Persona Ø [ IC | Started ]

April 10th (Late Afternoon) / Monday / Cloudy

Cast: Kumiko, Aina, Seiji

Kumiko waited eagerly for some kind of retort to her comment. Laughter, one of the group to become fearful, any sort of acknowledgement at all. Junko seemed to have fun with it at the very least. The others were either unamused or more focused on Sasaki-sensei's words as she began to set up their research.

"Yeah, okay then." She mumbled, disappointed that it hadn't gotten more attention. This wasn't the kind of first impression she was hoping for. Kicking at the dirt as she slowly shifted away from the third years and toward the back of the group to sulk. Stopping beside Aina she quietly watched the teacher begin to snap pictures of the hole, becoming frustrated over the object after several shots. Could it be some sort of malfunction? Standing on the tips of her toes to try and get a peek at the object's screen from her location she was interrupted by a loud rustling from a nearby bush. Immediately her mind began to race with all kinds of possibilities as to what could be causing it. Given the kinds of rumors that were surrounding this place she was expecting to be impressed. Yet as the small rabbit revealed itself, turning to look toward them, she still couldn't help but be an awe over it. While not quite what she was expecting she had never seen one of these animals in the wild before.

"Aw, nice Rabbit." Her statement came out rather cold toward the end once the realization had struck her that she couldn't tell if it was male or female at a glance. It seemed too fast for her to capture in order to check and the distance between them only made it even more difficult. If she could convince Hideyoshi to break away from his classwork for a brief moment. Of their group he certainly appeared to be one of the more physically fit individuals, so it seemed as if he would have the greatest chance of success. As she opened her mouth to voice her request she was stopped by the look of panic she now noticed was on Hibiki's face, dashing back to to her and grabbing hold as...something seemed to have taken hold of her. Was that an arm?

"A-ah! I was just kidding! I'm sorry!" Kumiko shouted as she ran over and piled onto the chain of students now attempting to free their sensei, wrapping her arms around Seiji's waist. Unfortunately physical strength wasn't something she could boast about, and she found herself fighting just to hold on as whichever person was behind her pulled. Before she could even question the situation she found herself in, she could feel her heels digging into the soil before sliding loose from the ground, their entire group now being dragged into the void.


Cast: Kumiko, Kazuma

Slowly Kumiko could feel herself returning to the waking world, a dull throbbing now filling her head as she tried to piece together the events that had just taken place. The hole, the rabbit, that arm. Were Sasaki-sensei and the rest of the class alright? Was she alright? She just wanted to keep her eyes closed if only for a little while longer in the hopes that the pain would subside somewhat yet she knew that wasn't an option. Closing her hands she could feel her fingers trace against the ground she now had her back pressed against. Was this concrete? Weren't they in a forest? Opening her eyes the very first thing she saw was strange pattern where the sky should have been. Shocked at the anomaly she immediately shot upward, jumping to her feet as the now destroyed station was in view. The transfer student and one of the girls who she admittedly couldn't recall the name of were already conscious and speaking with one another. Reaching over with her right hand she clutched onto her arm nervously, breaking into a cold sweat as her entire body began to tremble at the sight. Steadying her grip, she reached down into her pocket and grasped onto her phone. The cause didn't matter right now. She just had to make sure everyone was okay. She had to make sure he was okay. Pulling the object in front of her the lingering sense of dread that was filling her only became stronger as it seemed to have broken. The screen was had a distorted image blocking out every detail, and she none of the buttons did anything so she couldn't even power it down. There was the option of trying to crack it open and remove the battery, though she had no personal experience with that sort of task and this really wasn't the time.

This had to be a dream.

The six words repeated in her mind again and again, over and over, until they started to lose their meaning. The aching pain, the sense of danger, all of this. Everything. It was something she hadn't felt in a very, very long time. Not so vividly. Then there were her classmates, people who she certainly would not have invented. This wasn't her doing. This was real. Her breathing now rapid, she began to step backward slowly once again in an effort to escape the ruined landscape she was in rather than joining with the two that had already awoken. Before making too much distance she felt the back of her foot clip against something, causing her to stumble. Luckily she had managed to regain her balance before colliding back into the ground she had been resting on. Looking down at the obstacle in her way she spotted the sickly looking boy from their group sprawled across the ground in a similar fashion to all of the others. Kneeling beside him she placed a hand on his shoulder, shaking him rather forcefully.

"Yoshiki-san! Wake up! We have problems here!" She shouted, trying with all of her might to calm herself. She needed someone here with her and rather than the transfer student or what's-her-face, the unconscious first year student had that honor by pure chance.
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[SIZE=13.5pt]April 10th (Late Afternoon) / Monday / Cloudy[/SIZE][SIZE=13.5pt][/SIZE]

Cast: Kazuma  

[SIZE=11pt]The clouds were covering the sky as Kazuma walked through the forest following his fellow classmates. He noticed three of  [/SIZE]his class mates holding some brief cases that were originally brought in by that teacher, Sasaki was her name right? While he didn’t mind that the geography class seemed to be a bit more hands on he did find it strange how the first lesson seemed to be in the forest that he had heard so many rumors about.  The teacher had to have heard about these rumors right?  Then again she did seem to be a tiny bit clueless but at least she had enthusiasm. After hearing her  tell the rest of the class to see this “Strange geographical [SIZE=10.5pt]phenomena[/SIZE]” he hurried over only to see the teacher gawking at a giant hole. Granted, while the hole was impressive in both shape and size but it was still just that: a hole. As the rest of the class began to go about there business  Kazuma began to follow suit. He  started to hear others joking about  the possibility of a monster hiding inside the hole while some other students began to attempt its depth. All the while Kazuma had been there thinking if this a chance to start a conversation? Should he join in on the talks about the hole?  Maybe he should wait a bit until he could find the right opportunity?  But was he overthinking this? Should he just blurt something out. No that might not work either. All of a sudden his attention was turned to a sound of a rustling bush. He noticed that most of the other students began to notice it to. It was loud. Really loud. What was that….?  Could all the rumors have been true?  Was there something hiding out here. The mere notion began to send a bit of fear through entire body even if the more logical side of him was saying that it was moronic to even consider this. After the rustling revealed it self to only be a small rabbit Kazuma let out a slightly loud sigh of relief.  What was he thinking? The possibility of any of those rumors being true was completely ridiculous . The small rabbit was actually kind of cute. Only after turning around did his eyes widen in fear. Something was coming out of the hole. It was an arm. A long pure black arm and it was grabbing  Sasaki. Seeing some of the other  Students begin to run to help pull the teacher out the hands grasp pulled Kazuma out of his stupor as  he rushed to go help his fellow students. Kazuma wasn’t exactly a very strong person but at least he could try to help right? Sadly  regardless of the classes combined strength the entire class along with their teacher were all dragged into the large, completely circular hole.


Cast: Kumiko, Kazuma

Kazuma slowly opened his eyes as he woke to the sound of a loud voice along with vibrations. He looked up to see another student shaking him. As  his conciseness returned to him he realized that this student was another student from the geography class.  He recognized her earlier when he was in the geography classroom she was a fellow first year.  He remembered hearing her name before, he wasn’t sure exactly where he had heard it but he definitely  had at some point.  Her name was definitely Kumiko he was sure of that much. As he regained more and more of his conciseness he began to examine his surroundings. He began to fill anxiety as he started to look at his surroundings.  Where were they? Kazumas eyes widened as he began to recognize the large station it was Nichibotsu Station 5. He remembered it from the article he read last night. Except it looked different. It was hard to believe it wasn't the resemblance was uncanny It was worn down and in ruins the whole area around them looked like something you would see in a apocalypse type movie.  The more he looked around the more he realized how much this area looked like  the upper downtown district. “Where the hell are we…?” Kazuma asked Kumiko somewhat quietly not even noticing how he had finally spoken to one of his classmates as he began to feel fear flowing into every part of his body.

April 10th (Later Afternoon) /Monday / Cloudy

Cast: Hideyoshi Amori

"I'm not glaring." Hideyoshi muttered as Junko joked about his glaring. But before he can unintentionally continue glare at his classmates some more Sasaki-Sensei asked him to get a few stuff from the aluminum boxes. Specifically she asked for a penetrometer, Soil thermometer, a shovel and finally a vane shear kit. Hideyoshi had no idea any of those are, expect the shovel obviously. Hideyoshi wordlessly nodded at Sasaki's command and went to his box, which he opened and look at it contents with fear as he no idea what any of theses things are expect for the shovel which laid at the bottom. As Hideyoshi was digging in box to release the shovel from its sensitive and expansive prison he didn't even notice the rustling of the bushes a few feet away. When he released the shovel he stood up from his knee and looked to miss Sasaki where he finally noticed the white rabbit next to a bush that everybody else was looking at. "...Did I miss something Hibiki-san?" Hideyoshi commented to the nearest person which was Hibiki. But before he could look at the rabbit some more and he looked at Hibiki who looked at Ms. Sasaki which caused him to look over there too. And he was not expecting what he saw. A Giant inky black arm was dragging Ms. Sasaki down the hole. Hibiki jumped into action right away while yelling out to the classmates which Hideyoshi was the first to follow him. Hideyoshi grabbed one Ms. Sasaki's leg and tried his hardest to free her from the grip of the arm but even with everybody pulling at her the arm was just too strong for them and they were all dragged under. As Hideyoshi fell though the hole all that ran in his mind was. 'He's not ready to die.'


Hideyoshi let out a pained groan as he raised from the hard cemented ground. Cemented? Wasn't he just in the woods? Hideyoshi opened his eyes and after a short time of adjusting to the little light Hideyoshi could see that a few of classmates were already awake close to him. After another pained groan and his eyes adjusting more to the light hideyoshi's eyes widen what he sees when he wakes up more. In the distance he sees that they were in a ruin city that looks a lot like Nichibotsu station 5 but before he could asked a question he sees Ms. Sasaki being dragged away in the distance. "What the Hell!?!" Was all that escaped Hideyoshi mouth as their teacher was being dragged away.

