Paragon Academy [Inactive]

Scottish Cupcake

The Ruler and Savior of All Cupcakes
Headmaster James - @♥Lost_In_Paradise♥

Kieran Gillilan Thomas - @Braxnond

Oliver Reginald el Morgan - @Velcian

Johannes Tomas Leviticus van der Achterkant - @KneelingAngel

Asano Takuma - @Sarsak

Shepard Coleman Vera - @Shepard Coleman

Exuse me!! But please note to start just now coming to the academy. It's the start of the year and we are only know just moving into the dorms also we have to go through orientation!! I know I suck!!

The dorms will be set up soon. Girls with girls and guys with guys!!
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A sleek, silver Lexus pulled up into the Paragon Academy's parking lot. It came to a sudden halt as it entered an empty space, and a girl with electric blue eyes and long straight blonde hair stepped out. She shut the door gently next to her, grabbing her bags and a violin case out of the backseat. The girl let out a small sigh, admiring the academy's beautiful agriculture and structure. Even though she looked calm, her heart was fluttering like a hummingbird. The bags at her side drooped a bit, looking to be a bit heavy for her.

Ignoring the heaviness, the pretty blonde girl wandered towards the academy slowly. The brightness of her dress caught a few peoples attention, and she blushed slightly when she caught them looking at her. Pulling at the hem of her brilliant blue dress, she sped past them quickly and stopped in front of the entrance of the academy.

Once again, the girl caught herself staring at the pretty building in front of her.

"Wow..." She whispered in a soft, delicate voice.

Realizing how idiotic she looked, the girl cleared her throat and blushed visibly. Walking forward, she entered the girls dormitory, keeping her gaze straight in front of her. It didn't take her long to find her room, and she slid the key into the lock. Alice stepped inside, glancing around at the plain look of the dorm before setting her things by her bed delicately.

Alice took a seat on the edge of her bed, clasping her hands together on her lap. Her electric gaze flicked over to her violin case. Reaching over, she picked it up by the plastic handle and left her dorm.

I wonder if there is a place I could practice.. Alice thought silently in her head. Leaving the girl's dormitory, she decided to explore the campus a bit.
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I step out of the police escort vehicle, an armed officer behind me. He takes my arm, but I pull it away from him. "If I'm a danger now, I'll be a danger when you leave." I duck my head, so that if someone stumbled upon my escort and I, they would not see the controlled calm, the concealed rage. Really, I'd hacked into a computer program, not killed someone. "This is unneccesary." The guard, if he was to follow protocal, wouldn't respond, but this guard - this very young guard - was hired days after my arrest. So, naturally, we had come to know each other. In the way a mouse knows a cat.

"Friendly as ever, Meredith."

I shrugged, hualing my duffle off the ground. "At least I'll be free of you." Reaching the doors to the girl's dormitory. the guard stepped back, and I walked inside the dorm. Second floor, room three. I followed the directions written out by the sergeant to me, and I came upon a door. Using my key card, I opened it. Inside the room, everything was entirely white. The walls, floors and furniture, even the wood bedframe and the sheets were dyed or stained white. The corners of my mouth twitched, but I did not allow them to twist into a smile. So this was the principal's sense of humor. Knowing I'm an embodiment of darkness, right down to my clothes, and putting me in a room of light. I think we'll get along just fine. Setting down my things, I first set up my computer, and I leave my sword dangling at my belt. Let them wonder.
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Océcane sat up in her bed yawning. For the first time in her life she was up before her uncle. Océcane smiled and happily put her feet on the ground contact causing a shiver to run down her spine.” Finally one day when he doesn't have to come pull me out of bed!” She whisper shouted running to her bathroom. She quickly brushed her pink hair and put it into a messy ponytail. She opened her medicine cabinet looking for her toothpaste.” Hm, looks like I’m out,” she said pulling an empty tube of toothpaste out and throwing it into the waste basket. Océcane walked out of her bathroom and into her uncle’s room, tiptoeing past his bed where he lay sleeping.

