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Percy stood on the deck of the Argo II. He leaned against the railing and thought about how Annabeth and himself had escaped that dark place. He shivered and looked down on Greece. He knew he had to beat Gia but he felt so drained, even after his shower. Percy slid down and sat with his back against the side of the ship. He closed his eyes and let the breeze play with his mid-night black hair.
Annabeth studied Percy for a moment from afar, and she knew him so well as to know that he was thinking of their experience in Tartarus. She sighed and frowned, making her way to the son of Poseidon, sitting next to him and pressing a gentle kiss to his temple. "Hey, Seaweed Brain." She greeted him with her rather childish nickname, but used it nonetheless, smiling at him.
Percy opened his eyes and smiled weakly at the blonde. "Wise girl." He greeted in kind. He accepted the kiss and looped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. "Couldnt sleep?" He asked in a whisper, using his free hand to hold hers, fingers tracing over her callouses.
"Mostly up all night watching you fret." Annabeth answered. Though they couldn't share a cabin in the Argo II, hers was directly next to Percy's and she could hear almost everything he did, including how he'd paced his room, probably gripping his dark hair in his fists.

She looked sideways at Percy, concern drawing across her face. She had noticed his rather weak smile, compared to the bright beam he usually gave.
Percy grinned at that, albeit, sadly. "Do you know how creepy that sounds?" He asked, looking down at her. In truth, he had been up all night pacing. He couldn't sleep mainly because Annabeth wasn't there to hold him, to keep the nightmares at bay. He tilted her head up and kissed her softly on the lips. "We should share a room...I think it would help both of us." He murmured.
Annabeth smiled softly at the kiss played on her lips, and looked back at Percy. "I doubt Hedge would allow it." She said softly, but her eyes sparked softly. She did want them to share a room; she had for a while due to Percy's unrelenting nightmares. That, and she just didn't like the idea of being separated from him.
Percy snorted. "Hedge can eat a can for all I care. He's leaving with Reyna and Nico anyway. He won't know!" He pouted at his wise girl, sea-green eyes wide. "Pleeeeaaaaasssssseeeee!" He strung out the word. He knew he'd sleep better if they had each other. The nightmares were harsh, to say the least.
Annabeth giggled at Percy, as girls often did, and her stormy grey eyes were ever-distracted but held all the amusement, all the love in the world. She grinned. "Fine." She said with yet another laugh, acting as if this was a hard decision for her.
Percy smiled and leaned down to kiss her again.

There was a crash from the left and Percy looked up. It was Leo, blushing and trying not to look at them.

"Oh, Hiya guys....I'm leaving now." He disappeared.

Percy laughed and looked at his girlfriend. They had been through hell and back together, literally. There was no way they'd be apart now.
Annabeth laughed at Leo, and turned her attention back to Percy, kissing him in a gentle way, gently resting a hand on his cheek. She heard a catcall come from Jason, and she rolled her eyes, kissing Percy more at that.
Percy made a happy noise and looped his arms around her waist, pulling her into a more comfortable position on his lap. Everything disappeared for him, only revolving around him and Annabeth in that moment. His hands slid up her back and cradeled her head. He only pulled away to breathe. He rested his forehead against his and looked into her stormy eyes. "I missed that Wise Girl." He smiled.
Annabeth kissed Percy and her legs wrapped around his waist, crossing at his back. She forgot the world in that moment, everything except her world.

When he pulled away, Annabeth grinned and Took in a deep breath. "Did you?" She asked cockily.
Percy's hands slipped down and rested on her thighs. "Far too much. First, I didn't even remember you and then...we walked through hell." He whispered. "I didn't get enough of it before Hera started messing up my life. Not to mention you mom." He grinned slightly. "I love you." He kissed her softly, gripping her thighs and pulling her closer.
Annabeth rested her hands against the back of Percy's neck as she was drawn closer. She grinned and murmured against his lips, "I love you more." She then pressed her lips against Percy's.
Percy chuckled. "Impossible Wise Girl."

Hazel yelled at them. "As much as we are glad you two are back, we don't want to see you sucking face!" Frank agreed.

Percy pulled back laughing. He stood up with Annabeth still wrapped around him.
Annabeth unwrapped her legs from Percy and stood beside him. She laughed and blushed softly.

Piper and Jason stood side by side next to Frank and Hazel. Hedge and Leo were nowhere to be seen.
Percy just smirked at their friends. He knew that they didn't really mind that Him and Annabeth were together. Just like no one else minded that Piper and Jason and Hazel and Frank were together. Percy kept ahold of Annabeth's hand as they walked to where their friends were standing.
Annabeth smiled at them, and Piper grinned at her. Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Don't even." She teased.

Piper flicked back her hair. "Who, me?" She laughed.

Jason smiled at his girlfriend and her antics with Annabeth.
Percy grinned at the two girls. He took Frank and Jason aside. "Annabeth and I are going to share a room. Please don't let Hedge find out!" He begged his friends.

He looked over his shoulder at his girlfriend.
Annabeth grinned softly, and glanced over at the guys.

Jason rolled his eyes. "Fine." He said with a laugh.

Percy high-fived him. "Thanks guys...Neither of us have been sleeping well since we got back." He smiles and goes to Annabeth. He pickes her up, bridal style and heads below decks to cat-calls from Jason and Piper.
"Jason and Frank agreed. So, we are moving your stuff to my room." Percy said in way of explanation, kissing her forehead.

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