persephonic's characters


of the sea

Please refrain from commenting on this thread - I would like to use it as a character vault. If you have or would like to give feedback, then I would appreciate if you PMed it to me instead. Thank you!.Note: all of these character sheets were coded on my computer, so they may look off, weird, or messed up if viewed from another device.

T A B L E . OF . C O N T E N T S ::

i. Mr Oren A Holmes [x]

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xxxF U N D A M E N T A L S ::

xxxxx full name :: Oren [or - rin] Archer Holmes

xxxxx name meaning :: A masculine given name, Oren is a derivative of the words for "pine" xxxxxand/or "ash" in Hebrew, whereas Archer is a masculine given name of Anglo-Saxon origin xxxxxand means "bow" or "bowman." Some unintended meaning had come along with his first xxxxxname, as his first word just so happened to be 'pine' in reference to a pine tree he had xxxxxin the front yard of his childhood home.

xxxxx nickname(s) :: Ren, Renny, Holmes, Bear

xxxxx most often addressed as :: He much prefers to be referred to as Ren or Oren under normal xxxxxcircumstances. Renny is reserved for those who are very close to him, and even then it's a xxxxxstretch; however, when someone qualified to call him Renny addresses him that way, he'll xxxxxdo almost anything they ask because he has a soft spot for the nickname. Alternatively, in a xxxxxwork environment, he always goes by Holmes or Mr. Holmes because he likes to keep his xxxxxpersonal and professional life separate, and going by his surname allows him to distance xxxxxhimself from any intimacy. He rather likes the connotations that are attaches to his last xxxxxname and is also okay with being addressed by it outside of work. Bear, on the other hand, xxxxxis a private nickname that he's had since he was very little - beyond any point that he can xxxxxremember. He has to care for an individual very much for him to permit him/her to use it, xxxxxor else he gets very bitter and irritated.

xxxxx species :: human

xxxxx sexuality :: He is bisexual with a strong preference for men; he can see himself spending xxxxxthe rest of his life with a man by his side and in his bed, while he only has a moderate xxxxxattraction to women and has to be very interested in her for anything to happen. He doesn't xxxxxreally talk much about his sexuality and usually won't offer up that information unless xxxxxprovoked or truly necessary.

xxxxx age and birthday :: turned twenty-nine [29] on June 21st

xxxxx birthplace :: Washington D.C.

xxxxx occupation :: Currently, he is the assistant to the executive editor of a successful publishing xxxxxcompany in New York City; however, he is an intelligent and aspiring writer and wants xxxxxintensely to have his manuscripts published.

xxxA P P E A R A N C E ::

xxxxx height and weight :: 6'1 and between 150-155 pounds

xxxxx build and body structure :: Even though he is a healthy weight in proportion to his height, xxxxxhis body structure is rather slim and slightly bony. He does have some wiry muscle on him, xxxxxespecially on his arms, but he is definitely not the poster boy for the terms 'muscular' or xxxxx'broad' by any means. Despite that, he has a rather defined back and shoulders and also has xxxxxa flat stomach but no significant six-pack.

xxxxx skin :: He has quite pale, smooth skin that it one consistent tone on the entirety of his xxxxxbody. If he turns over his wrists, one can clearly see the blue of all the veins that run xxxxxthrough the area just below the heels of his palms. His cheeks also tend to have a slight xxxxxcool reddish hue to them.

xxxxx scars and tattoos and modifications :: He is free of tattoos, piercings, and other intentional xxxxxbody modifications, but he does have arrays of scars on a lot of his body due to the fact xxxxxthat he has hemophilia; he often bleeds a lot from the smallest wound and so he scars very xxxxxeasily due to the lack of platelets and coagulation in and of his blood.

xxxxx facial structure :: He has a very elegant, regal air/look to him, and is just... pretty. He's xxxxxnot especially masculine looking, but he's not effeminate either - he has very prominent xxxxxcheekbones, an angular jawline, a straight-sloped nose, and a defined chin - but there's xxxxxsomething about him that makes him very pretty in appearance instead of say 'ruggedly xxxxxhandsome' or 'tough' or 'sexy.' He's not sure whether he likes it or not - being seen as pretty xxxxxrather than handsome, but he certainly knows that he's attractive and easy on the eyes. xxxxxHowever, whether it be because of his personality and attitude or just his facial features, his xxxxxresting face tends to look a bit cold and judgmental, even if he isn't necessarily trying to. xxxxxHe's also broken his nose multiple times before, and so it's slightly crooked, but its not xxxxxextremely noticeable unless in close proximity to his face.

