Phantom Platoon




Age: (16+)




Combat Specialization: (If any)



(Please choose a mech, since as we advance in the story you may will be in a need of one.)






@CaptainLeviAckerman @Bills352 :

I am sorry, but I made a mistake by not declaring clearly that the applicants would join the human army. I have edited the last section in the description which, I hope now, will prevent any further misunderstanding in this topic. I apologize for the misunderstandings.

Read more about this role play...
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Name: Vergil Kensei

Age: 17

Gender: Male



Occupation: Phantom Platoon trainee

Combat Specialization: Close range and stealth.

Personality:He is very smart, calm and calculating using the environment and his knowledge to his advantage at any given moment and enjoys a good fight with the Zardox dogs he is also very pessimistic.

Backstory: Vergil Kensei was first recruited when he was found piloting a mech in his back yard with no formal training or what should have been no access to a mech at all. This impressed the government and they allowed the young genius who was thought to have created the mech his self to join their new platoon the Phantom Platoon.

Other: He is color blind


Name: Crysalis XE



Arm dagger: A solid, metallic blade that is surprising sharp. Is more than a match for lightly armored targets, and can destroy hardened enemies with extra effort.

Radiation beam: A heavy, wide area beam weapon that uses multiple radiation frequencies to melt or vaporize the target. Can cause extensive damage in the Crysalis XE if used to often.

Other: experimental stealth field (prone to fail), experimental ground speed enhancement.

Flight module: Allows for quick, maneuverable flying. This includes the ability to hover, and to keep pace with a supersonic jet fighter.

Versatile Repair: The Crysalis XE is capable of using cannibalized parts of other suits for short periods of time, though this decreases its performance.
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Name: Conner McKinley

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Appearance: 5' 8". Has military hair cut, clean shaven. His face is all angles and planes. Military training has caused him to develop some muscle.

Occupation: Phantom Platoon trainee.

Combat Specialization: Heavy weapons (Mech and infantry).

Personality: Easy going. Is very serious when it comes to fighting the Zardox dogs

Backstory: There, sadly, isn't much to Conner's life to have much of a backstory. He grew up on a farm in North America, helping his parents tend the fields. But that all changed when the Zardox invaded. His home was burned to the ground, and he was separated from his family. He didn't know if they were alive or dead, all Conner knew now was that he was alone. He felt empty, like something was ripped out. If there was a god, why would he do this to him? Why did he let this happen? But amidst that emptiness and grieving, rage and the desire for revenge burned. He set himself a goal, join the military, and kill as many of those buggers as possible before he died.


Name: Model, C.O.G. Silverback, lovingly called Bowser by pilot.

Appearance: A large, chunky suit not made for speed or stealth, but instead built to take a lot damage. Has thick shielding covering the front. Plating on the legs stick out a bit further then the rest of the armor, providing cover for infantry when crouching.

Weapons: Usually has a chain gun on one arm, and a large cannon on the other. Shoulder mounted weapons can be changed out to have a better task in completing the mission.

Other: Thanks to it's outstanding weight,Bowser cannot fly far, fast, or very high. Instead, flight is used to simply get a better position on the enemy, and is restricted to thirty feet in the air.
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Name: Kevin Veruth

Age: 31

Gender: Male


he is about 5 feet 9 inches.

Occupation: Phantom Platoon trainee

Combat Specialization: He is a communications expert, but is also a weapons expert.

Personality: When not in the field, he can be found making alot of jokes, but in the field is a different story. He sees what has happened as an awakening, and a story to be told and retold.

Backstory: Kevin takes pride in his story. He was relatively smart in school, and joined the military for his own reasons. He was just supposed to protect a small base, it didn't seem like a target, and was where most recruits with little training went. Needless to say, it was attacked. Kevin being a communicator, managed to hide himself from the battle and escape. Backup found him hiding nearby in a jeep. The rest of his platoon was killed, so they moved him to the Phantom Platoon to continue training in how to fight.


Name: Hermes communicator class



Weapons: It has two slots on its back that can have a variety of things ((shown in the picture with a gun on them)). It usually comes into the field armed, but it can lose them for speed, or pick up a weapon from fallen and after a time to re-calibrate, it uses the weapon on automatic.

It also has two hands that can be used to either shoot it's rifle, or engage in close combat with anything.

Other: It is mostly a quick moving thing, and is meant to be a mobile communications center. It can communicate far distances, and although it isn't in the middle of a fight, it is usually seen near, but not in, the back. Zardox dogs
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(Zardox Dogs)

Name: Argon Nocturnus

Age: 23

Gender: Male



Occupation: Phantom Platoon Trainee

Combat Specialization: Amazing sniper, able to take the head off anything within a few hundred yards.

Personality: Very shy and nervous around others, Argon is a follower, not a leader. On the battlefield however, he becomes completely and utterly focused, not letting any detail go to waste.

