Party 15

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After wandering through the bloody keep, I follow the tracks of a guy who broke out of there, I lose myself in the woods, end up in some town, and make my way to a tavern. I walk in, passing right by some half-orc I've never seen before, who drops a bottle of some kinda something, probably wine, into my hands. I freak out and swing my arms around and try and grab and part of it I can before it falls down. I do it, but not without just about tripping over onto the ground.

Some kinda Human walking to a perfect beat walks up to me and asks me if I was friends with braids, but I was just in the middle of being handed this bottle, so I freeze up and hang out for a second, tell him to wait and shout at the Orc outside in every language I know. Maybe he's deaf.

I tell the human that I like braids alright, then he looks confused and said something about the half-orc's name being Braid or something, then he laughs real loud and asks if I knew Braid. Nope. I try and ask him where we are, but don't get much of an answer, just that the people around aren't very friendly. We shake hands. His name's Par & Dar, maybe he's two dudes running that one hustle, "Mind and Body." First time I've ever seen someone run that and not wear a big coat. He's just wearing regular people clothes.

A big bulky dragonfolk walks in the door and sits with his buddy, asks who I am, his name's Sothoth. Turns out I've been to his village when I was like less than 10 repeats old, we bought all those sheep from that time. Then a little while after, some either halfling or gnome, I can never tell em apart, walks through the door and talks about screams in a church, then he just kinda empties that bottle into his stomach, and we think it'd be a decent idea to head to the church, but first, I ask a dude in the corner if he'll be there later. Looks like it. Good, that means I'll probably be able to help him get home, then sleep in his house until the sun comes around, and maybe even make a new friend in this town.
The large, scratched and stained doors open to reveal a ten-foot-wide, twenty-foot-long hall leading into a brightly lit chapel. The hall is unlit and reeks of mildew. Four doors, two on each side of the hall, lead to adjacent chambers.

You can see that the chapel is strewn with debris, and you hear a soft voice from within reciting a prayer. Suddenly, the prayer is blotted out again by an inhuman scream from below the floorboards.
The chapel is in shambles, with overturned and broken pews littering the dusty floor. Dozens of candles mounted on candlesticks and candleabras light every dusty corner in a fervent attempt to rid the chapel of shadows. At the far end of the church sits a claw-scarred altar, behind which kneels a priest in soiled vestments. Next to him hangs a long, thick rope that stretches up into the bell tower.

From beneath the chapel floor, you hear a young man's voice cry out, "Father! I'm starving!" The priest continues his prayer, though you can tell his voice is getting hoarse.
Willan was finally able to find a little rest next to the church by the forge. Before long, though, his attention was pulled away by fervent praying from somewhere inside the church. He tried to ignore it and focus.

How did we get here? Where are we? Did the werewolves bring us here? Did the house bring us here? What’s wrong with the people here? What are they afraid of? Am I dreaming?

He had just pushed the praying voice out of his head when a horrific scream echoed out of deeper inside the church. Willan was so startled that he almost cut himself with his knife. He looked over at Sothoth to see if he had heard it too. Willan pressed his head up against the church wall to see if he could hear what in blazes was going on in there. The praying and weeping was more frantic now. He couldn’t help himself, he was already caught up in it. He had to know what was going on. Sothoth had already headed over to the tavern.

Good idea, let’s get Braid and Parundar.

He entered the tavern, "Hey, there's something real freaky going on around here. Someone in the church just let out an awful scream. If we can just get everyone together, I'd like to... hey, where's Braid?" It seemed Braid had run out unexpectedly and no-one seemed to expect him back. In his was was a newcomer named Fio. She was small for a human but had an intensity about her. Willan was pretty sure she could still snap him in half despite her size.

Whoever she is, she's clearly not from around here. We should stick together.

Willan looked at Fio, blinked and stared in disbelief. He wasn't sure whether to be impressed or horrified at the sheer number of words coming out of her. Finally he reached over and took the wine Parundar didn't seem to want and downed it in two gulps.

"Yep, I'm Willan alright. The screamer that used to be a prayer is in the church. I'm a little reluctant to go inside any more mysterious buildings but hey, maybe when we're done in there it'll spit us back home."

