
Kapitan: E. Richtofen- 2274-4112

3rd Kriegsmarine Heavy Fleet, Sms Bismark

The Kaisic Captain crossed his arms at the raging Atlus Captain, staring with slight anger. His uncomfortable sifts as the captained raged hinted towards his eagerness to retaliate with harsh words. Calculation told him of the draw-backs, and he did not like this so.

Then, the captain listed things he had not heard before, even during his deployment during the Diagna Campaigne.

He watched as the captain was sedated and carried off with an un-changed frustration.

"Captain... promise me, that you will answer with honesty," He said, pausing for the captain's answer.

"His words... Are they true?do you feel Hatred towards us too? He asked with calm- confused words.

"And the others...are they feeling unhappy because of this?"

This could spell war if they were to attack, and a backstab is not what is needed during these days.

"Captain, on that day of infamy for the Atlus...I assure you that I feel sorrow for them- I bet the troops did as-well...But you have to realize..Without Diagna, an entire race would die...they had no choice- but to do as they are told." Emotion was carried in these words. And with every pause, it grew.

"I have lost countless training partners to starvation, hundreds died from our lack of fuel...thousands more to your people's gunfire. Yet with this Alliance, I welcomed you all as friends. If this is how people feel..."

"Then we simply should make up for it in the bond of our troops. for the good of both of our people. This civil unrest could lead to rebellions-back stabs- and more war."

He coughed, or atleast, his voice-box made a clearing noise.

"Now...were his words true, captain?"

@Wandering Grim Hollow
Atlus Colonial Fleet Detachment

Ensign D.Lorenz

"Forgive me for my... harsh words but I would ask that you don't give excuses for any action your soldiers did on Diagna. If anything I would rather we both pretend that none of this ever happened." I calmly suggested. I know that I must choose my words carefully and to not follow the popular vote in times like these. That was a fatal mistake the Captain made before I informed the paramedics of a potential mutiny. She may have the people's vote but I know what has to be done. 

[SIZE= 12px]"But yes, the Captain's words were true. All of her accusations has some basis of truth. An entire colony was displaced from their homes with the only Atlusians there being the military. There were reports of civilian towns, those that were away from the front, being shelled and bombed for what ever reason your protocols gave you. I can see the reasoning behind those actions. I even empathize with your people's plight. After all, it was only 70 years ago that we Atlusians faced the same problems you did. Corporations mistreating the colonists, poor work and living conditions, lack of proper supplies, you name it." I paused for a moment to let those words sink in. Tensions in the bridge were lowering as the crew decided to focus on their own work expect for one of the Communications Officers who wept. I didn't remember her name at that time but I do know that she had family on Diagna, family she lost and will never see again. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]"So you see, Kapitan. That is the current situation at hand before the ceasefire. Yes, that is what High Command calls it now. A ceasefire treaty. The proper exchange will happen in a week if I recall properly so for the moment, all this..." I gestured around to mean the ships that were called out here. "Is all done out of kindness. Kindness your people never showed to the civilians. As a representative of the Colonial Navy, I will say that we have done our fair share of war crimes but... Never did we target civilian targets. I'll leave you to process that information. In the mean time, this fleet will stay in orbit for a couple more days. In the event something comes up, we'll be available to assist. That is all, Kapitan." [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]I gave a polite salute and asked for the feed to be cut. I sighed and looked back at the Captain's chair. A small smile crept on my face as I recalled how often she would complain about it and now... She's in the brig, facing the possibility of an execution for threatening to restart the war with the Kaisic Empire. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]"..... How sickening." [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 12px]@Panzer [/SIZE]

S.M.S. Bismark

Currently off-duty


The Kapitan watched the Atlus Naval Officer salute and cut connection. This was puzzling for him, and being a Kapitan, he would have to report this.

He opened a com channel and contacted High Command.

"High Command...S.M.S Bismark on stand-by."

"Roger Bismark, Await orders- out."

"High Command, I was in contact with an Atlus Officer. After an ugly scene, my crew and I soon learned of the hatred they held for us from the last conflict. High Command, I advise an investigation into this."

There was a period of silence.

"Roger Bismark, , Transmit the recorded scene to  High Council."

High Council Emergency Meeting, Atlus intentions Shown.


The meeting that had taken place housed many diplomats and military Generals.

A video of the exchange was shown.

The Battle of Paremeth , which had ended right before this video was recorded, show that the Kaisic Empire was the only one to defend the planet. Even after the Military Alliance born from ashes was made into iron, the Atlus fleet was held far away from the battle that they were to partake in. This allowed the UTA to escape from the grasp of the 'Iron Giant' of the Galaxy, leaving the planet vulnerable to a second attack.

This caused great uproar in the meeting. The Military "WEHRMACHT" Generals called for immediate action in cutting the supply train/ technological assistance pact. the diplomats have already requested a visit with the Atlus.

The Diplomats  have been loaded onto landing craft along with "Old Guards" infantry and Weaponized LandKaisers for defense against possible attacks. The Atlus were emailed of their arrival and Warned that the Weaponry are for Defense.

This is an uncertain time for the Kaisic Empire.

@Wandering Grim Hollow



Atlus Colonial Fleet Detachment

Withdrawing from Sector. Returning to Atlus for the Captain's trial. Possible punishment for entire fleet due to inappropriate actions in aiding Allies.


Message from Kaisic Command received. Will await your arrival.


-This is an automated message. Do not reply.


[SIZE= 12px]@Panzer[/SIZE]
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Kryptonian 16th Exploratory Party

Lieutenant Commander Briar Da

"Coming out of phantom space now!" ,one of the engineers yelped, "3...2...1...Now!".

The whirl of flashing light that once surrounded, like dogs around a bone, now transformed into a cyan mist, and thus the scout ship flashed above the planet Parmenthel. This particular planet was never considered for terraforming, but the Kryptonians sure could use any planet they could get their hands on. The Commander of the scout ship, Lieutenant Commander Briar Da, was sitting atop the captain's chair, his head resting in the palm of his right hand, and his fingers lightly tapping along his cheek. The planet was covered in green, making it a very vibrant color in the vast darkness of space. Briar felt tired, worn down from the constant traveling and scanning of different planets. He hoped that this specific one would provide substantial evidence as to who destroyed the seven Kryptonian outposts. Briar blinked twice and rubbed his eyes with his inner palm.

"Time to wake up." , Briar realized, snapping into reality.

"Commence the approach to the outer atmosphere." ,Briar commanded.

The scout ship began it's subtle approach to the atmosphere, the closer the ship grew, the faster the ship went. Since Krypton has one of the heaviest gravitational pulls in the universe, it's ships are able to pass freely through other planets' air, like a knife slicing through water.

When the ship reached the outer-most layer of the planet's atmosphere, the scientists aboard the scout ship knew the exact protocol and began their scan on the planet's crust, atmospheric conditions, and surrounding objects in the solar system. L. Commander Briar raised his arms to rest on the chair's arms, and locked his fingers between each other as he crossed his hands in front of his face, observing the not so distant planet. Briar knew it would take time for the scientists to complete their scans, so upon his decision he closed his eyes and began a dark sleep.



terra- oxygen_ normal

planet: rich with metals , dropping quickly.

Colonization: kaisic droids are mining the planet of metals. Large buildings scatter the planet. They produce refined metal or more droids.

Surround objects: a couple of Kaisic Dreadnaughts, other than that its clear.

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