Wow he looks so peaceful, when he’s sleeping. She thought looking at him for a minute. She shrugged and walked into his bathroom, taking his toothpaste off the counter and walked back out looking at her uncle again. Why isn’t he always like that? Bastard. She thought walking out of his bedroom and back into her bathroom. She spread the toothpaste on her toothbrush sticking it in her mouth she walked out of her bathroom and into her bedroom. She walked over to her desk and looked at her outfit. It was perfect for the first day, well in her opinion it was.

She grabbed her clothes and walked into the bathroom.” Looks like I don’t have to wake you up Océcane,” Océcane stopped brushing her teeth and looked at her uncle. “ Yeah now go put a shirt on,” she said rolling her eyes and walking back into her bathroom. She shut the door and set her clothes down on the counter before spitting in the sink. He uncle knocked on the door “ I am wearing a shirt,” he said before walking back into his room to get ready. Océcane rinsed her toothbrush off and set it down by the sink. She slipped into her skinny jeans and her baggy ‘Black Veil Brides’ shirt. She applied black eyeliner around her eyes and pulled a black headband on to her head. She put her black ring on to her finger and walked out of the bathroom.

Océcane ran down the stairs and walked into the garage. Her uncle was already in the car. Océcane rolled her eyes and slowly walked to the car, she opened the car door and got in.
” How do you always get ready before me?” she said as he opened the garage door.” Because you have to look perfect. I got you coffee,” he said putting the car in ‘Drive’ and began driving forward.” Whatever,” she said grabbing the coffee from the cup holder. Oh my I’m so excited! I can’t wait to see the school! She thought as they rode to the Academy.

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A standard yellow cab pulled up alongside the entrance road of the academy, smoothly drifting to the side of the road and stopping so as to not disrupt the flow of the other cars. The backdoor opened and a petite girl with long, curly dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes hopped out of the vehicle and stared at the massive structures in awe. After her brief moment of appreciation, she turned back to the cab, ducking her head back through the open door.

"Thank you for the ride, mister," the girl kindly said to the driver, her voice soft and airy. She reached into her jean pocket, pulling out her wallet and handing the driver a bill before shutting the door. She skipped over to the trunk and opened it, slinging her brown messenger bag over her shoulder and pulling out a large black luggage cart and setting it on the ground. She hopped back on the sidewalk, waving to the cab as he drove off.

"Now where did I put that map?" she quietly questioned herself as she shuffled through her pockets and messenger bag.
The car seemed to swing and spin as it bumped along the road. Millie groaned, hitting the back of her head to the soft car seat. She had stayed up packing and making sure everything was in order. Actually, her mom was the one who had made sure everything was in order; Millie had stayed up unpacking and packing as her mom as seen fit. Years of staying up late had made the mom immune to late-night-early-morning sickness. The woman was humming a sad tune with an uplifting rhythm. "Don't do that, Millie," her mom scolded gently. "You don't want to bruise your head." The girl sighed, snuggling into the warm car seat. "Millie!" Her eyes fluttered open and she said in a sleepy voice, "I'm up, I'm up." She looked out the window, trying to count the trees that flew past. "What was your remedy for waking up? I could use some motherly advice right about now." Her mom flicked the empty coffee cup in the front seat. "I could've gotten you some..."

"No thanks..I'm trying to grow taller. I read somewhere that coffee stunts growth, and I don't want my chances to be stunted." The mocking tone she often used melted into her voice and she smiled faintly. Nothing like some good old fashioned sarcasm and mockery to wake someone up. She smoothed out her maroon skinny jeans and adjusted her cream colored blouse. The outfit alone seemed classy, not the usual edgy style she wore. The edgy black leather jacket she had been wearing was draped over her lap. She had cut her plain brown hair, so now it hung a little past her shoulders rather then reaching to her mid-back section. She didn't have time to put her hair in any sort of fashionable state, so she had merely brushed it. Her usual ring was on her right hand.

