
(( For Just_A_Panda ))

Immortality is a thing that many seek. Many try and try but never succeed. To never age, never grow up, always stay young. It sounds good in theory...but in reality it is depressing. You constantly go through life making friends or falling in love all the time, but they never stay long. They always grow old and have families of their own. And I just watch them live on, live the life I always wanted to have...

Nowadays I just travel from one place to the other, the only thing I take with me are my journals. I moved to a small town in Florida to not draw attention to myself. These small town provided lots of years of home for me over the many generations.

I moved here about a week ago and already I hate it. I even enrolled myself in the local school just for kicks. I can't tell you how many times I graduated high school, hell even college with so many degrees.

Today though would probably be my next attempt of killing myself to end the suffering. I waited on the sidewalk for a certain truck to come along. I waited for a good hour before I spotted it. A semi. Perfect. I took one step out into the road, wishing for happiness and luck in this attempt, hoping it would be my last. I heard the truck honking and slamming on its breaks. He didn't have much time to stop or avoid hitting me.

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