Hideyoshi gotten up quickly and ran next to his consous classmates and look at them all. "What the hell just happened?!" Hide asked aloud to his classmates. Hideyoshi expression looked angry, scared and nervous which is all what he's feeling. "This place looks like Nichibotsu but it's wrong!" Hideyoshi spoke hysterically. "And what the hell took Sasaki Sensei!?" He continued his hysterics his expression looks more fearful with each passing moment. "What should we do?!" Hideyoshi asked his classmates while it was more of a question to himself. He was scared shitless by this whole thing and he has no idea what they can do. He not good at handling this kind of stuff and he was always a wimp when it came to ghost or yokai or whatever they're called he hated being scared. Hideyoshi needed to find grounding in this insane chain of events.
April 10th (Late Afternoon) / Monday / Cloudy

Cast: Seiji

Some of the other students had some really bizarre ideas on how to approach this hole. Junko wanted to test it's depth by throwing a stick down there. Seiji hardly thought that would work; there was no way they would hear the sound of a stick clattering on a dirt surface with a hole this deep. Of course, he had a feeling she hadn't put any thought into what she was saying at all, and he didn't intend to bring it up needlessly. Then Kumiko made some odd comment about there being a monster down there...or something. Seiji didn't understand why she brought that up. It really made him wonder what possessed her to come up with something like that. In the end, it seemed Ms. Sasaki was indeed planning to engage in an in depth survey of this hole. Seiji was at least relieved to be able to put down the briefcase for the time being. He wondered why she felt the need to quarantine the hole. It wasn't as though the damn thing was going to give someone a disease. Though it was more likely she didn't want the students disturbing her little geographical feature, but in such a case, Seiji would have thought simple instructions would do. Maybe there was some great art of geographical study that Seiji wasn't aware of. Not that it mattered, because if there was a methodology behind what Ms. Sasaki was doing, Seiji really didn't care to hear about it. This was a time at which he could relax, and he intended to take it.

Seiji simply observed as Ms. Sasaki got to work. It wasn't until she started taking pictures that something occurred. Everyone briefly had their attention taken up by a white rabbit emerging from a nearby bush. Once again, a brief curiosity had stumbled onto Seiji's path. But just like before, it wasn't really something he could make much out of. It was still just a rabbit. 

It was then that a far more alarming discovery was made. Seiji was alerted to the sound of yelling. He saw a great black arm reaching out of the hole, gripping Ms. Sasaki. The students were all piling on, trying to pull her back from the pit. Before he could even react, he found himself part of their impromptu human chain by virtue of Kumiko grabbing him around the waist. As weird as this was, he found himself just trying to do his best to help struggle against this beastly arm. But it was all for naught, and Seiji along with the rest was wrenched into the hole.


Cast: Seiji

Seiji awoke to find himself in a bizarre new locale. Yet, in spite of how bizarre their new surroundings were, Seiji recognized this place; it was a part of Nichibotsu, in particular the train station. Seiji couldn't fathom in the slightest how they all came to be here, not least of all how they traveled by means of perfectly circular hole. It was all he could do to look around wildly, hoping some clue would present itself from nowhere. At least it seemed he was here with the rest of the class. In the midst of his looking around, he spied Hibiki once more, standing out from the group. Not only that, but he spied Ms. Sasaki being abducted by a strange shadowy figure. They were truly in the midst of something abnormal here.

Seiji made his way to gather around Hibiki, like the others were. In the midst of all the shocked reactions, Hideyoshi questioned what they should do. "I think our first action should be to gather everyone into one big group." Seiji announced to them all. "There's strength in numbers, and we can't afford to take risks here. I doubt anyone wants to get taken by something like that. Once we're all together, then we can search." He meant two things by that; both search for Ms. Sasaki, and search for a way out of this place. Although he likely sounded calm in giving his suggestion, Seiji was anything but calm right now. He didn't know if making a big group would really help at all down here, but at least it might give people some comfort. Anything was better than all this uncertainty.



Takemi’s eyelids flickered as she opened them, pushing herself up into a sitting position.  She rubbed her eyes with the back of her hand and looked around.  The ruins of the Upper Downtown District stared back at her.  Takemi sprang to her feet, ignoring the wave of dizziness that hit her.  A monster had dragged them all down here, which meant it could still be nearby.  The thing had grabbed their teacher so…  Takemi took another look around.  The only people around were the other students.  Takemi wasn’t about to waste time wondering about details.  Their teacher was missing, and she was most likely taken to the den of some strange monster; their first priority should be a rescue mission.  Seiji was talking about getting everyone together in a group, which also made sense; they’d search for their teacher together, and no one else would get taken while alone.

“Okay!” she shouted, “Did anyone see what happened to Ms. Sasaki?  Like what direction did that thing take her?” she wasn’t about to say it out loud, but they needed to find the woman before she got eaten or something.
Mostly everyone had woken up by now and they had gathered to where Hibiki stood. Most, if not all of them, were panicking in some way but some showed more than others. Seiji suggests that their first action is to gather everyone together as it would give them more of a fighting chance. Takemi is eager to know if anyone saw what happened to Sasaki. Hibiki tells everyone to quiet down, explaining that there maybe more of those monsters out there and they don't want to draw any unwanted attention to themselves. He shoots a reassuring smile and nod to Seiji to hopefully calm his nerves and also to let him know that his suggestion that everyone stays together is a good one. In situations like these, it's never a good idea to separate. And despite it looking like the Upper Downtown District of Nichibotsu, the group should still keep in mind that they essentially know nothing about this place aside from perhaps the layout of the buildings and such. Without speaking, Hibiki walks over to some nearby rubble that was probably once a part of the train station and digs through its contents. Soon, he finds something and calls out to Seiji to get his attention. Once he did, Hibiki threw a rather sturdy piece of wood for him to catch.

He walks back over to the group and suggests they start looking for weapons to defend themselves while also reminding them not to wander beyond shouting distance of each other if they can help it. Just don't go shouting for everyone without a good reason to. Hibiki walks over to Kumiko and Kazuma who were still trying to get a handle on things. He initially asks them if they're hurt in any significant ways before explaining the rest of the situation, including the plan to both scout for an exit and to, hopefully, locate Sasaki. Although, Hibiki already has it in his mind that he's not leaving without finding their teacher, whether alive or... He turns to Akatsuki who was still unconscious at the moment and kneels down to take a better look at her. She doesn't seem to have sustain any visible injuries apart from maybe a few minor cuts or bruises. He calls her name softly before gently rocking her shoulder back and forth, applying a bit more force with each successive attempt. She seems to breathing so that's a relief but it may just end up that someone will have to carry her until she's conscious again. Hibiki stands up and approaches the group. He tells them that he saw the monster dragging Sasaki south of here. It could be headed to the Lower Downtown District.


Cast: Hideyoshi Amori

It took all of willpower not to fly off the handle of his sanity as he tried to stay calm. It was Seiji that helped the blond to calm down, a voice of reason helps greatly in this situation. Seiji threw around a few ideas, like how they should stick together. Hideyoshi slowed down his breathing to a slower and calmer pace, his panic dying down. Hideyoshi hated being scared especially around his underclassmen but he can't help it, he feels every emotions strongly. And fear was the strongest one right now. Suddenly the transfer student said useful stuff about like finding weapons which then he suddenly started to dig in some rubble. He grabbed a piece of wood and tossed it to Seiji, Hideyoshi followed suit and started to dig in a nearby rubble pile. What he found is not what he expected, a box of yellow darts that he can fit three in his hands at a time.  "It's not what I expected but it's something..."  Hideyoshi commented as he put the darts into his pocket so it can be easily accessed if more of those monsters like Hibiki said shows up.

Hideyoshi walked back to the group and calmly or as calmly as he can as he is. "Does anybody know how to use weapons...?" He says as he puts a darts in between his fingers on his right hand. It's not a case if they fight or not but when.
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"...." Junko quietly listened to their suggestions. Her mind was busy thinking about various things. Where did this place come from? How did this place came to be? How did we get here? And... Is there an escape? Junko glanced around at her surroundings. Rubble, rubble and more rubble... Is this... a glimpse of the future perhaps? She mused as she watched Hibiki dig around the rubble and extracting a sizable piece of wood before chucking it at Seiji. She then watched as Hideyoshi dug around a pile of rubble to extract some yellow darts. He then returned to the group and asked if any of them knew how to use weapons. Junko kept quiet as he asked this and walked over to a nearby pile of rubble. After some searching, she found a longish mop handle that broke off into a rather sharp point on one end. Satisfied with her find, she returned her attention over to Hibiki as he tried to rouse Akatsuki up from her stupor. Seeing that he was unsuccessful, she walked over and knelt next to him, laying her newly-found weapon on the ground next to her. 

"I-I'll keep at eye on her... We can't just leave her to wake up all alone in this place, no?" Junko said in a shaky voice as she carefully lifted up Akatsuki's head and rested it on her lap. Junko gazed off in the direction that monster dragged Ms Sasaki off to. She listened as Hibiki suggested that the creature might have dragged her over to the alternate Lower Downtown District.

"Finding Sasaki-sensei and staying together would be of vital importance, yes but... What about Akatsuki-chan...? She's still out cold..." Junko asked, gently stroking Akatsuki's fringe and feeling the material of her veil on her fingertips. A small smile crept on her lips as she tried to remain calm in such a situation, wiping away the tears that threatened to flow from her eyes. 


Aina was quietly listening on what was going on. After seeing the others try to find weapons, Aina then looked off. She looked through the rubble in search for a weapon, only to throw away most of the stuff, since they weren't really that useful. After a few moments Aina found a brush pole. It wasn't the most effective weapon, but this could potentially knock someone out, or even kill something. Finding her choice of weapon, Aina grabbed it, and moved with the group. She saw that Junko was currently taking care of Akatsuki was still out cold.

She went over to Junko, and said "I don't think we'll leave her here, maybe we can try to carry her around" Aina said as she looked around. This place must of really messed up still, and looking around did not help, the imagery. "Hey Junko-chan do you have a phone, I want to see if we can anyone here" Aina said curious. Even though they were in this situation, they had to adapt, and remain calm. If anything were to go wrong then the group might as well have a mass argument with each other. The most of the worries is that they got into a argument, and blamed someone for dragging them into it.