"We're here," her mom sing-songed. She swiveled in her seat so that their tawny brown eyes held an intense gaze. "I'm going to miss you, Millie." The girl smiled slyly and hugged her mom. She got out of the car slowly, slipping on her leather jacket in the process. It wasn't too thin or thick, leaving the girl feeling the right amount of warmth. She got out her simple brown luggage and her small duffel bag. Giving her mom one last look, she took out the map that had been securely snug in her back pocket. She maneuvered easily to the girl's dormitory, her luggage whirling softly behind her.

Once she got to her room, she took her time taking out all her science and math books, placing them just so. She also took out an eight by eight Rubik's cube. She took the cube with her wherever she went, but it was merely just for show. Last, but not least, she took out her dark tawny sketchbook, smiling at the pencil securely placed between the inner-spine and pages. She held onto the sketchbook, grabbed her thinnest book, and her room key before heading out to check out the campus.
"Ma. MA. I got it. RELAX."

These words weren't yelled, but clearly Darryl was having quite the conversation with his mother over the phone. Honestly, she had been doing nothing but dictating countless amount of needs for the past fifty minutes, and he was completely sick of it. He was more than happy that he got a chance to get away from the house, from the uneasy clinginess that constantly overbeared him.

No, his parents hadn't dropped him off; Darryl took a taxi. He didn't even bother to tell his parents it was time to go, or anything. It was literally the best way, and he was happy he did it nonetheless. However, despite the fact that he didn't bring his parents, he did bring two of his friends. They were only there to carry all the stuff that he didn't, and to get paid for their services. End of story.

"I swea' to GOD... MA. MA! GOODBYE MA."


He took a long, aggrivated sigh, his forehead dropping into the palm of his right hand as he walked up to the doors which belonged to his dorm room. Luckily enough, he all ready exchanged niceties with the front office and got his key, which was a rather annoying process, but Darryl got it done nonetheless. Why was it that every college office never knew what the hell they were supposed to do, ever?

The young man found the wait time of acquiring his keys after arrival was completely abhor. Aside from that, everything was smooth, including the ride up. Darryl was high as a kite, which was a nice cushion to his hidden slight anxiety and excitement of being in a new place. He took the elevator, along with the two men carrying a crap-load of his stuff, up to the correct floor his dorm was up. Whipping the key out of his pocket, he slowly strolled on over to his door, looking from number to number until he found his. Then, he opened his door. After a quick thirty-minute session of him dictating where items went, he unloaded all of his belongings into his room. Finally, he walked his friends downstairs. He paid them, and the taxi driver, before sending them on their way. As he waved the taxi off, he brought a cigarette to his lips and lit it.

Océcane sat in her uncle’s car waiting for him to get to the school. He might get ready fast but he’s the slowest driver I’ve EVER seen. She thought tapping her index finger on her coffee cup.” Can you drive any slower?” she said sarcastically. James kept his eye’s on the road and finally pulled up in front of the school.” Since you’re so eager you get out here and I’ll find you later. Here’s your key.” he said holding out the room key card. Océcane snatched the key card out of his hand and opened the door.” Thanks uncle James,” she said giving him a kiss on the cheek. She stepped out the car and walked to the trunk opening it.

She grabbed her duffle bag and her guitar closing the trunk after grabbing her stuff.” I’ll see you later,” She said walking away from the car.” You forgot to close your door!” James yelled after her “ Close it yourself,” she yelled back. Océcane skipped toward the dorm building and nearly tripped walking up the stairs. Out of no where Océcane began singing her favorite song “ Beneath the stars, face to face,” she mumbled walking up to her door.” I told you I love you won’t let your heart break,” she sang pulling out her key card and unlocking the door. When she did she saw a girl standing in front of her.” Uncle didn't tell me he was giving us roommates. Ugh oh well anyway my name is Océcane Lucinde. What’s yours?” she said closing the door behind her as she walked in.

