Paragon Academy

Scottish Cupcake

The Ruler and Savior of All Cupcakes

Assumed Name:

" Océcane "

Full Name:

"My name is Océcane Lucinde"


" My family calls me

'Short Stack' "


" I'm French"


" I'm a transsexual. Haha

just kidding Female"


" I'm 16 years old"


" December 18th"


" I died my hair from Brown to Pink because I was board."



" I'm 4 foot 5. Such a



" 105 pounds"

Other Appearance(s):

" I have my awesome little buddy!"


Sexual Orientation:

" I'm heterosexual!"

Martial Status:

" I'm single! Have you met me?!"


" I like to have a high advantages. Really

my uncle headmaster James. Thinks that

I'm a good strategist but I'm not."


" I have OCD and can't stand a mess.

My binders in school have to be organized
or I'll flip!

My room, desk, closet, and drawers all have

to be clean. I also have a short temper."


" My talent is playing instruments.

A lot of instruments."


" I try to be as nice as I can.

But usually people say that I'm

pushy and have poor judgment

I don't see myself that

way at all! I'm a beautiful kind person!...

To people I like..."


" I grew up in the countryside of France.

My uncle called me a prodigy and told me

to show my talents to the world. I joined his academy

just this year. I've been playing piano, violin, and

drums since I was 8. "


" I like swimming."

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Assumed Name:


Full Name:

"My full name is Danaë Marie Maconnel"


"Everyone calls me Nae"


"I'm Greek"


"Uhm, do I have to answer that?"


"I'm eighteen"


"June 28th"


"Prepare to be blinded..."


"Too tall"



"I don't know"

105 pounds

Other Appearance(s):

"This is my baby"


Sexual Orientation:

"Bisexual, so what."

Martial Status:

"Uhm...single. Duh"


"Well, I'm good at school...I can play guitar pretty awesomely... And I love being on stage."


"I hate people...They hate me too so it's okay."


"I can play piano, guitar, drums, and I can sing..."


She is very shy and quiet towards people, but when she performs infront of others she is completely confident and cool. She wishes she could talk to people but people tend to walk away from her. She is very sarcastic in a good way though. When you get to know her she can be fun and great to talk to. She also has a very low self-esteem.


"Well sit down and grab a snack"

When she was younger her father got into some trouble and was sent to jail, then a few months later her mother passed away. So Nae was just left with her grandmother who had a passion for music, so that passion was passed down to Nae. Nae even had her own recording studio in the garage. Her grandmother had taught her how to have a rhythm for drums, to move her fingers swiftly over the piano keys, how to strum a guitar, and how to use her voice properly. She was a prodigy at home but at school, she was quiet and tended to keep to her small group of friends. Her grandma didn't like that school so she signed Nae up to apply for Paragon Academy.


"I may have a tattoo of a music note on my wrists."

She has a music note on her wrists over a bunch of scars where she used to cut.
Assumed Name: "Meredith"

Full Name: "Meredith Caine. Who wants to know?"

Nickname: "Mera."

Nationality: "I'm born Canadian. Always been, always will be. Not saying I'm a peacekeeper or anything."

Gender: "I'm female, thanks."

Age: "I... I'm seventeen."

Birthday: "April third."

Not my pic.

Height: "5'8"

Weight: "I weigh 168 Pounds. It's a bit creepy to ask that, don't you think?"

Other Appearance(s): <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-7_21-46-6.jpeg.55d5901ec7f2cdfbf4af3f3ea1e0642c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20026" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/upload_2014-6-7_21-46-6.jpeg.55d5901ec7f2cdfbf4af3f3ea1e0642c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"This has helped me out more than anyone ever has."

Sexual Orientation: "I... don't know. I've never had much of an oppertunity to talk to people my age."

Martial Status: "Single. I couldn't be attached at the hip to anyone."

Strengths: "I can lie. To say, I have a silver-tipped tongue, not to mention I'm into swordfighting. And I'm not going to your school to be told I can't swordplay."

Weaknesses: "I... I hate to talk about my past... It just... hurts. To go back to that... I'd die."

Talent: "I'm a hacker. Give me any electronic and I can hack it and get it to puke up information on demand. I am good at what I do."

