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Fandom Persona: Shut Up and Jam Gaiden

Ichiro's smile softens a bit and he leans back in his chair. "Oh, that makes sense. That makes sense I suppose."

"So, you thinking of joining any clubs? The music club here is really good," Ichiro says without hesitation. "There are some amazing musicians there."
Ichiro chuckled slightly, rubbing the back of his head. That had been mostly a reflex from his music days. "Don't worry about that. They're not too strict and it's a good group. I used to be in it last year and it was the most fun I've had in ages."

"Where are you from actually?"
Ichiro asked, tilting his head slightly. "I don't think I've asked yet and I was wondering."
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The conversation is cut abruptly short, however, as the principal's voice echoes over the intercom.

"Students, please remain calm," he begins, "but there has been... a complication. Several students are reporting feelings of faintness. If you feel anything, anything at all, please report to the clinic immediately. If not, please remain in your classrooms for the time being. School will resume as normal, but a few of the teachers are needed to help deal with the large volume of students feeling ill. If you are scheduled for one of these teachers today, please report to the auditorium for that period. The teachers that will be unable to teach for today are: Mr. Okada, Ms. Kaneko, Ms. Meguro..."

Looks like you've got no teacher for the first period of the day, then... The announcement said to go to the auditorium.

It appears as though you're being faced with the first of many choices that will arise in the days to come. What will you do?
Having stopped his mp3 player to listen to the announcement, Kaito decides to stand up. "Might as well head to the auditorium. Better than hanging around here. Least this gives me a chance to get out of the classroom for a bit without the teachers getting on my case. Heh, maybe I can use the occasion to ditch entirely . . . . . " Kaito muses to himself.

As he heads towards the door, another thought crosses his mind. "Y'know, if I just so happened to pick a path that went past the clinic, and I just so happened to possibly overhear what this illness fuss is about, not like the teachers could blame me now could they?" Kaito thinks with a small smirk as he heads into the hallway.
"Yeah, Ms. Kaneko is our home room teacher this year. She's a strict one, just so you have the warning," Ichiro says with his normal, passive grin after the announcement. As he stands up and pulls his bag over his shoulder, he suddenly pauses with a thoughtful expression overtaking his features for a moment. One hand rests over his chest for a second before he nods affirmatively to himself.

"Hey, could you follow the rest of these guys to the auditorium. Mrs. Yoshida is probably short handed at the moment," Ichiro says with a half wave before taking off out the door, his spindly legs giving him rather long strides as he half-runs towards the nurse's office. "It's not my place... but I can't stay away from something like this. Mrs. Yoshida will understand, hopefully."
Hearing someone coming down the hallway behind him Kaito turns to look, expecting to see a teacher glaring at him and asking him what does he think he's doing in that annoying teacher way. When he sees that it's Ichiro, he relaxes slightly, but still stays on guard.

"Why's he . . . .? Wait, he's usually pretty sickly. Maybe he's got that faintness thing the Principal was harping on about." Kaito thinks to himself
Ichiro is rushing by when he spots Kaito standing in the hall. Realising the other boy is eyeing him curiously, he slows momentarily. "Why is he, oh, of course! How could I miss that?"

"Fujimoto-san, please follow me to the nurse's office. If you're feeling faint, we should hurry," Ichiro says before starting off again at his previous pace. "That might be part of why he's so grouchy lately. Feeling weak is a hard thing to tolerate."
Shrugs, before throwing this things into his bag and following the others at a sedated pace. "First day an the school's already going to hell. Might as well have stayed in bed." He follows the rest of the class, head down as he walks.

Looking up after a while, he finds himself in and empty corridor he didn't recognise. "Delightful." As he walks on, he notices Ichro and the red head from class ahead of him. Shrugging, he walks over. "So... How lost an I exactly?"

Shrugs, before throwing this things into his bag and following the others at a sedated pace. "First day an the school's already going to hell. Might as well have stayed in bed." He follows the rest of the class, head down as he walks.

Looking up after a while, he finds himself in and empty corridor he didn't recognise. "Delightful." As he walks on, he notices Ichro and the red head from class ahead of him. Shrugging, he walks over. "So... How lost an I exactly?"
"That little! He thinks I'm feeling ill?!" Kaito thinks, incredulous.

Noticing the new guy showing up, Kaito gives him a brief look. "If you were trying to head to the Auditorium, you're pretty far off course new guy. This is the way to the nurse's office." Kaito moves on, aiming to catch up behind Ichiro.
"Oh sure, it's back the way you came, and go follow someone else new guy." Kaito says, annoyed at being asked. "Don't they give new people a tour or something when they first show up?" He thinks to himself.

Kaito hurriedly moves after Ichiro. "Still, the staff must be up in a huff over this faintness thing. Hell, thought I would have seen one of them by now. Usually they're all over the hallways."
Ichiro glances back at Norizawa following as well. Surprised at the sudden event, Ichiro adapts quickly. "Is he feeling ill as well? Guess it's lucky he bumped into us then."

Ichiro uses his arm to motion forwards for the other two. His smile is slightly strained at the sudden influx of faintness but he figured pessimism wouldn't get them much. "Come on, Norizawa, the nurse is this way."
Kaito takes the opportunity to move past Norizawa and Ichiro, keeping his ear out as they get closer to the nurse's office so he can try to over hear anything before they head in.

