectomorphic with even shoulders and hips.

Abilities: Swordplay, management, navigation, and being a grade A asshole when necessary.
Magic: N/A
Weaknesses: She's human... and kinda pissed odd the goddess of the sea....
Weapons: Her trusty steel saber. The blade is never not attached to her hip.
Armor: Just the clothing detailed in the image in the previous slide.

Personality: Not all that afraid to work for what she wants, Atmora is notorious for trampling over those she sees inferior to herself. Yet even with an extremely aloof air about her, she tends to also be more than ambitious and goal orientated, striving for what she sets her mind to no matter how impossible the task might seem.
Hobbies: Gambling, sword fighting
Likes: Freedom, the sea, loyalty
Dislikes: Insubordination, those of a higher authority
Fears: Her crew turning on her, the Goddess of the Sea craving the sweet taste of revenge, never seeing her father again.
History: Atmora was raised by a father who had run his own crew, the man loving his daughter before all the jewels he had plundered and trinkets he had stolen. Life was good, but not to last as when she was 17, he had been arrested by the Navy for the crimes committed against His Majesty. Outraged at how she wasn't able to do anything for him, she had begun finding work. Wanting to live out his legacy as he would wish he had. It took awhile, but she soon managed to scrape together the ungodly amount of coin necessary for a ship of her own. It being quite a beautiful vessel. Years past she a crew to come with it, the woman soon making a name for herself. But not always with the right people...

Aside from other priates and the Navy being out for her head, a month or so ago she had convinced her crew to raid a temple to the Sea Goddess. It was located on an island seemingly in the middle of nowhere. And because she didn't fully believe that there was truly a deity behind all of it, Atmora managed to plunder most of its riches leaving the once marvelous structure in a heap of ruins. But now... the woman grows nervous with each passing day. The sea has become rougher, storms threatening to tear her sails or send boulders through the vessel's flanks. She tells herself not to worry over such things but she can't help but wonder if there was really someone behind the unpleasant experiences of the last few days.
(That is a brilliant format there! Makes me want to go...compliment the third Godfather Movie or something crazy)


Azalea Avon





Sexual Orientation:




Body Type:
Ectomorph with a tiny waist, her body more of an even, hourglass shape.

Any Distiguising Marks?:
She has a strange black marking just above her collar bone that looks exactly like a feather, she'd had it since birth, though she doesn't know why.
Hair Color:
Long ginger waves that cascade down to just below her breast.
Eye Color:
Bright, gold-orange.

• Nimble
• Stealthy
• Manipulative
• Quick
• Agile
• Quick Reflexes

• Can shapeshift into any animal, insect, or creature.
• Can take on animal characteristics in her normal form. (Far sighted vision, enhanced sense of smell, etc)
• Can communicate with any living creature, animals, insects, etc.
• Fire manipulation

Lack of strength
• Uneasy at the sight of blood
• Her crew
• Her pride
• She can only remain in another form for a certain amount of time, depending on her energy and physical strength.
• She can't control her fire, or summon it when she was



Azalea has...no good qualities. At all. Whatsoever. She's blunt and sarcastic, generally seen with a smug smirk on her face. She enjoys teasing others, and she's incredibly negative and pessimistic, never failing to narrate a terrible situation. She cares for people, but she'll never show it, claiming she isn't good, and has no remorse for anybody, but she is loyal, especially to her captain. She's an excellent liar and manipulator, she hates the Navy with a burning hate, and she doesn't get upset, she gets even. She's reckless, and if you hurt her, or piss her off enough, she's emotionally unstable, and can go as far as to go on a killing spree on innocents, or even the people she cares about. She's very secretive, and holds back most of her emotions, hiding her true self of insecurities and fears and love. She cares deeply for people, and hates that she does, so she hides it. But she'll risk her life for those she cares about, which is few people, considering she doesn't trust people easily, overall she's a very dislikable person unless you get to know her well.

• Drinking
• Shifting into a bird and flying around
• Balancing on random places on the ship
• Mocking others

+ Spicy Food
+ Drinking
+ Dancing
+ Stealing
+ Thwarting or killing Navy members
+ Dragons
+ Winning

- The Navy
- People challenging her, or her captains authority
- Kvothe (She STILL doesn't trust him)
- Losing
- Hangovers
- Buzzkills
- People telling her what to do (Unless its her captain)
- Swimming (She can swim, she just hates it.)
- Having no control of her fire
- The King

Losing her crew
• Keeper
• Spiders
• Loving anybody

Azalea was born into a wealthy noble family that was well know, the Avon family. And it was very close to the Kings family. Because they were cousins to the family, they saw them quite often, even if they lived miles away on an small island village, where the Avons were Lords and ruled over the small fishing village named, Sarthen. Considering they traveled over the waters, Azalea grew to love traveling over the sea's. She was well mannered, kind and responsible. She was not only cousins with the Prince, but best friends, Rene and Azalea were both young children, getting into all sorts of childish, nefarious activities. Until Azalea's life changed forever.

