[Paradise] Who are you?

I imagine any brain scanning devices El-Amin has are practically useless. MRIs and CAT scans weren't built with the maelstrom in mind. If the mask AI were made to interact with human's neural pathways, they must be able to sense the storm, and I bet it doesn't like it.
Well, since the rules love to extrapolate on there being only one faceless, the faced and their masks are probably minor-broken versions Hooper is ursurping!
It would offer an explanation for, "there are other people wandering around in face masks, but only one like you." Hooper's the Faceless queen bee. =D

You know, if Hooper's mask is an AI, that makes it tech. And Midas' hoard craves tech.

So now I have a justification for why he's in Goldenpond. A horrifying justification that will get him killed, but one nonetheless.

Makes my new concept of El-Amin living outside Goldenpond and only visiting to attempt to scrounge/barter/ study all the wiser. I don't need her getting between a Faceless and the Hoarder that wants her mask.
I'm assuming the only reason Midas is still alive is because Hooper and the Faced don't yet know that he wants the masks.

Will EL-Amin's origins be public knowledge? Will Midas know that she hails from the Golden Age? Because if he does, or if she flaunts her wonderfully delicious pre-apocalypse weapons, he'll assume she's rich. And that means he watches you.
For what I have now, she's woken up, spent a few weeks in her bunker, then decided she needed to learn if her underground stay would be a long term thing, or if she could go above ground for supplies, news, help, etc. She didn't know the state of the world before that, but she's trying to keep quiet about how she's definitely not from this era, and the "golden age" she hears about is what she'd call "the world she remembers from before she woke up."

She doesn't want people taking apart the bunker, which still has several people in stasis, and she doesn't want to be seen as either a demon or a savior from this Golden Age. Heck, she's not convinced this isn't some virtual simulation someone's forcing her through. At most, hopefully, Midas would notice her weapons are remarkably well care for...which is because they're basically brand new.

I'm gonna need to keep Midas away from the bunker, aren't I?
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Okay, I -should- have said this first but things are kinda crazy all around for me, the psychic maelstrom loves inducing ditzyness in me unfortunately.

My job as Master of Ceremonies it to treat your characters and Apocalypse World as real, so I'm going to refer to you by the names of your characters. I also expect you to respond from the character's view.

No going "XX goes aggro", I want you to say "I go aggro by sticking a gun in his face and telling him it's none of his fucking business."

All right?

Now you're all working on connecting each other in the world, fucking awesome! I love it! There's just a few little starting expectations we gotta be going into this with.

The first, biggest and honestly the part that's been coming up the most is how well the lot of you are going to get along together. Let me say up front you don't have to be friends. Seriously, being friends with Midas? Probably just wants the fancy gizmo on your wrist. I digressed, sorry. You should all pretty much be allies. Absolutely feel free to become enemies as things progress! Just at the beginning you all should be concerned with your collective state of being staying alive and (mostly) well.

Something Hooper mentioned up above. You beautiful people, you are all truly unique. Revel in that little fact, bask in that cosmic triumph of self. As fucked up and weird as the wasteland is, there is no one else who can lay claim to being what you are. Sure, there might be someone out there who calls themselves a Beast Master, there might even be some more Quarantine survivors or someone with a hoard to rival the one Midas sits on. Charlatans at worst, pale imitations at best. A name does not make it true. Remember that.

Now the times being what they are, the world isn't exactly the pinnacle of safety. So taking measures into your own hands, I'm pretty sure most of you got some kind of armor. Just a little clarification, 1-armor can pretty much be whatever. A leather jacket, bullet proof vest, armored corset, etc. Just as long as it's got some kind of durable material you're good. 2-armor though, that's like riot gear level of armor. It could be homemade from steel plated riveted together or even some golden age stuff. The thing to keep in mind is that it's -very- obvious you're walking around in armor, ready for a fight.

That's it for now, I'm gonna wait for the others to wrap things on up before I really start digging into you people.
And now I'm getting ideas about why El-Amin is the Quarantine. >__>

I'm glad for the fact she doesn't recall much and thus I have time to ponder this.
Very exciting. Can't wait to see what Wlf and our seventh player create.