After a bit more discussion, the group moved into the teetering church. Inside now, Willan listened more intently so see if he could understand what the man was praying frantically for. The man was trying to remove a curse without hurting someone.

He’s clearly a caring person. Pa always said the best way to get help is to give help. Maybe if we help him with this curse, he’ll help us.
This church gives me all kinds of bad vibes, man. Two doors, cool, yeah, that's easy to run out of, but man, the roof's got holes in it? Windows're boarded up? Paint's all peely? Building's old? That's nothing but a bad time. I've heard a ton of spooky stories, the kind that put the curls in your hair, and only like 4 of 'em haven't taken place in a spooky church. And outta those 4, like 2 of those take place in a church's graveyard. That's trouble, dude. There's a reason people make up stories about this kinda place.

Whatever, we're going in. Right away, place is dark, which I hate, of course. I pull out my nightlight and use it to help me see better, with Anklebiter in my hand and the boys up my sleeves. Four rooms, a scream in the floor, and a guy praying in the big room straight ahead. I'm not walking straight into that, that's a trap, holding a sign that says "trap," with a haircut that looks like a bear trap and a moustrap for a mouth, dude. That's a "tuh-ra-puh."

"We should send out only like one or two people out there. This feels like a trap. I'll hang out 'round here and be an eagle, I don't feel much like a fist right now." It worked. Sothoth goes out to see what's going on, and I check out the other rooms.

This first one to the left was a big mess, gross and old. Nothing underneath the pillows or bed, but there was some kind of religious symbol that looks like one of those "shirleykens", the shamu-rye weapons. I'm keeping that. First right one has a door in the floor and is all kindsa messed up. I'm not going in there, not alone, at least.
I tell Par & Dar about what I saw and he says a funny word.
Second left room's got a lit candle, someone was in here just a while ago. Clean room, probably belongs to the priest, but maybe it belongs to someone else. I tell Par & Dar to watch out, there could be someone else running around here. I check the last room, has a desk and chair. "Nevermind." It's got a cabinet too. Big one. Got some candles and lighters. And two books, can't read em. But one has some real future-y toon strips in 'em. It's funny, but it took me a sec. Some kinda papers on the desk too, but nothing I can figure out.

I go back out to P&D and tell 'em that I saw some stuff in there, but told him I didn't read any of it.

Still don't like this place Just waiting for the big scary monster to pop outta the ceiling. Waiting. Ready to punch that sucker in the nose. If it has one.
Parundar found himself hesitating upon entering the church. Perhaps it brought back the last time he failed to save someone. He knew there was someone in trouble, so he followed his comrades.

The priest calling out in desperation, the man yelling out in hunger from below, it all sent chills down Parundar's spine. He seems to be seeking assistance... but can he be helped?

Sothoth and Willan barreled forward to speak with the priest while Fio continued to dart through the rooms nearby. Parundar stood by, ready to relay information to either side in case of trouble. Fio's energetic speech amused him. When she mumbled that she didn't believe in ghosts or demons, Parundar smiled. I wish I could say the same!

In response to Fio's questioning, Parundar realized that he wasn't actually aware if he were physically trapped here or not. "I haven't tried to leave, but I certainly don't know how we got here." Regardless, I would be compelled forth anyhow.
Donovich grows more weary and tired as you talk. His attention is consistantly being pulled to the sounds of his son from beneath the floorboards. He explains the Vistani and how he thinks you have arrieved in his land. His voice grows quiet as Sothoth tries to get more information on Strahd.

"Strahd has been the ruler of this land for nearly 4 centuries. He is the undead ruler, a vampire, who lives in Castle Ravenloft. The devil Strahd is a curse that has been placed on our land because of the sins of our ancestors." He continues to whisper, seemingly concerned about someone else hearing. "He controls vermin and wolves, and he even has a gang of werewolves under his command." He looks back down. "All I know is that I, and every other person here, live in fear of the devil Strahd, and those who stand to him end up dead or worse." He looks down again to the ground.