One day, when Azalea was eight years old, Sarthen was attacked by a pillage of dragons that had allied themselves in the Old Ways, and still supported the dead, overthrown King. The dragons burned helpless Sarthen to the ground and slaughtered its people. Azalea grabbed her sword, ready to take them on one by one if she had to. But as the dragons began to leave, she found a dragon egg. She crawled over the rubble and picked it up as it began to move and crack, ready to drop it and kill the monster inside for what it had done to her parents and village, and out popped a dragon right in front of Azalea. The dragon was helpless, and innocent, the dragon and Azalea locked gazes, and at that point she saw the dragon as she was, lost and abandoned. She couldn't kill it. Then the dragon, naturally born wise, gave young Azalea a gift. A gift of fire, though she didn't realize it at the time, nor did she realize she was a shapeshifter.
Left alone with the dragon who called himself "Kriidklorath", Azalea was basically all alone. Kriidklorath felt obligated to help, considering it was his kind that slaughtered her entire village, and so, alone on an usual day was raised Azalea by none other then a dragon. She learned how to speak fluently in dragon language to the point where Kriidklorath had to remind her to speak English. Kriidklorath provided her with everything she needed. Kriidklorath was a dragon, as such, he was wise. Wiser then any man. He provided her with education, human survival skills, shelter and heat with his massive body and heat generating scales. He was her friend, and in a way, a parent. Meanwhile, this brought on isolation and unawareness to the world outside. Her aunt, AKA the Queen had died. Rene dissapeared shortly after, and the once loved King was becoming a power-hungry tyrannt who wanted nothing more then to make sure no family member was in a position of power to take the throne.

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A Pirate's Life For Me!


Name: Roman Kai Syria
Nickname/Alias: He also Responds to his Middle name of Kai
Age: 17 years old
Gender: Male
Race: Neko
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual


Picture and/or description: His left arm has a black sleeve, His hands are covered by fingerless gloves.
Neko Pirate.jpg
5'6" (and still growing)
Weight: 132 lbs
Body Type: Thin and lean, any weight on him is muscle mass, though he isn't incredibly well built either.
Any Distinguishing Marks?: Scar on right eye (See picture), Spider tribal tattoo on right shoulder (Picture below), Large scars on his lower and upper back, Branding Scar in the back of his left hand (Picture below)
Simple-Cute-Tribal-Tattoo-Designs.jpg Symbol.jpg
Hair Color: Redish-Orange
Eye Color: Redish-Orange


Abilities: Fast on his feet, can climb very well, decent swordplay skills,
Powers/Magic: Though he's been studying up on simple element magic, he's not able to use it for much more than effects when he's doing storying telling or singing
Weaknesses: Not the best of swimmers, Terrible with guns
Weapons: A steel cutlass and throwing daggers
Armor: Just what he's wearing in the picture


Personality: He usually keeps to himself, doing his work in a timely manner, though, he also can be a bit of a hot head and his temper has gotten him into trouble before. Though he usually keeps out of the way of most of the crew, he can be quite the storyteller and a good person to talk to when others need advice. He's very loyal and devoted to anyone he get's close to.
Hobbies: Playing his music, coming up with new stories, Daydreaming, Reading, juggling his daggers, practicing his magic.
Likes: Playing music on his baroque guitar (picture below), Singing, Storytelling, Being rubbed behind the ears. Using his magic to entertain or play small tricks on the crew, Mangos
Dislikes: Being threatened, Having his ears or tail pulled, Nick-names, Getting his stuff stolen or taken from him
Fears: Being sold back into slavery, Being buried alive, Being abandoned or left behind
History: At a very young age Roman was sold into slavery by his own parents, considering him unlucky and nothing more than a troublemaker around the town, they were happy to get rid of him and pass him on to someone else. Being forced onto large slave ships with other children, and young adults that were sold to these devils, his captors would beat and starve them to try and "break" their souls and spirit to get them to work. This went on for years, Roman's body being marked and destroyed by the constant beatings and whips that were run across his skin. Though the days were long, depressive, and mostly agonizing, Roman had grown to love the sea life. Moving from place to place over the open ocean kept Roman going.