Aina turned her head, and looked towards Hibiki. "Are you sure Hibiki-san? The monster that dragged Sasaki-sensei was awfully strong, how will we fight against that?" Aina asked starting to worry. If there were surely more creatures, then how could they fight against them? They were severely outclassed, and the monsters didn't seem to have a problem beating them.

April 10th (Late Afternoon) / Monday / Cloudy

CAST: Akatsuki Bancroft.

The geography class had only just begun, signaling its class's maiden voyage with a fully immersive field trip to one of Nichibotsu's greatest mysteries and urban legends: a massive hole. The deepest, creepiest, darkest, and dankest hole in all of Japan! The sheer amount of mystery involved with the hole, combined with the malicious aura the walker of faith felt radiating from it, made Akatsuki very apprehensive when stepping even a millimeter closer. It was just like her mission trip to Siberia, visiting that... nine mile pit.. The thought of it still made her shudder in disgust. Deep, dark pits are never a good thing, especially when they appear like there could be ominous chanting coming from 

Hanging back, the nun merely observed her peers, hanging back as she watched them bicker about throwing things in versus not throwing things in. It did take her mind off of things slightly as she enjoyed the sight of her possible future friends having a petty argument and she let out a calming sigh as she turned her back for a split second, shuffling towards a small cooler full of waters she'd brought for the expedition. 

As she turned, her foot locked in place as she was pulled face-first into the dirt and her body going limp as she was pulled into the hole alongside her classmates.


CAST: Akatsuki, Junko, Hibiki, Aina, Hideyoshi.

The passage of time seemed to slow, at least to the unconscious faith healer. Though she couldn't see anything besides endless blackness behind her eyelids, the world around her simply felt different. Something sinister lurking beneath its checkered ruins. A different sinister unlike anything she'd ever been in contact with in her few years as a sister. The cold grasp of the topsy-turvy world was apparent on Akatsuki's skin, worming its way to her mind and aiming to burn unforgettably through her very spirit. 

"Does anybody know how to use weapons...?" The words hesitantly rang in the air, hazily inaudible to Akatsuki herself but caused a slight twitch to squeeze her eyelids as she very slowly came to. ...If only she had been able to, unfortunately, as even peaceful souls such as hers hid an eerie sort of violent skill.  A soft grasp wrapped around her shoulder, aiming to rouse her from her involuntary slumber by shaking her more and more powerfully with each passing second with no positive result so immediately present. 

"I-I'll keep at eye on her... We can't just leave her to wake up all alone in this place, no?"  Another voice as frightened in tone as the first came about, feminine in pitch and close in distance, with a soft brushing of the nun's hair to the side and a quick rub of her black veil, the figure's hands tracing over the cuts on Akatsuki's body. A soft, motherly touch like the one the second year had never felt before. It almost wanted her to sleep more in the girl's arms as it brought her to an immediate spiritual peace. But, even so, her mind fought to rip control of her body back once again and she fought to wake up and fight alongside her class, to escape and live another day.

Slowly as her head rested in the other girl's lap, her eyes began to twitch. She took in the full shock value found within her class's new classroom: The demonic, ruined version of Nichibotsu-ku. ...Strangely, there was no shock on Akatsuki's expression. Only curiosity and confusion as she was unaware of the beast that had dragged Ms. Sasaki away and captivated the other members of the geography course in horror. Her eyes bounced between sights as she remained laying in Junko's lap, seeing and hearing the Aina girl approach to tell her new surrogate mother to carry the nun as the others had seemingly been unaware of her recent awakening. "I wouldn't worry too much about me," She forced a giggle to lighten the deathly serious, fearful mood. "As The Lord hath not taken me yet, and I will not be going without a scuffle of some sort."

Now, if only someone could find her a weapon, so it wouldn't be a fistfight she was going down with. 


Cast: Kumiko, Kazuma, Hibiki, Akatsuki

Kumiko felt a sense of relief now that her efforts to force Kazuma awake had succeeded. He had seemed to be just as confused and afraid as every other member of the group, a fact which she would have had some guilt over were it not for the potential danger in the surrounding area. Just knowing that he had somehow survived was comforting, After all they had taken quite a fall, a fact which still seemed particularly strange considering their destination. Even assuming they fell from that bizarre sky somehow the fact that they had gotten away with minimal injuries was nothing less than a miracle.

"We'," She mumbled back in response to her classmate's softly spoken question. An obvious statement to be sure, but at the moment there was little else to go off of. There were already several theories the first-year was forming in the back of her mind but given how she seemed to have predicted Sasaki-sensei's abduction in a manner of speaking she now found herself much more hesitant to speak her thoughts openly. Withdrawing a hand into her sleeve she reached up to wipe the sweat that had now drenched her head, her breathing now starting to normalize. Unfortunately Hideyoshi was now having his turn at expressing his fear which while understandable didn't quite match the kind of personality she had envisioned someone of his stature would hold. Seiji followed, surprisingly calm and collected as he suggested they remain together for safety. Then Takemi rose and echoed the concern for the missing woman that had until recently led this bizarre expedition. Once the group began to search for some kind of equipment she noticed Hibiki approaching the two of them, showing concern over their health.

"Ah, no. I mean yes. I think we're okay. Thanks senpai." Kumiko answered, looking toward Kazuma to give a quick nod in attempt to comfort him, but more so as a poorly disguised attempt to force herself to be courageous. After Hibiki explained their plan to the pair she found herself scanning the surroundings once more, becoming fixated on a circular trash can like many others that had been placed throughout the city. Like pretty much everything else surrounding them it had fallen into disrepair, the metal corroded with several small holes covering its body and the paint having long since began to peel away. Approaching the object she placed both her hands on it and pushed with a grunt, causing it to fall over with a loud thud and the contents to spill onto the ground. Deep down she knew the simple truth that she wasn't a fighter. She couldn't beat something with a blunt object, but at the very least if she could find broken glass there was the option to stick that monster if it came too close. Not the best object to handle, but options were limited. Yet most of the contents seemed to have been soft, molded remains of who knows what. As a powerful stench filled the area Kumiko raised a hand to cover her mouth, resisting the urge to gag. It was then that she noticed it; a tiny black handle sticking out from the mush. Carefully grabbing it with the tips of her finger and thumb she cautiously withdrew it, putting in effort not to accidentally flick any of the other contents onto her clothing.

'Now...what was this again?' The student wondered, staring at the thin rod. It looked as if it had been through some use going by the several faded scratches covering the strip of leather on the end opposite of the handle. Hearing Akatsuki finally return to them, she tapped her chin as an idea struck.

"Ah, great! I'm so glad you're okay!" She shouted out, grinning from ear to ear. "Now we can have an exorcism. You have that power, right? We may not have to fight it to save sensei at all!"
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Cast: Seiji

It was good to see everyone on board with his suggestion if nothing else. It seemed their next course of action was to find some form of protection. It certainly made sense that they should grab something to protect themselves, even if they were nothing more than a motley band of school students with little combat knowledge. Shortly after beginning his search, Hibiki called for Seiji's attention. He tossed him a large piece of wood. It was hardly the most fearsome of weapons, yet it somehow felt like a good fit for him. "Thanks." Seiji told him at the time. At least now he had something to swing at any potential kidnapping blobs of miasma. Everyone else busied themselves with similar tasks, or with tending to as of yet unconscious students. Junko raised the question of what to do with them. Seiji could only think that they would have to carry them with them somehow. Leaving them on their own, even if tended to, would be far too risky.

But he didn't end up needing to say a word, as their resident Christian finally rose to her feet. It seemed she was trying to put on a brave face, not unlike Seiji himself. It wasn't long after her awakening that Kumiko once again piped up with a ridiculous statement. Seiji didn't know if this was some attempt to lighten the mood or if she really hoped to have her preform an exorcism, but it didn't amuse Seiji. Shaking his head, he turned away from the two of them and started rooting around for weapons himself. The sooner they all found something to use, the quicker they could get about finding Ms. Sasaki and a way out of this place. As he dug through some rubble, he spied what looked like the handle of a gun. Finally, something that might be useful. However, upon digging it out, he soon found it was just a toy. Grimacing, he tossed it away, with it landing not far from Akatsuki.

All the rest of what he could was junk, more junk, and nothing but junk. Some of it might make a mildly useful improvised weapon, but for all the random assortment of things that could be found here, none of it could be classified as a real weapon. It was as if this was some kind of cruel joke. He could only hope the others would find something that suited them so they could all begin.
Hibiki smiled in relief to see that Akatsuki had finally woke. It would've put the entire group in a rather precarious position if they had to carry her going forward, not that any of them planned to leave her behind even if she was still in an unconscious state. Aina chimed in and asked Hibiki if it is even worth it to look around for weapons. After all, whatever pulled the entire group down here including their teacher had incredible strength. While Hibiki agrees that their chances when facing even just one of those monsters is slim at best, he tells Aina that they had to at least make an attempt to defend themselves when the time calls for it. Then, Kumiko brings up the idea that they may not have to use brute force to fight the monsters after all. Instead, they can rely on Akatsuki to exorcise the demons. Uhh... interesting theory. Hibiki can't tell whether Kumiko's joking or not; not even her huge grin gives it away. Seiji isn't amused however, and continues to dig through the rubble for anything that can be used as a weapon. Hibiki puts on a half smile and reminds everyone that Kumiko was right about there being something dwelling inside the hole they found earlier with Sasaki just so her idea doesn't get shunned by everyone. Who knows? Kumiko might very well be right again and it would definitely be easier than flailing wildly with pieces or wood or whatever else they may find.

But, just in case, Hibiki goes through another pile of rubble and, as luck would have it, he finds an actual weapon. An expandable baton—smaller than the kind a police officer may carry, but it will do; it's not like he'll find the legendary Excalibur in all of this garbage. Well, standing around here any longer won't yield any results. Once everyone procures a weapon of some kind, the group leaves in the direction that Hibiki pointed towards earlier. Unfortunately, they quickly encounter a barricade of rubble, blocking their path towards the Lower Downtown District and in the other directions are the ruins of collapsed buildings so no luck there either. The only path not blocked is the one they just came from. Even further bad news is that the barricade is too unstable to climb over. How did the monster manage to get over that? Well, it probably isn't an impossible feat for a monster, but for mere humans however... They'll need another way. Then, a thought comes into Hibiki's mind. Hibiki turns to the group and asks them if the subway system of Nichibotsu Station 5 will get them to the Lower Downtown District. While the building is in ruins, Hibiki did saw an underground entrance which is most likely the subway entrance. Once he gets a confirmation from one person in the group, they collectively decide that's the path they'll take to reach the Lower Downtown District. If fiction is anything to go by, monsters usually love making nests in dark underground places but what other choice do they have?

