Party 5

“Master Gwirionedd,” Fauntleroy says sharply. Her face is carefully blank, and she has taken on the tone that she would use with an unruly student. “Calm yourself. You’re being overly emotional. You’re not thinking clearly.” She crosses her arms and raising her chin slightly, as if to indicate she will not back down. “I understand your desire to go help this child before it is too late, but we need to apply rational thought to this situation. You cannot help anyone if you let yourself be lead by your emotions. How will you help anyone if you rush in there and die a fool’s death?”
Gimble hearing the commotion inside, frowns slightly and sighs inwardly thinking no one is perfect... Slightly encouraged by this thought Gimble continues his watch and attempts to hide near the cave entrance, to lessen his appearance to anyone who might come investigate.
Carwyn's head snaps across, glaring at Fauntleroy. He doesn't raise his voice but it is cold and angry when he snarls his response. "Back off, Bryce. I am as calm as I need to be right now. We don't have time for your silly little logic puzzles. Unless we get this information and act on it fast, this child dies. Worse than dies. If you delay me I will hold you responsible for the death. But then maybe you don't care, maybe you really are the monster that people call you." He throws the torch to Balion without looking and almost growls in Elvish "<Get ready to leave, we go as soon as we have this information.>"

He looks back to the woman with as much care as he can muster at that moment. "Tell me where the child is."
Without stopping his assessment of the situation his hand deftly shoots out and seems to alter the path of the torch so that it came down and around his back, to keep the light out of his eyes, and rests in his off hand. Hearing Carwyn's tone his face gives a slight twitch. His words wouldn't be harsh, cross, or anything. They would convey the serenity and calmness of an undisturbed pond and his eyes the quietness of dawn breaking through the misty forest as he approaches Carwyn and places a gentle hand on his shoulder. Elvish"<The Wheel will always turn and those that throw themselves upon it in anger or rashness, just or not, will find themselves broken upon it. Your cause and anger is just but this woman...>" He motions slightly at the girl on the floor with the torch and then continues to motion out towards the entrance. "<And the child will not benefit from you crashing yourself upon the Wheel like this. They need you, but they need you in control.>" The hand on Carwyns shoulder would give a comradely squeeze. "We are together and will tackle this together. It is not your burden alone." His lips, barely perceptibly, would curl into a small smile.
Fauntleroy watched Balion comfort the cleric for a moment before she responded to Carwyn’s previous words. “Is that comment supposed to hurt me?” Fauntleroy says, raising an eyebrow. “Perhaps it would do you well to take a step back and analyze your own behavior, Master Gwirionedd. Would a proper...what do you call yourself again? Ah yes, a freewalker in the name of ‘Eldath’. Would a proper freewalker in Eldath’s name act like this? Going around ready to bash in a head or two?” She shakes her head in disapproval. “I expected better of you. But fine— leave me to my ‘logic puzzles’ and do what you feel you must. But don’t expect me to lend a hand.”

She turns on her heel as she shakes her head again. Fauntleroy makes her way to the mouth of the cave, leaving Carwyn to interrogate the woman. If he wanted to use violence instead of logic, then so be it. Perhaps it was stupid of me to think somebody like Carwyn would be above that, she thought, lips curling a grimace. It wasn’t the first time she had been called a monster, and Fauntleroy told herself that experience made it sting less. Nonetheless she was grimacing as she stepped into the night air.
He watches the wizard leave, the anger flickering. 'She can't see me as violent can she? She knows I wouldn't hurt anyone here right? What I'm doing is just trying to help everyone. Run. I just don't want to see anyone else hurt. Left for dead. Eldath understands, Fauntleroy might not but Eldath does. Run.' He shakes his head to try and clear his thoughts and his anger falters. Balion's words start to ring in his ears. He hadn't paid a huge amount of attention to them at the time, guarded by the white hot shield of anger but now they echoed. 'My burden alone, of course it's my burden alone. Run. No-else is going to stop. I have to stop this. Left for dead.'

