Persona: Shut Up and Jam Gaiden

Red Rider

New Member
This is the template I'd like to be followed for characters.


Persona Name:








Skills: etc. etc.

For more information on how to create Personas and characters for this roleplay, please see its interest check thread:
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Name: Yowai Ichiro

Arcana: Sun

Persona Name: Jatayu (A large bird with purple feathers and a small golden beak. The feathers along its wings are stained permanently by a dark red and stitching runs throughout their entirety. It bears a cracked crown atop its head and it has a tail that seems to be suddenly stubbed shortly after leaving its main body).

Resistance: Light, Weakness: Electricity

Age: 18

Appearance: A thin, wiry but tall boy who’s sunken in eyes and bony extremities give him a skeletal appearance. Long black hair falls about his eerie features to give him a ghost-like appearance that he often fails to mask by wearing a pure white baseball cap atop his head. He wears a thicker white coat over his school uniform during the winter months due to his weak constitution. His casual clothing choices forgo the thick coat in exchange for a pair of white gloves and a heavy white scarf that completely covers up to his chin.


Bio: Ichiro is the physically frail only son of a salary man and an ex-hostess club worker. The story of his dad divorcing his mother and running off with one of his teachers has followed him since middle school, though Ichiro tries to remain cheerful about it. He mostly keeps a slightly wry smile about things and has an unusual amount of restraint. He sometimes acts as an assistant to the school nurse after having spent so much time in the woman’s office with his own health issues. He used to play in the school band but dropped out at the start of the year, saying he just couldn’t find the time for it. Despite his good intentions and attitude, he’s quite easily pushed around by others in the school, too trusting and easily brow beaten for his own good. Some students say they’ve caught glimpses of him in the kitchen of a local discount ramen place, though no one pays it much mind.

Life: 21 HP

Defense: 15 While Unequipped

ST 1, MA 4, EN 2, AG 3, LU 4


Dia (MA+LU to hit, heals d8+MA damage, Support)

Garu (MA+LU to hit, deals d6+MA damage, Wind)

Hama (MA+LU chance to hit; on successful hit, 20% random chance to instakill--odds doubled if creatures are weak to Light)
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Natsumi Daichi

Persona Name:


While Siegfried may be strong against physical type of attacks he is also weak against dark type of attacks.








Natsumi stands at a 5''4 and weights a total of 103 lbs. While her hair's natural color is a mixture of yellow and brown she prefers to dye her own hair green seeing how that's her favorite color. Her clothing thought-out any part of the winter (Winter, Spring, Autumn and Summer) is often the same with her upper torso (and even neck) covered with a brownish orange color, a pair of black jeans/shorts and also a pair of red sneakers. Natsumi has also added a couple of tweaks to her school uniform like for example mismatching socks, rolled up sleeves and even her name sewed-up with white yarn onto the left side of her skirt.


Being born in Tatsumi Port Island Natsumi passed a great chunk of her life studying at the Gekkoukan High School. Her mother worked as a head nurse at the hospital while her father was the manager of the local bank. When it came down to her grades Natsumi only brought notes that were rarely above average, but there was a particular subject in which she was always outstanding and loved at the same time: Sports. Whether it was kendo, swimming or track Natsumi always surpassed herself and even outdid most of her classmates. While she was indeed happy about the idea of winning and being ahead of her class Natsumi never looked down at her classmates and even helped them practice when they needed it.

Just a couple of months after turning 17 her father came home with big news: They were moving out of the island. The reason for this was that his father was offered a much better payed job. While Natsumi was less than happy about this she decided to embrace the change without even the slightest complaint thinking that she might actually enjoy the switch of scenarios. After waving goodbye to her friends and promising them she would always stay in contact and that this wasn't the last time they would see each other Natsumi and her family left.

Upon arriving to her new home Natsumi was enlisted into the Heibon'na High School. Thinking that a change of location meant a change of appearance she decided to start dyeing her hair green. Her parents were a bit reluctant to accept this at first, but in the end they decided give this sudden change of looks their consent.




18 while unequipped







Skills: etc. etc.

Zio (MA+LU to hit, deals d6+MA damage, Electricity)

Skull Cracker (ST+LU to hit, deals d8+ST damage, Small chance of confusing the enemy, Bash)

Tarukaja (MA+LU chance to hit; on successful hit, increases 1 ally's Attack for 3 turns, Support)
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You're definitely ready to post, but I think you have one point too many in your stats. 5 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 = 15 if I'm not mistaken, but "fresh" characters only have 14.
[QUOTE="Red Rider]You're definitely ready to post, but I think you have one point too many in your stats. 5 + 3 + 4 + 1 + 2 = 15 if I'm not mistaken, but "fresh" characters only have 14.