After years of traveling the sea with the slavers, Roman had become more of a problem to them than anything of worth for them to keep to continue to try to sell. So they cut his ties and threw him off the edge of the ship in the middle of the night. With the cold ocean water now surrounding him, Roman began to swim, unsure of if he'd make it to shore or if he'd die out in the middle of the open sea. If it wasn't for the fact that he'd had found a large piece of floating driftwood, He would have drowned long before he made his way to the shore. But after two full days of swimming, he had made it to a shoreline. And though he thought about forgetting about the ocean altogether, the ocean still seemed to call for him, and what a better way to go back out then to find a crew willing to let him in and offer his skills?

designed by Fyuri
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"I already told you, sir. I'm not a gentleman, I'm a renegade, a thief."


Kvothe Equinox
Sexual Orientation:
Hetero, Straight

Picture and/or description:

Body Type:
Muscled, Lean
Any Distiguising Marks?:
Hair Color:
Eye Color:

Master Fencer, and rather good in hand to hand, very high Charisma, great sailor, navigator,
Manipulation of Wind, Mind Suggestion (weak mind control), Call Lightning (varies)
His magic is entirely based on how well he is, if he is in a poor condition, he can scarcely call a breeze. His Suggestion ability is almost natural, but his ability to call lightning depends on him being in good shape (there also needs to be a storm or such, he can't create it out of nothing)
Doesn't know when to quit (as in..arguing), has a temper
Being a non magical creature, his magic came at the price of susceptibility to hostile magic


Beautifully Engraved dueling sword
Light Leather armor, tattered Royalist Uniform over it (obviously cut up on purpose)


Extremely friendly to those he likes, intelligent, witty, and a good friend when it comes to it. Though he hates people who have big pride, who are rich and snobby, and who think themselves better than everyone else. Typically argumentative with authority, and typically gets others to join his view.
Playing the Lute, playing cards or any other games, practicing magic, finding ways to better himself, making networks of friends, playing pranks
Friends loyal to him, Magic, mystery, Sailing, sneaking, music
Authority, Pride, brats, rats (as in snitches)
Losing his magic, getting lost at sea, being recaptured by the Royal Navy and tortured to death, getting stranded, his father finding him
Kvothe's morals and hatred towards bratty rich kids was certainly a strange thing to develop from someone of his past. He was born into a well off house of a captain in the Royal Navy, was brought up well, and was able to dabble in a wide variety of skills, such as Music, Sailing, Magic, Fencing, Fighting, and other things a young boy of a rich household would enjoy. From this, he also received his sword, the last gift from his father he ever received.
Despite the fact that his mother wanted him brought up as a young well mannered boy, he was often found sneaking off onto ships as a stowaway, where his charm and seemingly strange knack for convincing people into agreeing with him would let him slide by. There, he was able to learn ship talk, learn to navigate, to sail, to see storms coming, and of course, the Wind.
His magical training was rather brief, but it was still rich and effective. While he never trained to an age where he could truly master his craft, he did learn many things that aided him in becoming such a great sailor, such as calling the wind to keep a high sail. This magic training, as well as his natural snooping, also led him to the world of being a thief.
He would quite often sneak around, nosing in business that wasn't his, and because of the little punishment he got when caught, he simply kept doing it, and got better and better. At the age of 16, he had developed a mouth-a very witty one, that could twist words and convince a sane man the sky was purple. One that could lie with a straight face, one that could bury words in one's mind, and one that could keep him out of trouble...or get him into it.
At 18, he followed his father's footsteps and joined the Royal Navy. All was well for about five years, until his mutiny. He had always been a good crew member, he knew what he was doing as a sailor, and was quite a master at it. From his hours of drilling at home, he knew exactly how to sail like a master, even for a rather young man. However, there was something that most Captains never liked about him: his tongue. He was one to always tell stories, to speak in whispers to the crew, to sneak about at night, and to talk back to his superiors. Because of this, he was often wrongly (though sometimes rightly) accused and punished, and because of his high charisma and reputation among the crew, the rest of the men looked upon this with great anger.
One night, the captain awoke with a sword at his throat. Kvothe and his followers had, in the night, killed about a dozen men, and told the captain they were taking over the ship.The captain fought back, and a battle was fought for the ship. Eventually, the rebels won, and they went off into the horizon as Pirates...
But this pirate tale did not last long, as in less than a year, they were found and attacked by the Royal Navy. In the fray, Kvothe left his crew and hid on a small island until he saw his old ship shot down to the depths of the sea. Eventually, he was able to stowaway on a new ship, one that he found to also be Pirate. Within a few years, he was restored to his old title as Master Sailor, Pilot.

Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow
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Cascadia Pavli

  • Name: Cascadia Evangeline Pavli
    Nickname/Alias: Spider Queen
    Age: Twenty-Seven
    Gender: Female
    Race: Arachnoid (Spider-Human)
    Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

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Andreas Canaan
The Quarter Master

Be all in, or get the hell out. Life's too short to be half-assed.
Andreas Canaan

Most people would call him an asshole. Other than that, he doesn't really have a nickname.



comes from a noble line of Djinns (or Genies)

Sexual Orientation:
Straight as a board




Body Type:
mesomorph, athletic build

Any Distinguishing Marks?:
A scar marking his left eyebrow, a result of a nasty fight from previous years and the mark of a Djinn, (a small star) on the side of his neck.

Hair Color:
light, soft blonde

Eye Color:
one eye is honey-coloured hazel, the other a pale, ice-cold blue. Having two differently colored eyes is a common trait among most Djinns


~master at the art of swordfight
~leadership skills
~extremely observant

~ability to grant wishes, but because of past events that had occurred in the overall history of Djinns, this has severe limits. More will be explained in backstory.
~enhanced sight
~enhanced strength
~enhanced durability
~enherited from an ancestor, Andreas can manipulate and create fire

All genies have a weakness, usually linked to an object or food. Each family of Djinns has their own kind of weakness. Andreas's family's weakness is a food; peaches. They cannot eat or drink anything peachy or peach-related, or else it will render them completely powerless, as powerless as a normal human. It's saddening and irritating, but true. This is a result of an ancient curse placed on Djinns long ago.

Despite having most of the capabilities of a normal human enhanced, the only thing not enhanced is speed. So as a result, Andreas has the speed of any other normal human being.

Already in the picture

Already in the picture.


You'd think that someone who'd come from a noble family would be just that: noble, right? Unfortunately, it's a whole different story for Andreas. He has a sharp tongue and his penetrating and deadly looks are known to make even the mightiest and proudest sailors kneel. He is known to be an asshole, a critic, but is very loyal to his ship, almost to a fault. His determination is also another admirable trait; he does not give up until the task is done. He's observant and tactful, and though he is impulsive, he knows when to shut his mouth and listen, particularly when the Captain is involved. Nevertheless, he can't help but be arrogant as well, and fierce. He is honest and rather judgemental, which has never gained him many friends. Once you get to know him, Andreas shows his true colours:
a passionate, driven and rather romantic (he rarely shows this side of himself) young man with a childhood dream filled with adventure and daring, gold and high seas.

~watching the sea and the horizon on calm days
~keeping the ship in top-notch condition
~seeing the sunset
~falling asleep to the soothing rock and sound of waves

~good food

~romantic novels
~when the ship is clean and orderly
~always being first in everything
~winning a battle (physically or verbally)
~seeing his enemies fall

~seeing women on deck (in those days, a woman on board, especially on a pirate ship, wasn't very appreciated. Andreas thinks they are rather incapable, but will probably be proved wrong xD) He doesn't dare to voice his opinions when the Captain is present though. Definitely an unwise decision.
~when the ship is chaotic
~being beaten
~being insulted
~assholes (surprised?)
~being ridiculed
~the King
~the Navy
~incooperative crewmates
~people who can't make up their minds

~getting captured by the Navy
~confronting his family empty-handed
~being rendered powerless especially


