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Realistic or Modern Paranormal Investigation Club (P.I.C.)

"Just one...... Will you guys help me around Campus?"

Name- Royce Velsing

Age- 17

Gender- Male


Role in the club- Spiritual Medium/Psychic

Personality- On the surface Royce can be considered a rather laid back and nonchalant individual, and sometimes even to the point of seeming outright lazy. When he isn't lounging about reading a book or listening to his music Royce can normally be found somewhere stealing a nap. Now while his work ethic does tend to lean towards nonexistent that doesn't mean that Royce doesn't care, in fact it's far from the opposite. Royce's lackadaisical personality is largely due to his being a spiritual sensitive and psychic with said abilities often taxing his mind and body through long exposure and use. However when a situation genuinely calls for attention Royce firmly applies himself knowing he is a part of a functioning team and will sometimes ignore his well being to try and help others. As a person Royce is also quite friendly, happily chatting the day away with others, playing games, or otherwise enjoying the company and camaraderie of his friends. For those seeking to grasp his attention when he's particularly mired in his lazy habits one merely needs to promise pizza and he'll lend a hand happily enough.

History- Raised by his older sister from age five onward Royce never knew much about his birth parents save for what his older sister told him about them being on a secret mission for the government; he wouldn't learn the true reason for their abrupt absence till he was thirteen. With no next of kin to take guardianship of either children the prospect of being held for adoption didn't sit will with Royce's sister. Thus, at the age of 17, Royce's sister took him and carved a life out for the two of them in a small apartment; it wouldn't be perfect, but it was better than the possibility of them being split up through adoption. For the most part Royce had a happy childhood, always looking up to his sister as a role model. No matter how stressed or tired Sarah seemed after coming home from work she always would set time aside to help cheer him up.

However at the age of eight Royce began and experiencing strange things ranging from seeing odd orbs of light zipping through the air and seeing incorporeal figures to hearing human voices out of thin air as well as hearing people talk without even moving their lips. When his sister found out he was experiencing these abnormalities she explained to Royce that he was a spiritual psychic, like her. Having hoped her little brother wouldn't have inherited the gift from heir mother Sarah decided she'd simply teach him how to hone his capabilities both to help other spirits and protect him from entities that would wish to harm him when his abilities began to mature. Having this ability quickly proved to have its taxing issues as well as its neat perks.

At the age of thirteen Royce's sister approached him and stated she'd tell him the true reason their parents weren't around when they were young. By now Royce had a good idea the story of them working for the government was bupkis, but the true story wasn't something he'd expected to hear at all. Their parents had been attacked by and kidnapped by a satanic cult and used in a bloody and grisly sacrificial ritual of unknown purpose. The thought that his parents had gone through such a horrible, torturous experience pulled Royce into a rather severe depression. It was during this time that he was consumed with dark and negative thoughts that Royce began to experience the other realm of his abilities as dark figures and black entities started to approach him. The dark entities promised to take away the pain if he simply let them into his heart, possessing. Being vulnerable and desperate, he foolishly allowed one such entity to do so, and quickly regret it. The negative emotions that he felt were amplified insurmountably and his will sapped as the dark spirit leeched off his spiritual energy. Thankfully his sister managed to catch on quickly, separating the spirit through a native american ritual and banishing it. After that experience Royce truly started to grasp just how dangerous the spiritual world was around him and redoubled his efforts to better himself under his sister's mentoring.

As Royce grew and his abilities became more powerful he began to notice spirits and entities were drawn to him, both benevolent and malevolent as well as hearing and sensing more of peoples thoughts and emotions. Managing the stresses was easy when he was younger since not many spirits or entities bothered him and his contact with other adults wasn't as great, but as Royce went through middle school the difficulties of controlling and managing his abilities started to wear on him. Sarah finally approached Royce after a particularly restless night, stating she'd finally start to teach him how to fully control his spiritual and psychic abilities. By the time Royce was midway through high school he'd managed to effectively hone his abilities considerably compared to just a few years ago. Not only can he conceal his spiritual energy to hide from others in the spiritual realm but he can now help trapped or lost spirits cross over into the afterlife as well as being able to sense the psychic, emotional, and mental energies of an area in a considerably larger radius around him, up to thirty meters. Royce's endurance also greatly increased, allowing him to stay in a spiritually active or publicly crowded area for a few days before starting to suffer from migraines and needing to take a break. Royce still struggles form time to time, especially in densely crowded places as even with his defenses the onslaught of thoughts and emotions can be taxing. Royce also knows of a few native american spiritual practices that can protect one from negative emotions and spirits which he learned from his sister which also explains why one might see an odd symbol hung around his neck or seemingly random woven bracelets bound around his wrists in groups. While he's no shaman, one would be surprised how effective a little burnt sage can be against negative energies and some woven bracelets or pendents and do for protecting one's spirit.

Sexual orientation- Heterosexual

Relationships if any-

Sarah Velsing - Age 30

Royce's older sister & mentor whom taught him how to hone and utilize his gifts. While she can be a hothead she also tends to get extremely protective of her little brother. Their sibling bond is incredibly strong, stronger than most due to the fact Sarah had to raise Royce all by herself at 17 and onward. While a bit gruff on the outside Sarah is a genuinely caring individual and quite the good cook as well.


Likes- Pizza, relaxing in the sun, reading, napping, helping lost souls cross over, nice quiet places, calming rainstorms/thunderstorms.

Dislikes- Souls held against their will in the realm of the living, seeing souls of children/babies, heavily crowded places, wasted pizza, thoughts of evil/vindictive people.
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I'm so sorry for not finishing mine! I've been fought up in trying to finish other CS's in other threads, and sort of forgot about this...... Super sorry! But when I'm done with work I'll finish it!!!
Name- Sky Maceo

Age- 17

Gender- Male


Role in the club- Field investigator: Sky goes out and gets information on the area before a thorough investigation is launched. He might camp out, or interview others to gain information. You can usually see Sky in front lines.

Personality- Sky can throw on a facade of friendliness at any time, but actually he is quiet and doesn't talk much. He is very solitary.

History- Sky was exorcised when he was little, since a demon possessed him. While the demon left, Sky gained some abilities, such as the ability to summon black demon wings and increased reflexes. Sky never told his parents, or anybody, about these abilities. Not even the P.I.C. He joined the club to learn more about what causes these occurrences.

Sexual orientation- Bisexual

Relationships if any- None

Likes- Being alone, peace, rest, nice music.

Dislikes- Loud and annoying people, pressure, being let down.

Emma Blackery





Appearance- (picture)


Role in the club- (leader, accountant, electronics expert, combat specialist, etc.)

Electronics Expert/ Combat Specialist


Emma is a wierd girl whom may seem like a supernatural when you first meet her. She can be rude and aubnaxious at times especially when it isn't needed.



Sexual orientation-


Relationships if any-











Sour things

No sleep

Bed head

Not having at least one book on hand

(I suck at spelling and most other things...just tell me how this is...I did a take off of a Youtuber @Shade Wraith )
Yep, the exorcist was pretty shitty :/

We all come together, be friends, find out secrets, and get paranormal-bustin!

or the rp dies
Not trying to sound mean but you left our little foray a bit abruptly. Also Maka spoke to you and it makes her post kind of null and void. You left before anyone talked to you about anything sir. Now I don't mind the wings so much if you dont leave other characters talking to themselves it kind of ruins the point of them talking to your character and all. Then again Kurol posted a bit late because she got on a little later.

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