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Fantasy Pieces of Konera


Orcs, elves, humans, and dwarves alike, different as they may be, all call the land of Ubron their home -- and they all face the same threat. With the disappearance of one of their gods, Korena, Ubron has been plagued by hoards of demons, sending its people spiraling into a forlorn abyss of death, hopelessness, and chaos. In the midst of disarray, the major organizations have devoted themselves to lending aid to Ubron's people; no one seems to have stepped up to deal with the waves of demons in front of them and the god who unleashed them.

Ugonton, the brother-god to Korena, was all but choking in his envy for his sister's fame and worship she'd gathered from the people, smothered in a fiery rage that sent his blood boiling and his wits packing. "Why? Why couldn't it be
me?" he'd often ask himself, demanding an answer that never came. It wasn't long until he snapped. Ugonton tortured Korena until she was weak enough to put into a sleep-like state, immediately suspending any chance she'd have at helping the people who needed her, and the people who ignored him. With his sister out of the way, Ugonton knew he couldn't simply change everyone's minds and obey for them to follow -- there wasn't even a point in trying. Instead, he tore upon the Underworld, bound demons to his will, and sent them in waves across Ubron. Snuffing his disbelievers out like a candle light would be much more to his satisfaction.

Standing against Ugonton's wraith is an unlikely group, with a determination to collect all of Korena's amulet pieces to summon her and put an end to the madness that'll inevitably lead to their slaughter unless stopped. Together, they'll venture across Ubron in search for the Pieces of Konera.

Will they succeed? Or fall victim to Ugonton's vengeance?

Some Rules

  1. No Mary Sues or Gary Stus. Sure, love up on your character all you want, but please don't make your creation OP.
  2. Please let me know or leave a comment in the OOC section if you can't post. c: I'm not gonna wring your neck about it, so just please make it apparent.
  3. Cursing's allowed.
  4. This RP is likely to get violent -- just a little forewarning, hah.
  5. Romance is completely fine! Just manage to keep it PG-13 and fade to black.
  6. No power-playing, unless you have discussed things with the other person and they've consented to whatever you're planning.
  7. Don't be afraid to spice things up a little. c: I know saying this makes me sound like a food show host, but really. Have fun with it.
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  • Nyx De'Fresi (@Aldur Forgehammer ), 34 - "Tower"

    Male Orc - Enforcer


    Rhylund Cadenza (@Aldur Forgehammer ), 18 - "Soap"

    Female Human - Assailant


Database courtesy of the lovely @Semblance!

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