picta libertatem


(crush me)

soph 3.jpg




Name: Sophie Annabelle Wilson

Nickname/s: typically she doesn't have a nickname, as the shortened

version of her name is Soph and she's generally only comfortable with

her girlfriend, Abigail, calling her that.

Age: 27

Gender: female

Sexuality: homosexual

Birthday: 15/08

Zodiac: Leo


Height: 5'3"

Weight: 49kg

Eyes: stormy blue and almond-shaped.

Hair: auburn shaded at a collarbone length; side bangs that follow a

[your] right parting.

Ethnicity: white American

Clothing style: a, b, c, d, e

Face Claim: Karen Gillan

Theme: x


Vices: mildly self-sacrificial, a trait she has unfortunately displayed on a

number of occasions; very argumentative and opinionated, she will very

rarely back down from a disagreement/fight; while not vengeful she has

been known to hold unnecessarily long grudges; she can be fairly cunning

should a situation call for it; 98% sass, much like her partner.

Virtues: creative, imaginative and resourceful; determined and adamant;

very understanding, kind and generous - she generally gives great advice;

loyal to a fault, and usually very brave in the face of danger when it boils

down to protecting others; outgoing and humorous, she's the person who

makes others smile and brings brightness to people's days.


Likes: the smell of fresh paint; the slight pop that comes with removing

the lid of a paint can for the first time; flowers of bright colours; the 

complexity of the night sky and the numerous stars; crickets chirping;

wheat fields; the freedom of painting on a bare wall; going home to her

girlfriend at the end of every day; the feeling of being on a boat and

having the wind in your hair.

Dislikes: murky water; seaweed; near empty paint cans; having a lack

of inspiration; crusty paintbrushes; having her artwork be criticized too

harshly; people staring when she holds hands with her girlfriend; different

colours of paint accidentally bleeding together; spiders and beetles;

the dangers that come with Abigail's job as a detective.


Quirks: she's ambidextrous, although more so in terms of painting

than other tasks; falls asleep exceptionally easily, mostly because she's

always permanently tired despite coming across as relatively energetic;

remembers odd things like the phone numbers that are on billboards or the

faces of people on posters/in magazines; still doesn't actually know how to


Fears: she doesn't have any severe phobias, excluding her anxiety in

regards to performances and doing anything before a crowd, only mild

fears of: death, fueled by her paranoia of dying prematurely and tragic

accidents; getting a phone call notifying her that Abigail has either

died or been severely injured while out in the field; transportation, due

to a worry that she'll be involved in a horrific accident; dogs - they're

loud and big; fire and extreme heights, although these two are usually

easy for her to overcome should the situation call for it.


Strengths/Skills: actually stupidly good at aerial silk despite only doing

it briefly in college as a hobby; paints so beautifully it's a struggle to

believe that she isn't a recognised artist; painting just about anything

from memory even if she only saw it briefly; with a photographic memory

she can memorize things she didn't even fully read/register; navigating

her way through areas she's never even been to; surprisingly fast for

someone who almost never exercises.

Weaknesses: she's physically weak which often decreases her odds

of winning in hand-to-hand combat, although her tactics and intuition

have helped her emerge victorious a fair amount of times; usually

doesn't do insanely great under pressure due to an incessant need

to do her best and not let people down; has a terrible pain tolerance;

due to her small stature she can occasionally struggle to climb over

things much higher than her; panics if she doesn't know where she is.


In LA because: her girlfriend is actually in the state due to a temporary

transfer to the city's local branch of the investigative agency she works

for. Naturally Sophie moved states with her, finding the experience to be

like an extended holiday and wanting to utilize her time in the city by finding 

some inspiration for a new collection of paintings.

At Club Area 51 because: while she and her girlfriend are staying in the

state she decided to pick up some work to help support the two of them.

She's a waitress behind the bar and, despite the constant flirting and

harassment, she finds it to be a relatively enjoyable job.


Other: I know you asked for pictures of our face claims, but it looked awkward in the layout so

I hope you don't mind that I just wrote down her name; also I know you wanted the last part of the

form to be written "in character" but it made me cringe and I couldn't do it so I hope you don't mind

it being in third person; also zucchini. <3
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Done, babe. x

I know a few things are a little off.

But I just included those adjustments in the "other" section. 

Let me know if anything drastically needs altering.

Or isn't right/acceptable!

Awe! Small bean! I love her so much Cx

[SIZE= 12px]First Character Accepted~[/SIZE]
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