Carwyn drops the quarterstaff and reaches out and grabs Balion with both hands. He pulls the elf close and looks straight into his eyes, the priest's eyes don't have the anger any more it is just a haunted, panicked look, almost desperate to escape. He mutters, trying to only be loud enough for the elf to hear but being louder than he wants to be, "It is my burden alone Balion, it is. I was that child. I was there. I...I... I was here. Left for dead... Me, Balion... I was... I can't let it happen to someone else. I... Balion... I won't let some other poor child lie there staring at their blood wondering when it is going to end. I won't." He lets go as he slowly drops to his knees. 'It's probably too late for me...for the child I mean. Probably dead. My fault. My fault. Left for dead. Run.' The thoughts start jumbling together to fast to think, 'Run. Left for... run. My fault. Dead. Run.' And the priest reaches up, grabs the sides of his head and screams.
Balion watches Carwyn, his expression not changing much except for a slight twitch of his lips. Balion reaches down and pulls Carwyn to his feet, his arm holding him up. His strength seems to seep into his voice. "Tragedy. That may have been your cycle before. This cycle, the child's cycle, has yet to show it's turning. You may have once been alone. No longer is that the case. The child isn't left for dead. They have us." He would motion to his supporting arm for emphasis.

"You have your god now. You have us now. What ails you ails us." Making sure that Carwyn is standing on his own strength he lets go to give him a gentle pat on the shoulder and then slowly, and with purpose, points into Carwyn's chest. Balion's eyes staring into his. "We cannot make you take our support, that's a turning you must do, but you will find it's there when you do. Now let us find this child you speak of."

Balion turns to the woman and crouches, an almost imperceptible smile on his lips as he looks her in the eyes. "Will you help us alter the turning of this child's Wheel? We only need to know their location."
As Gimble breathes repeatedly into his hands to warm them up he notices Bryce walk out of the cave with a look of indignation. Gimble tries clearing his throat to let her know he is there. Then walks toward her “Ey Doc, everything go alright in there?” Then Gimble hears Carwyn scream and dashes inside having a feeling he already knows the answer.

Entering the cave Gimble’s body is more tense than when initially coming through. Seeing Carwyn on the ground and Balion over by the woman, Gimble let’s out a sigh of relief and slows his pace to place the shortbow around his back. He approaches Carwyn he takes out his empty bottle of perfume, if to anything put his own mind at ease. “Cary, I don’t know what ye May be going through, but you won’t be able to help anybody until you’ve found yerself on steady ground. Or perhaps in ehhh Eldath’s terms.... still water?” His last phrase more of a question than an actual statement.
Carwyn doesn't move at all when Gimble speaks, he sits there with his head in his hands. 'Still waters? Still waters. Calm. Calm. I need to be calm. I need to help. Help. I need help. Run. Left for dead.' He shakes his head to try and clear it. Too many thoughts, too many words. He suddenly felt sick, he could feel the bile rising at the back of his throat, that acrid taste. He shakes his head again. He knows he has to calm down, has to stop these thoughts but he doesn't know how. 'Still waters. Calm... Left for... Run. Still... Calm. Run.'

When Balion stands him up he doesn't meet the elf's eyes, looking away any time he comes even close to looking at his face. He picks up his staff and leans heavily against it, using it to prop himself up. Flinching from the touch on his chest he almost falls over but steadies himself. He nods in silent agreement about finding the child though, Balion was right. That was the most important thing now. They had to find the child. He twitches slightly as Balion talks to the woman, not really paying attention to anything. Just waiting for the next instruction from the elf.
Misty Forest Cove:

"I-I..." the woman starts, visibly concerned at Carwyn's sudden outburst and then breakdown. She just watches as the rest of the group seems to pass over her, in an attempt to console the lost cleric -- it was almost like it shocked her out of her own self-wallowing, just a little bit. "... I do not know for sure where they took the child, except that they seemed to be preparing to trek north towards the river and past the town. And that they were confident in their navigation abilities, despite the looming fog."

As she speaks, a touch of divine warmth makes itself known to Carwyn once more -- a feeling which, though it had persisted throughout the night on low burn, had faded into the background in light of the cleric's despair. But it flared up once more, as if to assert its presence to reality, and tries to shine through the numbing fear. It was too primal for vocal words in any language, but the message was clear enough: "Calm. Still. Breathe... child." The non-words faded away, but the feeling lingered this time, ever so slightly.