Meredith whirled around, drawing her sword; she studies the girl then sheathes the weapon, seeing no threat.

"I'm Meredith. Meredith Caine. And, if I am correct, (as I usually am in these matters,) you're the headmaster's neice, here to study music? If you're wondering, I found the class list... documents. Confidential. I mean, don't be freaked out. I know who everybody is. Anyway." I hold out my hand to shake. "I hope you're not too picky in terms of room arrangement." I jerk my head toward one of the two beds, where I've dumped out my duffle.
Meredith Caine? The girl who hacked my uncle? Océcane blinked and looked at Meredith from head to toe.” You look like a pretty cool girl Meredith. Why did you even hack my uncle in the first place?” Océcane said trying to ignore the mess Meredith just made. She walked over to the side of the room that Meredith hadn't occupied. Why did my uncle make the rooms all white? I’ll just have to do some redecorating. Why did he give me such a messy roommate is the real question. She thought setting her bag on the floor. She walked over to her desk and set her guitar against it. Océcane shook her head and looked at Meredith.

I snort. "Cool? Hardly. I guess I was just interested, so I did what I do." The coners of my mouth twist, not quite into a smile. "It turns out what I do is highly illegal. Oh well. But... Anyways. I'm not supposed to know much about you, but, I wonder - how much did he tell you about me?" My mind whirls, pictures flashing through, a snapshot book of where I stand now to the more covered, painful memories of my childhood. Him, shoving me to the ground, kicking me, kicking me in the head, the face. Being powerless. Vulnerable. I force myself back into reality. It doesn't do to let such thought overwhelm; especially not near people. "I'm hoping not as much as I know about you. Well... that came out wrong. A bit creepy, if I do say so myself, but nevertheless. So I'll tell you what you need to know if you're to be my roommate. Here's the basics - my name's Meredith, your uncle showed an immense amount of generousity to me, and an officer comes once a week to check on me. That's it. I respect your space, you respect mine." I begin to organize my few belongings, putting away what I can. I know it won't stay clean for long. "That said, anything else?"

“Uh, I really don’t know much about you. All he said was that you were around my age and could hack.” Océcane said walking to her bag taking out her shirts. A lot of her stuff was anime or bands that she liked she never thought it was weird.” Did you know about my OCD too or did you not see anything about that?” she said separating her clothes into color coded piles. Long sleeves on the bottom. Quarter sleeves above that. Short sleeves above that and tank tops on top. She thought arranging the red shirts she had.

((It's so so Océcane))

I exhale in releif. "Yeah, I saw. Just... Oh my god, I'll do that." I cross to where Ocecane is organizing her shirts and take them from her, stuffing them into the dresser. "I'm glad he didn't say anything else. I just... I'm just sort of confused right now. Scared. So, sorry... sorry if I seem unkind." My laptop beeps, and I stride over to it, typing a three-letter password. "If you're wondering," I state conversationally, "I'm into the security cameras now. There seems to be quite a few people around now."
Alice began wandering away from the girl's dormitory, finding an empty grassy area near the front of the academy. Sitting down on a large, yet comfortable boulder, she leaned down and flung open her violin case gently. Taking the beautiful instrument out of it's case, she slid a finger across the polished wood, checking to see if any dust had gotten onto it. Finding no dust, Alice swooped up the bow, and rested it between her fingers as she placed it on the violins strings. Pushing her cheek against the violin, she began to play.

The beautiful instrument rang out throughout the campus. Her fingers pressed against each string in soft motions, moving her finger up and down on the strings to create a more dramatic sound. She glided the bow against the strings, playing a melody that caused a few people in the courtyard to stop dead in there tracks.

