pen to paper, thoughts to words


(crush me)


Kelly Melissa Ryland

Age: 22

Gender: female

Sexuality: homosexual

Clothing Style: a, b, c, d, e, f, g

Theme: x

Appearance: Kelly is a relatively petite girl in terms of both height and

body shape. Small for someone of her age at 5'4" she often gets mistaken

for a teenager courtesy of her chubby cheeks and baby looking face. She

looks surprisingly young, although she doesn't feel the need to complain

about such a thing. She's perhaps slightly chubby, although not at all over-

weight because she likes to take good care of herself she just enjoys eating

a lot of pastries and cakes when she's out and about. She has slightly pointy

ears, and a suspiciously feather shaped birthmark on the outside of her

right thigh.

Kelly has relatively light blonde hair that falls to her collarbone in loose

curls. She loves to accessorise with headbands and flowery hair clips;

sometimes she just wants her hair out of her face for a day and will

twist her bangs before clipping them above her ear - this is the hairstyle

she's seen most frequently with. When she's reading, eating, drinking a

mug of coffee, or jamming out with her headphones on, she tends to put

her hair up into an unbrushed high ponytail so it doesn't bother her. She

has considerably light hazel eyes, almost reminiscent of a slightly lighter

than coffee brown.

Personality: in terms of personality, Kelly is a relatively reserved and

quiet individual. She likes her privacy, her independence and a decent

amount of quiet time everyday - a time where it's best not to disturb her.

Most of her free time is spent in environments that mimic her personality

due to their quite ambience, such as libraries, bookshops and more quaint,

lesser known cafés. It's not to say she doesn't like people, because she does,

but sometimes she prefers her own company to that of others because she's

the sort of person she'd like to be friends with. She has a rather soft soul too

and her voice isn't the loudest thing even at the best of times. Sometimes

she can surprise you by shouting uncharacteristically but otherwise she likes

to politely and timidly voice her conjectures.

In general she's a sweet, innocent-minded young woman. She likes seeing

other people smile and talking to people about their days - she figures if at

least one person asks they might feel as though they did something worth

mentioning. She enjoys simple, colourful things and is generally easy to please.

She's very opinionated, open-minded and well-educated but she tries to be

aware of people's sensitivities as she would never intentionally upset someone

unless she had to in order to defend a friend.

Likes: cotton candy and sugary foods; pastel colours, namely rose pink and

baby blue; books and the smell of them, old and new; libraries and cafés -

she likes most quaint, original and compact places but isn't fussy about where

she visits; attention and being babied, even though she's not a baby anymore;

laying and sleeping on people; marshmallows in hot chocolate; anything cute

and/or fluffy; oversized sweaters.

Dislikes: bland, mismatched colours; horror and gore, in any form; lack of sleep;

books that are ripped, desecrated or missing pages; littering; overly large dogs;

distasteful behaviour.

Fears: global warming - the country sinking underwater and everyone dying

due to melting ice caps; train derailment; falling from great heights, although

she doesn't fear heights themselves.

Quirks: gets really flustered when someone compliments her; retreats into a

mountain of stuffed animals and fleece blankets when sad; loses time when

caught up in a good book.

Virtues: critical; fussy; easily becomes suspicious; vengeful/holds long

grudges; hesitant (especially when talking to new people); can be considered


Vices: tough skinned; open-minded; kind; talkative; eager; tranquil.

Goals: to become a published author.

Skills: writing; multi-tasking; reading/researching; sewing; climbing;

getting through small spaces; navigating.

Biography: all her life, many people have described Kelly as the epitome

of a girly-girl, simply because she likes stars and unicorns and pastel-y

things. Her parents weren't around all that much when she was smaller,

always working, so she learned to provide for herself and became

independent of them relatively quickly. When they did return home they

constantly nitpicked at her - although whether the emotional and mental

damage such a thing did was intentional or not, she'll never know. While

they did love her they focused too much on making her perfect as opposed

to embracing who she already was. She liked ballet, painting, playing the

piano and writing little stories in glittery notebooks.

They wanted her to be more academic, trying to teach her how to cook

intricate meals once she was older in order to push her into working at one

of their many classy restaurants - unluckily for them, she had no interest in

that sort of thing. She worked her hardest in school for her own sake as

well as theirs, but birthdays and Christmases were filled with

disappointments and presents for a child that didn't exist. She tried her

hardest to be grateful but, in the end, her miniature cooking sets and her

Easy Bake oven sat collecting dust in the corner of her room, hidden under

piles of stuffed animals. The older she got the more she began to follow her

own path, deciding if her parents didn't like who she turned out to be then

that was her problem.

She joined the chess, gardening and arts and crafts clubs at school, as well

as joining the school choir as the piano player behind their songs. Her

parents didn't like it but they learned to deal with it relatively quickly, which

made her happier as she grew out of highschool and entered the real world.

They supported her all they could through college, never failing to pay her

tuition fees on time - something she was always grateful for. It was at college

that she picked up a gig as a barista/cleaner at a local coffee shop. It was a

rather modern place filled with teenagers and young adults, which intimidated

the hell out of her, but work was work and she made a decent living off of it.

When the owner left to pursue a different career, the keys of the building

were handed down to her and she filled the managerial role with ease. The

entire establishment changed, going from a modern day coffee shop filled 

with sleep deprived teenagers to a library-esque café filled with bookshelves,

glowing lamps and hanging potted plants. The place attracted a new kind of

crowd and became a sanctuary of sorts for quieter, more bookish people who

simply needed a place to concentrate and relax simultaneously. She turned

the place into something more than it had been before and it's been a success

ever since.

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