The woman eventually gathers herself, reaching around for a few belongings scattered across the cavern floor. "It is not much but I promise you, I will do everything in my power to help find them. Please, let me come with you. It is the least I can do to repay you for saving my life." She sets herself low, bowing in reverence to the holy man and his companions.
Gimble looks towards the woman hearing her speak with conviction for the first time, he smiles at this. Glad that their patience and time spent here was not wasted. “Ey Doc!” Gimble calls towards the entrance giving her the choice to give in to curiosity or let stir.Gimble knew the benefits of both. Gimble looks towards the lady. “All that’s well and good ma’am, an’ pardon my ehem’ urgent... tone before. However before I can trust you I need ya name.” Dragging out the ‘a’ in name he walks under her bow to stick out a hand aimed at hers while looking her in the eyes.
Fauntleroy startles— her mind had not been on her fellow travelers inside the cave, or the fog outside, but on her own matters and Carwyn’s words. That, in addition to her already soured mood, leads to her clipped tone when she speaks up. “Yes, master Waywocket? Do you require anything?” Her tone is definitely more formal than before. She stubbornly stares ahead, refusing to allow herself to indulge the curiosity.
Balion stands and continues to watch the scene unfold. His eyes and face betraying nothing. For a moment one might be able to have mistaken him for a statue if it had been for the occasional blink or skin tone. Finally his lips twitch up slightly. "Your help is welcomed and appreciated. I am known as Balion" He gives a slight, though odd, bow and under his breath, he adds. "An unexpected turning...what do you have in store for us this cycle..." It would be obvious he was talking to himself and not addressing anyone in particular.
Gimble can hear the blood pumping in his ears and the sound of water hitting the cavern floor, he also hears Fauntleroy’s voice beam into the cavern and echo around a few times making his head spin slightly.

“One moment ma’am” as Gimble tucks his hand back in turns around and loudly prounounces back through the cave entrance. “I think Carwyn’s looking a bit better an’ the lady is speaking again”. Then reversing his actions he is underneath the woman’s bow having his hand in an outreach shake towards hers.
“Well, that’s good for master Gwirionedd then,” Fauntleroy says. She crosses her arms and stubbornly stares off into the fog. They’ll come out at some point. No need to budge, she tells herself. After all, she never budged before. She’d never given up on a theory when she knew it was the truth, despite a whole host of would-be academics arguing she’s wrong. Just a bunch of emotions aren’t going to sway her. For a moment she considers asking when they were moving on, before deciding against it.
Misty Forest Cove:

"Ah yes, my name..." She nods slowly, looking up at Gimble and taking his hand softly. "You can call me Iselka. I'm afraid a family name won't do much good for me now." She gets up slowly, her scruffy dirty brown hair tossed here and there as she pulls it away from her face. "I apologize if I have caused any sort of trouble, I didn't mean to. And hopefully, I won't cause any more."

She glances past the assembled group to the outside opening of the cavern, where darkness and murky fog still looms around its edges. "It might be difficult to track them down as is, especially so late -- not to mention the threat of them ambushing us instead. I wonder if we should lay low for a bit and start fresh in the morning..." She looks back over to Carwyn, and frowns slightly. "If it makes you feel better, I think it would take a while for them to administer the... condition, at least the way they'd want it to work."

Balion, noticing that Fauntleroy had not returned to them, straightens and looks between them with a larger than normal breath. "I don't believe that is in this cycles turning, Iselka, I'm sorry. Once you all have the details please find me and Dr. Fauntleroy outside." He then gives a small nod and heads to the cave entrance looking for Fauntleroy and seems to find her easily enough.

Walking up to her he remembers he should probably make his presence known, albeit a bit late. He clears his throat slightly as he is almost upon her. "Doctor, are you bothered by the 'monster' comment?" He would look to her, his eyes once again voids and his voice serene. Not accusing or calling, just asking.
Fauntleroy glances up when Balion approaches. She turns a little to face him, her own face carefully blank. “Hardly. It’s not exactly the first time somebody has called me a ‘monster’,” she says, one shoulder raising in a shrug. “But he made it clear my presence isn’t appreciated, so I shall spare master Gwirionedd with my ‘silly logic puzzles’.” She raises her hands so she can add air quotes to the statement, her voice betraying just how sour she was about it. She turns her head slightly towards the cave. “Are you lot ready to proceed then? I’m tired of fog and theatrics for tonight.”
Balion watches her and nods. "They were harsh words spoken in panic and a labyrinth of memory. It not being the first time doesn't mean it doesn't hurt." Hearing her question he turns his head fully to the cave and waits a moment before speaking, not turning all the way. "I hunt monsters, Fauntleroy. Real monsters." He looks directly at her, and into her eyes if he can. "I'm not hunting you." He stares at her a moment, lips slightly twitching up into a smile, before adding. "You are no monster."