Centuries ago, Djinn were free and roaming the lands, using their incredible powers for good, always considered a righteous race. They were able to bend reality itself, grant unlimited wishes and were beloved by all.
However, there was one being who saw the Djinn as the very key to the rise to power, saw their unlimited, blessed abilities as tools to get him exactly what he wanted. He wanted to put the Djinn in labor camps, as slaves to his ever-expanding empire. This evil monarch was craving power and riches; enough to get him the entire world. But it would not be easy; the Djinn were a fiercely independent race, and they weren't going to surrender their services to him that easily.
The evil monarch plotted to announce warfare against the Djinn, and soon, a great battle ensued. However, it quickly ended, for the Djinn were too powerful and drove the King's forces right out. Foolishly defeated, the monarch swore vengeance and went back into hiding, back to scheming in the shadows.
The ancient monarch knew that this time, a direct attack would be thoughtless, especially when doing it alone. He needed another hand at play, and that hand turned out to be the hand of a powerful sorcerer. Together, these two conspired to trap the Djinn in their own game. Of course, the Djinn were practically invulnerable, but that was about to change.
The sorcerer cast an extremely powerful and terrible spell forged by the gods, upon the Djinn race, causing them to have a single vulnerability that would surely be their downfall. Each Djinn's weakness was connected to an object or food, and when a unique command was uttered, the victim would be sucked into their object of vulnerability, forever trapped. To kill the trapped Djinn, all one needed to do was smash the object, or destroy the food. Now at a terrifying advantage, the ancient monarch began to use this curse as a trump card. He rampaged across the lands where Djinn resided, uttering commands and killing certain Djinns to make examples of them. The rest of the race understood his horrid message:

Either obey the King or die.

With no other choice, the Djinn surrendered. The ancient monarch ripped all their privileges away from them in an instant and forced them into labor camps, workers for the King. They had no choice but to give the King whatever he wished, and if they rebelled, the rebels would meet the same grisly ends as the first examples. And so, the race of the Djinn were slaves, nothing more than cattle. The sorcerer also put another minor spell on the Djinn race: a permanent, ever-lasting mark on each Djinn, that would continue onto future generations. This mark was typically on the nape of the neck, the shape of a star to remind the Djinn where they stood. This continued on for years, decades even. But the Djinn weren't about to give up.

In order to gain freedom, there had to be a great sacrifice. That was their motto. Secretly, the rebel Djinn began plotting and planning, knowing that if they wanted liberation, they had to cut short the source of their ancient captor's power. That meant all of the race of the Djinn had to sacrifice thier wish-granting abilities, severely limit them so the King would not be able to use the Djinn anymore. However, this was extremely complicated. So complicated in fact, that it took nearly two hundred years before the Djinn finally secretly perfected the spell.

The spell was activated, and the entire race's wish-granting abilities were severely limited to the point of no return. No longer were they able to give the descendants of the first evil ancient King the limitless desires they desired, no longer were the Djinn useful. Overnight, the descendants of the King had lost their only source of power.

"We're useless now," thought the worn Djinn workers, weakened but relieved. "We have no use, so why should the King keep us? Surely he will let us go."

However, it was the exact opposite. The descendant of the ancient monarch was absolutely enraged. He swept across the labor camps, raiding and destroying them, calling out the executions of thousands of innocent Djinn. The Djinn could not fight back; the ancient sorcerer's curse, the centuries of hellish labor and their own sacrifices had weakened to the point of being almost human. So many died in the course of a few, short years that in the end, only about a hundred Djinn had survived the ordeal. The survivors fled to the coastline, desperate to get out of the land. They consulted with sea captains, begged, pleaded with them. Unfortunately, each attempt failed, and the survivors were panicking. It would not be long until the descendant of the ancient King discover their location and slaughter them all.

Finally, the survivors found a few trade ships heading out to the north, to a country far, far away. The Djinn mounted them, and soon, they were off, sailing to the New World.

Now, for Andreas's story.

Andreas was seven years old when his parents fled with the rest of the survivors from the wrath of the descendant King in the ruined labor camps. He born to a family of noble roots, but that nobility hardly mattered now. At age nine, he was off sailing into the New World, hoping along with his fellow Djinn that this was new land was to be their land of salvation.

Andreas spent months on that ship. He developed a deep desire for the sea, bewitched by the rolling of the waves, refreshed by the sea breeze and thrilled at the prospect of fighting pirates. He loved to pretend to be the Captain of the ship, but soon realized he'd rather be the Captain's right hand, the Quartermaster. Becoming friends with the actual sea captain of the trade ship they were on, Andreas's friend taught him the art of sword fighting. Andreas was a natural, and never stopped practicing. He also practiced his Djinn abilities with his parents, so he knew how to face the danger that came with this new country.

Finally, the survivors docked. Andreas had turned ten, and by age thirteen, the survivors had built a fine, tiny community within the city. But the survivors had not come here rich; every day was a work day. Once again, labor had to be accomplished in order to gain food and drink, a place to sleep, and the survivors almost felt as if it were the labor camps all over again. But they knew this was what should've been expected. and at least they weren't being persecuted here. The King of this new land was harsh; always imposing higher taxes and prices in the market, but he wasn't an enemy of the Djinn. However, they were immigrants, and it seemed the King never took kindly to immigrants.

