Paying The Price

Don't worry. Like I said in my last post, I don't sweat over a few days. I just hope all is well and you feel better soon.

If it becomes something more than "a few days" just please let me know.

Slow in steady wins the race and shit, right?

Hey all. ^^; Sorry I haven't posted. Ended up getting pulled out of town. I'll have one up by tonight, after reading all yall's and such.
I have seen many instances of being Azseth'd, as I've been RPing with him for a very long time. To define it clearly from a point of view not his own:

To be Azseth'd is for Az to take note of your absence or loss of interest in an RP- in only the most deserving circumstances- and remorselessly, brutally, horribly maim and kill your character(s) in the most amazing, flashy, flamboyant, ridiculous, and usually gory way possible.

Or your character just vanishes under mysterious circumstances, only to be found hung by the balls until dead later on.
There is that which Arlear said, BUT, there is a second form of being Azseth'd.

I am known for killing characters, yes, mainly those of other people. But I am also known for killing my own. And those people die at times that surprise people and catch them offguard, because it's usually the one "everyone liked" or "they didn't expect to die."

I work really hard to get people to like my character, or connect to them at some level just to be able to kill them off.

....because I'm a horrible person like that. :big grin:

Ahoy, everyone. Just thought I'd introduce myself: Fox Hound, but feel free to call me Fox. I've had my CS approved by Az, so it's up where they belong. Criticize and/or comment til your heart's content. I'll be preparing an IC post fairly soon. Plenty excited to get to writing with you all!
Just get IC son! I'll be posting soon. I'm not sure if interest died off, people are busy, or I left them in a spot, but basically most people should be posting something like "Holy ****, that guy just got eaten by a dog. I am kind of shook up!"

Hey Az, just want you to know that this is gonna be a tough week for me so don't kill me or think I'm losing interest if I don't post. Thanks. Nice to meet you, Fox
I will be moving the RP along no later than tomorrow, so if you do not post by then I'll assume you were busy or didn't have anything more to say.

@Rae Watson - thanks for the heads up. I'm not really THAT prone to just killing chars off, but I still appreciate the the heads up.

I'll try to push something through before then. Been working on it, but life's pulling me in a few different directions right now
Also, if you KNOW that you are no longer interested in the RP, please let me know so that we are not waiting for people to post for X amount of days while they have no intentions of posting.

We'd all appreciate the courtesy.


Ok. Silence is acceptance. I've waited what I consider "long enough" and at this point, I'm going to cease waiting on players and one of two things are going to happen:

1. I'm killing of characters who are inactive here but active elsewhere, and kill off chars who's players are non-responsive and show no interest.

2. If someone just has not been on, their character will be somewhat of a shadow/NPC. I will not kill them or say anything happened to them, but I may just mention them vaguely or not at all, leaving it open for players to reinsert them.

This is the only time I'm going to wait this long in this RP, and I consider it a necessity to weed out weak players.

Next, I have 3 exams and one paper due this week in school, so my time on will be very little. So be patient and good things will happen.

I plan on getting a post wrapped up some time this week, and from there, I'm going to be posting more consistently and there will be a SH!T-ton less waiting and inactivity.


Ok. At this point, this RP is back in full swing.

Anyone who is not going to post or respond, at this point, I am considering them no longer interested in participating.

Speak now or forever hold your peace.


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