Other Pieces of media that made you cry.


Ashigara's Lightning


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<p>If you enjoy exposing yourself enough to it chances are that you have at least encountered one piece of media that has left you reaching for the nearest box of tissues (And if you haven't there's nothing wrong with that). Feel free to post the songs, movies, pieces of literature or even videogames that made you bawl your eyes out or at least choke up a little bit. The only movies that that straight up made me cry were: -Where the Red Fern Grows </p>

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<div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p>If there's one thing that makes my heart ache is animal deaths, specially dogs. Now how about you add some salt to the wound by having the dogs show an undying loyalty towards their owner to the point in which they will willingly sacrifice themselves in order to protect their life. Not only that, but the aftermath of said act shows, for me at least, some truly heartbreaking scenes. The book had me on the brink of tears, but it was the movie that finally broke me down.</p></div>


<p> -The Fox and the Hound Don't you roll your eyes on me. Though it only made me cry back when I was younger it's still a pretty sad/heartwarming tale to this very day. While I don't think that I would cry if I watched it today I simply had to put it on this list simply because it was the first piece of media that ever made me cry. -It's a Wonderful Life This movie holds a very dear place in my heart as it always manages to make me look at my life under a more positive light during my worst times. It honestly deserves all the praises that it gets. I've kept the descriptions brief, but do feel free to write a wall of text if you feel like it.</p>



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I've watched many movies and shows but surprisingly the only one that had me actually tearing up and about to cry (since it takes a lot for me to cry) was a movie called Hachi: A Dog's Tale.

I already knew about the story of Hachiko from reading the story about it from somewhere so I felt prepared for the movie. But even as I watched it I suddenly felt a slight tear sliding down my cheek. I did not know why I felt such sympathy for the dog? I already knew what had happened but I guess actually visualizing what occurred was too much for my heart.

So basically what the story is is that there is dog who always saw his owner off at the train station. The dog would then leave to do its own things but always return at the same time in the afternoon to wait for his owner's train to arrive. This goes on for days and months. The dog would always wait for his owner at the same time. Then one day the owner left to go to his job, but in the midst of his work he had a heart attack and passed away. The dog did not know this though and continued to wait at the train station. Nothing budged him from the spot he sat in to wait for his owner. The dog eventually passed away waiting for his owner, the owner who never came back.
[QUOTE="T h e F o o l]Your Lie In April, no words needed...

Got that right man. Same with Anohana.
All dog stories make me cry, especially since my dog had to be put down a few weeks ago.

Les Miserables usually gets an emotional response out of me.

I bawled after I finished the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Pretty much the closest for me is that I got teary near the end of Inside Out. Pixar is very good at evoking your emotions.
LifeNovel said:
Got that right man. Same with Anohana.
Yes, I agree with those two. I'll add Clannad and Kanon (The newer version of Kanon) though.

Also, a movie about Hachiko (forgot which one) and Metal Gear

Extra note: Your Lie In April is part of the reason why I started to learn the piano.
The Plague Dogs. Hands down the saddest movie I've ever watched. The original story was written by Richard Adams (author of Watership Down), and they made a brilliant movie based on his novel.
Marley and Me is and will be the only thing that will ever make me shed a salty tear or two. Fuck.

The ending is specifically strong, though I am glad that they left it up to interpretation wether there was an island or not.


I feel you, even if they are a secondary characters (Like Samantha from I am Legend) I find it to be emotionally exhausting to see a dog die in movies/series/videogames.
Servant said:
The ending is specifically strong, though I am glad that they left it up to interpretation wether there was an island or not.


I feel you, even if they are a secondary characters (Like Samantha from I am Legend) I find it to be emotionally exhausting to see a dog die in movies/series/videogames.
I don't care who dies, as long as the animals live.

[QUOTE="Organic Mechanic]Marley and Me is and will be the only thing that will ever make me shed a salty tear or two. Fuck.

Not gonna cry, not gonna cry.

I miss my baby girl. It's been four weeks since we put her down.

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