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Fantasy Persona: World Recreation(Currently Accepting)

Awesome thank you so much

Name:Niko Smith


Personality:even though he looks weak at first glance Niko is very head strong. He likes to look danger in the face and he will always think in his/others best interest. He can never say no to a challenge that he can't accomplish. He is a role model little boys and a gentle men to the ladies. .As soon as he gives you a smile you feel a warm breeze goes past you. He wont let anybody or anyone fight alone he is always beside his friends no matter the circumstances.



Rank: inexperience


Weapon:Brass knuckles

Bio: Even at birth Leviro fought for his life since he was born 3 months before his true departure. He Grew up doing ridiculous stunts everyday and doing all kinds of mischief such as trying to parkour from the dining room table to the kitchen counter or try to body slam his dad from the top of the book shelf. Even after all bad behavior his mom would protect him from his dad constant fussing. He always asked his mother why she protected him and she would give him the same answer. "You will always protect the ones you love." That sentence would stick to Leviro like glue for the rest of his life. His father died when leviro was only five from something unknown. three years later after the death of his father Leviro became a guard dog to his mom not letting nobody treat her wrong. At age fifteen Leviro's mother died from cancer.After her death Leviro wasn't the same he constantly had memories of his mom laughing and playing with that it would make him cry every night. He became dimer and less talkative. Until he moved in with his Aunt. Leviro always stayed in his room everyday never coming out even if he needed to eat. One day his Aunt pulled him out of his room into the kitchen and she gave him a reality check. He soon started to see a trend of his mothers action come from his aunt and after some time he started to call his Aunt Step mom. His Aunt protected him like his mother and he did the same for her they were a happy family.



Elemental/Physical advantages: Fire

Elemental/Physical weaknesses: zio


#1: Bufu

#2: Agi




????: (Leave blank for now)






This my first character so im sorry if hes bad
@AquaFateAsassin: Outside of some grammar issues, he looks fine and if this is truly your first char then good job ^_^ You're accepted.

Important Notice: CS registrations will be closed until further notice. However, any CS still waiting approval is unaffected.
@JustWhipIt: Yep and you're accepted as you may have expected ^_^

@Everyone: From this point on, any future posts is to be placed in the group chat unless it is specifically pertaining to one's character. And I thank everyone for their patience but the IC has now begun!!!
@CursedDawn: Everything outside of the skills look good.

As for the skills though:

Hama: Hama is already present so this will need to be changed.

Mighty Swing: This move can't be used in it's current state so you'll need to go with something else unless you plan on revising the move entirely.

Tarukaja: Like with Mighty Swing, this move can't be used in it's current state since the rp isn't governed by stats unlike in the games so this will need to be changed.
Everlasting Twilight] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/19240-curseddawn/ said:
@CursedDawn[/URL]: Everything outside of the skills look good.
As for the skills though:

Hama: Hama is already present so this will need to be changed.

Mighty Swing: This move can't be used in it's current state so you'll need to go with something else unless you plan on revising the move entirely.

Tarukaja: Like with Mighty Swing, this move can't be used in it's current state since the rp isn't governed by stats unlike in the games so this will need to be changed.
Wait what? Why can't I use Hama? She wouldn't use it that much... and Tarukaja can still work, it'd just be a brief boost to physical strength, like maybe enough for a few quick strikes. I know Mighty Swing is a medium power move but it fits best with her weapon and persona's weapons, what about skull cracker? That's the best one as far as light physical skills for her.
@CursedDawn: What I'm saying is that you can't use that version of Hama but the other one is available to you(Refer to the skills section in the OP for more info). And how much is the user's/target's physical strength boosted by as well as the duration of Tarukaja? Unlike Persona 3 & 4 light, medium, heavy strike skills don't matter here so unless they are exceptionally powerful in contrast to other techniques, then there would be no point in implementing in here; doing so would make things confusing for the newcomers.
other version... you mean hamaon? that's stronger... and she would get in later anyway... Her persona is Light element... it's the only offensive magic she has, everything else she gets is physical attacks and a couple support ones like Tarukaja, i even made her (prior to this rp even) weak to wind rather than dark to properly mitigate the strength of light magic fairly. and on that note, why does everything need to be specified? It's an rp, I understand attention to detail but it's very simple to just have tarukaja briefly boost physical strength... the exact details of the result would depend on who it was used on and what they do with it. and if the level of power the skills have doesn't matter why can't i use mighty swing?

I'm getting very confused... :(
No, I mean the Hama skill that is being used in this rp. If you looked through the skills tab like I suggested then you'd know what I mean. And everything doesn't need to be specified but just because that's true doesn't mean that the things that do need to be specified won't be. It's not simple but more so vague when Tarukaja says that it boosts one's strength without going into detail about the amount the user's power is increased by. The only reason you didn't need to understand the exact specifics in the game is because they had a stats system in the game to show you how much your strength increased by. Unlike the game, however, there is no stats system implemented here and as such, moves such as Tarukaja would either need to be revised appropriately or removed in order to meet the differences between the Persona games and the Rp. Technically you can use it because it's not considered to be a move but just another swinging motion that you or your Persona performs with their weapons. If I accept that as a technique, then I might as well turn the regular swing with your Persona's weapon into a special attack as well. The skill list is catered to only attacks that consume from the Fatigue Meter.

When a cs intended for another rp has to conform to the rules of a different one then it's almost always confusing. (If that didn't answer everything then pm for a further response)

I changed my mind.... I was excited at first for a Persona rp but there's too many rules that are confusing or don't make sense...

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