(Also, merry Christmas, everyone!)
Can't wait for you to start digging into me- us. For you to start digging into us.

Also, a hoard to rival mine? Child, please. You cannot fathom the scope of my hoard.
Now we know how Hooper (doesn't?) feels about the hoard, but what about the Faced?
The Faced have their own individual agendas. Loyal zealots to Hooper but they aren't mindless. Usually a pair of them get together, have kids, live their lives and so on.
I don't even know if the Faced masks do anything but stealing from her gang? That's a no no. That's when machetes start coming out.
The Tribe's one of the few things in the world with a history. Maybe they don't remember their name, and maybe they don't have a home, but they still have their stories of the Golden Age, and the Before the Golden Age. Frankly, Crow's never put any stock in it -- any of the stories, one of the reasons she left. The other is to pursue an interest -- an interest in lux, power, and machines. That last one's her real love, though, the old engines, the ones she made go with long hours in scrapheaps. Turns out people will pay for machines that go, and so she struck out from the country called Rez.
Hooray, another tribal! ...Not to say that Violet and Crow would actually get along just because of that. Big differences between the groups they come from, lots of ways they're total opposites. I think Violet is a little scared of heavy machinery. It's loud, unpredictable, incomprehensible (to her), and the group she comes from never used anything like it. They were more apt to exploit their nature-gone-wild landscape. Less in a "hippy harmony with nature" way and more a "crazy survivalist/ruthless scavenger" way. Violet would rather ride on Pugnax than cram herself into Crow's cool pickup given the choice.

What's Crow's personality like?
Like most Drivers, she's aloof and all-business. When she first left, she had a lot of hard knocks. Crow had to learn the way of the outside world -- but she's paid her dues, running trade up and down the coast. Now she's in a decent enough place, but life's made her cagey.

Of course, her elders were never terribly fond of machines either -- nothing more complex than guns. She tried to explain it's all using the same ideas, that they're all machines, but obviously the old codgers weren't listening; she's cut her ties to them.

Compromise: Put Pugnax in the bed of the truck, and then Violet can ride him while the truck is moving.
*imagines Pugnax in the back of an ancient pickup, mandibles open, antennae slicked back and drool flying due to their velocity, having the time of its insect life. At last, it gets a glimpse of flight.*
All right Amin, who was the first person you met on emerging from stasis? That person is gonna get Hx+2 onto whatever total they have

After that everyone else is going to mark Hx+1 for you. Cause ya know, someone from the Golden Age decked out in shiny new gear is pretty fuckin' intense.

However what someone -else- tells you, you gotta slap on another -1 to the total. The future people you're meeting in the present sure aren't like the ones you knew back home-...er, back time?

That clear things up for ya?
Alright. Well, the unmodified thing is thus:

Hooper: +1

Midas: +1

Violet: +1

Crow: +2 (I figure the person most likely to be driving around outside of town would attract her attention first.)

Whomever Wlf plays: +1
I'm not sure what Pugnax sees in El-Amin, but the first time he met her he actually made a sound: a metallic, rising chirrup, kind of like blades scraping together but more cheerful. That struck me as a bit strange, seeing as he almost never makes noise. Now one of his favorite places to visit is El-Amin's dwelling. I think he likes her! Does that make sense, El-Amin?

(Violet: Choose one your beast has taken a liking to; ignore the number they tell you and write Hx+3.)

Pugnax. Oh, Pugnax. I know you're the best bug ever, yes you are, but sometimes you make life a little more difficult than it normally should be. First of all, you need to stop stealing shit from Midas. One time you stole a length of electrical cording from his hoard (I don't know how, but you managed) and then got tangled up in it. Even worse, he saw the resulting spectacle. I don't want to think about what kind of words he used to describe you and your eccentric behaviors. Does that make sense, Midas?

(Violet: Choose one that has insulted your beast. Whatever number they tell you, give it +1.)

Everyone should mark Hx+0. I keep to myself.
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