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Fantasy Parissa Monet School For Young Witches CS



Professional sleeper
Here's a place for everyone to put their characters for reference
Fill out below and feel free to add more. If you already did this, just copy and paste your answers from the google forms

Age: (<18)
School of Witchcraft: (Which specialty are you pursuing? Elemental, spiritual, necro, etc)

Appearance: (preferably pictures)





|Name| Kamille DuPont
|Nickname| Kami
|Age| 16
|School of Witchcraft| Necromancy (Mediumship)

|Personality| Kami has always been the sweetest, most charming, and friendliest person out there. She was an optimist and went out of her way to make others happy. But when she lost her best friend, some things changed. She's still sweet as a lollipop, but to the point it's sickening.

She does whatever she needs to achieve her goals, all while keeping her “innocence” facade. Kami is still the talkative, polite girl that she has always been, but it's difficult for her to truly trust someone nowadays. And for those she does share her secrets with, she would lay her life down for them. Not that death really scares Kami, but she would do anything for them.

|Backstory| Kami grew up in a wealthy family that provided her with an expensive education- magic and normal. She initially learned witchcraft through her family who owns generations' worth of grimoires. And with these generations of knowledge comes generations of rules and traditions.

Her human best friend, Marie Simwell, found out about how her corrupt family is run by her dead ancestors, many of whom hold traditional, medieval views of the world. The family saw Marie as a threat. They feared she would expose them, leading to another witch hunt. So they cursed the mortal.
Not long after, Marie passed away. Kami was livid. She was heartbroken. She wanted revenge. But she knew it was impossible to face an entire family of experienced witches as an amateur, and instead demanded to be sent off to this witch academy where she would build her powers and commit her life to keep the balance of life and death.

|Family history| The first line of DuPont witches decided that they could gain power if only they had the same knowledge the deceased had, so that's what they did. They made it a tradition for the rest of the living family to keep in contact with past ancestors. The DuPonts hoard generations' worth of grimoires, spells, and money. They use magic to keep themselves on top. Guided by generations of past DuPonts, the family uses whatever is needed to maintain their wealth and power. Whether it be blackmail, hexing, or even murder.

|Likes| +flower crowns +fruit (especially strawberries) +writing +Nutella + fashion
|Dislikes| -loneliness -wet socks -summer -birthdays -fish -small, dark spaces

|Dormmate| Queen (_icequeenxo) and Paisley Carter

|Familiar| Noir, a black ghost cat. His worldly manifestation looks and feels like a real cat, but from certain angles, his skeleton is visible.

| Magic |
Energy Transfer: This came naturally to Kami, but she doesn't have enough self-restraint over it to use it freely. So when she takes energy from something, it should be limited. (Ex. Flowers in a vase is enough to give her a boost, but if the flowers were still in the ground, she might start taking energy from the earth too) The more she takes into her body, the more taxing it is afterward. Think of it as caffeine, but magic caffeine. If she takes too much, it becomes painful, and when she gives less energy than she's supposed to, it's draining.

Astral Project: When she meditates, she can go anywhere with her astral/spiritual body, including the underworld. However, if done too long she gets a massive headache and loses focus.
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Name:Reverie Rose Chaht
Nickname: Revie, Rev, R, Revie Ro, Ro
Age: 16
School of Witchcraft: Necromancy and Demonology

Appearance:download.png(But younger)
Personality: TBD
Backstory: Reverie had always been shunned. Not even her own mother wanted her. Everyone in her family was a powerful witch, whose name everyone knew. Her Father, a lesser known, but still prominent warlock. Warlocks were always frowned upon, so when Reverie Rose was born, she was automatically shunned as well. Her aunt, Headmistress Tiala, took her in, and raised her. Reverie Rose was always known for messing around with her magic, and accidentally, no one knows how, brought back a small girl, whom she named Remember, for she wanted the girl to "Remember" her past. She raised, and continues to raise the child with the help of her aunt.

