Other Pet Peeves!

Pet peeves? I don't have many.

Except, I hate it when someone throws away a plate or a drink of yours when you're not finished. OH and when someone eats something from your plate without asking. I will slap a bitch for that. MY FOOD.

People coughing.

People not washing their hands after going into the bathroom.

People repeating things they said to me.

Sensitive people.

People who hate dogs.

But I hate eating weirdly shaped chips so I eat all the normal flat ones and leave the awkward ones. So I'm sure someone out here hates me for that.
Fake people.

People who dont like animals

Really obnoxious loud people for no reason

People who comment on my weight or how skinny I am

People who always try to," one up" everyone

People who only talk about them selves

My hair


Bi-polar ass virginia weather


People who take things from me with out asking

Judgmental people.
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People who go out of their way to kill that random bug 5 yards away from them crawling up the wall.
People snapping at me with their fingers oh HELL NO BITCH I SNAP AT YOU WITH MY HANDS ACROSS YOUR FACE.
Cavil said:
Thought that said vagina until I re-read it. But hey I feel you. I live in VA too.
Lmao,Cavil. I know you. I'm moody, remember? I just changed my name.

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