Personality: "I am the first to admit that I'm unpleasent. I have a bad habit of snapping at people, but... I haven't had any practise being kind. I'll get better, somehow, I swear."

History: "You already know, don't you? The police gave you my file. I hacked into their little 'Pentagon' and they had a fit. They showed up at my house to arrest me - I was fifteen - and found my father beating the shit out of me. They didn't even know I existed. They thought it was Dad, but I admitted to it. I've been in jail since, and they said that if I could get into your school, they'd let me off."

Other: "Even if your school has a dress code, I'm only going to wear my long black outfits. Including the cape. I'm... Embaressed to let people see my scars."



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Assumed Name: Alice

Full Name: Alice Eve Danielsson

Nickname: Just Alice

Nationality: Swedish

Gender: Female

Age: 17 years old

Birthday: May 24th



Height: 5'9"

Weight: 123

Other Appearance(s): Her outfit


Sexual Orientation: Straight

Martial Status: Single

Strengths: Very good at violin, intelligent, has a sharp intellect, quick reflexes, a strong personality.

Weaknesses: Having her parents or peers being disappointed in her.

Talent: Is INSANELY good at playing the violin. Also, a beautiful singer.


Personality: Rarely judgmental and rather quiet, Alice is known for being very intelligent and a bit standoffish. She has never had many friends, and when she does, they exclude her. She never talks, or at least that's what people think. Nobody ever gives her a chance, because of her shy nature and quiet personality. But she is admired by others. Unlike most people, Alice has something others do not. The ability to warm someone's heart. When she stands up on that stage, and slides her bow across those violin strings, she becomes a completely different person.

History: Alice grew up in Sweden with her grandparents. Her mother and father passed away in a bad car accident when she was young, and she was forced to live with her grandparents. Before her parents died, she was given a violin that had been in the family for generations. Ever since than, Alice has practiced several hours a day and hasn't stopped. Her grandmother noticed her extreme talent while playing the violin, and decided to send her to the Paragon Academy.

Other: She always seems to wear something that matches her eyes.

Assumed Name:


Full Name:

"Kieran Gillilan Thomas."


"If you call me Kiera, you're either a very close friend or - nope, that's it. It isn't justified any other way."


"Irish. What, do you think red hair is all that constitutes it?"


"I'm a gent, as you might have noticed."




"The grandest day to ever arise, my friend. Christmas! Y'know, December 25th."


"Just take a look, eh?"



"It's one of the few things I can take pride in." 6'3"


"Am I supposed to know this?" 167 pounds

Other Appearance(s):


Sexual Orientation:

"Straight as my hair. No, wait, sorry, that probably wasn't very accurate. Heterosexual."

Martial Status:

"Single. What, is my toilet seat down?"


"Other than my ravishing looks? I'm relatively smart sometimes and I'm pretty out there. Not much really gets to me, y'know?"


"I have a nasty habit of takin' things either too seriously or not seriously enough. If I do say so myself, I'm rather the obnoxious bastard to be around, hehe."


"Pssh, trying to break my humble exterior, are we?" He's an extraordinary writer and is also a beautiful artist.


"I'm, eh, hm. I s'pose I'm rather the carefree type, isn't it? I don't usually give a damn what people think about me, so I probably could get away with being a sour monkey, but I just sort of like trying to be polite. That doesn't sound too pretentious, does it? Little things can set me off, yeah, I'm trying to change that. Be more of an overall team player, y'know? I'm somehow both self-obsessed and constantly trying to be modest. It doesn't seem to be working out that well for me, eh?"


"I was born in Dublin, but for whatever reasons - I think it was me aunt getting sick? - we, uh, we moved up to a pretty small little place called Roscommon. Sometime in primary school we had to paint somethin', probably the trees or something because that's the cheesy stuff they try to coax out of you in year 3, and then we had to write a little poem to go along with it. That's probably the first time I actually liked school. Anyways, I continued to write and even though I switched to primarily pens instead of paint some time ago I kept on making art as well. They - my parents, they being - they enlisted me here. Pssh, enlisted? Sounds like an army camp. It's not going to be like an army camp, right?"


