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Fandom Persona: Shut Up and Jam Gaiden

Red Rider

New Member


1. Observe those combat rules.

2. Don't make everyone's eyes bleed with excessively colorful posts. It's one thing to have a text color for when your guy is speaking, but if you see no issues with entire paragraphs of neon pink text, this thread will never be your home.

3. Have fun! :)

Warning: The following thread is canon.​

(This isn't suddenly a Barkley Shut Up and Jam crossover, don't worry; I just didn't know what else to call our RP.)

Heibon'na High School...

This is where you're going to school this year...

New friends, new classes, new year. For approximately 200 days out of the year, this place is your home away from home.

You approach the door, feeling only a moment's hesitation, and step inside...
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The gaunt third year steps through the doors as the sun still hangs low in the sky. He always arrived to school early, enjoying the ability to study there privately. He glances about at the mostly empty hall and smiles to himself, his straggly black hair covering his sunken in eyes to give it a slightly creepy feeling.

His thick white coat protects him from the cold as he hugs himself to ward off a breeze, his thin frame shivering. "So, this is Third Year, huh. My last shot."

Ichiro heads towards the nurse's office first, setting his bag down by the wall inside as he sets about tidying up. The nurse wasn't exactly the most organised and needed someone to do the grunt work for her. "Good to see some things never change."

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>The school nurse, Mrs. Yoshida, arrives about a half hour before school starts. She greets Ichiro politely.

"I appreciate your coming by! You're a real life saver, you know..."

>She begins to help Ichiro.

"It's a shame, really, to have you doing all this work. The school has had its funding cut recently, and this clinic is one of the areas that the higher-ups decided to cut back money for. I mean, I understand that the money is needed for new course materials, but it seems like not having a well-equipped clinic might end up causing some serious problems..."

>She stops suddenly, then immediately begins talking again.

"Er, but that's nothing for you to worry about! In fact, pretend I didn't say anything. So, how was your break, Ichiro?"
Ichiro chuckles slightly at her flustered slip. Glancing around, he realised the cut was going to hit this place pretty hard. Shaking his head of the thought, he smiles back, though his hair falling gives it that unintentionally eerie bent. "It was pretty nice. The break from study was welcome. Though I got a chest infection towards the start of it and had to stay in the hospital for a bit."

He laughs again, rubbing the back of his head after setting down a box of supplies in the corner. "What about you Sensei? Did you enjoy the break?"
"Oh, me? It was great. Kazu took me to Himeji Castle. It was amazing. I'm glad we don't need to build such gigantic structures to protect people these days. It'd probably be really expensive."

As Mrs. Yoshida laughs at her goofy insight, the first bell of the day rings.

"Ah, looks like it's time for classes. You go on ahead Ichiro, I'll finish up here."

The nurse won't take no for an answer, and soon Ichiro finds himself outside of the office.

"Good luck! Don't be a stranger!"
Ichiro waves as he's pushed outside, blinking slightly at the sudden speed of the woman. Glancing down, he notices she's put his bag in his hand and he starts to chuckle. He slips the bag over his shoulder, hanging off his side as he starts to walk to class. He slides the door open to see the students gathered around, chatting amongst themselves.

The spindly limbed boy sits quietly in his desk towards the back, waving to friends chatting in their groups, smiling awkwardly at those he recognized from the music club. Regret floods him as they return the gesture but the tension is palpable. Sighing lightly, he drops into his seat towards the back corner, staring at the weather outside and the passing clouds. Sometimes he wished he could be like them, floating so carelessly through the sky. "Oh well..." Ichiro sighs in a slightly sarcastic way to himself.
In a small restaurant on the other side of town...

Two young men sit at a table, opposite a girl slightly younger than the two of them. It was obvious from their dress and mannerisms that they were truants, but nobody dared to say anything. Not after last time...

"So, are we almost ready?" asks the taller of the two boys, brushing his black hair back to the sides of his hawk-like face.

"Almost, Inejiro," the other says. He'd hunched over a few minutes ago, his long hair pinned up on the front of his head to let him better see as he played with his food; he'd ordered the udon, but immediately lost his appetite, so now he was just stirring it around idly, a listless look in his amber eyes. "Pretty soon we'll have everything we need; just chill out."

The girl yawns and leans back, her knitted cap wobbling on her head unevenly. "This really blows, Hideki... When is our new guy gonna be here?"

The boy looks up from his noodles and shoots her a dirty look. "Soon enough, Midori. I got a text not too long ago. Said she's on the way. Once we have her on our side, we can begin our operations."

"It's a chick?" The girl sighs, trying not to sound annoyed. "Great... I can't stand other girls. You know that, Hideki."

"I suppose you'll just have to deal with it," the taller boy interrupts, chuckling slightly at his friends' discomfort. "After all, if Hideki says she's one of the best, she's gotta be one of the best, right?"

"Thank you, Inejiro," the shorter of the two boys says, scratching his chin idly. "I'm sure we'll have plenty to discuss once she arrives."


Meanwhile, back at school...

It looks like the teacher for the senior class had to step out prior to class starting. Unfortunately, he was smart enough to leave a seating chart up. Looks like Ichiro will be seated next to someone named Yoshidsada Nozara this year.

One can't help but overhear a few bits and pieces of idle chatter. Everyone's talking about the new hobby gaming store that opened up around town. Apparently they have a fortune telling machine there that's way past cool, and the selection of games isn't too bad, either.


The first day of school isn't quite so easy for the third-year students. Their teacher, Ms. Kaneko, is notoriously strict. Strangely enough, she too is called away soon after class begins.
Ichiro looks at the seating list, curiously, not recognizing the name present next to his. "New kid in third year? That's pretty rough. Hope he won't have any problems. Wonder where he's from though." Leaning back in his chair, he watches curiously as Ms. Kaneko leaves the room suddenly.

