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Realistic or Modern Paranormal Lockdown


alien sympathizer
Wesley stepped out of the run down van, stretching his aching muscles and bones after sitting behind the wheel for what felt like close to a day. In reality it was only about 6 hours, but he was definitely one to over exaggerate. He wasn't about to let a little bit of soreness get him down though. Today was the day. It felt like all the hardwork and sleepless nights was finally paying off. Energy coursed through his veins and as he looked at the large, foreboding house before him, he felt deliciously alive.

Walking around the side of the van he opened the backdoor and started grabbing some equipment out. The setup was honestly Wesley's least favorite part of ghost hunting, but it was a necessary step in order to convince the nonbelievers.

"C'mon Brahms, get a move on. I'm not doing this all by myself... Again," he said with a joking tone. He wished he was joking though, because the last house they were at he did all the hard work while Brahms walked around "feeling for negative energy hot spots". A load of bullshit if you asked Wesley.

"I feel like this is the big break in our careers. This house is the one. I can feel it."

That was true. He felt like something special was going to happen with this house. He just wished that their cameras weren't so cheap.

JokerValentine JokerValentine
The house? The house was known as the Kent house, a simple residential complex situated in the middle of fucking nowhere. People say it was buried on a native burial ground, and that's why it's haunted. Alas, Brahm had done his research well on this case. The house was built in 1852, and housed guests as a sort of simple bed and breakfast. Then, one day, the owner, some dude with a bad case of the crazies, went into each and every room and shot everyone, including himself. The authorities couldn't explain it, and the case was closed simply. Then, when the guests stopped coming, the house was rumored to have many bizarre characteristics. People complained of noises, banging sounds, screams, voices, everything. Then the weird stuff happened. Windows shattered, chairs flew, owner after owner tried and failed. That was, until there were no more owners.

The house was clearly in disrepair. It should be demolished, but since it was so far out of the simple commute of societym nobody cared. What was odd, as Brahm observed from his car seat, was that no ivy or moss had grown on the building. Then Wesley called his name, in a joking tone. Immediately, he exited the shitty van to help his friend set the equipment up. "Maybe this time I don't have to fake the EVP recordings to get a good rating!" he fired back, opening up a box containing the voice recorders. He turned them on, making sure the batteries were still functioning.

"But hey, if this house is just one big lie, we can check out your history of not getting a girlfriend. Now that's truly haunting." Brahm joked as he got out the next box, the one that contained his personal camera. It was expensive, priced at about a few thousand dollars. Mom and dad were rather supportive of him buying it. better to have a camera than have him sit on their couch all day!

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