...Dammit, you are right. I guess middle school math is way too complicated for me.
Name: Fujimoto Kaito

Persona Name: Dullahan

Arcana: Death

Resistance: Dark, Weakness: Light

Age: 17

Appearance: A tall, slightly broad shoulderd teen, with an almost permanent glare fixed onto his face. His mid neck length hair has been dyed a shade of red that is pretty close to blood. He has an ash grey bandanna tied around his right arm that he occasionally puts on his head when he feels the situation calls for it. He is usually seen with a pair of headphones around his neck connected to an mp3 player. During school, he wears the school jacket and pants, but shifts between different t-shirts belonging to various bands. During summer, his casual outfits consists of a pair of black jeans, with a t-shirt. During the winter months, he keeps the jeans and goes for long sleeved shirts, putting on a leather jacket when needed.

Bio: Kaito used to be considered a model student. He was never top of the class, but he kept up with his work, never caused any trouble. He was part of the kendo club, and was always willing to help someone out. Then something caused a shift in him. Kaito began to disregard the school, and it's authority. He quit the kendo club in a very public display, but exact details on this are scarce. He cut off ties with anyone he used to associate, becoming a solitary figure within the school. Kaito doesn't have time for other people's nonsense, and will outright refuse to do anything for others nowadays. Rumours also fly around the school how he's been seen around some of the shadier areas of town, picking fights.

Life: 27

Defense: 16

ST 3, MA 3, EN 4, AG 2, LU 2


Agi (MA+LU to hit, deals d6+MA damage, Fire)

Cleave (St+LU to hit, deals d8+ST damage, Slash)

Mudo (MA+LU to hit; on successful hit, 20% random chance to instakill -- odds doubled if creatures are weak to Darkness)
Room for one more.

Name: Nozara Yoshidsada

Persona Name:
Jack Frost



A gaunt man of average height, Nozara Yoshidsada hails from the Hokkaido region. His light shirt and jeans betray the cold climate of his native climate. This and his white hair mark him as unusual in most circles.

Bio:Relatively little is known about Yoshisada, other than his frequent nose bleeds and love of ramen. He is seen as a calm and collected person, though few are close enough to know. He tends to excel at individual activates and is a member of few if any teams.



2, MA3, EN2, AG4, LU3


Weakness: Fire


Bufu(MA+LU to hit, deals d6+MA damage, Ice)

Resist Confusion(MA+LU to hit; on successful hit, doubles difficulty of inflicting confusion, Passive)

Sukukaja (MA+LU chance to hit; on successful hit, increases 1 ally’s hit/evasion for 3 turns, Support)
There are indeed spots remaining. Everyone else here who's submitted one looks pretty good. Feel free to post away!

Went ahead and tried to at least provide a springboard for everyone to start interacting; that's always the hardest part of fresh new forum RPs, so I'm eager to get us all comfy with each other.
Name: Hiroto Kuze

Persona Name: Thoth

Arcana: Hierophant

Resistance: Electricity Weakness: Dark

Age: 16

Appearance: somewhat scrawny with an average height, has hazel eyes and short black straight hair. Often wears a black jacket with a yellow pikachu shirt underneath. He also wears glasses that he can't see well without because of a birth defect.

Bio: He grew up adopted to a family always that used to fight often, and though while after the adoption they got along a little better, Hiroto mainly focused on his studies as he felt it best. However, one time there was a fight between his parents that was so bad his dad left and was killed in a car crash shortly after Hiroto blamed himself because he thought he could have stopped their fighting. since then he has lived with his adopted mother and little sister, still excelling in class he tries to make time for his family. He usually tries to not let the crash get to him but dislikes arguments and tries to solve things calmly and rationally

Life: 24

Defense: 15 (whilst unequipped)

ST2, MA4, EN3, AG2, LU3

Skills: etc. etc.

Zio (MA+LU to hit, deals d6+MA damage, Electricity)

Dia (MA+LU to hit, heals d8+MA damage, Support)

Hama (MA+LU chance to hit; on successful hit, 20% random chance to instakill--odds doubled if creatures are weak to Light)
[Hello! I hope this is still open.]

