Personally, I'm bored

King Of Imagination

Jak, The Third J of the Apocalypse
I'm looking for a new anime to watch, and I can't seem to find anything that's really peaked my interest. I like intense anime, whether it be dark, or fantasy, or harem, or just general awkwardness. I've watched everything from Death Note, to Soul Eater, to SAO, to Highschool DXD, to Ouran High School Host Club, to Madoka Magicka, to Corpse Party. I need something new to watch that gets right into the thick of it. Personally not huge on Mechs, I tried Guren Lagann and Code Geass, they weren't for me. If you've got any good suggestions, I'm down for most things. Thanks!

Bring on the Anime!!!!

King of Imagination​
I really like the Tokyo Ghoul anime series as well as Paranoia Agent. You could try those, unless you've already seen them?

Although I feel the need to say that Tokyo Ghoul's manga is 100x better than the anime.
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:o sure thing, I don't know which ones you've watched so I'll just assume some and give you a few

Tokyo Ghoul is definitely great, it has some awesome action and developed characters with some p nice psychological horror

Of course I just have to mention my favorite anime which is Guilty Crown. Although it does have some mecha elements, it focuses primarily on actual people. It's an action/romance and a wonderful anime (I'll try to restrain myself from bias) that has a fast pace which never leaves you bored. Two major downsides that I can see people disliking are the main character and the plot. The plot of the anime does have a lot of unexplained parts and can seem confusing or even half-assed, but if you like to read in-between the lines and/or don't care about every single minute detail, then it should be fine. The main thing people have a problem with in this anime is the main character. He's like a non-glorified Ikari Shinji. He's a wimp, he doesn't want to do things, and it seems as if he'd be no help anyway. However, that's why he's real. He's what really makes this show a hit-or-miss, you'll either love him or you can't stand him.

BTOOOM! is a survival-game action/romance that also seems to be controversial, though I can't understand why people dislike it. It has some nice, decently developed characters as well as some heavy themes (rape backstory, for instance). However, if you're fine with this, it will make for a unique, intense anime. It ends off at an awkward part, though, so if you were to watch this one I'd highly recommend reading the manga from about chapter 50 or so (the translation is still ongoing as far as I know, maybe the actual version too).

ChäoS;HEAd is a psychological horror that doesn't have much action, but it certainly needs to be said. Like all horror anime, it's not really scary unless you're at night, lights off, volume up, but I don't think anybody's walked away from it feeling the same. It's incredibly mindfucky but a good mindfucky.

Deadman Wonderland is... interesting. It's a really great action/horror that has some pretty messed-up stuff, but that's what makes it awesome. Definitely a good show.

Fate/Zero is incredible. The first episode is an hour long and boring as fuck, but please don't let that deter you. It has an amazing plot and beautiful animation, but the thing that probably stuck out to me the most were the characters. Every single character gets developed. Every one. They all have their reasons, their stories, even the worst antagonists. It's wonderful. Please watch.

No Game No Life isn't so intense, but it's super fun. Best color scheme I've ever seen in an anime, just beautiful. It's mainly a strategic sort of anime and has a lot of comedy and ecchi, but it's great.

Zankyou no Terror took my breath away. It may not be intense, but it's just a work of art. If you haven't watched it, please do. It's just.. wow.

If you don't like those or need any others, feel free to ask me o/
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I have four animes that I would recommend as of right now (Keep in mind I won't be giving away too much of the story):



I don't think I've ever marathoned an anime series so quickly. From the very first episode of Season 1 I became hooked with Hamatora. Its concept, execution, art-style and even intro music are all simply delightful, at least for me. Even though Hamatora is centered around action there are some heartwarming moments that just stick with you. It takes a more realistic take on the burden that is carrying a supernatural power and how it affects the people around you. It's a wild ride filled with a lot of twists, action-packed fights and a very likable main character that isn't your your stereotypical hero coming to save the day. Personally one of my all-time favorite animes.