Andreas hated this lifestyle. He had never had much memory of the labor camps and he knew they were worse, but that didn't stop him from completely detesting the labor lifestyle. Every day was the same, old and tiring routine. It lacked the thrill, the adventure, the freshness of the sea. Yes, Andreas never forgot his first trip across the ocean. It was etched to him in the form of a memory, but as the years droned on, that memory soon transformed into a dream, an ambition. Andreas would never stop daydreaming about the sea, slacking off in the process. He missed the pleasure of sailing, of being Quartermaster, even if it was pretended. He wanted to be out there again, sailing the ocean blue aboard a pirate ship, searching for treasure. Andreas vowed to bring back treasure for his community, give them the rest and relaxation they deserved.

At age fifteen, Andreas joined his second expedition aboard a Navy ship, but found it dull and along the way, he had discovered a deep hidden hatred for the King. He didn't want to work for him.
And so, after his second trip, he took two more, this time on pirate ships. They were minor voyages, but voyages all the same. Andreas gained valuable experience and his natural talent of being a pirate blossomed. Not only that, but his reputation grew as well. He became a prime target for the Navy, especially disliked for his dark Djinn past. Andreas never found any treasure to his dismay, and he knew he needed it quickly; he wasn't rich either and supplying himself would be harder than initinionally thought.
Thankfully, Andreas started to hear rumours about a bountiful treasure hidden somewhere across the ocean and that many pirates were after the treasure. The King and his Navy hated pirates, and so it wasn't surprising to hear that the Navy would be after these treasure-seeking rogues. Andreas wanted in in this treasure hunt, no matter how dire the consequences.
Andreas met the Captain of the Red Scarlet, one of the most notorious pirate ships ever to sail the seven seas. Andreas jumped at the chance of joining their crew, even becoming a good friend of the Captain, who was a woman. Earning her trust, Andreas became Quartermaster and kept his mouth shut about the abnormality of women being on board.

Here's Andreas and the Djinn race's theme song:

Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow
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  • Name: Fae Bowman
    Nickname/Alias: Stiff (She absolutely hates the nickname)
    Age: 27
    Gender: Female
    Race: Mixed
    Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Name: James Nugent
Nickname/Alias: The dragon
Age: 19
Gender: male
Race: human
Sexual Orientation: straight


Picture and/or description:
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 200 pounfs
Body Type: A+
Any Distiguising Marks?: he has a dragon tatoo on his lower back
Hair Color: dark brown
Eye Color: teal

he can speak with dragons.
He is trained in aerial combat from most flying beasts or creatures
Powers/Magic: he uses fire magic and basic flight magic, he can use submission magic to control some animals.
Weaknesses: he cant use flight magic for more then 3 minutes since it is draining and is vulnerable when useing it.
Weapons: bow and arrow, brace of pistols, two sax knives.
Armor: only his clothes


Out going
He tends to be a push over to girls. And has the habit of getting lovestuck easy
Hobbies: cooking, brewing, makeing wooden replicas of ships
Likes: cooking, cheese, meat, woman, makeing mead or groug, writing.
Dislikes: people stealing rations, extended fights, seagulls... He hates seagulls
Fears: getting left to die on an island
History: james was someone the captain picked up a while ago after raiding a commercial ship durring which the cook was slain. James not one to be stuck on the second commercial ship volunteered to go with them since he didn't put up a fight in the first place. He's been trying his best to prove his worth ever since since he's terrified of them leaving him marooned somewhere. He is currently working on a book of all the adventures hoping to publish it one day.

Unknown the most of the crew James is actually from a line of fallen nobility who used to be dragon riders under the king. His lineage was only canceled one generation before as the kings father wanted the riches and artifacts that James clan held. In fact the only egg the clan has left is the one who bonded with James. He is trying to keep this hidden since his clan had committed atrocities in the past in the name of the king and he doesn't want to get shot in the back because of it.

His dragon is named Frost and it is around 5'5" and is a northern ice dragon. images (21).jpg
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  • Name: Coda Harley Bates
    Nickname/Alias: "Cody" or "The Firefly"
    Age: 24 y/o
    Gender: Female
    Race: Ifrit (Fire Elemental)
    Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual


"I'm 35"


"Male, welcome to check if you'd like."

