• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Persona Non Grata [Chat]

The minimum amount of characters to begin is 3. Everyone else can come in later.
Lmao I thought that said we can have a min of three characters each to start but then add more and I was like "wow. Ok. That's a lot of people"
sorry love but i'm going to drop out of this, i've lost my muse for this and school has started again.

hope everything works out though < 3
Yo, so I'm just gonna start this shit and if you're still interested then just claim any role except Prodigy, Pauper, and Placebo. You can add to your cs along the way because FUCK IT IM A TERRIBLE GM AND YALL PROBABLY LOST YOUR MUSE BECAUSE OF ME.

P.s, if you want a new role, just make one and pm me the deets

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