Phantom RP Anyone?


One Thousand Club
So I'm almost 100% sure someone at some point in time has created a rp on this site that is a Phantom of the Opera fandom. However, I want to do one as well. But, I don't want to make one and then it flops. I'd like this to be as epic as a fandom can possibly be. So, I am totally up for plot suggestions and new characters being added (just as long as they fit in with the story.)

Alright, here are my stipulations:

- I would either like to play Erik or Christine (depending on who gets here first and tells me "I'd like to be Erik and you can be Christine", or "I'd like to be Christine and you can be Erik." Obviously it doesn't have to be word for word, I'm just saying that the first person to tell me that they would like to be Erik, or they'd like to be Christine, they will get to play that part and I will play the other.) Raoul and the others are up for grabs! :)

- I'm not sure wether I want to go off the book or musical. I know the book well, but I know the musical by heart. I'm thinking the musical just because most people know it better than the book. However, I think I will add the Persian in as a character.

- I'm only allowing one or two made up characters into this. And they have to be interesting and something that could influence the story, not just randomly in there. A cool character for someone to do would be a kid (just younger than Erik and Christine - maybe teen or younger) that kind of partners up with Erik and becomes his little henchman. Just an idea that I think could be interesting. Characters like that I will accept. Unfortunately, I will only accept two extras and I won't accept them if they aren't interesting and beneficial to the story.

- Stick to the character's personality and history - if they are original characters. If you're playing Erik, don't have him walking up to Christine in front of everyone and professing his love to her. He wouldn't do it like that, he'd probably be shot by the nearest person with a gun.

- Follow the storyline, but not too closely. I don't want it to go exactly as Gaston Leroux wrote it, nor do I want it to play out the way Andrew Lloyd Webber re-wrote it. It should be unique but still Phantom. (I hope that makes sense lol!)

- 1 Character per person, unless there are only, like, three people interested in this. Then we will double up. But for now, just 1 :)

Mandatory Characters:

Erik (The Phantom/Opera Ghost): (I would like to play him or Christine)

Christine Daaé: (See above :) )

Raoul de Chagny:

Madame Giry:

Meg Giry:

Armand Moncharmin: (Gilles André from the musical)

Firmin Richard: (Richard Firmin in the musical version)

Extra Characters: (Would be nice to have, but not necessary)

The Persian: (for those that are familiar with the musical, but not the book, wikipedia will tell you a bit about the Persian)


Ubaldo Piangi:

Joseph Buquet: (Yes, I know he dies in every version, but this is a fanfic)


- anyone ever hear of love never dies? I wouldn't mind adding Gustave into this. (obviously, early stages - pre birth and such) He could come later, of course. That can be part of the new plot if we want it to go that way, or not. I'm up for suggestions, as I said above.

- The person who chooses to play Raoul may also play his brother, Philippe, throughout the story if they wish to. If they don't want to, then I will open him up as another character that anyone can play, and give someone else a chance to join in as him.

Well, that's about all I have to day. If I think of something else I will mention it below. Other than that, let me know if you're interested and what you think. We can create the plot and such as a group - I want to make this a group effort so that every character is equally important and beneficial to the plot. I don't want it to just be between Erik, Christine, and Raoul. Of course, if not many people are interested I may just let two others, plus myself, rp as the three main characters and then divide up the other characters amongst us. But that depends on how many people are interested. So, let me know below! :)
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