"I'm Six foot Three inches"

Hair Color
Gray with Red undertones

Eye Color

Sexual Orientation

A man of few words --- But of action. Turhan stands against the flow of the world, his body unmovable through a resolve hardened by the cold depths of the ocean. It may be his faith that holds his frame down like a titanic guardian; Or it may be his morals, one may find themselves on the wrong end of the table to be asking such questions. For that stoic demeanor is only the calm before a great storm.... Its anger fueled with such passion it may crash against the beach like great waves. His rage is not hard to find, the man lashing out against those who might harm who he cares about --- his once protective instincts that provided shelter underneath the mans large arms; Now antagonizing his pride, forcing the man to fight even where he might not win. His desire to keep those around him safe in such harsh times bringing him to be reckless, throwing his own life on the line.

You find yourself below deck, The movements of the ship rocking ever so softly below you. As each second passes the senses of the sea overtakes you a little bit more; Your nostrils burn with the smell of the salty foam of the ocean, your ears being flooded by the sounds of her waves. Your eyes wander around below deck, searching for the companion you've come to know as "Bubbles"; You never knew much about him, just that he was the ships striker. He often stayed below decks, or below the ship when the current rest. Your pupils focus against the flickering lights below deck, soon resting on a large figure sitting at a wooden box below deck. You knew the man before you, each stride bringing you closer; Your eyes glance over the diving suit the man wore, the helmet sitting on another storage crate. Your voice crashes against the sound of the waves outside. "B, always working on that diving suit of yours; Why not just steal one from a navy ship?" You glance over the suit once more, it wasn't too special. But the man put a majority of his time above the water into it. "When you work hard for something, when you sweat in it, you bleed in it; You feel deaths cold embrace wrap around you while it coats your skin. You'll learn that no navy dive suit means as much to me as this one." You take a seat on one of the crates, a hand grasping a bottle of rum; You crack open the top of it and tip it to your lips. "Why'd you come onto this ship, B, you've got too much hate in your eyes for the Navy for this to a be simple job." You pass the bottle to the man as he runs a cloth across the leather of the suit. Your eyes taking in his unmasked features; A net of scars running across the mans jaw, his hazel eyes seemed harsh, almost cold.

"The ocean is a cruel mistress, but the Navy did something to me even the ocean wouldn't dare; Had a wee little daughter long ago, a wife who cared about me more than I thought possible. The Navy took our little one from us, all cause of my ties to a particular ship that got accused of pirating; You see the life pass from yer' own flesh and blood's eyes at the hands of a hangman's knot. It changes a man, it puts a cold in you that compares to the sea's depths. Didn't take long, the pain set in; First it was sadness, we mourned, then for me it became anger. Something about it being my fault, the fact if I hadn't been around the ship when it was raided; She'd still be alive, and my wife would be back in my arms. " The man's gruff voice echo's through your ear drums, his voice cracked ever so slightly; You watch him take the rum from your hand, pouring it back into his cracked lips. "What happened to your wife?" The man glanced towards you, his hardened eyes seeming to be blazing with emotions; "Threw herself to the sea, she couldn't seem to get past the dark feeling of our loss. She's still with me, in these waters; Every time I go down I can feel her warm embrace just before the cold sets in." You feel a slight urge to pry further; But something in the back of your mind warns against it, the larger mans hand seeming to rest on the blade next to his helm. His hand grasping its hilt in anger.

Hobbies: Diving; Hunting; Tinkering;
Likes: The Ocean; Women; Booze;
Dislikes: Questions
Fears: What lurks in the deepest parts of the ocean.


Abilities / Weaknesses --- Turhan is a strong man, being able to brawl and generally hold his own; Even below the waters surface, he can hold his breath for long periods of time even once his tanks run out of air. However his temper leads him to throw away his self preservation, throwing himself into fights he most likely won't win, or hunting prey that bares too much risk

Powers/Magic--- None, hes just a normal ol' dude.

Weapons ---A diving knife that slides into a sheath on the shoulder of the diving rig. Along with a spear that he takes with him below the surface for his hunting expedition.

Dive suit--- A leather framed diving suit, its outer shell layered with small bits of salvaged metal, and outer pockets of more leather. Two small tanks connect to the back, leading to the large metal sphere that dawns the helm.

((Was gonna use BB code to make this pretty but I reeaaallly wanted to get started. Sorry ;-;)


The Whip
Sexual Orientation:
Although he doesn't care much for romance, he is straight nonetheless.

