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Fandom Percy Jackson rp (open for now)

hey i have a interest, if you wanna roleplay i could give you my discord or something? (i dont know how these things work i just started using this website)
Howdy, friends! I'd love to join a PJO-inspired roleplay! I've got a Discord as well, if you'd prefer to do things that way!
Howdy, friends! I'd love to join a PJO-inspired roleplay! I've got a Discord as well, if you'd prefer to do things that way!
also i do have discord but i won't be able to be on it there for while soo i will make a threed for this rp at some point once we get 5 more people
also i do have discord but i won't be able to be on it there for while soo i will make a threed for this rp at some point once we get 5 more people
Whoops, sorry! I meant to reply but apparently failed to post the response.

That sounds perfect!

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