"I actually, hehe. My parents don't know this, but I've gotten a little bit, uhm, addicted to piercings since I came here. I've even gotten in those little stretchers in me ears, and I'm planning on getting a little tattoo behind my ear sometime soon. I mean, nothing offensive, of course, heh. And another thing - please, please, for the love of God, don't seat me to the left of a right-hander. I don't want any reports or, hell, even doodles to be ruined by their hands bumping into mine. Deal?"
Assumed Name:

"It's Jamson"

Full Name:

"Jamson Charlston Lancaster"


"Call me Jamie"


"I'm from London, England. Born and raised!"


"Er... Doesn't my name give it away, love?"


"I'm eighteen"


"March 19th"




"About 6'4"


"Uhm... 170 I think"

Other Appearance(s):

"The stage is my second home"


Sexual Orientation:

"I'm straight"

Martial Status:

"Sadly, single"


"I'm very passionate about my work. If you ask me to do something, I won't back down."


"Sadly, I have a bad habit of smoking cigarettes. And I tend to get very devastated when people talk about my father or say if my acting is bad."


"I'm a brilliant actor. I mostly act in Shakespeare plays"


He's very charming, friendly, funny. He 's also very very flirty. If he thinks you're beautiful or have a perfect personality he'll try to win your heart. He's very passionate about his acting.


He started acting when he was just a child. His parents were in lots of plays and they'd often get him to play children parts. He's been in love with it ever since. When he was 15 his father passed away from cancer, he was devastated and quit acting for a year or two until he did Romeo and Juliet at school. He was recognized and got to be in the background of some movies even. When he found out about Paragon he couldn't pass that chance up.


"I uhm...have a tattoo on my chest of a rose. It's for my dad"
Assumed Name: Elaine

Full Name: “Hello, my name is Elaine Arkwright.”

Nickname: “Some call me ‘Ellie’, and I’m fine with that.”

Nationality: “French-American. My mother was a French immigrant who met my father in the US.”

Gender: “I am very much a female.”

Age: “I am seventeen-years-old.”

Birthday: “August twenty-third.”

Appearance: (Attached File)

“144 centimeters, or 4 foot 9.”

Weight: 102 pounds or 46 kilograms”

Other Appearance(s): “My laptop, where I have all my sheet music, notes, and compositions on it. Also has all my games and the Internet.”


Sexual Orientation: “I think I’m straight? I don’t know. I’ve never been one for romance.”

Marital Status: “Single.”

Strengths: “Other than music, I’m good at my academics, I like to tell jokes and puns, and I know my electronics.”

Weaknesses: “I get easily confused even by the simplest of instructions, I’m not organized, I procrastinate on my schoolwork, I’m physically weak, I easily get nervous when people pay attention to me, and sometimes I tend to just give up.”

Talent: “I like to believe that I am musically inclined. Not just playing various instruments, but also studying world music, music history, the theory of music, composing, et cetera.”

Personality: “I’m that ‘happy-go-lucky’ type of person, as well as someone who ‘goes with the flow’. I am easily excited by random things and can laugh easily. With new people, I’m quiet and tend to stay in the background or by myself. I find it easier to talk and interact with those that I understand. At that point, I’m a chatterbox and am willing to do stupid and crazy things just for fun.”

History: “I was born and raised in Orlando, Florida. Every summer, my family and I would take a vacation to Arbois, France in the Franche-Comte province, my mother’s hometown. I began to love music when I chose to be in my middle school band. Ever since then, my life has revolved around studying music.”

Other: “I do know my wine.”<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf670d104_ElaineArkwright.jpg.0596cad101cad2c508ce36fbddabe0e4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20086" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/57a8bf670d104_ElaineArkwright.jpg.0596cad101cad2c508ce36fbddabe0e4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Assumed Name:

"Millie Rose"

Full Name:


Mildred Elena Rosenberg


"Do. Not. Call. Me. Mildred. Ever."

Sometimes people call her Mills or Rose/Rosie



A mixed bloodline of Italian, German, and Polish


"Pretty sure I'm female."


"One hundred and ninety two..."

16 y/o



June 14th






"The average height of women in America."