"FATHER, COME GET ME, PLEASE! I HUNGER!" the screams from the basement are the loudest you've heard thus far, but they suddenly stop. Donovich looks around for a moment, then his eyes grow wide with panic. He rifles through his pockets, and fumbles, dropping a large iron key on the floor between you. "Doru is never quiet for this long, something must be wrong, help me check on him, please!" The heavyset man is sweating and out of breath already.
Once they had arrived in the town, sothoth knew his goal, he would melt down the silver longsword and pour the molten silver over his own blade in hopes to easier slay the werewolves they were sent to take down. He went with Willan to the church, the home of the towns forge, while smelting down the blade though he heard inhuman screeches of pain that he couldn't quite make out. It greatly unsettled him, as it would anyone. His goal became finishing his task as quickly as possible and heading over to the tavern where Parundar and Braid were. Upon arrival, he was met with a strange sight though. In Braids, place was a half-elf woman claiming she did not know who braid was while Parundar was saying that braid just up and left mysteriously. Sothoth knew better though, Braid had obviously transformed into this woman, this must have been his true shape all along. He would tell the others when the time was right though. He knew not to stir up too much controversy.

When the party went to the church thanks to Willan's dutiful noting of the ungodly howls that should be investigated, sothoth attempted to find some kind of entrance to a cellar, to no avail though which was a shame. He wanted the wailing to end though, it hurt his ears and the longer he heard it, the more enraged he became. He burst through the doors to see the pitiful father in the floor in what he thought was submission (but was actually prayer). He walked to the man and picked him up off the floor asking simple questions, "Why is there yelling" "Why did you lock your son in the basement" "Is Doru a ghost like the ones in the house that disappeared?" fairly simple questions until he got to the big one, the one he wished didn't come to mind "Are Sothoth and his friends trapped here?"
Fio unlocks the padlock on the chain keeping the trap door shut. Sothoth helps pull the heavy iron chain out of it's guides and opens the door upward, allowing it to slam onto the ground on the other side. As he does so, the sound of a wolf howling in the distance can be heard. There is a creaky old wooden set of stairs that lead down into what was likely a storage room. From the stairs, it is easy to see that there is a wall of metal bars with a door, like from a jail cell, secured in the middle of it.
This preacherman's got some kinda problem. He's shouting about his boy in really weird ways without ever really saying what's going on? Like "THIS MAD BEAST HAS COMMITTED A FOUL CRIME AGAINST MAN AND GOD" and "THIS INJUSTICE WILL NOT MERELY BE SHRUGGED OFF WITH IMPUNITY," that kinda stuff. But what's actually going on, pops? Has your kid been turned into some kind of a frogman or something? What's up?
But then he starts talkin' about ghost and junk, so I completely tune out, but then he says some kinda thing about being sucked in here, and that's about as loud as hearing a window smash in a stonecarver's shop. And that makes me wonder, didn't P&D or Willin' say something about being stuck here? So I ask the guy, I say "yo P&D, youse guys aren't stuck here, is ya? 'Cause I remember something about someone sayin', 'maybe we'll find somethin' round here to spit us back out.' "
So the guy says, shit you not, pal, somethin' like "well, I haven't tried to leave, but I'm not sure how we got here," which just makes me lose my cool. 'Cause I got here followin' some tracks in the woods and then next thing I know, this old, spooky-lookin' town's sayin' hello to me. So, I drop the whole sneaky creepy stuff and I walk up to the guy, "hey father, nice to meet ya," gotta be polite, you know, "are you sayin' we walked into a house where the hallway rug is just coverin' up a big hole in the floor, then we all step on it and end up in some kinda cage?" He says something like "Only way I ever seen people leave this place is in a pine box," and he points at the cemetery outside.
And I totally forgot 'til now, but walkin' in, I pulled a card outta my taro deck and pulled #5, the high-erofant, and that means like duties and responsibility and stuff like that, and maybe weddings or religious ceremonies, bat mitzvahs, all that kinda junk. But then it hits me: it's not a wedding or comin' 'a age thing, it's funerals. Our funerals. So that bums me out. Then it's like all the sound around me tunes out for a sec while I fall over. Maybe I started passin' out for a sec there. Got myself into another big bundle 'a garbage. Last time it was that people-smuggling ring, then that big explosion at the city hall, and now this, huh? Oh boy.
Anyways, Will's askin' a buncha questions'bout who this guy "Strawed" is, who "Vistani" is, I heard 'a them, they're fun people, why no one knows any 'a the big cities, and just what's goin' on.
So for a sec, I slip out and betray my bros-in-travel and start believin' all the garbage, right, like "oh, these travellers mighta put a curse on you 'cause they have weird accents and look different and they're strangers that don't act like me and..." hold on a sec, got all pissy, gotta breathe.
I believe it for a sec, then "wait, no, I walked in here through the woods, no one brought me here."
He says Strawed is a guy who's been here for 400 loops, probably not true; and a vampire, probably not; lives in a castle, probably true; controls animals, probably not, and also these wolfpeople the kids would tell spooky stories about, wearwolves, especially probably not. But him being some kinda monster sounds interesting. Maybe he's my dad. Best lead I've had in a while. So I'm about to ask him about the guy, then his boy starts shouting again and goes quiet, so he asks us to check on him, which sure, no problem, I'm up for it. He gives us a key to the floordoor. Sucker better not have rabies. If he bites me, I'm breaking all his front teeth, then pulling out the rest with the pinchers in my break-in box.
P&D's got a real solid drumming talent, man, really got me all riled up. I volunteer to go in first, I'm feel good. We unlock the floordoor, and pull off the chain. Looks like a regular ol' basement, except it's half-jail cell. Rad. The Taro gave me #3, empress. Not the worst thing I coulda pulled. Maybe there's something expensive in this basement.
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As soon as Fio pushes the cage open, the sound of wolves howling the the distance fills the air followed by a sudden *thud* directly behind Parundar. An emaciated human figure lands after apparently falling from the ceiling and immediately rushes up the stairs. "Father, you've sent them to rescue me!" he screams as he makes his way up the steps. When he is out of sight, you hear the *squelch* of something sharp cutting through flesh, and hear Donovich first gasp, and then moan in pain.
The sucker wasn't in the basement, he was in the church the whole time, probably hiding in the ceiling! Dammit, why didn't I think to look for someone tryin' to get the drop on us?