Free! Iwatobi Swim Club



Kuroko No Basket


Both of these animes are fairly similar in the sense that they both lay under the Sports anime genre. I've never liked the Sports genre, it just isn't for me, but man are these two good. They both follow a very similar formula of a newly formed team of basketball/swimming striving to achieve greatness via arduous training. The character archetypes are actually pretty similar when you think about it, specially between the two 'main' characters of the series. While both of them display a gorgeous looking art-style it can get a bit wonky, specially with Kuroko no Basket during some of the court scenes, but never to the point of it being annoying. Anyways, it's the journey that makes these two animes so good for me and by the end of it I really found myself rooting for them to achieve victory. If you like one of them you will probably like the other, but that's up to you to decide.

And finally we have....

Serial Experiments Lain


This anime...It's something. Serial Experiments Lain is not for everyone, let me just say that. I could easily see the topics that it tackles and how complex the story is as a whole getting in the way of enjoyment. The first time I finished watching the SEL I was complete and utterly confused. It wasn't until a friend of mine advised me to re-watch it that I began enjoying what these anime had to offer. Just like with the other three animes the art-style of this anime is top notch. If you manage to get through its complexity smoothly you may just get to fully experience what SEL has to offer.

Alright, thanks both of you. I'm keeping this thread so I can check back and see what anime I want to give a shot next. Tokyo Ghoul is blowing my mind right now, I'm half way through it after yesterday. So yeah.
So, I just finished Tokyo Ghoul seasons 1 and 2. Thank you @Swimswamswom for recommending it. The very ending is the closest I've been to tears since Madoka Magica(Which took my heart, ripped it out of my chest, stuffed it in my mouth and then kissed me softly until I died). Again, thank you. I'm going to go watch Fate/Zero now, I feel the need to watch it, I saw a trailer, it looks insane.


Kill La Kill

Honestly, this is either you love it or you hate it type anime. It's very similar to Gurren Lagan and FLCL, since the studio who made it (Trigger), came from Gainax. It's fast paced, a lot of action, and I'd personally say the ending too it was worth watching all twenty four episodes. It also has an OVA which was released last year. Warning though, the anime is very nsfw, even depicting a vulgar bath scene in one of the episodes (episode 16 i think). The outfits the characters wear aren't without justification from the overall plot, but if you don't nudity in your anime, it's best not to watch it, or just watch the first episode to get a feel for how it'll be. I personally enjoyed it, and to date it's one of the best animes I've watched.

This is the only anime I can recommend to someone without a doubt. I pretty sure there are others I would recommend, but I can't think of them right now. But seriously, I love this show to death.

@Diagnosis I happen to have already seen it, it was great. Watched it in school in fact, surprised I wasn't caught. It's a great recommendation though.
Someone else mentioned it, but I'd really recommend Zankyou no Terror. It's one of my favorites, and one of the songs from the OST is like... my favorite song ever.

Again, someone else mentioned it, but Paranoia Agent. I loved that a lot too, it keeps you guessing the whole time and it has a wonderful creepy vibe.... hard to explain without spoiling anything.

Also, if you haven't seen it, Baccano. I think it's pretty intense. It's about immortals, gangs, and a particular incident on a train. Lots of fighting and gun-fights. A bit gore-ish at times, idk if you like it it's okay and if you don't, I don't ever recall it being that bad.

One of the characters is my avi rn, and I've been considering re-watching it.

Steins;Gate is about an eccentric scientist who accidentally makes a machine that can send text messages back in time. It gets pretty intense, eventually.

Paranoia Agent


An elementary school kid dubbed with the title "shounen bat" or "lil slugger" has been going around attacking people with his bent, golden bat. Now, two detectives are investigating so they can stop this kid from making any more attacks, but they will find out soon enough... that this case is much more than they expected.

A personal favorite of mine. It's very bizarre and makes you think a lot after watching it.


Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou



Tadakuni, Hidenori, and Yoshitake are students at the all-boys academy, Sanada North High School. This is a tale about just that—their daily lives as students. Winning the basketball tournament? Finding true love? You won't find any of that here. Whether it's sparking random arguments while hanging out with friends, meeting that one weird co-worker at a part-time job, or even letting imaginations run wild on a windy afternoon, we've all experienced the show's ordinary but true-to-life themes at one point or another.

If you want a good laugh and want to watch something over a long period of time. This is the one. No concrete plot throughout the whole anime so you can watch an episode per month and still understand everything. It makes fun of so many classic anime tropes.

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