5'4, almost 5'5



115 lb

Other Appearance(s):

Chemistry book or two

Also a

Sexual Orientation:


Martial Status:

"Very much single, and have been for the past 16 years.."



"My charming personality, obviously."

Extroverted, charming/easygoing, cool tempered, witty/clever, observant, sensible


"...My charming personality.."

Doesn't take things seriously, mocking, sarcastic, avoids logic, low self esteem, emotionally vulnerable, trust issues


Science/math, particularly science, specifically chemistry (sketches a bit on the side, but it's more of a hobby)


"I am colorful, an explosion of the unknown."

Millie is in a constant battle with her boring name. Although she seems rather cautious or quiet at first glance, Millie is quite extroverted and has no problem socializing. She is somewhat carefree, and has a unique kind of charm. She is clever, quick on her toes, and quite witty. She's observant and notices tiny details. Although she is naturally rational and logical, she tends to go against her logic. She enjoys having fun and being able to have no worries. Her goal in life seems to be to supersede her boring name. Mildred. She hates it with a passion and refuses to even acknowledge it. She wants to be the colorful, fun figure that Mildred is not. She is cool tempered and rarely gets mad. She gets excited and calm rather easily, often cheered up by the tiny details she notices. It isn't easy for her to settle down and focus, but when she does, her determination and stubbornness will reveal itself. "Mockery is the best form of flattery." She has trouble taking most things seriously, and does so with an air of mockery. She also enjoys incorporating sarcasm into her daily life. She tries hard to not let other's opinions reach her, but this often fails. She has gotten rid of any ego she might have, though has a generally low self esteem. Her low self esteem makes her more emotionally vulnerable to comments. She enjoys making friends, though isn't truly trustworthy of people (she's afraid of being betrayed/abandoned). She doesn't like showing negative feelings and will attempt horribly at hiding them. She dislikes tedious work of any form, and does little besides her homework/minimum. She preaches the golden rule: do to others as you would want to be treated. Usually, she'll give you the same amount of effort you give her. Along with mockery and sarcasm, she enjoys using her wide vocabulary at hand. She likes learning new words and trying them out. Although she may try to act flirty or seductive for joking purposes, it never works because she's not flirty or seductive in any way.


She was born in Los Angeles, California. Her mom was a physics professor at a university, while her dad was an artist who was sketching and painting his way through life. She was considered socially awkward, and hid the relatively eccentric personality inside. Although she often accompanied her mom at the college afterschool, she gravitated towards the biochemistry lectures across the hall. Her parents encouraged her intellectual growth and bought her books/supplies. However, they soon realized that she was grasping the concepts and learning quite easily. Before they could take further steps in helping her grow, they began fighting (alot). By the time she was eleven years old, they has gotten divorced and she moved with her mom to New York. Once in New York, her mom had to readjust to the new city. She learned to adapt and gained social skills that she did not have before. When she was thirteen, she was enrolled in additional science/math/chemistry courses and was provided more resources. Her school's classes were lacking and relatively dull for her. When she heard of Paragon Academy, she quickly asked her mom to be enrolled.


"I have this ring that I wear all the time, I never take it off. It has a rose gold band with rubies, my birthstone. My dad gave it to me before I left Los Angeles. If it's not on my finger, it's on a chain around my neck."


She also has this habit of putting her writing utensils in her hair or temporarily in her mouth. She likes having her hands free always.

Seems like there are more gals than guys, so I may add a male character later on :3
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Assumed Name: Darryl.

Full Name: “Darryl Moreno.”

Nickname: “I don't have one.”

Nationality: “Italian.”

Gender: “Take a guess, you won't be wrong.”

Age: “Eighteen.”

Birthday: “July 24th.”



“Five foot seven.”

Weight: “150 pounds.”

Other Appearance(s): "Anywhere there's a lab and freeweights." In other words, a recording studio or gym.

Sexual Orientation: “Straight. Who cares?”

Marital Status: “Single. Still ain't ya business.”

Strengths: “Producin' music, writin'. Basketball. ”

Weaknesses: "I ain't gonna lie or nothin', sometimes I just kinda do shit without thinkin' 'bout the consequences, you feel me?"