Name: Shunka Yamaguchi

Persona Name: Succubus

Arcana: Devil

Age: 17

Appearance: Shunka is a rather tall young man for his age, standing at 6'2". He has a decent amount of muscle to him, and is by no means out of shape. He has a strong enough torso and long legs. His skin is decently tanned, with little to no blemishes upon it. He has a scar on his left arm, closer to the elbow, and one little one on the palm of his left hand. He has strong and angular hands, with fingernails trimmed usually.

He has bright, iridescent green eyes with cat-like pupils. His face is angular and handsome, with teeth noticeably sharper than most other people's. His nose is curved and elegant. His hair is a practical mane. It's long, down to below his shoulders, and it's a soft, caramel blond. His bangs are parted in the middle of his face, and it frames his face in layers. It's a bit darker in the winter than it is in the warmer seasons. The most frequently worn expressions on his face are bright, abet soft smiles or drowsier looks.

Shunka likes violets. Most lavender and plum purples, his fashion sense tends to be easier on the eyes. He doesn't like pastels, but does occasionally wear flannel. Blacks, whites and greys can get a little too boring if they're not paired with another color, which is why he'll wear colorful ties along to what little formal occasions he attends.

Bio: Shunko is full of youthful vigor. Most of the times he can surpass others in terms of energy. He's a rather bold, abet kind person. He is known around school for being a notorious flirt, but he just describes himself as having a 'welcoming heart'. Still, he's good with spreading positive vibes around. His nerves aren't that tense. His easygoing attitude can either spread to others, or annoy them. Shunko is one of the more honest people you'll meet. Mincing words isn't his specialty, but lying isn't his forte anyways. He has trouble lying and deceiving, therefore fails at manipulation.

Yet, Shunko can also be rather arrogant. He has a habit of overestimating himself in just about any situation. He does say harsh things at time, without thinking them through, but he'll always apologize excessively afterwards. Loyalty is his most prized trait. When he deems someone a friend, he'll be persistent and loyal until they agree to see him the same way. Shunko's very optimistic as well. He enjoys looking on the up side of issues and matters. But he can become headstrong and demanding as well as possessive. He'll jump into conflict without giving it much thought.

Hidden Depths: Shunko is a lonely person. He feels the need to make as many friends as possible, and although it may feel as though he genuinely wants to make friends, he desperately needs them. He can become 'addicted' to people, and has a morbid fear of being left alone. He's rather prone to jealousy, and other similar feelings that can drive him berserk.

Life: 22

Defense: 17






Skills: Agilao, Mudoon, Maragion, Mudo Boost, Spirit Drain, Resist Light, Invigorate 3
Name: Kazimir (Kaz) Alkaev

Persona Name:Kudlak (A strong, muscular figure wearing a long black coat, a red wolverine marked onto its back. Its skin is midnight black with long white hair hanging to the side of his face. It bears a painted on face, red slits and a wide red smile without teeth).

Arcana: Tower

Resistance: Physical, Weakness: Fire

Age:16 (Second Year)

Appearance:A young man with light brown hair falling over bright blue eyes that seem especially striking in his current home of Japan. His body is tall and fit, just above average in his home country but his new surroundings have exaggerated this feature quite a bit. His nationality has given him a slight alien air that has helped him overcome what had been relatively plain and uninteresting features to gain a mild attractiveness.

Bio:Kaz originally hails from Moscow, Russia, growing up in the snow-filled streets with an overabundance of enthusiasm. He naturally possessed a freakish amount of energy and was always able to outrun the other kids with ease, never quite able to sit still or satisfy the nervous energy running throughout his body. This is the story he passes around to the other kids in school, when he bothers to attend, an increasingly slim prospect since towards the end of first year, after putting one of the kids in the kickboxing club in the hospital during a spar. Over the break, a new rumour started to crop up about that incident though… that he’d done it quite intentionally and spent the Summer doing it to more people. He normally just smiles in a friendly way when he passes by his schoolmates though. He seems so much calmer now… but some wonder if that just means he found an outlet. He’d been infamous for ditching clubs every other month after showing promise but the kickboxing incident seems to have left an odd mark on his reputation.

Life: 27 HP

Defense: 17

4, MA 1, EN 3, AG 4, LU 2


Arm Chopper
(ST+LU to hit, deals d8+ST damage with a small chance of inflicting Fear, Slash)

(MA+LU chance to hit; on successful hit, increases 1 ally's Hit/Evade for 3 turns, Support)

(ST+LU chance to hit; on successful hit, 20% random chance to block damage and deal ST damage back, Passive)
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