Alice's eyes were now closed as she concentrated on the beautiful song. People stared at her in awe, listening to how extremely well this girl played. When the song was finished, her eyes reopened, and she snapped out of her trance. Seeing that people were staring, she flashed them a sheepish smile before lowering the instrument from her cheek.
" Hey why'd you - Wait did you say security cameras? Let me see!" Océcane said fast walking over to Meredith's computer." How do you manage to do this?" Océcane mumbled to herself tapping her fingers on the desk.Wait a minute! My clothes! She thought rushing back over to her dresser and pulled the shirts out. She began the organizing process while staying on her toes. She thought Meredith was going to mess them up again. She finished the reds and went on to blues because she didn't have any orange, yellow, or green shirts." What are you planning on studying Meredith? My uncle never told me," she said walking her red shirts over to the dresser. Wait! I have to separate the anime and band shirts. She thought face palming and walking back to the bed.

"It's what I'm good at... Oh, and I'm mostly advanced math & computer science." I watch the camera, seeing a girl playing the violin, I turn the audio on. "This is amazing..." I mutter. Snapping out of it at the end of the tune, returning my attention to Ocecane. "And you? I mean, I already know, but it is polite to ask." I smile sheepishly. A knock on the door interrupts me, and I get up, opening it. The Sergeant stands there.

"Hello, Meredith."

"Uhm... Hello. What's up?"

"Just wanted to see how you were settling in."

"I'm fine."

"Guess I'll leave, then."

I nod at her, and she shuts the door. I hear her footsteps fading down the hallway. "Sorry about that." I cross over to the laptop, checking it. Connection lost. I swear. "Honestly, she had to go and mess with my programs!"
Violin? Music. Perfect.

Darryl scrambled up after listening to only a couple of seconds of that violin, which echoed throughout campus. He wasn't exactly the type of person who enjoyed so much social activity, but music was the one thing that made the difference. After all, it was a universal language. Returning to his dorm room promptly, he would grasp his acoustic guitar from it's leaning position against the wall next to his door. Closing it within the same amount of time as it took him to open it, he locked the door behind him and practically jumped down all three flights of stairs. He burst through those front doors of his dorm, not before the unknown source of the violin ceased playing. He used the echo to follow the trail his ears led him on, until he got to that large patch of grass that welcomed everyone who entered the campus through the regular way. The female who was producing the beautiful music had ceased, but Darryl had arrived just in time. Obviously, she was in awe; the look on her face told the story. Unannounced, the young man would unexpectedly take a seat on the grass across from her, placing his guitar on his lap. He removed the pick from one of the strings before he lifted his head up to look at her.

"That was dope. Ready ta go again?"

He asked, a large smile causing the corners of his lips to tug in an upward fashion. He began playing something indiscriminatory at first, though he was only tuning his guitar. It took a solid minute before he actually began playing. When he did, he produced a couple of chords, followed by a riff every fourth strum. Eventually, he accompanied his own singing into the mix. However, Darryl played with conscience; something that the girl in front of him could pick up her guitar and improvise with, given she was good enough.

♫ I feel the marrow in my-y bo-ones.

Heart is bea-ting.

Heavy breathi-i-i-ing.

Can't stop me when i'm in my zo-one.

Blood is cold-er, taking o-ver. ♫

He'd continue playing for a little while, changing the tune of the chords progressively as he went on, until he eventually got to something slower. The first verse he sang, he repeated two times.

♫ You've seen me arrive,

Shed my disguise,

I thought you wanted to, I thought you wanted to.

Keep it alive, fight to survive.

I thought you wanted to, I thought you wanted too... ♫
Preparing to play yet another song, Alice heard the soft sound of footsteps approaching her. Reopening her eyes once more, she stared shyly at the boy who sat next to her. A guitar sat in his hands, and she smiled a bit when he complimented on her music and asked for her to play again. Not saying a word, but simply nodding, Alice brought the instrument to her cheek once more. She began smoothly sliding the bow over the strings, playing along with Darryl's voice as he sang. Almost automatically, her violin and his guitar combined, creating another beautiful song that echoed throughout the campus. Smiling, she played a little faster, her hands switching to different strings frantically. Her foot began tapping to the beat subconsciously, and she continued to play the instrument like a famous violinist.