Picture and/or description:


Body Type:
Any Distiguising Marks?:
From his years with the whip and rather brutal upbringing, he bears multiple scars on his face and hands as well as multiple larger scars on his back that have although faded are very noticeable. Those scars are also very obviously from a whip.
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Dark Green

The orc possesses a distinct ability to intimidate people he sees. The presence of orcs aren't always common and his features do not make him look a pleasant man.

With his rough upbringing as an Orc and multiple trips on multiple ships as well as voyages on the Scarlet Witch, he bears scars from these occasions. This has made his flesh tough. Although a sword can hurt him still a single poke or a grab of the blade would not hurt him as much as it would normal humans. In a duel however he could still be hurt as easily as any human when being struck hard with a sword.
Being an orc his crude survival adaptation is to sense where things are. His nose possess a keen sense of smell allowing him to track what he is looking for.
Izog isn't the most well liked amongst humans being an Orc only to be added on for his profession. Sometimes he's even hated simply due to the rightful prejudice against orcs.

For an Orc, he isn't the tallest nor the smartest amongst others however he can find his own way on the field and has a taste for battle.

Lastly, the Orc seems to be lacking in the "human" aspect of love and rather spend his days wealthy and respected then desired by anyone. It could sometimes get to the point of enforcing it upon others however.

One jagged Cutlass, two Jagged Orc daggers, one pocket knife and a pistol with ten shots.
He wears black leather armor although formally he would wear regular sailor's garbs.

Being an Orc, of course he would have a lustful soul for battle however he is much a gentle spirit outside of sea. He still would whip any whore wanton arse on the ship to get them to work however he would care for the poor souls that were less fortunate then he. That is of course he would be fighting anybody he sees who he seems insults this ship or his captain.
Rather than being crude with his well, rather crude weapons, he often likes the practice of dueling and fighting like a gentlemen. His form however often relies on brute strength.
On board a ship, he has grown a taste for dried meat and salty crackers as well as a mixture of rum or wine with water as opposed to drinking dirty water on the ship. He also enjoys the sensation of whipping people for work aboard the ship.

Most of all above drinking and gaming however is his appreciation for the captain. He certainly is a loyal friend so he believes and will do anything for the captain. He was the one who spared him after all.
Despite being an Orc, he hates random brawls aboard the ship often breaking them up. He believes they are pointless fights and a test to compensate for true manhood. He also hates cowards and those that fear the sea believing they are no true heroes or lack an adventurer spirit.
He fears the dislike of the captain being a Master at Arms, often striving to please him in a friendly manner. He also fears the betrayal of the crew being an honest man and the Navy for his history.
As an Orc, he was born into a tribal society where he would be trained for war. Given only basic education and a over the top education of Orcish culture, he quickly rise to become a orc warrior. He wasn't the tallest of orcs often resulting in his humiliation, standing only at rather undesirable 5'10", often being humiliated and singled out by his kin. The best part about it was the constant brawls he would get into however. It always resulted in him being whipped however the usefulness of learning hand-to-hand combat gave him scars and a skill and taste for combat. With the orcish tribal wars following in the outer regions of the king's realm he quickly gained prestige until the eventual and to his opinion, inevitable demise of the clan. Despite mass casualties towards the kibg"'s armies, technology prevailed and the Orc tribes were disbanded and integrated into the Kingdom.

With no where left to go, he was forced into service as a blacksmith, a farmer and hunter and a unskilled sailor. There he learned to forge and repair his own tools and learned the skills of how to survive on his own. The skills learned in the Orcish tribes helped him survive under the King as well. Still his heart was left discontent due to the fall of his tribe, the only home he knew. Eventually on one fateful night under a Naval merchant vessel, he came attacked by the Scarlet witch. The battle for the Navy was a complete loss and the Orc was sent aboard the ship hoping for mercy. When they realized the Orc was one from the tribal wars he was recruited due to his pleading that he was forced to work under the Navy, partially true. This the journey of Izog began, quickly gaining prestige as a wonderful Craftsman and an excellent fighter. Despite not being the best shot he certainly had a knack for swords. His stature and background also intimidated the crew to a humiliating degree, or so he would like to believe. Fear in his colleagues eyes have immense satisfaction when away from the Navy.

As he rose in rank, he still willingly became loyal and close to the captain, hoping to earn his trust. He was a captured sailor with no reason to be trusted yet he constantly strived to prove himself. The Scarlet Witch would still again float with his watch on the crew and his sword against the Navy.

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