"Why am I even bothering trying to find out what's going on anyway? Not like I give a damn about anyone else here anymore." Kaito muses to himself.
Seeing Kaito's sudden movement, Ichiro smiles slightly to himself. "Glad to see he's not too badly off."

"Still, if this many teachers are involved... it must be a serious problem,"
Ichiro thinks before redoubling his efforts to keep up with Kaito, readying himself to open the door of the nurse's office as soon as he gets there.
Rolls his eyes as he follows them. "Which way is the auditorium? Got a bit lost" he asked, turning to Ichiro. "Got a bit lost".
Ichiro pauses in his path, for a moment before blinking. "Oh, is that all that happened?"

After quickly giving directions, Ichiro smiles and bows slightly. "Best of luck finding your way this time. Sorry I can't take you there." Ichiro takes off running after Kaito just a moment after, intending to throw open the door once he gets there.
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Approaching the nurse's office, Kaito slows his pace, keeping an eye out for any of the teachers.

He listens carefully, to see if he can over hear anything about the situation.
Nozara starts to turn in the direction, before pausing for a moment. Now, I know why I'm here, but why are they? Grinning, he follows the other two at a sedated pace. Can't hurt to know whats going on.'
Hiroto had spent most of the school day studying, the teachers being absent is no reason to fall behind in class he thought. Soon however, he had to use the bathroom, on the he heard footsteps. He looked until he saw a 3rd year near the nurses office, he stood close by but out of sight to them what would a 3rd year be doing here, it could be just the sicknes I heard but, he's not entering, only standing by, also he doesn't look sick hmm. Hiroto continued pondering while standing still around the hallway unaware he was doing so

((sorry for the late post))
Feeling like someone was watching him, Kaito turned to see someone just standing in the hallway, staring at him. "What the hell is he staring at me for?!" Kaito thought to himself, beginning to feel irritated at this.

Looking in their direction, he gave a low growl as he asked "The hell do you think you're staring at?"
((Sorry for disappearing on everyone!! I've been moving for the past couple weeks, but I should be able to post today, tomorrow, and possibly Saturday if time permits.))

I'll do some quick area/plot updates:


Before being distracted by the staring kid, Kaito managed to overhear a couple of adults talking in the nurse's office. One male, one female.

Female: "There are so many... Do you think it's some kind of attack?"

Male: "Doubtful. If someone wanted to unleash a virus, a high school in a backwater town hardly seems like a prime target... Still, it's too early in my investigation to make any judgment calls either way."

Female: "You're right... I can't bring myself to believe something this awful could happen simply by chance, though. I'm at a complete loss..."

Male: "We should.... Er... Honestly, I've never seen anything like this. What do YOU think we should do?"

Female: "I... Well, I'm not sure what we can do for Tanaka-san now, but the other students... I can't treat them here. Let's call a hospital."

From here, the two continued their conversation, but Kaito got a little too distracted to hear the tail-end of it. Needless to say, shortly after his outburst, Kaito would feel a large hand clasp down on his shoulder. The male voice from before would speak from behind him. "Hey! You don't look too sick to me. Why are you stalking around here?"

Fortunately for Kaito, before things have a chance to get any more complicated, the mystery man lets go in surprise as Ichiro darts past him into the clinic. "H-hey kid! Don't go in there!" He yells. "Stay here," he instructs Kaito before disappearing back into the nurse's office.


Darting past Kaito and a tall, older man (who is he, anyway?), Ichiro quickly flings open the door to the nurse's office. It looks more like a war hospital, like you'd see in old WWII movies. There aren't enough beds, so some of the kids are just lying on the floor. He immediately recognizes one of the students here--Tanaka Ichiro. The only other Ichiro in school. He's lying on a bed, his eyes wide yet expressionless. His skin is pale.

Several teachers are here, as well as Mrs. Yoshida and a couple of the faculty members, but Ichiro can't immediately recognize either of those two. As soon as she notices his entry, Mrs. Yoshida rushes up to Ichiro. "Yowai-san!" She says, her eyes full of panic. "You're not feeling sick, I hope!"

As the nurse frets, pulling Ichiro past the students on the floor in order to perform a few basic health checks, he notices that the two other teachers are covering Tanaka's face...


Nozara is able to get a pretty nice show. At first he was worried that one of them would notice he was following and question him, but Kaito hasn't spotted him yet--he's gotten distracted by some other poor kid who's wandered by. From what Nozara can tell, things are a bit more serious than the school let on. From the brief glimpse into the clinic he got when that sickly kid ran in, it looks like the school's clinic is stuffed wall-to-wall with sick kids. The way that guy came out and just man-handled Kaito a second ago is pretty suspicious, as well...

Ichiro smiles reassuringly as the health check begins, raising up a hand to show that he's alright. "I'm fine, Mrs. Yosida. I'm not feeling sick but I figured you'd need assisstance if this many students were coming in here."

Glancing at the students on the floor, his eyes narrow in determination as he pulls out the surgical mask he kept in his bag for when his usual cold worsened, "And I was right. How can I help here? I hate seeing people unwell and doing nothing."

"What exactly is wrong with them?" Ichiro glances at Tanaka and remembers the immediate burst of panic in the nurse. "Is it really serious enough to scare you so badly?"
This looks serious. What could cause this? He hangs back, still watching the unfolding scenes. After a moment, he grabs a few covert photos on his phone. Might be able to find out what it is online.

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