[Party 5] Balion N'Vaelharn

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New Member
Character sheet:
Balion N'Vaelharn


My parents, having a bit of wanderlust, happened to be in Faerun when I was conceived and deciding it was too harsh a journey in that condition stayed until I was born. Born a full-blooded Elf with alabaster skin, green eyes flecked with gold, raven black hair, and as healthy a bouncing baby boy as anyone could ask for. Shortly after we returned to our homeland of Evermeet.

I grew up in a fairly large family, being the second born of seven but that never stopped our parents from going on their travels. Many of us took up duties as needed around the house, becoming very self-reliant at young ages. Our family was shaken to the core when our parents never returned after they left on one of their many travels. My youngest brother was only four at the time. Some of us still believe they might be alive out there somewhere. I would like to think the same, but it's hard to considering what I hunt. Anyway, after that incident my brothers, sisters, and I were taken in by our mother's parents. We were loved and cared for by them, and they were always kind with us. The topic of our parents and their disappearance was one we all learned not to discuss with them though. It pained them greatly. They didn't really have the means to comfortably provide for all of us, we weren't the poorest but we didn't have much extra either. Thankfully our original home was large enough to house us all in relative comfort. I'm not sure if it was due to some quirk in my personality or the fact that I was born in the strange lands of Faerun instead of our homeland but many of the children my age actively avoided me. They said I was strange or weird and I grew up with very few companions outside my siblings.

As I neared adulthood My responsibilities grew until finally I could claim my name and was accepted into our border guard. In my first month I met a Halfling hunter. This marks my first true friend, her name was Merla. She was far traveled and shared many tales with me during and shaped many of my current interests and views. One day we were due to meet at the nearby lake and fish, but I had forgotten that I was supposed to be posted on watch today. Due to my having abandoned the post to go to the lake a monster came made it into our borders. She must have been on her way to meet me because the monster found her in it's path. Not much was left from that encounter. She must have wounded the thing before being eaten though, for when another border guard found it, it was dispatched quickly.

After that I was exiled for my crime of abandoning my post and endangering the whole of our community. I was lost during my first year of exile not really paying attention to what lands I was currently in, much of it a haze. In my stupor I wandered into the den of a monster and only survived because a Ranger was nearby already planning to clear out the den. Seeing how she dispatched the monstrosity with such precision and ease I asked to study with her. She refused. I followed her anyway, at first trying to learn just by watching and making slow progress. As time wore on she began to bark orders or instructions at me and I learned her name is Kethra and that she was Illuskan. She thought it was strange I hadn't guessed that considering her light skin, grey eyes and black hair which were dead giveaways for a human of her descent. I simply said I knew nothing of these lands, being from Evermeet myself. As more time passed I was invited to share her fire where we slowly shared our own personal stories. Eventually we were Mentor and student. She called herself a Monster Slayer. Now I did too. After a few harsh years of training and learning we began to rely on each other more as partners than as teacher and student. One day, after clearing out a particularly difficult den she sat me down and said there was nothing more I could learn from her. I needed to travel and grow my skills, that day she handed me a medallion of an intricately and stylized visage of a wolf on a simple but sturdy chain.

The next morning we parted ways, wishing each other well and hoping our paths crossed again. That day I started my new watch. From there I wandered the many lands available to me. Hunting the things that went bump in the night or that stalked our shadows. Many times I was able to make gold by picking up a job to hunt a monster from a local village or town. Never paid much but it was fulfilling and made me feel like I was making Kethra proud and redeeming what I let happen to Merla. I had a purpose, drive, and a greater good to live for. I was happy.

Posting Activity:
I can be active pretty much every day after 8pm EST except for the random late shift I get scheduled.
Tues, Thurs, Sat I can be active after 3pm EST
Randomly I will be available all day. My days off fluctuate so it's hard to tell.

Character Sheet:
Please mark your saving throws for your class. For Ranger those are Strength and Dexterity.

Please list your cantrip from High Elf under you spell cantrips, and mark that it uses INTELLIGENCE for spell DC.

Character Bio:
I see nothing here that catches my eye as needing fixing.

Please make the changes and tag me ( Abrahms Abrahms ) in the Discord when ready for another lookover or any questions or comments!
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