xxxxx hair color and style :: His dark coffee brown hair is shaved short on both sides, cut slightly xxxxxlonger in the back than it is on the sides, and is left rather long on top. He naturally has a xxxxxslightly wavy texture to it, and it is parted on the left so that it sort of hangs just out of his xxxxxface with some strands resting in his eyes and on his forehead. Additionally, when it gets xxxxxwet, it gets very curly until it dries and returns to its slightly wavy state.

xxxxx eyebrows and eyelashes and facial/body hair :: He has rather tame eyebrows, naturally xxxxxlong, dark eyelashes, and is usually clean shaven - at most, he'll have a light stubble, and he xxxxxhas an average amount of body hair.

xxxxx eye color and shape :: His slightly protruding and evenly-spaced almond eyes are a deep, xxxxxinviting brown with flecks of blue that seem to contradict the rest of his seemingly cold xxxxxappearance. When standing in the right light, they look amber. He also doesn't need to xxxxxwear contacts or glasses and has almost perfect vision.

xxxxx clothing and attire :: His style can be described as professional, formal, minimalist, and xxxxxperhaps even a little preppy. He is wealthy (he comes from a wealthy family and is an only xxxxxchild, so he was left a lot of money as an inheritance when he had turned eighteen [18]), xxxxxand so most of what he wears is a little (or a lot) on the pricier side. He's also rather fond xxxxxof button-down shirts (and long-sleeved shirts in general), and he is very rarely seen in xxxxxshorts when in public, even in the summer. However, he sleeps shirtless and in only his xxxxxboxers. He doesn't wear really casual clothes very often in public either, but he'll wear xxxxxsweatpants and a t-shirt (not cheap ones, of course) at home when he feels like wearing xxxxxcomfortable clothes.

xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y ::

xxxxx voice :: His voice, when talking normally, is smooth and deep, and even a little husky if xxxxxyou catch him right after he wakes up. He has a tendency to drawl his words, and you can xxxxxalmost hear the smile in his voice when he grins. When he's angry, however, his voice xxxxxraises in volume and is rather booming and even a little frightening.

xxxxx in public (how he appears) :: His public persona is very nonchalant and laid-back, and this xxxxxcan sometimes come off as rather cold or aloof, especially upon a first encounter or to xxxxxpeople who don't know him very well. However, once they get more acquainted with him, xxxxxthey see that's not always the case (although it can be most of the time). He tends to appear xxxxxindifferent and mostly expressionless when in public, which would maybe be off-putting in xxxxxother people, but his calm demeanor is rather relaxing which is often what makes others xxxxxwant to be around him. Additionally, the fact that he is laid-back makes him generally xxxxxwell-liked and well-received by his colleagues and coworkers. Another prominent aspect of xxxxxhis personality is his dominance and take-charge attitude; it's so conspicuous that someone xxxxxwould be able to notice it within an hour of meeting him. He's not bossy in any sense of xxxxxthe word, just assertive - he knows what needs to get done and will make sure it gets done, xxxxxand he knows how to be a leader and take charge, especially in work settings. He is also xxxxxdominant in the sense that he often has a no-nonsense attitude - if he requests something of xxxxxsomeone, they'd best do it. This also plays into his stubbornness, as he'll demand something xxxxxand refuse to change his mind, often ending his statements with phrases like 'end of story,' xxxxx'end of discussion,' 'period,' or any similar variant of the expression. Despite this, he is xxxxxnormally very respectful to his superiors, subordinates, strangers, friends, etc., even if they xxxxxsometimes give him reasons not to be; unless he is hurt or unusually angry, he always stays xxxxxrespectful even if someone doesn't return the favor (although he will surely get annoyed). xxxxxSimilarly, he was raised by his parents to be polite and gentlemanly in his manners, so he is xxxxxalmost always very civil with others (the exception to this is when his anger gets the better xxxxxof him - he can get pretty captious and critical). He is also responsible and trustworthy, xxxxxboth in work environments and out.

xxxxx in private (how he is) :: He acts pretty much the same in private as he does in public, with xxxxxa few additions or modifications. In public, he has a tendency to be a little obsessed with xxxxxhis reputation and act in a certain way to make sure that he remains esteemed by those who xxxxxknow him. However, in private, he is still careful of this, only to a slightly lesser degree, xxxxxbut he would still rather be venerated by others than to be himself; the only time you can xxxxxreally catch him acting truly like himself is when he's drunk because he tends to loosen up xxxxxa lot - those who have been with him or had a conversation with him when he was drunk xxxxx(which is not very often; usually he'll get tipsy at most unless there's a special circumstance xxxxxor event) would never admit it to his face, but many of them may prefer him when he's xxxxxintoxicated. He's more open to humor and willing to crack jokes when in private and, can xxxxxactually be quite funny, in contrast to his usual dry, sarcastic sense of humor in public. xxxxxHowever, he's actually more picky in private than he is in public, especially when it comes xxxxxto his possessions. He is a very organized person, so if someone happened to be in his xxxxxhome and moved items around, didn't put something back where they found it, etc., he'd xxxxxjust about go insane. Overall, he's more friendly in private, as he, despite his laid-back xxxxxnature, isn't as personable in public.