Likes: Family, chocolate, winter, the dead, friends, ballet, her aunt, ducks

Dislikes: The uncalled for rude remark, people being mean to Remember or Tiala

Dormmate: Willow/Wisp

Extra: download (1).jpegRemember
Willow Steinmauer
Age: 17
School of Witchcraft:

Magical Mutant Form:



Willow is best described as a fiery individual, she is a realist and doesn't keep from speaking her mind on whatever the situation she finds herself in. Willow is the type of person to break down boundaries and test the limits of whatever she is messing with. Often finding herself in trouble, her curiosity tends to be her downfall most of the time. The girl has an insatiable drive to learn everything she can, tending to block out people and the world whenever she is trying to accomplish something. One would say she has a one track mind, while true she can be pulled out given the situation.
Willow was born… oddly enough yet she did not have a chance to remember her parents. Following her birth it had begun to become obvious that Willow was incapable of being cared for by her parents, and as such was handed over to the school at the age of three. Arriving at the school Willow was cared for and raised in a manner that both protected her and those around her. Despite her obvious negative genetic disposition she managed to maintain a rather normal childhood… at least as normal as she could manage.

Having been under the wing of the school for a majority of her life Willow had begun to develop a strong feeling of loyalty to the only place she could call home. Yet through the years she had developed a rather mischievous reputation, as flickering, random and beautiful as her mutation. This personality trait extends to the rest of her as well. She is a fire hearted young lady, unwilling to yield to those that see themselves better than others, she is a person willing to put herself out on display to lessen the burdens of others, even if it means bringing unwanted attention to herself. Yet out of everything the most defining feature of Willow is her willingness to let go of things that would otherwise bother her. While able to let go, Willow is also a very emotional individual who wears her emotions on her sleeves.

However through the years she has gained more control of her mutation, yet has had to go through some rather massive hoops to achieve them. The physical, mental and emotional strain of conquering something chaotic had left its mark on Willows body. Sprawled across it are the signs of experimentation in the form of tattoos and markings. Intricate and beautiful they appear purposefully aligned and created as if grafted and applied with great care.

Likes: Chocolate, Cats, Nature, Weird clothing, music, friends
Dislikes: bullies, closed spaces, snakes, spiders, deep water

Reverie Rose Chaht


Large- Internal Mana Fusion: Due to a violent and inherently detrimental mutation Willow is in all intents and purposes a walking magic Reactor. She is capable of producing intense heat stemming and flowing outward from her core. If pushed, willing or frightened enough she will begin to internally collapse as her body’s heat radiates outward, engulfing her body and giving her the looks of living flame.

-Containment: Experimental grafting of magical materials onto the subjects skin has proven paramount in their continued existence. Reapplications must be done every 2 years. Daily checks must be done to assure that the material is remaining. All injuries to areas containing materials are to be immediately reported.

Fast Metabolism: Willow must eat constantly as her body is always burning energy to keep her core at a steady temperature.

Physical Tole: While not ignited Willow will overtime begin to feel more and more tired before having to find a place to take a power nap. This however is increased several fold as when ignited Willow burns through her energy reserves fast. A star that burns twice as bright only lasts half as long.

Mood Fire: Willows natural flames shift and change appearance depending on what the girl is feeling. When not ignited this takes the form of her eyes and tattoos shifting colors to help negate any chance of her body sparking under stress.

Willow's skin is covered with magical containment tattoos.


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Name: Emmaline Grace Willis
Nickname: Emma (guess any other nicknames her new friends give her)
Age: 16
School of Witchcraft: Elemental - Nature
Appearance: Stands about 5’6, with a curvy body. Dark skinned with freckles on her nose and cheeks. She as well have a tiny birthmark on her left cheek that resembles a star. Very long, full, and very curly dark chocolate brown hair along with her deep chocolate brown eyes. Wears blue rim glasses, along with a sapphire pendant and yellow starfish earrings.
Personality: Emmaline is a friendly, kind, and caring person. Although she is a bit shy, keeping to herself most of the time. Tending to be quiet and observant when meeting new people and during class. She is more open with creatures than she is with people. Always excited to meet new creatures and get to know them. Once she gets to know someone and has befriended them, she will always do her best to help others, putting others first before herself.
Likes: Animals, nature, baking, the color blue, flowers, pastries, the rain, and books.
Dislikes: Celery, thunderstorms, pitch darkness, lairs, mistreatments to animals, and disappointing others.
Dormmate: PolikShadowbliss - Valevirna
Pet: A marten named Kiki (the second picture is her in the winter)
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Name: Austin Camelott
Age: 17
School : Necromancy & Voodoo
Appearance: 5'5 Dyed whitish hairGrungy style. Flannels, Band tees, Jeans and leggings. She has olive ish skin. Lots of piercings( Snake bites, Guages 0g, Three cartliage holes in each ear, Belly button, Tongue)
Backstory: Austin was a troubled young child. She was passed family to family, school to school due to her powers being untamed. She ran away at 13years old her parents never looked for her as they felt she was only a burden on society and because of this She never fit. Austin found this school in hopes of controlling her out of hand powers and learning how to be a functional member of society.
Personality: Shy at first, Outgoing in the sense she has experience in life with alittle of all situations. Is a greaat listener, also loves music and animals. Laid back grungy style. Has severe anxiety and depression episodes but tries to pretend everything’s okay.
Familiar: Blackrat named Angus
Likes: Animals, Thunderstorms/ rain , Netflix/ Hulu , Disney movies , Cartoons, Food , sleep , Fuzzy Socks, Dad Jokes & Darl hukpr
Dislikes: Most people, Same routine over and over , authorities/ figures of power , People who can’t take a joke.