Looking around the room, Ichiro bites down on his thumbnail as he starts to listen into his classmates around him. Curiosity about the sudden movement is likely to set the room buzzing and Ichiro himself was wondering what was going on. "Another new student maybe?"
With his headphones on and music blaring from them, Kaito walks into the classroom. Wordlessly, he moves to an available seat and sits himself down. He looks up and realises that there's no teacher present. "Tch." He thinks to himself, annoyed. "What's the point of making an entrance if the teacher isn't even here?"

With an annoyed expression on his face, he puts his feet on the desk and leans back in his chair, turning the music up louder.
Ichiro watches Kaito enter, tapping his cheek. "His mood's pretty bad, so maybe..." Ichiro thinks to himself before coming to a decision and pushing himself to his feet. Kaito's blood red hair wasn't as much of a deterrent as one might expect. Ichiro figured the worst that would come of it would be Kaito telling him to take a long walk off a short pier given the crowded classroom, even if several of them were staring uneasily at him.

Walking around the tables, Ichiro comes to a stop in front of Kaito, his hair falling over his eyes to completely obscure them as he tries to look down. "Hey, did you run into Ms. Kaneko on the way in? You see which way she was headed?"
With the music blaring in his ears, Kaito doesn't hear what he's being asked. Instead, he just gives his typical responses when someone decides to bother him. He shoots a glare at Ichiro and says angrily "Get lost!"
Ichiro hears the response and shrugs, figuring the response was a no then. He wanders back to his own desk, sitting back down but pulling his spindly legs up onto the chair to rest in front of his chest.

Glancing out the window, Ichiro again gets lost watching the clouds go by. He'd done a decent job of isolating himself lately without even realising it but it was weird looking at the kids from the music club out of the corner of his eye without having the nerve to go over to them. "Clouds have it so easy." Breaking from his melancholy, he wonders idly when the class will begin. Even at the start of the year, the exams were weighing surprisingly heavy on him. "The burden of a third year, huh. So this is why my senpais always looked so stressed."
Kaito gives a quick glare at Ichiro's back as he walks back to his desk. "What the hell did he want?" He silently fumes. "Why the hell do the pricks in this school keep bothering me? Can't they get that I don't give a rats ass about anything in this damn place?!" He throws his hands behind his head as he continues leaning back. He picks a spot above the board and focuses his gaze on it, avoiding looking at anyone else in the room. "Why the hell do I even bother coming to this place anymore?"
Nozara strode into the room. He takes a quick glance at the seating arrangement, before takeing a seat next to Ichiro. Flicking his white hair out of his eyes, he pulls out a book and starts flicking through it. "New year, new me" he thinks. " What bullshit."
Ichiro hears the sound of Nozara's chair screeching against the ground. Catching sight of the white haired boy's hair flick, Ichiro couldn't help chuckling at the natural motion. "Huh, must be the new kid. Guess I better say hi."

"Hey," Ichiro says as he leans forwards, his knees still held against his chest as his head hangs in the gap between them. "My name's Yowai Ichiro, what's yours?"
The sky outside grows dark, and it begins to rain hard in a matter of seconds. Strange, considering that just a little while ago there wasn't a cloud in the sky.

This has been happening a lot lately.
Kaito gives a look out the window and sees that it has started raining. "Great. Just great. Who knows how long that dam showers gonna last? Better be done by the time I get out of this hellhole."

He looks away from the window and catches sight of Nozara. "Oh and this day just keeps getting better! A transfer student? Gonna have to sit through his crappy introduction whenever the teacher decides to actually show up, and deal with the rest of these clowns milling around and asking him stuff and just not shutting up for the whole day!" Kaito gives a brief sigh. "Should have just skipped school today, mandatory attendance be damned."
Nozara give Ichiro a quick look up and down before reluctantly replyin. "Yoshidsada Nozara. I'm from Hokkido." Formalities satisfied, he gives the class a once over before returning to his book, noticing Kaito as he does so.

After a moment, he turns back to Ichiro. "What's his problem?" He asks, nodding to Kaito.
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Ichiro notes the reluctance in the other man's posture and nods politely. The sound of the rain pattering against the window is a decent distraction and he's content to pull back.

At the question, Ichiro glances back at Nozara before looking to Kaito. "I don't know. He wasn't like that last year." Ichiro shrugs, "Maybe the exam pressure got to him."
At the sudden stop and anti-social attitude, Ichiro shrugged. If he wanted to be left alone, that was up to him. Though it meant he was likely going ot be very isolated moving so late in High School meant having no time to build slow relationships. People didn't have time for it.

Still, it wasn't like he felt any pity. The guy made his choices and that was his business. Ichiro leaned back in his chair, hands resting on his knees as he once again stared back out at the rain. A slight, bitter smile crossed his face. "Not like I can judge if someone's made a bad decision."
Nozara cocks an eyebrows as he glances over the book. "Do I detect the subtle hints of passive agression and judgment?" He asks somewhat mockingly.
Kaito began to fiddle with his mp3 player as he cast a glance at the clock on the wall. The teachers sure were taking their time.

He wanted to just focus on listening to his music, but a nagging thought wouldn't leave his head. "Something's up." He thought to himself "It's weird for the teachers to be gone this long, even on the first day back. Great, what are the odds that something's happened?"
Ichiro glances at Nozara in surprise before smiling slightly. "It isn't passive aggressive. I was just thinking it must be hard to make friends in third year."

Ichiro turns in his seat slightly, folding his arms over his knees. His chin lands atop his forearm in a relaxed manner. "I didn't think you wanted to talk. Too cool for that?" Ichiro's word are gently mocking, his naturally soft voice making such easy.

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