xxxxx romantics :: He is not very big on public displays of affection [PDA] and, in general, just xxxxxdoesn't do big shows of love when he's interested in or dating someone. This has been a xxxxxdeal-breaker for some of his past partners and relationships, but he just doesn't show his xxxxxlove that way - with him, an outsider almost wouldn't know if someone he was dating or xxxxxseeing was in the same room because of how unromantic he is in public. He tends to show xxxxxlove or affection in other, smaller ways that mean just as much, whether it's an action (ex: xxxxxmaking them a meal, surprising them with their favorite drink, giving them his undivided xxxxxattention when they talk, giving them subtle compliments) or something he says (ex: "text xxxxxme when you get home safe," "you can have mine," "take my jacket, it's cold outside," "eat xxxxxsomething," etc.). He tends to act this way in private too, but he can definitely get more xxxxxintimate when he and his partner/interest are alone. When it's just him and partner/interest, xxxxxhe'll usually get a little more touchy-feely - his favorite thing to do is come up and hug xxxxxthem from behind by wrapping his arms around their waist or abdomen, depending on their xxxxxheight. He'll also sit really close to them and drape his arm over their shoulders, nuzzle his xxxxxnose into their neck, and/or pull them onto his lap. He's definitely more willing to be xxxxxcuddly when in private, but he will almost never be cuddly when he and his partner/interest xxxxxaren't alone, and even when they are alone, it takes time for him to feel comfortable enough xxxxxto act that way and he also needs to be in the mood. As for sex, he'll sometimes do it in a xxxxxsort of 'heat of the moment' spur with his partner, but he usually won't unless he is very xxxxxmuch enamored with them - although, if he gets drunk enough, he may end up having a xxxxxone-night-stand. He tends to be rather passionate and his dominant personality is still xxxxxpresent in the bedroom.

xxxxx strengths and skills :: intelligence, wealth, smooth talking/talking his way out of sticky xxxxxsituations, strong memory, organized, classic dancing (ex: waltz, ballroom, tango, etc.; not xxxxxdancing like in a club), origami, sketching

xxxxx weaknesses and difficulties :: can get physical and/or aggressive when in a state of anger, xxxxxcan be intimidating when angry, awful at lying, can be self-deprecating/too hard on himself, xxxxxaloof, tends to overwork himself unless stopped by someone else, often works out of self-xxxxxinterest, playing instruments and singing and doing anything musical, impatient, stubborn

xxxxx vices :: aggression/anger, [mild] egoism, obsession/obsessiveness, stubbornness, xxx xxxxximpatience

xxxxx virtues :: assiduousness, attentiveness, honesty, independence, neatness/meticulousness,x xxxxxperceptiveness, assertiveness

xxxxx likes :: maps and geography, books, puzzles, coffee and hot tea (or anything similar with xxxxxcaffeine), watches, museums, rain, being cold, cheesecake, high thread count sheets, vodka, xxxxxwhiskey, gin, tinkering with objects, broadway music (guilty pleasure), thunderstorms, xxxxxxxwriting

xxxxx dislikes :: bright colors (especially yellow), being hot, brandy, beer, queues, icecream, not xxxxxknowing what to do, having his hands wet, getting his clothes dirty, feeling insecure, being xxxxxrushed, smoking, avocadoes

xxxxx fears :: rejection, being buried alive, flying

xxxxx habits and quirks :: He is always fifteen [15] minutes early to any event, no matter what it xxxxxis (meetings, dates, etc.) and is just overall very punctual. On top of that, he gets very xxxxxuncomfortable being the center of attention and will avoid it when he can; he tends to feel xxxxxawkward or tense if he knows a person or group of people are staring at him but will deal xxxxxwith it in a work environment (ex: giving a presentation). He also has a tendency to clench xxxxxhis jaw when he is angry, irritated, stressed, or uncomfortable. Another habit he has is xxx.xxwhen remaining in one position, he frequently stands with his hands behind his back as if xx.xxxin an “at ease” position, even though he was never in the military - his father was in it, xxxx.xhowever, which is likely where he got this habit from. He also very rarely makes eye xxxxxcontact unless forced to and will look somewhere else to avoid it when conversing. He has xxxxxa penchant for running his fingers through and tousling his hair and will often roll his xxxxxshoulders back when he feels comfortable in a situation or around another individual.