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Nickname: Letty
Age: 16
Height: 5'3"
Weight: 140
School: Voodoo
Doormate: Belladona Laurent
Pronouns: she/her
Familiar: black rooster named Aubin

[ personality ]

Lisette is hardworking and faithful with a creative streak. She treasures her interpersonal relationships and tends to be very affectionate with the people she lets into her circle. Lisette prides herself in communication skills and her ability to get on well with most people. While she is a critical thinker, her loyalties can sometimes cloud her reasoning. The combination of her perfectionist nature and tendency to over-analyze occasionally leads her to inaction.

[ Backstory ]

Lisette was born in New Orleans to a powerful family with old magic. The LaNuits have provided voodoo queens and doctors to the big easy for generations, all following a family code called the Credo.
The first of and most important of their tenets is "a LaNuit may only use their magic to aid their kindred." more recent generations took this to mean the LaNuit family must fight to keep magically inclined voodoo practitioners from practicing any harmful magic.
Lisette's uncle Ambroise broke the first tenet by using voodoo to harm political rivals in his run for mayor. He broke the second tenet, do no harm to your kinfolk, by leading a force of like-minded practitioners against the family and their allies.

Blood was spilled that night, but the heads of the LaNuit household surrendered before the body count became too high. Ambroise overthrew his sister and Lisette's mother, Alphonsine, and took his place as the house patriarch. He was vindictive and spiteful in his dealings with those who opposed him. In an effort to keep her daughter safe, Alphonsine secretly enrolled Lisette in parissa Monet. She knew the school would be able to teach her magic the LaNuits didn't know- something Ambroise didn't know.

-urban ag
-card games
-feeling the bass line
-mixing drinks
-the moon
-roller skating
-jewelry design
-spicy food

-being late
-strong odors

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Bella Laurent

Name: Belladonna Laurent
Nickname: Bella, Donna
Age: 17
School of Witchcraft: Voodoo

Personality: Belladonna is a clever, passionate and determined young woman. With an iron will and undying resilience, she understands the value of hard work and effort to get what she most desires. She carries a certain air of pride and vanity - never shy to boast about her accomplishments, status, or appearance. It is fortunate that, due to her charismatic and outgoing nature, she has a wide variety of friends to talk to. While not exactly friendly, she has a way of making a person feel welcomed through her often dark sense of humor.

Backstory: Born as the granddaughter of a prominent voodoo queen in the heart of New Orleans, Belladonna grew up yearning for the power she knew her grandmother mastered. From a young age, she dutifully devoted herself to voodoo and all aspects of the spiritual beliefs (to her grandmother's delight). It took little time for her to become a respected member in her community, and she was soon able to carry her own rituals and even being able to use a new song after being contacted in a dream. While she respected the helpful and charitable nature of voodoo, her focus soon started to move to settle on her own benefit, rather than helping others. She wanted to use her connection with the spirits to help her future in the ancient magic, rather than bringing help to those who needed it most or strengthening their connection with nature. Fearing what her granddaughter was becoming, her grandmother quickly enrolled her in the Parissa Monet School for Young Witches, in hopes she would return to the right path once more. If not, she feared, then perhaps she would be forced to end the threat her power - hungry granddaughter proved to the community. The spirits, after all, were fair - yet unforgiving.

Likes: Music (especially jazz, blues and swing. But she does have a soft spot for rock), dancing, cooking, plants, animals, candles, reading.

Dislikes: Bigotry, laziness, disrespect, silence, heights, closed spaces, ignorance.

Lisette Lanuit

Extra: She has a pet snake. A small, pilot black snake she calls Delphine.


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