Talent: “Writin', for sure. Ain't nothin' in this life I could do betta'."

Personality: “I dunno, man. I keep my mouth shut unless I feel the need ta talk. I'm Ray Charles to the drama."

History: “Brooklyn, born and raised. E'rrythin' that comes after that is for people who deserve to know mah story. Notchu.”

Other: “Marijuana and money."
Assumed Name: "I like to introduce myself as Oliver. After all, it is my name."

Full Name: "The name's Oliver Reginald el Morgan. I know, the "Reginald" bit is rubbish, but it's family tradition. What can you do, you know?"

Nickname: "Oh, I can go by anything for you, love. But, in most cases, people just call me Ollie."

Nationality: "Me? Oh, I'm quite the mix of things. You've got a wee bit o' Swedish, a dash of Dutch, a splash of Spanish, a modicum of Italian, a smattering of German, a drop of Greek, and even a sprinkle of Polish-Russian. 'Course, my mum's a right proper English woman. My dad, on the other hand, is about as far from that as you can get, being an Auzzie straight from down under."

Gender: "Last I checked, I was male. As long as I haven't been drugged and operated on, I'm still a male. You know, I don't think I could quite handle being a female. My mother and sister used to take so long get ready for things. Don't even get me started on the whole "time o' the month" thing. God, they are an entirely different species... Oh, right, moving right along then."

Age: "I've been a proud inhabitant of this planet for 17 years now. I know, I haven't reached the age where all the real "fun" begins, but I'm getting there. The way I see it, I'm an old soul in a young body. Actually, hold on, isn't that a quote... Bollocks if I know who said it."

Birthday: "Born? Well, actually, I'm not quite sure when I was born. You see, I was orphaned, then adopted. Funny thing is, my adoptive parents are my biological parents. Still, my folks started having "Adoption Day" soirees ever since, so I suppose I can use that. The date's April 13th. Yeah, it's not the luckiest of numbers, but you know what they say about people born in April? They love the rain. That's a fact."

Appearance: "I have to warn you, I have been known to break mirrors. Although, usually that's not my fault. Sometimes security just gets a little too rough with those throngs of girls. Really, I wouldn't mind signing a little piece of paper or taking a photo with them. Adults are a bit of a killjoy, if you ask me, but they say they're doing things in my best interest, so I might as well listen, yeah? Anway, this is my group of friends. The buffoons thought it'd be funny if we got pictures in dramatic poses. I mean, I turned out well; that's me, second from the left. The rest look a bit daft, don't they? I mean, biting a rose? Staring at your hand in an all-too interested way? And what in the world is with that awful, creepy stuffed bunny?"


Height: "I have to say, I'm actually very surprised with how tall I got. I mean, who'd have thought that a 5'4" British lady and a slightly tall Auzzie man of 6'1" would create a 6'6" behemoth like me? Let me tell you, my parents were not happy when I kept ripping holes in the clothes. I told them, I can't help it if I grow like a beanstalk and the clothes discurteously stay the same size, but they wouldn't have any of that."

Weight: "Oh, I fluctuate around 205 to 215 lbs. Don't get me wrong, I'm not obese. Trust me, I've steered clear of American fast food. But, I didn't quite fancy the way most tall people looked like celery stalks that could break in half with one good blow. So, I took up rugby, swimming, and soccer... and running, hiking, and bicycling. What? I've got lots of stress to get worked out."

Other Appearance: "This is my prized possession. It's not really a diary, although it does contain my deepest thoughts. It's basically a compendium of my most lucid thoughts, my greatest discoveries, and, of course, my secret passion for music. Don't tell my parents, yeah?"


Sexual Orientation: "I like to think that I'm heterosexual. I mean, if I wasn't, it'd be a huge blow to all the girls who swarm me. On the other hand, it might encourage some of those... interesting men that follow me as well..."

Marital Status: "Oh, I'm much too young to get married. Although, I'm sure that when I do, it'll be some sort of strategic marriage, you know the sort. Secretly, though, I do hope to run away with a girl that I truly love, elope, and live happily ever after. Hold on, that might just be the past few all-nighters speaking."

