Persona Ø [ OOC | Not Accepting ]

Well, I would say we had a good run but we really didn't get all that far...
@Ammy and @Wandering Hollow are posting in other RPs. They're not giving this one the time of day. @Katakon probably is still busy with school. I don't know about @jonamonszx's and @Veradana's situation. The fact of the matter is, only two people have posted in the span of 5 days since my last post. If everyone's either off doing something else or are too busy then what's the point of keeping this going? I'm not gonna keep waiting forever. I'm gonna be honest, I'm pretty bitter about how much effort I put into this to see it go to waste this soon.
@Blu It honestly depends on what you wanna do.  I have my post nearly done but if you want end this its really your choice. So if you want to wait longer or end  this right now is your decision. While i would vote for us to hope on keeping it going a little longer just to see if we can make it work i can see why you would be frustrated about this.
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I understand that it can be frustrating.  Personally, I've never had an rp I've been a part of finish.  I'd rather not write this one of so soon, but it's your decision as op.  I should be able to get a post out by tomorrow if you want to keep going. 
@Ammy and @Wandering Hollow are posting in other RPs. They're not giving this one the time of day. @Katakon probably is still busy with school. I don't know about @jonamonszx's and @Veradana's situation. The fact of the matter is, only two people have posted in the span of 5 days since my last post. If everyone's either off doing something else or are too busy then what's the point of keeping this going? I'm not gonna keep waiting forever. I'm gonna be honest, I'm pretty bitter about how much effort I put into this to see it go to waste this soon.

Posting here today. Have a littlr faith in your Hanged Man.
@Ammy and @Wandering Hollow are posting in other RPs. They're not giving this one the time of day. @Katakon probably is still busy with school. I don't know about @jonamonszx's and @Veradana's situation. The fact of the matter is, only two people have posted in the span of 5 days since my last post. If everyone's either off doing something else or are too busy then what's the point of keeping this going? I'm not gonna keep waiting forever. I'm gonna be honest, I'm pretty bitter about how much effort I put into this to see it go to waste this soon.

I hope this doesn't come across as rude, but I think your expectations are a little high.

See, in the time I've spent RPing, I've learned that having to wait days between posts (maybe even whole weeks) is usually the norm, rather than the exception. The speed we went at early on was a fluke brought on by early enthusiasm, not something that should've lasted the whole game. Heck, it's lucky we came this far so quickly. I was in only one other RP before joining this, and it took forever just to start. Then after a handful of initial posts, the whole thing ground to a halt in record speed. The worst part was it was a reboot after the first one died a long slow death, and this reboot managed to die FASTER.

When I said we needed to be patient a while back, I meant REALLY patient. This is the sad truth of RPing; it's a right bloody miracle when an RP keeps a solid consistent pace for years. I guarantee you that few games will preform better than this one, so we should stick with it for a while longer. 
Look, I've been RPing for a considerably long time so I'm not ignorant to the whole waiting game and I am very well aware that the early enthusiasm isn't going to last entirely throughout. But the more I wait, the more I see people posting consistently in other RPs and interest is gradually lost with this one. Hell, the waiting wouldn't even be so bad if some of you would communicate that a post may be delayed. Instead, I'm force to wait here with the hopes that none of you just decided to abandon the RP without a word of warning. Keep in mind it's been 5 days. 2 days from being a week. The chances that 4-5 people are going to have their posts up in the span of the next two days isn't very high. Especially if I had continued to keep quiet. So I have to disagree that it's a problem concerning my expectations. Technically, I have none. I surely didn't post any rules about posting expectations that I'm aware of. But, sure, I'll wait a bit more.
@Blu I can understand that frustration. I for one have been pretty bad at communicating when post's will happen and If we keep going I'm going to try to and improve on that. But at least for now I dont think we should stop just yet. Normally on weekends more posts get done then they do on weekdays especially during the school year so at least in my opinion if we all improve on things like communication we can still make this work. But then again there is always the possibility i  could be completely wrong.
I posted considerably in the other RP because it required less effort. It was my intention to post here yesterday but had a net installation that went a bit past what I had initially expected. On top of all that, I've had a lot of personal things kicking in to eat up my time such as school issues, battling bureaucracy for medical insurance, and starting a new job - which I had a six hour closing shift today leading into a ten hour opening shift tomorrow because fuck me. It was my intention to get another post in here now, but I'm already cutting into my very limited amount of sleep. Came here to do that but now I'm honestly kind of annoyed.

To be frank, I've gone out of my way quite a few times to try and make sure things here run smoothly without you involved at all. Directly messaged people more than once. It's not as if I don't care. I'd like to think I've proven that considering this is the first time I've really been held up in posting here. I'm not intentionally avoiding this. So please, instead of doing all this cloak and dagger on my profile how about having the decency to contact me and talk about this? My entire life isn't going to be broadcast through my RPN profile of all places, and while I try my best to keep everything up to pace sometimes shit just happens.