Backstory: Born as the only child in a relatively poor family, Argon was an 'A' student, but was destined to live a boring life as a farmer, passing the farm onto the next generation. That all changed when the Zardox attacked his homeworld. His farm was the first place on the planet to be destroyed. Artillery fire decimated the place, killing his parents, and critically wounding him. Argon was found by an evacuation team, and transported to another world. There, the best doctors of humanity preformed something that no one else had done: Grafting him and a life supporting suit together. The operation was a grueling 30 hours, and many speculated such a thing could not be done. Miraculously, Argon survived, but is forever trapped in his suit, never able to leave it. Vengeance consumed Argon, and he signed up in the military. There he became a crack-shot sniper, sending any Zardox infantry to Hell in a hurry.


Name: "Retribution"



Weapons: Gigantic long-range Railgun capable of decimating even the strongest of armors, but can swapped out for a minigun.

Shoulder mounted anti-air missile pods.

Other: A "glass cannon", this mech is meant to deal damage, not take it. Able to dish out incredible fire-power, this mech is best at destroying anything that foolishly walks into range. This mech has no close range capabilites, and has weak armor.
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Locus Scott

Age: (16+)





<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf80e2223_Schermafbeelding2014-06-22om22.06.43.png.7b86c38175fe3471ce5f55088b983234.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21164" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf80e2223_Schermafbeelding2014-06-22om22.06.43.png.7b86c38175fe3471ce5f55088b983234.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Phantom Platoon Trainee

Combat Specialization:

Mechanic, she can fix your suite within seconds on the battlefield.

Explosive expert.


Tough girl, she can have a big mouth and argues when she doesn't agree very easily.

She still has her kind side, she loves a good laugh and can me a bit flirty from time to time,

she does believe that women are better then men and likes to tell guys off from time to time, apparently they have small minds according to her.


Orphaned when she was born, she was placed on the steps of a garage that recycled old Mechas, turning then into other things.

Before she could walk, she knew how to break a Mecha apart and put them back together

A matter of speech of course.

She grew up with the crew of the garage, five men to be precise, and fell in love with anything mechanical or things she could blow up.

When she was 10 she started creating a robot out of old parts, five years later it was done, even though it can't do anything but help around the garage, it's the best thing she had ever created.

When the time came, she joined the army instead of the man who raise her, knowing her
'father' would die if he went because of his bad health. She cares about her team at home and fights to keep them safe from those Zardox dogs.



T.S Death-Wish Concept.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Mecha2.jpg.4148c5c18053a00bd715ce27e07603f3.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21165" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Mecha2.jpg.4148c5c18053a00bd715ce27e07603f3.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Homemade grenades, dynamite, M4, FN f2000, heavy metal fist and a lazer sword.


The suite is made to take some damage, though not too much, and is quick, though not too quick.

It's made so that Locus can reach a comrade, fix the gear and head back into the battle.

Locus is working on her suite for different updates, cleaning and building up the suite after each battle.

She's working on magnetic boots, don't ask her why.



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    Schermafbeelding 2014-06-22 om 22.06.43.png
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Accepted! :)  

: John Stephenson

Age: 21

Gender: Male


(Out of combat)


(In combat)


Occupation: Phantom Platoon trainee

Combat Specialization: Assault

Personality: Smoker, likes adrenalin, and is a former criminal. He is talented in arms, and because of it, he got applied to this training project.

Backstory: John, being an orphan, had hard times. Since no one taught him about what is good, and what is wrong, he was part of the underworld. As he was living on the streets, smoking drinking and having fights all the time, de maffia soon noticed him. It didn't took long til he became one of them. His position was similar to a hitman. He was sent to kill people, deliver cases to unknown people, and to participate in the gang wars. On his last mission he got betrayed. He was supposed to make a deal on several weapons, which were stolen from the army, with one of his mates. but he didn't know that his mate was a covert agent. After he got caught, he was imprisoned for three years, and when the war began, he and every other prisoners was sent to the army.

(Please choose a mech, since as we advance in the story you may will be in a need of one.)


: Killer Cage



Weapons: Mech sized assault rifle

Other: Has jet engines on its back, but they are designed for shorter maneuvers with high speed and jumping boosts but not for flying.
Character: Alex Copperson



Occupation: Phantom Platoon Drill Sergeant

Specialty: Training and teaching for War

Personaity: A man with the skin of steel and the heart of a black hole. HE will do anything to prepare soldiers for war and doesn't care if they complain or hate him. When a recruit shows that they are worthy, then he will give them more respect and will treat them like they are a real solier and not a recruit.

History: Born into a military family, Alex fought in many wars and battles. He has suffered many scars through his military campaigns and has the medals to back it up. He suffered a major injury to his right legs and now is only capable of moving with the help of cybernetic legs. He was offered to drill the new class of soldiers known as the phantom platoon and teach them the ways of fighting and how to fight andact as one conjoined unit.
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