Strengths: "My strengths? Well, my only strengths are probably my talents. Other than that, I'm pretty much no good. Or, so I've been told. It's a good thing I can make a living off of them, I suppose."

Weaknesses: "Oh, I've got a lot of those. I mean, I can't really name most of them, but I know I've got them... Now, this is a bit personal, but I'll open up to you, yeah. I'm deathly afraid of not caring. Yeah, I know. What the bloody hell does that mean, you ask? Well, I just... don't care about much. I want to, I really do. I'm not like those blokes who get hurt by people and then close themselves off. I want to care about others, really. I just... can't."

Talent: "I've got quite a lot of these. It's why they let me in here. It's also the reason I get paid for this. First and foremost, I'm an academic. That's what I love to do. I do alright in English, enough to know what they mean when they called me a "prodigy of prodigies". But, my interest lies in math and science. I've been around the world, talked to the foremost scientists on the bleeding edge of research into biology, physics, chemistry, and combinations thereof. CERN was pretty awesome. So was talking to Mr. Hawking, who is actually quite the comedian when you get to know him. Most of my youth was spent winning international competitions and such. That's actually where I've been for the past few years. I tested out of high school, graduated early from college, and have been aiding in various research projects worldwide. It is incredibly fun, believe you me.

The only problem is, of all the sports I play, I'm the best at soccer. Good enough to be scouted for some pretty uppity teams. You know, F.C. Barcelona, Real Madrid, etc., you might have heard of them. That's were the real money comes from. Now, secretly, I compose music. Of course, I use a pseudonym, but I have had some pieces played by Philharmonics around the world. I mean, I can't ever reveal my real name, but it is
sodding amazing, almost magical, to hear. Anyway, I've taken a short break from my research and sports career to come see an old friend. I can't wait to see her reaction!"

Personality: "Personality, eh? You know, that's a weird question? Never thought I'd have to answer that one, honestly. I feel sorta put on the spot, but, I'll give it a shot. I'm laid back. I mean, I can be serious when it comes to what I do, but I like to enjoy life. It only lasts so long, so enjoy what you've got and enjoy who you've got it with. Maybe that's why I like music. I dunno. Come meet me and you'll find out more."

History: "Alright, you're gonna want to take a seat, it's a long story. Oh, right, you're already seated. Well, here goes. It started, obviously, when I was born. I didn't know what happened to my biological parents. I liked to think my mom and dad just couldn't give me the life they wanted for me. What? It's better than what the orphange told me. They said my dad was a drug-addicted alcoholic who couldn't support me after my mother died during childbirth. I liked my story better. Anyway, I got to my first foster home when I was 5. They weren't cool at all. The mom was a harda**, if you'll forgive my language. Made me work like a child slave while her son got off without so much as doing his bed. I knew things wouldn't end well when the dad lost his job and started going drinking every night. Turns out he gambled too. In fact, he gambled their whole life away. Once I got picked up by my social worker, I never saw them again.

Then, I got to a better home, around the age of 6 or 7. They weren't the richest, but they did okay. Most of all, they loved me like their own since they didn't, or maybe couldn't have any children of their own. Those folks were the ones who discovered my academic talents. Like I said, they couldn't afford to get me tested or to provide me with enrichment, but they gave me every book and science set I could handle. But, the neighborhood wasn't as nice as I had thought. Turns out, the damn loansharks from the first foster family had gotten wind of my relocation. They enlisted the local gangs to extort the money from my new parents, and the next thing I knew, I was found one morning, having slept on the street next to my mother, who'd been gunned down in a drive by. It wasn't much of a surprise when my father went missing a few days later, only to turn up floating in pieces in a stream about a week later. By that time, I'd gotten taken back to the orphanage again. For a while, it seemed like no one would ever adopt me. But then, the el Morgans came. Why they picked me, I'll never know. But, I'm sure glad they did.