Ruined Nichibotsu Subway System

It is a pleasant—and unexpected—surprise to find the lights still working down here in the subway as Hibiki was almost certain they'd be walking through darkness. And it's not like they could use the light from their phones as they are in a completely frozen state. Hibiki wonders if these monsters are deterred by the light at all. If so, then they may not have to worry about fighting one any time soon. Hibiki scans around the subway to see if there is anything they can use or be cautious about. Nothing he can spot. However, he does take note of the television displays located all around them that is currently showing nothing but static. It's not an important detail but he makes a mental note of it anyways. The group continues south through the subway. According to one of his classmates, it should take about twenty minutes to get to the Lower Downtown District. Fortunately, that's not an incredibly long amount of time but it sure feels like it. There's an ominous atmosphere down here—an intense feeling of dread. The group treads carefully, scanning their environment at all times for possible signs of danger. Soon, they arrive at a platform with an abandoned train parked on the tracks. The train is damaged quite badly with large dents and scratches all over its body.

More television sets here on the walls too, each of them showing static like the last platform. But just as Hibiki makes a note of that, the televisions suddenly switches to video. What are the videos showing? Wait... Hibiki sees his classmates at different ages throughout their lives. Are these televisions showing their memories? Hibiki frantically looks to the others to see if they're seeing the same thing. They look immersed in what they're viewing, almost in a trance-like state even. The memories are strange however, like their distorted—twisted from the reality of things. Shadowy figures, surreal settings—nothing indicative of the real world yet his classmates can't seem to tell the difference between these memories on video versus their real memories considering how entranced they all appear. Hibiki doesn't know what to say so he silently waits while watching the television screens.

((Everyone is seeing a terrifying, twisted version of a bad memory or memories. And the more they watch, the more distorted the memory(ies) becomes. Each character can only see their own memory(ies) on the screens but Hibiki sees everyone's))
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Nichibotsu Subway System

Tears swelled up as Aina looked at the TV. The T.V showed something, as a fight going on the T.V.  All she saw next was a red screen, and some screams coming out of the T.V. "No this can't be happening" Aina said as she dropped her brush pole. She then heard the words "We are going to be together, and forever, and we'll have lots of fun!"  This was drawing more, and more insane, as the laughs got louder, and louder for Aina. "" Aina said as she put her head, and fell down to her knees. She looked up to see a very young girl, who was laughing, and held the bodies of two people that Aina already knew who they were. She saw everything unable to look away, as the girl dragged them away, into the festival.

This was one of the horrifying scenes, that Aina never wanted to see. She was so lost in thought that she didn't even know where she was, and had no idea what was going on, or the past events, all she could ever see was the image, of the little girl, with the bodies. The little girl on screen currently, was dressed in a kimono Aina realized, and that the bodies were dressed up as well. The girl kept on dragged them participating in games, and actually made the parents fake talked, by moving their jaws, and made voices for them. "We're going to be a happy family right?" asked the girl while she moved the jaw of one the bodies, and said "Yes yes we are our cute adorable daughter."

The words happy family, and daughter rang inside her ears. The past, that was oh so unbearable made her cry. Tears came out as she continued to hear the good happy ending, and the oh so loving family, that made her cry. This shouldn't be real, this can't be real. This was all a nightmare, Yes! Just a nightmare, maybe it will be soon over, Aina thought. The truth was however that this was reality at it's finest, and the T.V never paused, as Aina cried out more tears.
They’d only just gotten there and woken up and Hibiki was immediately dishing out orders.  Who put him in charge?  Takemi wanted to grumble, as she dug out a pair of scuffed, padded gloves from the debris.  Being petty about it wouldn’t solve anything, and Ms. Sasaki couldn’t exactly wait on them to bicker about a chain of command.  It was only after Hibiki had gathered everything he wanted that he mentioned where the monster had taken Ms. Sasaki.

Thankfully, everyone woke up before the group set off.  They didn’t have any way of treating someone who was seriously injured.  Akatsuki still might need a hospital visit after this.  Maybe they all would; Takemi shuddered at the thought.  Who could say what sort of creature they were going up against?  Despite Kumiko’s hopes of an outcome that didn’t involve fighting, most yōkai were easily agitated, and many would only stop pestering someone when given a show of force; this was especially true in the yōkai’s home territory.   

At the suggestion of an exorcism, Takemi spoke up,

“I’m not sure if an exorcism will be helpful,” she said, “That sort of thing is meant more for possessions, or trying to banish a yōkai from the human world back to the spirit world.  Still, we can keep the option open; we might actually need it.”  She smiled and gave a thumbs-up, “I’ve never done one before, but I’ll help any way i can, so I hope you can rely on me,”

Hibiki led the group in the direction he said Ms. Sasaki had been taken, but finding a barrier of rubble too high for them to pass, they were forced to turn around and find a different path.  The only way forward was through the Nichibotsu Subway System.  Even from the entrance, Takemi could feel the murk coming from that place.  She hesitated briefly, her legs trembling a little, before taking a deep breath and following everyone down.

Nichibotsu Subway System


The lights were on, but it didn’t do anything for her nerves.  She couldn’t sense any yōkai, but the air here still felt Wrong.  It didn’t hurt to breathe, or anything even similar.  It pulsed around her like a current.  The TVs that lined the walls showed only static, but the static bit into her mind, and seemed to scratch at it.  She screwed her eyes shut against it, using the lights of her classmates’ energies to navigate with the group.  She felt them all stop suddenly, and she managed to open her eyes.

She wished she hadn’t.

It starts by showing her as a grade-schooler, probably not much older than seven.  Even back then, she could see things.  She never kept quiet about it then, either.  She and her mom walking back from something when Takemi sees a boy in the street.  No one else can see him, but he’s there; Takem insists, but Mom won’t listen.  Takemi bolts, despite her Mother’s cries.  Takemi is grabbed and yanked back by her Mother before anything can happen.  A truck drives through the spot where the boy should be.  Beneath her Mother’s scolding, Takemi can hear other people’s voices.

“A wild-child”

“Her mother should hold onto her better.”

The Takemi watching the TVs gulped down a breath.  She tried look away, but all the TVs show the same thing.  She didn’t notice her classmates staring at the TVs too.  The TVs changed scenes.  Monstrous figures stared out at her, teeth sharp, eyes glowing.

“Does she even hear herself when she talks?”

“Mystic powers?  What are you, twelve?”

“It’s not a matter of if she was dropped on her head as a baby, but how often.”

As if my parents would be so careless, the Takemi watching thought.  The video kept going.  The figures grew larger, enveloping everything on the screen.  After a second or two, they shrunk back, revealing her family apartment.  Her mother knelt by a table, stacks of paper spread out in front of her.

“Takemi,” her Mother’s voice is empty.  “these ploys for attention have gotten out of hand.  Do you even think about how your actions affect others?”

Of course I do! Takemi shouted in her head.

“Obviously not,” her Mother continues unperturbed, “Otherwise you would have stopped years ago.  Now, I can realise that I’m a little at fault for humouring you all these years, but you should have realised it yourself.  Can’t you see how many problems you cause the family with your nonsense?  The neighbours think I’m an incompetent mother because you act like such a scatterbrain, if you even are acting.  If not, then it might be worse; I’ll be stuck raising a stupid child who won’t be able to take care of herself.

“Your Father and I have discussed it, and we decided that it would be best if you went away while we try and smooth things over.  There’s this nice boarding school you’ll be staying at that you somehow managed to make the grades for.  I hope you haven’t been cheating.  Maybe if you graduate and if things are settled here by then you can come back.

“I expect that you’ll have realised what’s wrong with you by then.”

“Mom?!” Takemi’s voice barely squeaked out.  Was that how it happened?  She couldn’t remember.  The same scene just kept playing over and over and over and over in her mind when she tried to think about it.  That was what her parents thought of her?  As a stupid, little attention whore?  An impudent brat?  A selfish idiot.  No. no, no, no, no…no! 


… That couldn’t be right….

Right?  But she couldn’t remember anything else... 
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"Ufufu~ Welcome back to the waking world, Akatsuki-chan." Junko said with a sigh of relief. She was starting to worry about Akatsuki's condition but now that she's up and seemingly stable, a sense of minor relief swept over her. That and the fact that she didn't have to worry about being potentially left behind with an unconscious person and only having a broken mop handle to defend themselves with. Junko quietly watched as the group discussed and moved off to where Hibiki last saw the monster drag Ms Sasaki off to. She took note of their surroundings as they walked. The atmosphere here was dead both figuratively and literally. With all the rubble and decay she can see. Not to mention the strange sky. The entire scene looks like a surrealist painting or something out of a cosmic horror novel. 

"Finding Sasaki-sensei would be hard with this in the way..." Junko muttered as they reached a shoddy blockade of rubble. Junko stared at the pile in horror at the thought of the monster being able to carry Ms Sasaki over the thing without causing it to collapse. What are we chasing here....? She thought, biting down on her knuckles to calm herself down. That was when Hibiki asked if there was an underground pathway to get to the Lower Downtown District from the train station. Junko racked her brains and remembered something.

"Well... If I'm not mistaken, there should be an underground pathway linking the station to where we're headed. We could give it a shot, Shirasagi-kun." Junko suggested. She simply listened to their discussion and agreed that the underground path is their only option. Little did they know, they were in for a nightmare.  

Ruined Nichibotsu Subway System 

"Ah, there is light here... That's slightly comforting..." Junko muttered as the group walked along the underground path. Her hands clutched her makeshift weapon tightly as she constantly scanned her surroundings. So far, nothing was happening. Everything was quiet except for the sound of their footsteps and the occasional comment. The group eventually reached a decrepit train platform with an equally decrepit train parked next to it. The TVs showed nothing but static at first anyway. As she stopped to investigate the train, she heard a familiar voice from a nearby television.

