Paranormal Powers Club(Reboot)


Traveling Adventurer



Power: (Only ONE power per character, and if its something like "Shape-shifting" be detailed, like does he touch the object first? or does he simply look at it?



Appearance : (Please use a photo, anime preferred)

[QUOTE="Love The Game]May I join

yes, just post a character sheet and I'll most likely accept you ^^
Name: Lilly Marie

Age: 17

Power: Shape-shift into a different person but she can not turn into to a major known famous person because if she does she can get tired more easily

Appearance: looks like mystique skin but with eyes


her favorite form human is


Personality: Her original personality is diverse she can go from funny and flirty to Mean and Loud in 0.1 seconds she is also outgoing sarcastic so heads up don't tease or be mean to her

Bio: She traveled a lot so hard to keep up where she started
Name:Echo Joy


Junior (surprisingly)

Bilocation - The power to be in two places at once

Likes: being home while her other half is at school, Eating, scaring children, her father, weapons

Dislikes: people who disagree with her, people who lie, grapes, sports, and her older brother

Appearance :

Echo joins things for the chaos of it all. She teases too hard and comes across as violent and reckless but Echo is a teenager who does not have it all figured out. She struggles with her powers and sometimes it becomes a problem controlling it. She may seem like a bad ass but she is far from, because the only battle she is having is with herself. She can be fun and on special occasions she smiles or even laughs when she gets to know you. She protects the ones she loves and makes it clear when she dislikes something or someone. She is honest. Echo is afraid of many things, even though she plays it all off. She hates storms, and the smell of vanilla.

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