xxxxx alcohol and mal-habits :: He drinks socially and can hold his alcohol rather well; it takes xxxxxhim quite a few drinks before he becomes intoxicated. However, once he's inebriated, his xxxxxpersonality and demeanor become very different from when he's sober. He is typically very xxxxxarticulate in speech when sober, so it's easy to tell when he's drunk because he will begin to xxxxxsignificantly slur his words to the point where he can become rather difficult to understand. xxxxxMoreover, he tends to do those smug, lopsided grins a lot while intoxicated and, in contrast xxxxxto his sober self, is quite a cuddly drunk. As for any other mal-habits, he doesn't smoke, xxxxxgamble, or do drugs - however, he does have some issues with anger. For the most part, xxxxxhe is a rather calm and collected individual who can seemingly handle quite a bit (such as xxxxxbeing used as practically a doormat by his boss) without exploding, but in reality, he has xxxxxdifficulty with managing rage. Despite being rather lanky, he's tall, and so when he gets xxxxxangry he tends to tower over others and be intimidating. He has a way of setting his facial xxxxxfeatures that only add to this effect. When he's angry, he usually become physical and xxxxxaggressive, two things that aren't a part of his usual collected personality. He's not abusive xxxxxby any means - he'll normally resort to throwing objects or perhaps punching a wall, but he xxxxxdoesn't usually ever take his anger out on another person. However, it can be somewhat xxxxxdifficult to bring him out of this state, and since he is a rather dominant man, he, as was xxxxxpreviously mentioned, tends to intimidate anyone who happens to see him this way. He xxxxxonly shows his anger in private, like the privacy of his home - never in public - so it is xxxxxusually those closer to him that see this side of him or an unfortunate friend who happens xxxxxto be in the wrong place at the wrong time.

xxxM I S C E L L A N E O U S ::

xxxxx family :: He is the only child to his late veteran and engineer father, Mr. Wayne Holmes, xxxxxand his geographer mother, Dr. Elaine Brown, who had decided to keep her maiden name xxxxxupon marriage. Out of both his parents, he inherited most of his features from his father, xxxxxalong with a few that he inherited from his mother, but not many; if a picture of his father xxxxxfrom when he was in his twenties was compared to a picture of his son at the same age, xxxxxthey would look extremely similar. His parents had him later than couples usually decide to xxxxxhave children - his father was fifty-six [56] and his mother was forty-five [45]. There xxxxxwere some concerns about his future health when he was conceived because later-in-life xxxxxbabies tend to develop more genetic and chromosomal disorders than early-in-life babies, xxxxxbut he ended up being born generally healthy, but a couple weeks premature at thirty-seven xxxxx[37] weeks; he had to stay in the hospital for a time after in order to ensure that he was in xxxxxstable enough condition to go home. This has not affected him much to date, which is very xxxxxfortunate, other than the fact that he crawled, walked, and talked a little later than normal. xxxxxHis father died when his son was nineteen [19], and his mother died when he was twenty- xxxxxfive [25]. He was never veryclose to his extended family (ex: aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.), xxxxxbut he ended up cutting many of them out of his life entirely during his early- and mid-xxxxxtwenties because they believed that bisexuality was 'just a phase' and that he was either gay xxxxxor straight; his father's sister and her husband had estranged him themselves because they xxxxxwere fairly religious and didn't like the fact that their nephew was attracted to men.

xxxxx disorders and diseases :: Both of his parents were carriers for the hemophilia gene, and he xxxxxhappened to inherit an affected allele from his mother and father, thereby inheriting the xxxxxdisorder. He was also diagnosed with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder [OCD] earlier on in xxxxxhis childhood, but he currently takes medication to manage it, and his symptoms are now xxxxxvery mild. However, if something prevents him from taking his medication (ex: drunk, xxxxxforgetfulness, returns home late, passes out from exhaustion, etc.), the symptoms return.

xxxxx religion :: agnostic

xxxxx scent :: usually smells of vanilla, lime, and old books

xxxxx other :: His hands are constantly cold - no matter if its nine [9] degrees outside or ninety xxxxx[90], they are always freezing, to the point that people tend to jump if they accidentally xxxxxbrush by his hand, are holding his hand, or if he rests his hand on their bare skin because of xxxxxthe temperature. He is also ambidextrous, meaning he can use both hands equally, but he xxxxxprefers his left.


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