"WHY ARE YOU SUCH AN EMBARRASSMENT TO THIS FAMILY?!" A gruff voice resounded from the TV. A familiar voice that sent chills down Junko's spine. "K-Keifu...?"  

"Tch. Can it Oyaji. I'm my own man now. Besides, you aren't even my real dad anyway! Hell, you probably only married Kaa-san to look good right?!" A chill, slightly younger voice replied in a rude tone. "A-Amuro-niisan...?"

"P-please you two... Stop fighting!" "Niisaaaan!! Tousaaan!! Stop it!!" 

Junko worked up the courage to look at the TV and saw it. There she saw a younger her being shielded by her mother. Oddly enough, her mother had bruises on her face and arms while her stepfather's face was twisted to resemble an oni kabuki mask. Her older brother's face was similarly distorted to show a gaunt, skull-like face. The younger her on the screen was pleading for the two to stop fighting. 

"N-no... It can't be...." Junko gasped, dropping the mop handle in shock and slumping onto the floor. The other TVs showed similar scenes. The scene soon blurred and changed. This time, it showed an older Junko wearing her old junior high uniform staring into space.

"" The TV version of her muttered as it showed the scene she was watching. Her brother was lying on the floor. His body was convulsing as a foamy green ooze leaked out of a puncture wound on his arm and his mouth. A rusted looking syringe lay nearby with a dark ominous slime leaking out of the needle. The TV version of her rushed over in a panic, shaking his body.

"Amuro-nii? W-what did you do?! Wake up.... Please..... WAKE UP!!" The TV version of her wailed as their surroundings crumbled into a hellish black void. Her older brother's body crumbled into dust as distorted figures surrounded her.

"Hey? Did you hear about her brother?" 
"Yeahyeah! I heard he went and took drugs, overdosed himself..."
"Heh, he deserved it anyway. I feel sorry for her though. She should distance herself from ne'er-do-wells like him."
"Yeah yeah. She should just FORGET him and MOVE ON."

"Such a shame... Such a shame... Shame... Shame..." 

"N-no... Stop.... I-its never happened like that... D-did it....? I-I...." Junko muttered, clutching her head as the scene started to loop at a scene of her staring at her brother lying in the hospital bed. His body was gaunt and corpse like and the same oni-faced man stood by her, his hand on her shoulder.

"We should let him rest. Your mother is being unreasonable in hoping that he'll wake up one day. The brain damage is too severe. He may never wake up ever again." 

"Never... wake up...? B-but the Doctors... He won't... wake up...? I... I... thought the doctors.... They.... I...." Junko deliriously muttered to herself, staring at the scene on the TV. 


Cast: Hideyoshi Amori

Hideyoshi has been on edge since he woke up and this damned place and he was barely paying attention to his surroundings. Only glacing to his side to see if his classmates were okay and when he sees that they were he went back to busy mind and thought back how to handle this whole mess. Rush thoughts went and left his mind as he stood there, he stood there for so long that the group has gone forward without him, but id didn't mean anything when they returned from an unsuccessful trip. Hideyoshi only noticed the group when they left a second time, down to the subway system. Hide followed them wordlessly in the back of the group.

Ruined Nichibotsu Subway system

The lights were on. Which was a small blessing to count at the very least, at least they won't have to wonder the dark, god did he hated the dark. Hide was looking down to the ground the entire time they walked. This whole thing made him feel weak and useless. He hasn't felt this weak or useless since-

"Why don't you just die already?!" A manly voice drunkenly slurred out as a slap could be heard from a nearby TV. Hideyoshi knew that voice. It couldn't be. "Dad...?" Was all that escaped his lips as he turned to the televisions. He wished he didn't.

On the screen was a large oni like man with a sake bottle in one hand and the other tighten into a fist was standing over a child about 7 or 8 grabbing his bruised face as he cried from the pain. The Oni Looked angrier as the child kept cried, the oni raised his hand which Caused Hideyoshi to closed his eyes and look away as the sounds of a painful smacking noise could be heard from the TV. 

"Stop Crying! Or you get another beating!" The voice said as the crying became louder shortly after the voice growled and then the sounds of kicking and punching could be heard from the TV. Hideyoushi was crying now as the memory resurfaced and was brought back violently. Hideyoshi peaked at the TV with tears falling down his eyes. The child has since stopped crying, the child just laid there silently, the drunken oni seems like it was satisfied with his work and stumbled away slowly before crashing on the floor in a drunken mess. Hideyoshi felt the pain like it was just yesterday. Each bruise stung like it was freshly made, her could feel every bone misaligned or shattered, baby teeth knocked out and the taste of blood in his mouth. The TV suddenly started to go fast forwarding. The scene fast forwarding past days and nights, the Oni was moving in and out of he room with a different drink every day and then passing out on the floor, but the thing that stayed the same was the boy who laid where he was beaten, he didn't move an inch until the third day. Where suddenly faceless men in police smashed into the room and dragged the boy to a stretcher while they handcuffed the oni.

The Scene changed to a unnaturally large court room. The boy from before had a bandaged up face which covered up his left eye and he obviously had teeth missing, one of his arms was in a cast. A tall faceless man stood next to the boy and was speaking to him without a mouth, cold, large words that the boy didn't understand, the man dug into the boys past not caring if he was pain or didn't want to talk about it. He wanted to win this case even if he has to make the boy relived those three nights. Suddenly the boy was taken to a larger room full of more faceless people and the Oni glaring at the boy with hate, barely containing his rage. The Scene fast forwards again, the boy asking a million questions some words can be heard from the TV even while going fast forward. "Hit...Kicked.... Locked up.... Beaten... Didn't feed...Thirsty... Sick..." These words made Hideyoshi sick.

"Stop...Stop...Stop...Stop...Stop...Stop..Stop" Hideyoshi muttered as he covered his ears trying in vain to make the words and scene to stop replaying in his mind. He wanted to puke he wanted to cry. He wanted it to end.

Ruined Nichibotsu Subway System

Cast: Kumiko

While she was happy that Hibiki and Takemi both deemed her suggestion one worth considering the explanation as to what it was actually for left Kumiko feeling upset. Despite the minimal amount of thought that had gone into that she couldn't help but feel proud of that sudden spark of inspiration. Challenging whatever that creature was seemed like an impossible task, so she had hoped she could rely on Akatsuki to simply snap her fingers and make it disappear in a cloud of smoke. It was too hopeful. It was unrealistic to think it could've worked. Yet considering where they were and what they were chasing everything about this world seemed to from the back of someone's mind. Who was to say that she couldn't figure out some way to use their imagination to save themselves? In the end it was all she really had to offer.

Following the group into the now abandoned subway she was surprised to see that lights were still powered on, several out of place monitors displayed throughout the area. Far too many. An almost comical amount all displaying the same meaningless static. As they progressed further into the unknown she attempted to remain focused on the path ahead rather than the oddities surrounding them, but a voice rose above everything.

"You're being childish."

Kumiko flinched at the familiar, stern voice and turned toward the source. One of the screens had stopped displaying static and instead was showing a room that was all too familiar. A massive bed sat in the corner with an elegant wooden desk beside it, various textbooks piled onto it covering a number of advanced subjects. The rest of the room was covered from side to side by tall bookshelves. While it was a rather spacious area the sheer amount of these gave the air a suffocating feeling, as if within any second the walls could close in around you.

"Yes. father." A small child wearing a white sundress lay on the floor in the center of the room. While it wasn't entirely clear she couldn't have been older than nine. Her words had an almost mocking tone to them as she stared blankly at the ceiling, playing with a strand of her long curly hair by idly twirly it around her finger. Kumiko found herself dragging her feet toward the video though she couldn't quite explain why. Fear that the others may see, perhaps? No, that wasn't quite it. Having balled her hands up into fists, she tried to focus on the sensation of nails digging into her skin but quickly found herself being fully immersed into the screen, her eyes now displaying a deep emptiness.

"The attitude isn't necessary. I'm doing this for you. You do understand that, right?" The voice of the older man had been coming from the other side of the sole door, the lock having been flipped one the opposite side at some point prior to his appearance. Hints of his shadow peaked from underneath the frame, shifting about anxiously as he attempted to converse with the girl. As she continued to stare straight ahead her vision started to become blurred by the tears that was forming.

"Yes, father." She responded flatly, forcing her eyes shut in an effort to prevent herself from completely breaking down crying. It couldn't happen now. Rolling over onto her stomach she pushed herself to her feet, dusting herself off. Walking to the desk she grabbed onto a small notepad that lay among the textbooks, gripping onto it tightly as she she looked back to the door.

"You're better than him. You're better than all of them. That's why I had to deal with this. I'll never let anyone hurt you. So please, just come out." He pleaded, the sound of the doorknob shaking as he attempted to enter. At this point the girl couldn't tolerate this situation any longer. Hastily slipping on a pair of sandals, she approached a window and wrestled with the latch, lifting it upward after a short moment. The sunlight and sounds of chirping birds filled the room. Glancing back to the door which was still shaking lightly as he continued to try and open the door, she let out a dismissive scoff and climbed over the ledge. As she made the short drop, the entire video seemed to distort for a short moment before a brief flash of static once again filled the screen. After a few seconds the video returned, some time having passed since her departure. Several police officers had all parked within one another, and a lone ambulance sat in the center of it all. The light from the sirens and the moon served to illuminate them, the buildings of the neighborhood faded into the background. The girl was now witting on a bench nearby, holding onto the notepad pressed to her chest as the chatter from the crowd increased.

"Seems like he snapped. Just broke in and went nuts."

"I never would have expected this from someone like him. It's scary to think what people can do even if you know them."

"That poor family. Apparently it's because his daughter ran out? I know that's scary, but..."

"Shut up! She's right over there!"

"So what? She caused this. She shouldn't get away with it just because she thinks she's better than us."