They were rich. That's the first thing I noticed. I literally got lost in their mansion for the first few days. But, they were incredibly helpful. I lived there ever since I was 9. That was when I met the Lucindes, who founded an academy that my parents donated to. The family's niece became my first, closest, and pretty much only friend. Trust me, being better than most people you meet doesn't make you any real friends, just posers. Anyway, the el Morgans were the ones who paid for everything, my education, my travels and research, even my soccer career when it was just taking off. Both of them were heirs to international, multibillion-dollar companies, so I was pretty much set. The funny thing is, when I was starting soccer, they had some required blood work done on me... turns out they are my biological parents. Suck on that, you damn orphanage! I knew they were full of it. But, I digress. It's been almost... gosh... I dunno, 6 or 7 years since I left? When I turned 11, I began to travel, and I haven't seen Océcane since. I can't wait to see her!"
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Assumed name:



"Johannes Tomas Leviticus van der Achterkant"


"Joe is the most common."




"I'm male."


"18, I'm finally allowed to drink again in my country!"


"25 of December, I'm a Christmas child."


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Ranzo-1.jpg.b5dbd66bdfe8cbc232dcfec4d17b6b4c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="20148" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_06/Ranzo-1.jpg.b5dbd66bdfe8cbc232dcfec4d17b6b4c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


"181 centimeters..."


"85 kg of pure muscles."

Sexual Orientation:

"Straight… I think."

Martial Status:

"Doomed to be forever alone, or so my parents tell me."


"Sports, I'm pretty good at all of them and I play Cello and bass guitar."


"I don't like losing and I have a real sweet tooth when it comes to pastries."


"Speed skating and ice hockey."


Joe is very focused and strives for the finish line, often casting him to leave friends behind and train instead.

He doesn't like losing and almost jumped in front of a train when he lost the Junior Nation Finals two years ago.

He doesn't like it when people talk bullshit or does something half-hearted.

Joe has no sense of humor and takes everything serious.


Joe was born and raised in Eindhoven, Noord-Brabant in Holland, and is youngest of seven kids.

He stared skating at the age of 3, speed skating at 6 and ice hockey at 10.

Coming second place at the Junior National Speed Skating tournament was really tough for him and he
almost killed himself.

His parents tried putting him through council, but he usually just goes to the track to practice.

He wasn't allowed to join last year's tournament because he had broken his ankle.

It still bugs him, but he refuses to quit training
until he's had his revenge even if it eventually puts him in a wheelchair.

He will not lose again.



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Assumed Name:

" divyansh ( my name is awesome) "

Full Name:

"My name is divyansh sagar"


" My family calls me

divy or div, please don't call me by that surname Q-Q "


" I'm indian, e-e though i wish i was in europe like u all e-e me is a transfer xD "


"male O.o i see u have a interest in me


" I'm 17 years old"


" july 8th"


"let ur imagination put the colours :3)


"5foot 9 inchs, yea i kinda tall :P though weather is nice here"


" 170 pounds O.o creep why u wanna know!"

Other Appearance(s):

" without glasses, can cause a change of personality, his expression changes ( let the details stay till needed :) )

Sexual Orientation:

" I'm heterosexual...DUH .-."

Martial Status:

" I'm single, maybe ready to mingle X"D"


"smart, knows how to play with words, and can find think at the spot, also is great in giving speech"


i can lose my anger soon, i might get bore fast causing me to act weird, i also can be lazy at times and i dont trust others easily normally "


" writes beautiful poems, is smart in studies, secretly maintains a little body e-e"


"well calm composed, non violent till provoked to a limit, and also over dramatic."


" has been a little geeky, from begaining but still rational, he was transferred here due to a scholarship he got for being great in studies, he serectly has a hobby of hacking and a intrest for games since way before "


" likes cycling and has won many medals in it."

Assumed Name:

"People call me Sky"

Full Name:

"The name's Sky Coriander Smith"


"I like to be called Sky"


"I have the luck of the Irish"

Gender:( Male/Transsexual all female rolls are full.)

"It's pretty obvious, I'm a girl"




"June 26th, I always have a summer birthday"




"5'5 and still growing"


"103 pounds and proud of it"

Other Appearance(s):

Her eyes are a beautiful violet color.