Alice played until he had stopped singing, and gently placed the violin in her lap along with her bow. Smiling at him, she glanced down at his instrument and noted the pretty detail in his guitar.

"You play very well..." She murmured in a soft tone. Alice caught herself staring curiously at Darryl. She was surprised he had been bold enough to sit with her, and even begin playing a song with her without even knowing who she was. She hadn't had someone do that with her in a long time.

“Well yes you do know my preferred subject but I’m also taking art courses,” Océcane said looking over her red shirts that were now organized in order from long sleeves to tank tops and separated music from anime. She smiled very satisfied and grabbed her anime pile walking over to the dresser. She placed the anime tees in the second drawer down and walked back to her bed grabbing the music tees.” Who was the lady at the door Meredith?” she said walking over to the dresser. She closed the second drawer down and opened the third drawer down. Placing the shirts in neatly in the drawer. I can’t wait to have everything all unpacked and settled down. Océcane thought walking back to the bed to organize the blue shirts.

Darryl looked up, flashing a bit of those pearly white teeth to the young lady. "You're too kind." He noticed her gaze, but he didn't stare back long enough to see just how long she was looking at him. Rather, he had moved his attention to the pack of cigarettes in his pocket, which he pulled out. He took another out and put it between his lips. "Hope you don't mind." He pointed to the rolled-up tobacco hanging limply from his mouth. "I've been playin' guitar for like, ever. Prolly 'bout seventeen years, 'round that." He shrugged slightly. "The way you play, you sound like you came out the womb like a rockstar." He joked, that smile of his fading back to a more neutral expression.

"Can I get your name? I wanna be able to contact'chu afta today, maybe get a sample of you playin'. I'm a bit of a producer, and i'm always lookin' for sounds to use. I could even pay ya, if you want." Darryl didn't care, he felt as though he needed that sound in storage, at least. One day it was bound to come to fruition, if he meant to follow his dreams. The only reason he continued studying sociology at all was to be able to fall back on something, just in case. He might have spoke in partial slang, his accent might have sounded like he came from the gutter, but it didn't matter. At the end of the day, he did, but his amitions rose far beyond.
I grimace. "That lady was a cop. She's an... old friend. Well, actually she's less a friend than a snitch. Probably came in because of the cameras. I didn't bother to cover my tracks, because I thought it'd be obvious that anything secret should be on paper and paper alone. I'll have to put up a block next time." I bite my lip, annoyed. "She just made my life so much harder. At least I like a challenge." I smile slightly - I'll give her a hint, at least. My arrest was a massive story - she's bound to have heard. "The Pentagon is interesting. I'd like to hack that, someday." I sigh, the smile falling off my face as fast as Lucifer from heaven.
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“ The Pentagon? Are you crazy? Aren't you in enough trouble already? You’re just asking for trouble,” Océcane said facing Meredith putting her hands on her hips. Damn I wish my uncle would have told me more about her. I really don’t want to be arrested for something I didn't do. I don’t want to end up Lindsay Lohan. Definitely not. She thought shaking her head.” My God Meredith, please be careful when you hack into anything. I don’t want to serve time for something you did,” she said turning back to her clothes.

Johannes sighed and stepped out of the cab. In front of him was Paragon Academy's dorm, the place he would be living at the next couple of years. He clicked his tongue, "It looks like I'm in freaking Amsterdam." He mumbled to himself and got his stuff out of the taxi. He check to see if he hadn't forgotten anything and payed the taxi driver before slamming the door shut. He adjusted his duffle bag on his shoulder, wrapped his bass guitar around his neck, grabbed his cello case and picked up his sports bag before taking a deep breath. He could do this!

Heading into the building, he got his dorm key from the front desk and dragged all his stuff towards his new room. Opening his door, he silently prayed that no one would share with him and to his surprise he was the only one. There was no one there
yet. "Thank goodness I don't have to share." He grumbled and dumped his stuff next to the bed on the right, not knowing how wrong he was.