Went right for his dad, too. Put two big holes right in his body, mighta punched through 'im or somethin'. Hope someone else is good with big bleeding wounds like that, or that we can get 'im to a stitching station. Might need some real pros for it. Anyways, I ran back up the stairs, past everyone else, and not wantin' to stomp on his dad's bleeding body, he was just askin' for a tornado suplex. So I run up to the guy, hook my arm around his neck, tornado DDT, into a suplex, then follow it up with a roll, into another suplex, ready to slam this puppy into the ground, but I drag that one out, giving everyone else a chance to get in a couple good slugs to the stomach. His neck's not gonna feel good tomorrow. No part 'a him is.
Willan cautiously entered the church with his companions. Not one for subtlety, Sothoth strode directly to the priest and pulled him off the ground demanding answers from the poor shaking fellow.

Oh no, I'd better get up there before he shakes more than answers out of the old man

Willan rushed up to Sothoth's side, holding up his hands and giving him a look: easy now. Thankfully, the priest didn't take offense and, better, caught on quick, "You people must not be from around here. Did the Vistani suck you into this hellhole, as well?" He continued on about people and places totally foreign to Willan as if they should be household names: Vistani, Strahd, Barovia. Willan looked to his companions for any kind of recognition. He felt like he was going crazy.

"I'm sorry father but I'm having a hard time following you. Who's Vistani and who's Strahd? I've tried talking to some of the locals here and they haven't heard of the places we're from - Daggerford, Waterdeep, the bloody sword coast! I'm sorry, I feel like I'm going insane. We didn't travel that far through the woods but it seems like... like we're somewhere else entirely."

The priest gave Willan a knowing, compassionate look, "The Vistani are the only people able to travel outside of this realm, they are a group of nomads who have been trying to bring warriors from outside of Barovia to stop Strahd's reign."

"Oh yes father! We met them! That seemed like so long ago. No, they did not lead us here. We came to this town through the woods but it was abandoned. We found and tried to help two small children who led us into a horrible twisted house. We barely made it out alive and now we're here. Thank you father, that makes a few things clearer."

Willan's thoughts skittered off, connecting the pieces into something his mind could accept as a plausible reality. Sothoth asked his own questions of the priest, Parundar's familiar drum brought a bolstering energy and Fio voiced what they were all thinking, "Feel like being good sam's?"