Sexual Orientation:


Martial Status:

"Currently single but who knows that might change"


"I excel in the art of lying and art in general. I can react fast to get out of any sticky situation and I'm great at climbing"


"I don't have any patience, math and authority, also handcuffs"


"Art I can draw and paint very well"


Sky is a rebellious girl who is always looking for a new adventure regardless of it's danger. She had a dark past so she hides behind her walls with her attitude of recklessness and fun. She is deep and that portrays through her art that is truly the only way to see past her walls. She is cocky and humorous at school but doesn't appreciate schoolwork unless it's her artwork. She gravitates towords the "bad" crowd and likes hanging out with guys more than girls because they're so much drama.


Sky lived in a small trailer with her step mother and step brother because her family whom was very rich died in a fire when she was 12. The fire and bad home situation drove her to her art since it was her only escape, the only thing constant in her life. The only reason the family kept her around is because they wanted a part of her trust fund when she turned eighteen. Finally once she did she realized she had to leave and luckily the only option to turn to was this school. She dosen't have a home to go back to she only has a few million dollars, her art and the dorm she's moving into.


Small trace of an Irish accent.

"It would be an honor to join this school, I have no where else to turn."

Assumed Name:

"Asano, Takuma either works, really."

Full Name:

"Asano Takuma, or I guess it'd be Takuma Asano in the West."


"I don't have one, so it doesn't really matter."



Gender:( Male/Transsexual all female rolls are full.)

"Male, I'm pretty sure."




"August 31st"




"183 cm"



Other Appearance(s):


"I have a sketchbook filled with...sketches. What else is there to do when I'm bored?"

Sexual Orientation:

"Pansexual. Not that it really matters, what kind of school application is this anyways?"

Martial Status:

"I'm single. I've been single for some time now, a long time in fact. Sixteen years to be exact."


"Strengths? I guess I'd have to say that I can quickly analyze a situation and act to make sure nothing goes awry. I can take care of myself, for the most part, so that can be considered a strength... Ah, being a good liar is also a strength I guess."


"P.E. I hate it with a passion. Expect me to skip most of it. I don't see the point in most gestures mankind does, such as the hand-shaking or fist-pumping and the like. Also, you might want to ask someone else to humor you, unless you want to be poked fun at. I'm not good at taking care of others and that extends to not being able to socialize with others well."


"Academics mainly, I excel in most if not all of them. I'd really wish some classes would be less boring sometimes. I've also been told that I have a good musical sense in the very few times that I've dabbled in it, anyways."


"I've heard people call me snarky and a gadfly. Personally, I think that I lie a little too much. I try to finish things as quickly as possible and as efficiently as possible, or I'd try to get others to do the job for me. Also, I have a calm, logical mind, so that should work to my advantage."


" I grew up in Kyoto, Japan in a middle-class family of four. I have a younger sister but she's important right now. My life wasn't too eventful, unless you count passing school with flying colors or having people flock to me and attempt to. I can probably count the number of friends I have with one hand, or rather, one finger. That might be interesting, if not pathetic, to you."


"I like animals but mainly cats. Any type of cat will do, really. Big cats, house cats, cat...cats."

Takuma's a dork when he gets flustered. He's also multilingual,which is you know, the reason why he's speaking English.
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Assumed Name: Shepard

Full name: Shepard Coleman Vera

Nickname: Shep

Nationality: African- American

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Birthday: May 29

Appearance: (Don't have at the moment, will get week of posting)

Height: 6,5

Weight: 170

Other Appearance: Headphones and food ^_^

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Martial Status: "Single, ready to mingle"

Strengths: "Strong in academics with a broad vocabulary. I also have a lot of creativity which helps with piano playing."

Weaknesses: "Almost never organized, lazy and very impatient."

Talent: Playing piano and making music in general. Also English and Science.

Personality: "I'm more of a joker than normal person. If you hurt my friends, I'm going to hurt you. I can be a very mature, logical and rational person but be immature the next minute. Never is really angry unless it had to do with friends or someone who really got on nerves."

History: Shepard was born in San Diego, California, and had lived there most of his life. Has 2 younger brothers and an older sister. Shepard's mother, Claire Vera was a piano teacher and taught Shepard's siblings everything she knew about music. His father Jeremie Vera was a lawyer, being the most known lawyer in San Diego. At the age of 14, Shepard got into free running and has been since. 
Uh...Am I accepted or not? Sorry for the confusion...

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