Pied Piper

Shadow Alpha

Senior Member

Name: Lyric Raptus

Nickname: N/A

Alias: Pied Piper

Name Origin: "Raptus" is latin for abduction while Lyric is associated with music/musical themes

Name Pronunciation:  /li-rik/

Apparent Age: 21

Actual Age: 64

Race: High level Spirit

Story: The pied piper was once only known for his skills at leading away the rats that were riddled with disease from a small town in Germany. The people that lived there made a promise to him but they don't not keep up their side of the bargain and they assumed that he stole their children from them in spite. The funny thing about the whole situation is that Lyric never led any rats away. The humans saw rats but it was actually the vile souls of those that had done wrong or were judged to be evil such as prostitutes and others that were viewed as scum and vermin. Those were the souls that he kept around to feed on in order to keep up his form in their world.  It was their tiny human minds and the disease that was already coursing through their veins that made them unable to grasp the gory truth of the situation and instead created a scenario in which Lyric took their children away.. The children that followed Lyric were already dead and it was his job to lead them to limbo, where their souls would reside before moving to better or worse levels. The adults managed to hold out due to their stronger immune systems but it did nothing against the fever that caused delusions of their children's health. They easily accepted the option that Lyric abducted them before coming to terms with the rancid smell of the child corpses that lay rotting in a ditch that was already occupied by trash and rats. 


Eye Color: Light Glacier Blue

Hair Color: Jet Black that fades into a light blue near the tips

Weight: 154 lbs. Slim yet toned

Height: 5'8"

Clothing Style: Replace the shoes in the pic with converses and take away the bag. Never dresses up completely formal but doesn't mind wearing a tie or bowtie. Dresses for comfort usually.


Distinguishing Marks: Music notes that wrap around both arms beginning at his wrist, across his shoulders, and form 2 lightning bolts of sheet music going down the sides of his back.

Persona: Lyric has always been a laid-back sort of entity that likes to do things at his own pace and hates to be rushed. Doing his job usually brings him some satisfaction as long as it's not during his music time. He's curious by nature as he has yet to get a good grasp on the laws of the human world nor does he interact with enough humans to learn. Lyric can be quite stubborn when he wants to be especially if it involves himself doing anything that goes against his personal opinions.

Likes: Music, Animals, Doing what he pleases, storms, gazing at stars, all of the instruments in his collection, sour candy, and swimming

Dislikes: The color yellow, being labeled as pedophile by ignorant humans, cicadas, not being able to play music, and not being able to relax.

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