"Yes, please, tell us how we can help."

Before long, they had opened the trap door Fio had discovered and stared down into a dark, dank basement. The caged area where Willan expected to see the source of the agonized screaming was eerily empty. There was nothing to do but descend. Willan kept his eyes fixed on the back of Sothoth, trusting in his friend's superior instincts to tell him where danger might be. Fixated on the cage, Willan watches as Fio opens the door.

thump! Willan suppressed a shriek as he spun around to the source of the noise behind him. Willan could only watch as a ghoulish figure scrambled up the stairs screaming to Donovich above. Fio, the quickest to react, shot past Willan and up the stairs. Willan followed. Now at the top, he stepped off to the side to consider his options as Fio charged. Donovich was moaning on the ground, the creature clearly having slashed the poor man.

By now, Fio had the lithe figure in a solid hold. Willan focused his energy to help assist her, but the crystals of ice wouldn't take hold on the struggling creature.
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Doru screamed and writhed as he tried to escape from the girl holding on to his head. He slashed his claws forward, but neither one peirced her leather armor. He did his best to turn his head toward the door and shouted, "Father, please, I want to return to you!"
Parundar wandered though the church with determination. Recognizing the need to be on guard, he stood as a conduit for communication for his compatriots.

As Sothoth and Willan investigated the priest, Parundar kept an eye on them and his new friend Fio. He often was the lookout, so he drew on his experience.

As the priest seemed to have a noble cause, Parundar felt comfortable enough to head forth. The nobility of his compatriots gave him confidence, inspiring him to drum.

As the group opened the trap door, Parundar was so focused on his song that he completed failed to notice the movement of the figure until the priest yelled out and Fio had already begun showing her worth in battle with tricky wrestling skills!

Willan headed forward with an incantation but the beast seemed to be too tough. Parundar attempted to assist with his own spell but it’s will overpowered his ability.

“Damn, and after she got him all ready for me, too!”
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Sothoth did not like the priest, this seemed like a sad man who was obviously broken. Once they were led over to the basement door, sothoth wasted no time following Fio into the cellar which they then abrutly ran out of as they heard a thud and saw the figure of a man running away. By the time sothoth got to the first floor, he saw fio holding what seemed to be a young man who attacked Donovan "Take this beast!" sothoth entered into a rage, yes he didnt like Donovan but he shouldn't have died like that. He readied his sword and slashed into the young man


A pack of wolves burst through the door, heading straight in to the room and getting close. One of them bites Fio on the leg as they all growl at the group. The much larger pack leader stays back but seems to keep it's eyes on Doru.
Frustrated that his frostbite hadn't taken hold on the young... man? Willan took a closer look. He assumed the "father" he called out to was father Donovan. But now it was obvious he referred to another father who was sending something else to rescue Doru.

Oh no! The doors! I must keep them out!

Willan took a few steps towards the open doors but slid to a stop as five wolves spilled through the door.

"Doru has a new father! And he sent help! Protect Donovan!"

Willan rushed forward, feeling a rage fill him. They had finally found someone here that might actually be able to help them and now he lay on the floor dying. He didn't know who this lord was that everyone was terrified of but he'd be damned if he'd be bullied or pushed around by any noble.

Willan spread his fingers wide and pushed his anger and frustration through. A sheet of flame shot forward catching two of the beats. They snarled back, promising a return of violence on the snack sized Willan. Wanting to prove himself to his companions and hopefully earn the help of father Donovan, Willan frantically pushed more anger and flames out his fingertips.

When the stream of fire ended, neither creature stood.
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Doru's eyes were wild as he looked around, trying to figure out what to do. He know who sent these wolves, so he decided that they must be his saviors. He scrambled to get to his feet and rushed fro the door. As he looked out into the night, he screamed, "He sent you, little brother. He sent you to find me!"
The wolves burst through the doors and the man scrambled to them, yelling triumphantly.

Parundar panicked at the scene: one wolf found its way to Fio and tore into her leg. Thankfully, Willan maintained his composure and was able to dispatch of two of the canines with a beautiful fire spell.