At this statement the girl looked toward the group, unable to hold back the tears any longer. Countless eyes were all staring at her no longer even attempting to hide their contempt. The discussion continued, increasing in volume as they all began to speak ill of her. Turning away from them she laid down on her side, setting her belonging down as she pressed her hands to her ears in an effort to block everything out.

"I didn't...know. Just stop. Stop already." Kumiko whispered, looking toward the ground in an effort to ignore the video. As if in response the crowd's discussion continued to increase in volume. Trembling she slowly sat onto the ground, hugging her legs and buried her face into her knees.
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Cast: Seiji

Seiji could scarcely believe that some people were actually taking Kumiko's ideas seriously. Even if they had clearly become witnesses to something supernatural, there was no reason to believe that exorcisms were going to help out in this mess. Kumiko may have been right once before as Hibiki noted, but unless she actually knew these things were going to happen, Seiji couldn't care less. Not to mention that if she was aware a shadowy hand was going to grab their teacher today, she certainly didn't do anything about it. Then Seiji began to feel stupid for even thinking about this so much. They were probably all just humoring her. Whatever the case, as long as they weren't about to stop to preform some ridiculous ritual, it wasn't any of Seiji's business. It seemed that Hibiki had effectively taken charge of the group, and lead them in search of Ms. Sasaki. They found the obvious route blocked. Hibiki brought up the idea of using the subway system to go around it. Seiji wasn't so sure if they could really rely on conventional wisdom in this warped dimension, but he had no better ideas to contribute. He simply followed along, content to let himself be led while he had no way of being sure of what he was doing.

Ruined Nichibotsu Subway System

The choking atmosphere of this place was beginning to make Seiji wonder if it wasn't supposed to be some form of dungeon. As if they had been put in this place just to make them feel as unpleasant as possible. In spite of being fully lit, he couldn't help but feel all the more apprehensive with every step. Even the most familiar elements of their environment were distorted. The trains were battered and scratched, and the televisions showed nothing but static. All except for one, at least. Seiji's eye caught a rather peculiar sight on one of the screens, and his attention was immediately held.

From what he could see, it was a group of people assaulting another. They get beating the figure with whatever they had on them; sticks, shovels, or their own fists. They were shouting relentlessly, drowning out whatever pitiful cries could be heard from their victim.

"You don't own us!"

"We'll never take your abuse ever again!"

They continued to yell lines like this as they struck the person again and again. It was enough to make Seiji cringe. But the worst part was when he was finally able to make out the faces. The man being beaten black and blue was him. The ones assaulting him were none other than his former friends. They all looked just as they did two years ago. It was just like that time. 

"....Are you mocking me?" Seiji murmured to himself through clenched teeth. It was just like that time, but it was not that time. It was all wrong. It was nothing like this. "Is this supposed to be an insult!?" He cried out. Why was this even here? Who had made this? Was it a punishment? Did they seek to drag out all that drama and humiliation once again? Seiji's blood was boiling in his veins. He had tried so hard to get past it all and just carry on, but now someone wanted to rub it in his face with this obscene video. "Haven't I suffered enough!?" He yelled again. He raised his club over his head and slammed it hard on the ground. It was an act of frustration; he wanted to scream, to smash the television, to find whoever made this and return the favor. But the more the anguished thoughts streamed through his mind, the more he realized how ridiculous he was being. He HAD done wrong. He DID deserve this. Slumping to his knees, he gritted his teeth in a vain effort to make the pain go away. His stupidity was lain out before him once again. The time he had lost everything that meant something to him by his own hand was literally haunting him. Perhaps, he considered, this was a just punishment.
Hibiki watches helplessly as his classmates crumble around him. They grew more and more hysterical as the videos continued to play. Some of them became enraged, some grew motionless, while others completely broke down. But why only his classmates? Hibiki can't help but wonder. The eight televisions on the wall shows footage for each one of Hibiki's classmates; there is none for himself. Regardless whatever the case may be, his thoughts will have to wait as there are more pressing matters at hand. Using his baton, Hibiki attempts to smash the television screens but to no avail. They seem unbreakable. He then attempts to calm his classmates down but they are entirely unaware of his presence or voice. Damn it. Hibiki never felt more powerless. Suddenly, the sinister laughter of a young girl fills the air. "You can't help them! You can't help them," the voice repeats over and over again. Then, the footage on the screens transitions into solid white images with a black letter on each screen, spelling out, "N O E S C A P E", before the screens suddenly burst, discharging shards of glass everywhere. Hibiki instinctively puts his arm in front of his face to protect himself from the shards of glass but, as they make contact with any surface, they disintegrate into static, causing no harm.

Consequently, as the televisions shattered, Hibiki's classmates suddenly regain their sanity. Noticing this, Hibiki rushes to their side and waits for them to calm themselves. Whatever just happened, Hibiki clearly can't explain but he knows they should get above ground right now. But just as his classmates regain what's left of their composure, the little girl's voice began to speak once more. "Hehe," she snickers, "wasn't that fun? Do you all want to play with me again?" Whoever is speaking is seriously demented, not that that's any surprise. "Let's be friends, okay?" The voice proposes. Hibiki remains silent. "Since we're friends, I want you all to do just one more thing for me... Would you die for me please...?" At the edge of the platform, shadowy hands appear, digging their claws into the metal platform surface. Climbing up onto the platform are four shadowy blob-like monsters—the same kind that took Sasaki and dragged the group down here in the first place. Each one of them has a mask of a varying shape with a different Roman numeral on each of their foreheads. The situation is bleak. The group is cornered; there seems to be no escape. Various thoughts are probably running through the students' minds, possibly including the thought that this is the end for them.

Hibiki doesn't say a word but has his baton at his side ready to go down fighting. Despite his brave front, he knows how the situation will end: they don't stand a chance against these monsters. Then, Hibiki's headache from this morning returns but, this time, it is magnified tenfold. His head pulsates with an indescribable pain while numerous indistinct whispers echoes through his mind. He takes several steps back while clutching his head with his free hand. He soon ends up leaning against the wall behind him, using it as support. This is an inopportune time to be experiencing a headache of this magnitude, not while death creeps ever closer. Then, Hibiki goes limp, hanging his head down as if he fell unconscious while his legs remain standing. "Do you wish to escape?" A voice, similar to his own, speaks in his mind. "Or are you content with this reality?" In his mind, Hibiki shakes his head in denial to a shadowy figure. The voice chuckles lightly in response. "Then pry it from fate's grip with your own two hands. The time has come. Call me forth... Your inner self!" Hibiki abruptly looks up; he possesses a sinister grin and his eyes changes color into a ominous bright yellow. His free hand is then engulfed in a bright blue flame and he presses that hand upon his face.

"Per... so... na." The flame consumes his entire head and materializes into a white rabbit mask; his yellow eyes are still apparent through the mask's eye holes. Blue flames swirl around Hibiki like a vortex and several blue butterflies can be seen flying around him. The flames then culminate into a single towering figure and, as the flames dissipate, an entity clad in black and white wielding a shadowy sword is revealed. "I am thou... Thou art I... From the sea of thy soul I cometh... I am Sigurd... And I shall sever the strings of destiny with my sword, tempered in the flame that is your defiant spirit!" The Persona speaks aloud. Sigurd charges at the monsters. He grabs hold of one and throws it against the train with such force that it causes the train to lean on its side. Before the train can set back down, Sigurd cuts it—along with the monster—in half; the part of the train where the cut was made is searing with heat. Three remaining. One of the monsters lunges at Sigurd. Without turning around, Sigurd brings his sword behind him in a backward swing, cleaving the monster in half. As its bifurcated corpse falls to the ground, it dissipates into nothingness. Two remaining. Sigurd turns around and sets his sight on one of the two remaining monsters. He brings his hand up and, in an instant, the creature is engulfed in flames, charring it to naught but ash which, too, disappears. One remaining. It seems the monster has no concept of self-preservation as it leaps at Sigurd who simply impales it with his free hand and envelopes it in flames. He tosses the burning corpse aside and lets it scorch away.

With the last of those shadowy monstrosities defeated, Sigurd disappears along with Hibiki's yellow eyes while his mask shatters into ephemeral fragments. Hibiki walks towards his classmates and, lacking anything to say about what had just transpired, simply asks them if they're okay. But, just as Hibiki poses the question, he sees something in the distance: more of those shadowy monsters. Hibiki attempts to call forth his Persona once more but his attempt proves too late as the creatures pounces onto his classmates and forces themselves down his classmates' throats. Their bodies begin to violently quake as shadowy masks appear on their faces; their eyes also turn bright yellow but, unlike himself, his classmates give off a completely different, more malevolent aura. Their bodies stop shaking as they pull themselves off the ground to confront Hibiki. One thing is clear: they're not themselves...
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Kazuma knew he had to calm down.  In a situation like this panicking  was the worst possible thing he could do after all. “Stay calm. Deep breaths”  Kazuma mumbled to himself.  Slowly he began to feel the anxiety inside of him subside. He was still scared but was at least able to function [SIZE=10.5pt][/SIZE]

As he rose up and began to look at the other students who  were in this situation.   A few of them seemed to be fairly well adjusted considering the circumstances while a few others seemed to be such a bit more fearful.   After seeing Kumiko giving him a reassuring   nod he decided to give a small nod back. As the group began to get together Kazuma started to get himself up to speed on the situation. Not only were they trapped here but Sasaki was taken by some type of creature.  After hearing the suggestion from Hibiki, the taller looking boy, that they search for weapons Kazuma began to look inside the rubble to find see if he could find anything of use. Just as Kazuma was about to give up he noticed a sharp looking object covered by what looked like some cardboard. It seemed to be a slightly rusty hatchet. While it was in fairly bad condition it still seemed to be at least sort of usable so Kazuma decided to take what he could get. After all if there really was some kind of monster that took Sasaki he would need some way to defend himself right? AS the group began to leave the area Kazuma began to follow them as well.

