Phantom RP


One Thousand Club
So, I am obsessed with Phantom of the Opera and need something to fuel my addiction. I'm already a part of two Phantom RP's, but hey, there's always room for more! Anyway, this is where you come in (hopefully). The basic purpose of this thread is to find me a role play partner, for just such a role play. You can be a male or female - I love role playing with all of you - and I am not searching for any specific level of role player. I tend to write decent paragraphs (usually one per post though some can be a little lengthy) but I am perfectly fine if you just write a few sentences. The same goes for people who enjoy writing novels on here - I'd love to role play with you too, and I'll step up my game for you lovely folks and try to match your post size either in length or in detail.

As for the requirements, I really have none. I already mentioned above about the size of one's post. I would like to do this 1x1 - in fact, I would have put it in the 1x1 section, but it's also a fandom so...*confusion*. Anyway, there are two things that I would prefer to do, but it isn't entirely necessary. The first one is that I'd like to do the role play through pm's, but honestly, if you prefer thread then I will be entirely alright with that: we'll do the role play where you are most comfortable. The last thing is this: I would like to role play Christine. If you don't like the idea of role playing Erik, our lovely Phantom, then I will be alright with that. It's just that I usually role play him and would like to switch it up a bit. But still, I love him so if you have your heart set on being Christine, then it's alright. I will be your Phantom.

Let me know if you're interested below. We can work out the plot and such together, or we can simply jump right in and go with the flow. As you can tell I'm a 'whatever works best for you' kind of person. Alright, my lovely friends, I will cross my fingers and wait to see is someone replies. :)

I don't know if you've had any luck with this request yet, but I'll let you know that I'm interested. I know every breath from the Phantom of the Opera movie, with Gerard Butler as the Phantom. Honestly, I've always wanted to somehow act as the Phantom, sooo...yeah! If you'll allow me to be your Phantom, we'll see how this goes. Let me know!
I would love to role play with you! I haven't had too much luck finding someone willing to do this, so I'd be delighted if you would be my Phantom. :) And I know the 2004 movie as well, so we can base our role play off of that (if you'd like) since we're both very familiar with it. Oh, and would you prefer to role play in a thread or in pm's? I am fine with either. Thank you for responding, by the way. I've been dying to role play as Christine for some time. So, just let me know what you think about where we should put our role play. Then, we can either map out our plot and how it will differ from the movie, or just kind of jump right in and go with it.
I don't care whether it is in a thread or through PM's, but since you have a preference for PM's, let's do it there. Honestly, I've never done a successful 1x1 with someone, so if you find more success following a plot or just jumping in, do whatever is more successful. I'm pretty easy-going, but kind of paranoid that I keep to the character.
I tend to just jump in to my 1x1 role plays. It seems to work for me to just come up with different scenarios as we go. Also, I'm one of those role players who just tends to go with whatever the other players give me. So, if at any point during the role play you feel like doing something that might seem crazy (something that contradicts a scene in the movie, a huge plot twist, etc.) then feel free to go with it. I love it when people take the role play into their own hands and turn it around on me, so I will go with whatever you write. I'm not picky about ding things a certain way. And I am also going to do my best to keep to the character (though it's going to be hard because why won't she just love the Phantom instead of Raoul? However, that can also something that changes as we go along *hint hint* haha!) but don't worry about it too much. I mean, if you have him say or do something a little out of character I'm not going to mind. I think that's about everything we need to work out, since we are just going to jump right in I suppose. Oh, other than where we want to start it. Do you want to begin about where the movie did and make up our own story as we go along, or did you want to start before or after the movie's events?
I'm kind of interested to start it before the movie begins...when Phantom is younger! xD I can't get over the age difference between Phantom and Christine - I pretend it's not real! But, yeah, the story Madame Giry had to give about the Phantom being in a Freak Show was pretty cool to me. Maybe we could start out around there, but a few years later so the Phantom has a better mask and perhaps is in his first years of writing operas and Christine is older and just got accepted into the opera house. Basically, starting out right before Phantom and Christine meet for the first time.

What d'ya think?

Also, again, since I haven't done many 1x1's, is it okay for us to mainly role play Christine/Phantom, but to also occasionally role play another character, like Madame Giry or Meg?
I love the idea of starting before the movie's events! It'll let us play out a bit of their earlier struggles that we didn't really get to see in the movie. :) And I pretend that the Phantom and Christine are far closer in age then they really are as well. I can't stand the thought of him being too old, or Christine being too young, so I lie to myself. xD And that is how I usually role play 1x1's - the two of us focus on our main character, but role play other characters on the side when needed. Like you said; Meg, Madame Giry, Raoul, etc. If you want, we can assign each other (or just pick) which side character's we'd like to role play. Or, either of us can just role play any and all of them at different times, whenever we want to throw them in. I usually just do the second one, where we both just switch off on role playing the different characters, but either way is fine with me. :)
I would say that we role play side characters whenever we like, not assigning someone to a side character. I guess we can finally start this role play. To the PM's! I'll let you post first. :)
Alright! Sounds perfect! Since we are starting with when Christine first entered the Opera (well, around that time) I am going to have her father present for a little, until he passes. Though, she is going to be older than the movie says she is when he dies - around Erik's age. Just letting you know. I'll go ahead and post now then :)

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