Parundar eyed the big wolf, the alpha dog, and sought to rob it of its vision. The incantation was perfect, but the wolf didn’t seem to be fazed. The beast simply stared toward them, the spell not even worth the consideration of a pesky mosquito.
Sothoth saw the wolves enter and Doru break through Fios grip, he took a swipe at the boy shouting with rage "Now is the time where my true might shines like many angry sunbeams of rage!” a clean hit, this kid wasn’t getting away he was getting out of reach though. Sothoth looked around for something to throw, finding Willan standing nearby. He picked up the man hurling him at the boy over the head of the wolves, Willan landed just short and in the middle of the wolves “I am the bane of you vampire spawn! I am the sword that pierced the darkness!” He ran to Willan, standing over him protectively
THE SON OF A BITCH BIT ME. This dumb lookin' dog bit me in the leg and blocked me from getting to the guy we came in here to take down, and y'know something? I'm mad about it. So I slapped this dog right on it's little doggy ass and it ran outta here, yipping away. But shit, dude, I might need to get to some kinda doctor, last time this kinda thing happened, all I could eat was soupwater. That was the worst two weeks. Felt like someone screwed my jaws shut.
Anyways, there are still more, a big one and a small one. Big one's kinda lookin' at Willin' all hungry-like, so I'm gonna rip his teeth out one by one, I know the little braino probably ain't got as much'a that tough stringy muscle, so I'm gonna give 'im some backup.
He's a nice guy, that Willin'. Weird name, but nice guy. He think's he's half my size or somethin'. Ha. This guy.
I'm gonna try an' keep this guy safe. And y'know something? Even if he says something about me bein' small? It's cool. The first time, at least. We'll see about second & third times, but I have a feelin' it'll be alright too.
The smaller of the wolves, looking around at the charred and slashed companions begins to whimper slightly, but there is a sudden flash of something in it's eyes and it bounds forward, snapping at Parundar. He is able to move out of the way expertly and keep the fangs from making contact.

The bigger wolf standing in the area of the door begins to fell a little boxed in. It looks to see which of the creatures in it's path seem the easiest to finish off, and it quickly picks the smallest one. It bites down hard onto Willan, shaking it's head while clamped on to do extra damage.
The rage simmered now, after having been let loose once, then twice with considerable effort. Sothoth raced up next to Willan looking concerned at the fleeing Doru. He seemed to size up Willan then impulsively reached for him. Not knowing quite what to expect Willan steadied himself as best as he could as his beefy companion lifted him off his feet. With a mighty heave, he found himself suddenly airborn - an experience both terrifying and exhilarating. Short lived though, he found himself crashing across the floor. He brought himself to his feet as best as he could only to see he had landed at the feet of the biggest wolf.

Sothoth and Fio ran up beside him, the one, towering and determined, the other chattering as always. "How ya doin' there, Willin'? you don't look like you been ripped in half yet, so probably not so bad. How's the wife and kids?"

It the midst of the chaos, it was oddly comforting to have seemingly normal banter. However, Willan kept light on his feet and focused on the beast before him. “I’m already a half Fio. Let’s hope I don’t go to quarters.”

Before Willan had even finished speaking, Fio yammered on, “Nah, what'a ya talkin' about? I'm only like this much taller than you. If you were half a Fio, you'd be able to fit in my jacket pocket."

“But I’m not a half-Fio, I’m a half-Ling”. Willan spared a glance at Fio and saw her lips parted without words for a mere moment. “Clearly she’s much taller.”

Overlapping her words with his again, “What’s a Ling anyway? What’s a whole Ling look like?”

The wolf, glaring at Sothoth and Fio as they had arrived seemed to make a choice to snatch the tiny morsel that had dropped at his feet. Willan, seeing the strike coming attempted to push his energy out to oppose the snapping jaw but it wasn’t enough. The teeth clamped down around him and, with a violent shake, tore into his flesh. He managed to get free in time to see Doru headed out into the night.

Not wanting Doru to get away Willan shouted, “STOP!” and threw his will at him. The hastilly conjured energy seemed to land around his head. Doru shreiked, "Brother, they've stolen my sight, help me brother!"

A very familiar voice called from outside, "Come, brother, follow my voice!"

Is that? "Braid ?!?!"
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