After letting his words sit in the mist for a time he motions to the cave. "The woman, Iselka, has offered us her aid. She also recommends we rest and let the wheel turn some to relieve us of this fog."
Eldath's words once again cut through the fear, bringing clarity and calm. The twitching fades and his eyes focus. A slow creeping shame replaces the fear. 'Did I really say that to Fauntleroy? Oh god.' Now wasn't the time for self-pity, Eldath had brought him back from the edge. A determination, still fragile but growing, filled him with energy and he looks towards the retreating back of Balion. 'I should talk to Fauntleroy.' The thought made him grimace and he shook his head. He turned towards Iselka and gives her the warmest smile he can manage, which is still angry. "You feel it would aid the child more for us to wait. Then we will wait. I need to pray, I am sorry that I will be poor company tonight Iselka."

Whilst he is clearly anxious to get moving he grudgingly takes Iselka's advice and settles down for the night. He moves to one of the corners of the room, unclips his leather armour and mace which he leaves in a small heap next to him, and sets up a blanket. "Gimble I am taking your advice, I am listening to Eldath and becoming still waters. Please tell the others I am praying." He sets up incense sticks around him, lights them and lets his mind wander, thinking on the concept of still waters and staying calm, against what seemed to be an ever rising storm.
Fauntleroy scoffs. “I’m hardly a fragile maiden liable to burst into tears at the first unkind word. Don’t worry about me.” As a child, it’d made her cry. She hadn’t understood then, how she didn’t belong to the world of the humans, nor how she’d never be truly accepted by the elves. About how people would look for a scapegoat, and how she’d always be the most convenient one by default. Nowadays, she tells herself to care less. Perhaps she doens’t always understand people, but they hardly understand her either.

Nonetheless, she finds Balion’s words to be surprisingly kind. She manages a weak imitation of a smile, nodding. “I appreciate the sentiment nonetheles.” Her eyes flick towards the cave, and she lets out a long-drawn sigh. “Am I to understand we are staying here then tonight? I suppose it’d be a waste of time to trek back to the city, yes. Fine then. After you.”
Balion nods to Fauntleroy, letting out another big breath and leads them back to the rest of the party. Looking to Carwyn set up how he is Balion turns to Gimble and Iselka "So it seems resting and letting the Wheel turn was chosen?"
Gimble turns towards the approaching Balion and Fauntleroy “Yes, that seem to be it, I don’t mind waiting the night either hopefully we can expect to find the pursued in their human forms during the day.” Nodding behind him towards Carwyn “Cary be praying so try and not disturb him tonight, hehe I think we all need our sleep tonight.”

Gimble’s face goes white as he exclaims “The duchess! We have to report back to her that the travelers are not the fiends we thought them to be!” Gimble looks around frantically “Everyone, we are unable to spend the full night here. Whats the plan?”
Balion stares off into the distance/cave wall for a second before letting out yet another big breath and holding his hand up to calm them before they get worked up. "I will go and come back. I need less rest than the rest of you. And I enjoy the wilds." Without waiting for a response he steps back into the entrance and seemingly becomes one with the shadows as he heads off to talk with the Dutchess.
“...I suppose he leaves us no choice,” Fauntleroy states, staring after Balion for a few seconds before she shakes her head. She barely glances at Carwyn as she sits down. She nods at Iselka in a vague greeting before she starts unpacking. She sets up her bedroll before she gets out her notebook. The darkness makes her pause for the first time in a while.

“Perhaps we should light a small fire,” she says. “At the very least, I’d like to light a torch, if you don’t mind, master Waywocket, lady Iselka?”

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