[SIZE=15pt]Ruined Nichibotsu Subway system[/SIZE]

Kazuma  nervously followed the others as they began to enter the subway system. While a Kazuma was able to have  a sigh of relief  with the realization of the lights working.  But even with that that still did not help relieve the fear of being in this strange place.  As the group walked through this subway Kazuma began to notice  that TV screens were lined up around the walls. Kazuma stopped as the TV’s began to switch from static to a strange looking video. With a small boy on the screen.  It took Kazuma few seconds to figure it out only to realize that  the small child on the screen was him. And that smaller him was unconscious.  The younger Kazuma was inside  a small hospital room.  He remembered that room, the rough white walls , the small messy bed. The child began to start screaming, writhing in pain.  Tears running through the child’s eyes as doctors rushed in.   The scene faded out in favor of showing something a bit later.  Kazuma was already on his knees at this point. He remembered that pain the video had just showed. He remembered that tight constricting feeling in his chest that just grew tighter and tighter. He remembered how much he had to struggle just to get a single breath.  “No.. no! Not again not again!” As the video continued it showed a slightly older Kazuma siting in what looked to be  a middle school classroom.   “Isn’t he the kid who keeps staring at people?” “ Yeah he just goes up to people and then runs away creepy right?”  “I heard his parents are sending him to some school in another country or something? “  “Wow! Maybe he did something crazy? Werid kids like him are basically just ticking time bombs”  “Yep people like that  are the sorta people you wanna avoid.”  “Oh definitely those are just the kind of people who should die!” 

Kazuma simply sat there crying mumbling to himself “Please stop! Stop it!” Slowly the video began to fade away with the words “NO ESCAPE “ appeared on the screen before it burst into shards.. As Kazuma began to regain focus on the world around him he noticed a small girl.”[SIZE=10.5pt]  [/SIZE]"Since we're friends, I want you all to do just one more thing for me... Would you die for me please...? the small girl said. Just from the way she talked Kazuma was sure there was something suspicious about her. He noticed the various monsters appearing around him and the rest of the group. He frantically looked for an escape route but there seemed to be none in sight. Was this it? Was this how  he would die?  He had a weapon so he might be able to fight back a little bit but these creatures seemed to be much stronger compared to the class and there current makeshift weapons. Just when things began to seem there bleakest Kazuma began to see blue flames appear around one of the other students, Hibiki. D-did those creatures set him on fire?! But then the flames dissipated around the second year him now with yellow eyes and a strange rabbit mask but also revealing some strange new creature holding a sword appearing near Hibiki which then immediately began to attack the monsters infront of them with extreme ease. Kazuma was in awe at what ever that thing was and it almost seemed as though Hibiki was controlling it. After the four monsters were defeated the threat seemed to be over as the large creature that  defeated them,”Sigurd” as it called himself had finally disappeared. Kazuma let out a slightly loud sigh of relief as Hibiki began to ask the group if they were okay. This was  short lived however as suddenly  more creatures began to come to the group and fast. The next thing Kazuma knew he was being pounced on by one  of these creatures and pushed to the ground. While he tried to push it off he realized it was no use as he slowly began to  lose conciseness.

Ruined Nichibotsu Subway System

Cast: Hideyoshi Amori

Suddenly while Hideyoshi was repeating his mantra of stop, the TV's flashes the Words "N O E S C A P E" Which brought hideyoshi back from his flashback of an old and sickening memory. He looked like he was about to punch the TV's due to how pissed he is being forced to relive that memory of his old man. And when the demented voice started to speak up speaking its venomous taunts at the group. The voice made Hideyoshi's blood boil. "The fuck kind of friend makes them relived that horrible shit!" Hideyoshi yelled out angrily as he lifts up his middle finger at where he thought he heard the voice. "I will live just to fucking spite you!" Hideyoshi growled as he grabbed his darts and got ready to fight back the shadowy monsters that are makign their way up the platform. The first thing that ran though Hideyoshi's mind was that he will surivie and keep his classmates alive just to utterly spite the body less bitch who dared to taunt him by making him relive his horrible memories.

Although Hideyoshi knew there was little chance of survival he live as long as he can just so he can keep that bitch from getting the satisfaction of killing him quickly. But before he could start his fruitless attacks, Hibiki doubled over and look he is about to pass out, Hideyoshi looked at him with a worried expression and called out, "Hey! Cool kid?! Are you okay?!" Suddenly after he called out to Hibiki he looked up with a unnerving grin and his eyes changed to a brilliant gold. "What the shit?!" Hideyoshi let out in shock as his underclassmen's hand catches on fire and he pressed it on his face. 

Hideyoshi watched as his seemingly possessed classmate says Persona and a mask materialized on his face and he seemingly summoned an armored man as he attacked the shadowy monsters, ripping them apart. Hideyoshi was amazed and relived that the group now has a fighting chance to survive this whole shit show. but that relief was short lived. The monsters returned in force and before Hibiki could summon his persona the shadows attacked him and his classmates and the last thing he felt was that thing going down his throat and something forming on his face and then he passed out. Unknown to Hideyoshi his body started to stand up and started to reach for the darts in his pockets. 


Hideyoshi woke up to a cold and hard floor pressed against his face. Hideyoshi laid there for a moment, until his eyes shot open and he lifted himself off the floor and stood in the middle of room on his knee looking around in confusion, "Are you Guys Okay?!" Hideyoshi yelled out to his classmates but all he sees was that he wasn't in the subway system anymore. Instead he remembered this hellscape right away when his mind cleared up from his initial worry. Hideyoshi bit his lip as he stood up fully finally getting a clearly look of where he is. He was in his old basement back when he lived with his old man. He was locked down here when he gotten in trouble with his old man, which was over silly shit like drinking water without his permission or eating at all. This place made him sick. But it doesn't look exactly like that basement now that he looks around more.There were hallways where there shouldn't be and and it smelt of cheap booze but he remembered all the cemented walls and cold colors that made it feel like a prison. 

"You had it coming..." A voice suddenly spoke up which caused Hideyoshi to jump in surprised, it sounded like his own voice but more echoed and unnatural like it was speaking to him both outside and inside his mind. And what did it mean he had it coming? "You're such a punk.... If only you were a better child maybe he wouldn't have had to drink." The voice echoed, Hideyoshi now knew what the voice was talking about. And it pissed him off that it would say such things. "Fuck you! I was just a kid!" Hideyoshi yelled out raising his middle again at the general direction of the voice. "All you know is anger and spite." The voice echoed in retaliation to him, Hideyoshi lowered his middle finger meekly. "That's the only reason why you exist." The continued to echo in his mind Hideyoshi looked down to the ground tightening his hands into fist as they lay on each side of him. "To spite others and to be angry, you know nothing but those two things, anything else might as well be alien planets."  The taunted Hideyoshi. Hideyoshi started to walk down the hallway with his head lowered and his hands still in fist. Suddenly when he walking down the hall there was a door that looked out of place and looked like the main entrance to Koden Academy. Hideyoshi looked up and let out a grin. "Who says living purely out of spite and anger is a bad thing?" Hideyoshi spoke proudly as he gripped the handle of the door and opened it. As he opened the door light spilled out of it, blindingly and when Hideyoshi opened his eyes and they adjusted to the light, he sees that he is in front of the entirety of the school and he was wearing a graduation robes and he was holding the valedictorian award in his hands. Hideyoshi let out a grin as he looked over the students below him with a proud smile. "To be angry is to feel, I use my anger to keep moving forward and to make things fair, I use my spite so others don't have to be spiteful themselves I fight for what's right and to make things right even if I have to fight my way to make it so. But I will never falter and nor will I ever become my father." Hideyoshi spoke aloud to the audience and when he was finished the entirety of the audience stood up and clapped for him and some cheered.

This is Hideyoshi deepest desire. To graduate as valedictorian and becoming more then his father ever was. A caring and hopeful figure to look up to.


"Stop... I can't take this...." Junko pleaded as the TV screen distorted and flashed the message, "N O E S C A P E". The screen suddenly cracked and exploded, throwing shards everywhere before they vanished into static. Junko's mind slowly cleared and she blinked, stirring herself from her stupor. She slowly got up on her feet and grasped the mop handle. 

"How unfortunate... To have my memories displayed like that..." Junko hissed, her temper flaring up as she glared at the broken TV, blinking back angry tears. She had half the mind to skewer the damned thing when a demented, child-like voice taunted the group. Junko glanced around, her weapon poised for action as shadowy hands clawed up the station platform. Junko was prepping herself for combat when Hibiki suddenly collapsed onto his knees. 

"Shirasagi-kun!" Junko cried out in surprise as the same time Hideyoshi exclaimed. She was about to rush forward to help him when Hibiki glanced up with a scary grin and his eyes shining a brilliant yellow. Her surprise intensified when she saw his hand burst into flames before he pressed that hand on his face. Junko watched in awe as Hibiki summoned his Persona before decimating the approaching shadows. 

"Such power...." Junko muttered in surprised, staring at the spectacle Hibiki showed. Before she knew it, Hibiki was done banishing the shadows. Junko was about to sigh with relief when more shadows appeared, one of them managing to pounce on her before she could react. Junko would feel the thing forcing its way into her mouth and down her throat. As her consciousness faded, a mask formed on her face and her body stood up by itself, her yellow eyes shining with malice as she picked up the mop handle.


  Hospital Room (?)

"Ah!" Junko bolted up a rather comfortable bed. She glanced around her surroundings to find herself in a clean, empty hospital room. She got up out of the bed and walked over to find that the windows were coated with a dark substance on the outside, blocking her view. Junko was initially confused with her surroundings before it turned to fear when she saw the flowers on the table next to the bed. Chrysanthemums. Her older brother Amuro's favorite flower. That's when it hit her, the room she was in is no doubt her brother's hospital room back in Kyoto. 

"H-how did I get here...? And why am I here...?" Junko wondered aloud when she was startled by an answer.

"Oh dear me, I wonder why?" A familiar sarcastic voice replied. Junko jumped slightly as she heard the voice.

"Who's there?! S-show yourself!" Junko shouted, the fear creeping on her as she glanced around. She couldn't see anyone but she had a chilling feeling that she recognized that voice. After all, who wouldn't recognize their own voice? Even if it was dripping with malice and sarcasm.

"Hmmph. I figured you would say that. After all, it would be easier to argue with someone you can see no? Then why not look in the mirror?" The voice sarcastically replied. Junko started to panic. 