I had and still have exceptionally high hopes for this, but acting toward members this way is just insulting. Assumptions are not a good thing. I admit that I could've done better to communicate on my end, I'll give you that. Mentioned a bit of it in a recent status update when I really should've come here. That said, I cannot maintain that speed with that consistency without sacrificing my life to that end. I can only do my best to work around my responsibilities and well-being. If you need to replace me for that reason, then so be it.
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First off, I appreciate your attempts at helping out this RP to run smoothly even if I never directly asked for it. I know life gets in the way and that's priority. And that's why I would've like some form of communication on the OOC about it. You're annoyed? And I'm what? Sitting here happy? I'll admit that I go onto everyone's profiles to see their RP posting routines but I've never once check statues simply because they have nothing to do with me. If I shouldn't make assumptions then you shouldn't assume I'm stalking profiles. Sorry to break it to you, but I don't have that much time in the day between working 8 hour graveyard shifts and going to school in the morning. Coming home to see if the RP I put so much goddamn time and effort in has something new I can read only to find that jack shit has happened. Sure, RPs that require lower efforts and don't have a strict story should get more posts. But it'd be nice to get some communication.

Even that aside, I just said I'm up for waiting because you guys finally chimed in. But now I'm being told I have no decency because, frankly, I didn't want to come off like I'm pestering you guys. So, yeah, I'm the bad guy apparently.
I'm asking as to why nobody ever sent me a message.

I'm asking as to why I was never tagged. I mean, that's what happened with other lulls in posting in the past. They always turned up. Sure, I can get why it'd make someone irate over that happening consistently among the eight of us each posting cycle. I'm sorry that the one time I stop posting for a few days - which, I completely agree with Tarquin in that this is far too soon to declare as a serious issue, but it's not my roleplay and as such it's an opinion and not a standard - I'm suddenly vilified as "not giving this the time of day" because I'm in one other roleplay.

I'm asking why I'm apparently not good enough for people to even question if something happened that was stopping me from getting one in here too, or my thoughts on it, or even a single shit about how I feel on the matter of if I have an issue with this roleplay and how it may be driving me away? I've been upbeat. I've been kind enough to everyone, or at least that's what I'd like to believe. I'm not asking to be worshipped as some kind of deific being. I'm not asking for much. I just wish people could of made the effort to remember that there's a human being behind this account and bothered to ask "hey Ammy, what's going on with the Persona roleplay".

Nothing. It's just an automatic assumption that "I'm not giving in the time of day". To be fair, someone did message me while I was at work today to point the stuff going on here out or I may not have even looked at the OOC tab. So to that unnamed individual, thanks. I appreciate it.

Like I said, given all of the circumstances I could have handled it better. Leaving a status update with "[ ROLEPLAY UPDATES ]" at the top wasn't an ideal course of action. But neither is jumping at someone for making one mistake. So that word? Decency? I think that was the right one. I'm sorry you're disappointed and upset. Really, I am. Try to work on your communication too though. As it stands, I don't think remaining here is the kind of thing that's good for me, or you, or your roleplay. This just hurts and I honestly have enough in my life to deal with to include this kind of drama over a minor thing. I'll be taking my leave. Anyone is free to contact me about whatever, whenever, but remaining here is clearly a bad idea if this is a sign of how things are going to continue.
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@Ammy The only reason I say you're not giving the RP the "time of day" (which I should've worded better but clearly I wasn't in the best state of mind, still, apologies for that) is because, again, I was looking at how much attention you were giving other RPs. I don't even go to those other RPs btw so I had no idea of their posting requirements and what not. And I did mention your name for the OOC today which is the only time this week we're talking on here. Just to clarify: even in that last post, I'm not saying you're in the wrong either but simply explaining my side of things so I don't suddenly get labeled as the "bad guy" here. And, again, it's an issue with not getting any communication not because of a patience thing. Clearly, I just said I give everyone more time now that we've talked. But it seems like no one is actually understanding what I'm saying but rather perceive it as an issue with me wanting everyone to post as quickly as possible. Honestly, I don't want anyone to leave but I can't stop you if you don't want to stay. I'll leave it at this to be sure there's no misunderstanding on what I'm trying to say to you: I'm not saying you're in the wrong, I'm simply explaining my side of things so I'm not vilified either.
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Funny (or not), I was about to finish up apologizing to everyone, then @Tarquin stated his departure. Hey, I totally understand. Sorry for causing this shit show everyone. If the rest of you want to leave, that's okay. You've no obligation to stay. I'd be more than happy to continue but I'm not gonna force it. Truthfully, thanks for all your contributions thus far. It's been fun regardless of what happened today.
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