Deciding to unpack later, he collapsed on his bed and closed his eyes. A nap once in a while couldn't hurt anyone, he hadn't been able to close an eye on the nine hour flight and he felt like a freaking zombie by now.
Oliver drove up to the school in a hurry... or, rather, his chauffeur drove the Bentley liesurely up the academy's driveway. "Oh, do hurry up, Worthings! I don't want to be late on the first day!" the boy said, leaning forward in his seat, almost to the point where his head stuck into the front of the cabin. "Please, Master Oliver, be patient. I have timed our arrival so that you will be there precisely when registration is beginning." said the affable old man who was calmly driving the vehicle. Impatiently, Oliver sarcastically responded, "Well, if you don't mind, could you plan our arrival so that we're there precisely before I die of either old age or boredom? I may just die of both anyway if I'm forced to stay in this cramped ol' tin can any longer."

Smiling slightly, the chauffeur responded, "My apologies, sir. I wouldn't want you to die, for that would be a most unsightly way for you to see the young Ms. Lucinde, wouldn't it?" Oliver spluttered for a few moments, before leaning back into the luxurious leather upholstery of the car. "Who's Ms. Lucinde? I haven't the faintest clue who or what you're talking about. Oh, you mean her? She goes here? I hadn't the foggiest." he replied, crossing his legs and staring at his hands, feigning disinterest. Looking back through the rear-view mirror, Worthings said, "Does that mean you don't want me to tell you about what a fine, vivacious young lady she's become?" Knowing what the young boy's response would be, he waited a few moments. As expected, Oliver leaned forward, although he attempted to maintain the detached air he'd adopted. "I suppose it couldn't exactly hurt to know more about her. So... do go on. This is stricly because you offered, of course." "Of course, young master." the chauffeur intoned with a slight shake of his head, and then he launched into what he'd heard had become of one Océcane Lucinde.

Once they'd arrived, Oliver nearly leapt out of the car, waving a quick dismissive hand at Worthings. "Don't worry, I've got my luggage. I wouldn't want you to burden you back at your age." he said, lifting his duffel, suitcase, and knapsack out of the boot of of the car. Raising a single, white eyebrow, Worthings commented from inside the car. "How gracious of you, sir. You're very perceptive, my back has been acting up as of late. However, if one didn't know any better, as I certainly do, one could misinterpret your actions as percieving me to be a burden to you." Oliver had the decency to look mildy affronted when he said, "Why I'd never... I can't believe you'd think of me like that. Would I really stoop that low?" Of course, the elderly chauffeur's only response was to raise his other eyebrow. Clearly defeated, Oliver rolled his eyes and bid adieu to Worthings, who responded in kind before driving off. Walking into the middle of the entrance courtyard, he couldn't help but notice that many of the dorm windows were open. He decided to have a little fun and see if his old friend was anywhere around. Putting down his suitcase and duffel, he cupped his hands and shouted, "Oi! Océ! You 'round here, love? It's me, Ollie!", using the nickname he'd given her as a child.
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My voice is soft. "I am careful, always and never. That's what happens when people have nothing to lose, you know. To think about it, the other thing is suicide, but I'm not going to be my own demise. Not... in the way of the realms, life and death. In the way of out mortal realm, I suppose I will be my own demise. It won't change anything, anyways. The best job a hacker can get is with the Pentagon, hacking whatever they tell me to. Why would I want to do that? I'm going to end up the way I've always ended up - in a cell somewhere. Whether that's a clean cell in the States or some cell in, I don't know, Taiwan or something, because hackers arn't easily forgiven during war. What's the differance? My life is crap anyways. Is and probably will always be. Granted, I will be careful, but really - if it's on my computer, you're not going to get any shit about it. They know me already. Nobody's going to arrest you for association - not on my record." I sigh. "You didn't need to listen to that. I shouldn't burden 0thers with my problems."

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