"W-why are you doing this...?" Junko fearfully asked. She edged towards the door and gave the handle a try. It moved but the door won't budge. She pressed her back up against the door and looked around the room in a panic.

"Why? WHY?! Of all things you ask WHY?! You already know the answer Hasegawa Junko! For I AM YOU. AND YOU ARE ME! After all.... We both can both agree that we hate Stepfather. We both hate Mother. And most of all.... WE. HATE. AMURO-NII." The voice taunted with a laugh. Junko was horrified at the thought that she had the same feelings as the being that was talking to her.

"N-..... I....." Junko looked ashamed and defeated but she was starting to realize that she truly did have those feelings. She recalled her last conversation with her mother on the phone. She disrespected her Stepfather. She disobeyed her Mother. And she hated her older brother for leaving her alone. Junko could feel the hot tears trickle down her cheeks.

"You're right... I am a horrible person... I hated Mother for being needy. I hated Stepfather for hating Amuro-nii. And I hated Amuro-nii for leaving me alone... That's right... I hated them. But I still love them! Isn't that what family is for?! We may hate and despise one another but in the end we will always depend on each other! Isn't that it?! Isn't that what family is for?!!" Junko shouted into the empty room. She felt the door lock behind her click. She quickly grasped the handle and opened it. A bright light stunned her for a moment before she found herself back home in Kyoto. Sitting at the dinner table were her Mother, Stepfather and surprisingly, Amuro.

"Ah, Junko-chan. Just in time for dinner. I made your favorite omurice today." Her Mother called with a wide smile.

"Oh Junko. This is a lucky day indeed! I finally managed to get the weekend off so let's go to the planetarium later alright?" Her Stepfather said with a happy chuckle.    

"Pshheheheh. What are you getting all teary-eyed for, Koko? C'mon, the omurice's getting cold!" Her older brother snorted.

"E-everyone's here...." Junko wept, rubbing her eyes. This was it, this is all Junko ever wants. For her family to be back together like the old days. 


"No just stop" Aina lifted her head to see 'N O E S C A P E". After those words the T.V just popped in front of her. Shards went everywhere, and gave Aina a minor cut on her arm. Aina's reality came back into her mind, as she took several deep breathes, and calmed down after the T.V event happened. She looked around her. Everyone else was pretty much shit except Hibiki, how strange, but this was serious, she needed to think clearly, and get back to focusing.

She looked back to Hibiki, from the floor to him, and saw he fell down to his knees. A few of her classmates went to him to see if he was right, but Aina remained kneeling to where she was because she was damn too tired, and too mentally exhausted to move. She then freaked out when she saw those yellow eyes that weren't Hibiki's appeared. He then saw him call a persona, and watched in horror, while some were amazed.

Aina didn't stop looking in horror until Hibiki's persona disappeared. It was quite strange, and really frightening. To see that. Unfortunately this caught her off guard as shadow slipped pasted Hibiki who tried to summon his persona in time but failed. Aina gut lunged at, and the shadowy blob entered her, and her vision went black.

Festival Event

Aina slowly regained vision, to a festival of some sort. There were poles that were connected with strings that had paper lanterns on them. There were many stalls and what not. It was a very lively place so to speak, except one thing there weren't any people around. This place was the last time that her parents, were happy, the time when she was a kid. The moment soothed her until something spoke.

"And we're never going to have that happy ending" A voice said as it echoed inside her mind. 

Aina snapped back from her thoughts as she heard a echo, throughout her head. The same voice that came from the televisions. "Damn I am never going to watch television ever in my life" Aina thought to her self, and ran to somewhere. There had to be somewhere to go, somewhere to escape from this nightmare. The voice kept on persisting as she ran.

"What's the use? There's never going to be happiness, and there's never going to be anything good" The voice said as Aina raced through the area. The place was huge to say, and the voice was going to make Aina insane as she traveled throughout the area. 

"No there has to be a way they can be happy still" Aina said out loud as she continued to race around the area. Everything turned eerie as she passed through all the stalls, and the items in them were beginning to change. Some had sad faces, some turned into a horrifying object while others just laughed at Aina as she ran thorugh the place try to escape in this twisted nightmare.

Ruined Nichibotsu Subway System

Kumiko continued to hide her face as if to somehow prevent any more of her past from being pried from her mind and displayed in front of her classmates. The fact that they were able to even do so hurt much more than any physical blow ever cloud. This wasn't what she wanted. Something like this couldn't have been what she wanted, right? Even if it was one of the worst moments of her life tucking it away forever seemed like an even worse offense, but nobody else had the right to toy with it in that way. Raising her empty gaze back toward the television she moved her lips just enough to let out a single, barely audible letter.

"E?" Still fixated on her own monitor her eyes slowly slid from start to end, piecing together the message that had been left for her. In her absent minded state the malicious intent behind it didn't quite register causing her to tilt her head just as the glass shattered, blowing her hair back from the force. Staring unflinching at the sudden explosion several shards landed directly onto her, all of which immediately disappeared in an otherworldly static. Free from the grasp of whatever had taken hold of her soul she reached up to brush the completely absent debris away, climbing to her feet as the amused voice finally reached her.

Friends. She wanted to be friends? No, there was no chance of that. Looking over her group she could tell that they must've gone through something terrible as well. Aina and Junko were shaken. Kazuma had been crying. Hideyoshi was furious. Squeezing the handle of the riding crop she found earlier, she watched as shadows began to appear.

"I'm better than you." Kumiko mumbled, her usual sunny demeanor gone as her words began to drip with venomous intent. Before she even had the chance to strike a blue light caught the corner of her eye, the transfer student burst into blue flames and, of all strange things, butterflies. Within a few seconds they drifted in front, forming a massive figure clad in black and white. Hibiki seemed...different. Putting aside the dumb mask, his eyes were now a bright yellow as he began dispatching the threat with fair ease.

"That was..." She struggled to find the right word. Amazing? Terrifying? Perhaps both. Just how long had he been holding out on the group like that? Marching toward the transfer student, she paused as she noticed him looking toward something in the distance. Attempting to turn to examine it herself, she was knocked to ground by an unseen force and the shadow quickly slid down her throat.

Empty Movie Theater

'The End'


Slowly opening her eyes, Kumiko realized that she was in a run down theater. Several of the chairs had been lifted and removed from their places entirely, trash filled the rows. Had the crowd left already? Why couldn't she remember? Unless this was yet another trick. Glancing through the aisles of empty chairs, finally locking onto the sole individual present; herself.

"Hey there, good to see ya again!" The doppelganger called out, her bright yellow eyes reflecting the faint bit of light now being given off by the screen. Hesitantly Kumiko approached her, reaching out with an open hand in her direction. In response she simply grinned, waving her over enthusiastically. Letting out a sigh of defeat, she plopped down into the seat next to her and stared at the two words that were frozen directly ahead of them. "Want some popcorn? I mean, you'd have to go buy it. But it's around here."

"Stop screwing with me! Who are you!?" Kumiko shouted, now glaring daggers at the individual. The question was one she already knew the answer to. She was the same. Just another lie in a long list that she could never even begin to own up to.

"Ah, c'mon. Don't be like that. I'm here to talk. Let's be civil, okay? It'd be a shame if this turned into violence. We do hate that, right?" Reaching down toward the ground she grasped a large styrofoam cup and raised the straw to her lips, making a loud, satisfied slurp as she drank the contents inside. Kumiko found herself gritting her teeth at these words. Gripping the arms of the seat tightly, Kumiko waited for the other her to continue. Spinning around with a wink, the shadow point back toward the screen which now displayed an image of Kumiko with a massive grin surrounded by a crowd, all reaching out with pen an paper in their hands. "I can give it to you. The world you want. All of the fame you deserve, rightfully thrown at you rather than that joke. The one who ruined your happiness would be locked away in a dark hole forever. More importantly, his love would belong to nobody else."

"Shut up! You don't know anything about that!" Kumiko contested, preparing to jump from her seat in order to throw a strike at the doppelganger. Before she could even rise a single inch two sets of metal constraints shot out, pressing her wrists and ankles against it and preventing her movement.

"Eh? Not a fan of that model now? Well, I could throw in Amori-senpai too I guess. I mean, if you're really into that." The end of that statement was dripping with sarcasm, but still succeeded in causing Kumiko to blush heavily at the thought. There was no hint of attraction, so why was she even bringing that up? Shaking her head nervously in denial, her double broke into a fit of childish giggling. "Got you. You're thinking about it now, right? Ah, well, anyway...the point to that is that this can be whatever you want. I'll take your world, and spread our dream to the outside. Wonderful, right!? After all..."

Movie Theater

Static filled her mind once again, and Kumiko awoke to find herself in the the same theater as before. Only this time there was no decay. No emptiness. Packed with people of varying ages. Groups of teenagers, couples using this an excuse to get close to one another. As she observed the crowd she felt a hand place itself atop her head, rubbing her hair playfully.

"Head out of the clouds, Ku-chan! It's about to start!" The young man sitting next to her said. Going by his voice he seemed to be somewhere in his late teens to early twenties. Tearing up at the realization of who it was, she grabbed onto the top of his hand and threw it aside with a smirk as the lights dimmed for the start of the film.

'After all...I'm better now.'

Ruined Nichibotsu Subway System

Kumiko's body twisted and twitched in an inhuman manner as she rose back to her feet, her eyes now the same shade of yellow that Hibiki's had been just moments ago. A mask covered in darkness now hid her face from the world, a small almost menacing smile placed on the lips.

"Oh, wow. You are just too cool." She spoke, fixated upon the transfer student as she stifled another giggling fit. Reaching up with her spare hand she traced three of her fingers across the face of her mask diagonally, peeling away a thin layer of material as if it were a hot knife cutting through butter. Three lines of dark crimson slowly slid down to the bottom before falling onto the ground in small droplets, vanishing as they hit the surface. "It's too bad you can't stick around to see my work. Then again, maybe you don't deserve it." Quickly pressing her fingers onto the left side of the mask in an effort to remove some of the liquid from her, she then balled her hand up into a fist after placing the newest markings onto it, glaring at Hibiki.

"After all...I'm better than you!" She yelled, snapping the whip in his direction.
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