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Realistic or Modern Persona Non Grata [Story]


Setting – Seattle, early October 2017

It's almost the time of the year when children dress and seek out treats while their parents stroll peacefully behind them. Houses, apartments, and other places are already decorated in anticipation. They portray the simplicity of a normal samaritan's life--warm, familiar, and loving. Of course, no one can have a completely happy life because things never work out that way. These people, are always able to come together at the end of the day and enjoy dinner, however. They'll ask about each other's day, who won the game, what happened at school, and other topics of idle chit chat. It's all fine and dandy, as in it's nothing like the lives of our protagonists.

These children come from some of the wealthiest families in the city, ranging from the power hungry to the bottom feeder. Their parents either adore or shun them because a middle ground means weakness in their eyes. How do these children do it?

Future setting – a large Halloween party organized by one of the families as a charity or business-related event

Haiden wasn't happy. The weather was gloomy and kind of chilly at 64 degress, but anything below 70 was considered cold to the guy. It was dark with only a dull lamppost and questionable stores to light up the area. People were wandering the streets and eyeing him like a freshly made steak that was ready for a stabbing, yet his friend seemed unfaced by all the looks and in the mean time, Haiden's feet were hurting from walking so far and he silently questioned why something supposedly big would ever be so difficult to access. It'd already been twenty minutes since he and his friend had left the train station, but that was twenty minutes added on to about thirty minutes of walking from his home to the station itself.

"Come on!" came Danny, the only friend that Haiden genuinely liked. When the Korean boy looked up from the ground, he realized that he'd fallen behind considerably. Sighing, he jogged awkwardly towards the blonde female before returning to a walk and panting as he tried to catch his breath. Running was never his thing and Danny seemed to find that amusing for whatever sadistic reason.

"How do you lose your breath every time you break a walking pace? You're like the skinniest guy I know." Danny laughed as she pushed Haiden forward playfully. She was always a little rough with her actions, but everyone knew she never means any harm. That's just how a person can get after being in a family of all boys and no mom.

With the shake of his head, Haiden replied with, "I wouldn't have to deal with this if you hadn't begged me into going with you." Which was true. He was studying in the school library during a free period when the busty blonde decided to intrude on his alone time. At first he was clearly uninterested in attending something that seemed absolutely immoral but after learning that his father was going on a business trip for a week (and Danny starting to catch attention from others for being too loud), he hesitantly agreed. It wasn't like he'd fall behind on his studies anyways since he was already ahead by nearly five months--perks of being a prodigal student. Plus he had nothing else to do.

The two went back and forth for a bit until they finally reach the doors of an abandoned warehouse. Haiden's eyes trailed over all the warning signs that were placed around them and he sincerely regretted coming. "You were serious about this being illegal, weren't you?" He asked, glaring at Danny, whom wore an expression of guilt. Before he could say anything, however, he was already being dragged into the building and down a flight of stairs.

Angry and excited screams immediately filled his ears and he winced at the shock. Men and women of all ages and sizes were pressed against each other as they watched the center of the room intently. Danny was pulling Haiden towards the front, sweat from people's bodies rubbing against his clothes. Haiden's face pinched at the scent as he tried his best not to rudely shove people away from him, as if they would have actually cared. It wasn't until he was near the actual arena that he was finally able to breathe.

For a few minutes, Haiden's eyes were glued on the two fighters, an emotionless expression on his face. He didn't know what to think of what he was witnessing. Two men were punching at each other mercilessly, sweat and blood coming out of both. Violence was unnecessary and something Haiden really hated. The fact that Danny brought him to a boxing match was befuddling to him, because she knew to an extent of what his likes and dislikes were. When he turned to scold her, however, all he could do was keep his mouth shut because she seemed to genuinely enjoy the match. Well, good for h-

The loud thump in front of him made him jump, his eyes meeting the Korean boxer who was now flat on the mat. Haiden just stood there, unsure of what to do whereas the boxer seemed to just smirk before getting up. In an instant the other opponent was K.O.'d, as if the Korean boxer was only playing around the entire time. Haiden still stood there from the sudden surprise, his heart pounding as adrenaline was rushing throughout his body.

"Can we go now?" Haiden asked, turning to Danny who was cheering loudly. She stopped and turned with a pitiful expression, clearly about to come up with something that he couldn't say no to.

"But why? The owner always throws a party for the winner! Who's going to take me home afterwards?"

Of course.
attire – 01
location – an underground arena
tags – social social

H a i d e n . B o n n e t
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