Palavin Galaxy


Diamond of the Universe

Real Life Character/User:





Appearance: (anime, preferably)



Crush: (opt.)

Quote(s): (can be added throughout the CS)


Game Avatar:




Personality: (allowed to be the same as user personality)

Appearance: (anime, preferably)


Skill(s)/Level(s): (include details description of abilities, limits, weaknesses, strengths, preferences, etc.) **includes those who are magic users**

(this can be updated at anytime, but make sure to notify me)

Party Member(s): (this can be updated at anytime, but make sure to notify me)

Current Item(s): (general idea of what is in their pocket)

Money: (How rich are you?)


Crush: (opt.)

Quote(s): (can be added throughout the CS)
Real Life Character/User:

"It's just another world, but it's just as real."

Name: Nao Agaki

Age/Grade: 16 years old, 10th grader (2nd year in high school)

Gender: Female


Nao is elegant and proper, always greeting politely and talking in a fancy manner. She smiles and laughs, but it is usually just to appear like a friendly lady so her reputation won't be ruined. Underneath that girly-ness, she's someone who likes to cause a lot of trouble. She doesn't like her boring, rich life, and loves mystery, action and adventure. It might seem like she's calm and a good reader, but she likes to be mischievously active, mostly trying to scare people or prank them (ex: make them fall into a camouflaged trap) and other things. She hates reading books, except the fantasy-actions ones, since they bore her. She doesn't like classical books, or old books, and like modern, action books.

Nao still likes tea and dresses, but she doesn't like tight ones since it doesn't allow her to move around. She really likes ribbons, and the color black. Her favorite flowers are the roses, and there are always a vase of roses in her room. She likes to be seen as someone of a higher power and likes to feel like she's on top of the world, even if she is really bad at leading people. She is generally selfish, but she has a heart for other people who befriend her.

Nao is a little childish for her age, but she doesn't let that get to her, even if she hears people say it behind her back. She holds long grudges and evilly plots against someone if she doesn't like them. Since she is seen as innocent on the outside, a lot of people can't believe that she'd cause so much trouble, which is how she escapes the people who accuse her.

Because of this, Nao doesn't have a lot of friends, and people who are her friends later ditch her because they don't like her personality. This made Nao dislike lots of people, and she doesn't want to make friends most of the time. She is very stubborn and likes to have it her way, and might even go to the point of nagging if she has to. Usually, she can just say what she wants and it is given to her since she can be scary when she is demanding, but sometimes, she just lets it go, as if nothing happened.

Nao can be very scary when she wants to be. She will hunt people down and literally watch them fall to their doom. In a way, she can be a sadist, but she doesn't like to torture people. She just likes to see them in a mild form of "suffering" to please her revenge bar. She always needs to get revenge. This personality of hers is hard to control, sometimes even for herself, so she always needs someone who will watch her so she won't lash out at someone.

"Well, let me tell you, you listen to me, or you go to hell."



"Everything is story. We're being played by the writer's pen."


Nao lived in a mansion ever since she was born, and had servants do everything for her, including dressing her up, cooking the food and getting her ready for school. She literally didn't have to do anything, but she wanted some fun in her life. Not doing a lot of work was good for Nao, so she liked to read action books since she was little and liked to play outside in her own world in the garden since no one else would play with her. A lot of times, she would set traps in the garden for the maids who come to find her when it's time to eat. She lets them go after, but this did not make her a popular topic among the maids.

At school, Nao was always sneered at since she was richer than most people there, and seemed like a selfish brat. In a way, she was, and since she knew that, she didn't really say anything back to them when they would talk bad about her. She did set traps for them after, but since she always was a sweet child to the teacher, she would mostly get away with it.

When she heard that a new game for the N.A.P. was coming out, she was really excited for it, and was one of the first to buy it because of the amount of money she had with her. She always wanted to try something that was first-experience, yet "out of the world" so she quickly bought it when it came out. She played it, and found that she was not able to log out.

"There's a reason for everything, even if it seems outrageous."


Nao's favorite animal(s) are birds and she really likes to watch them out of the window of her room. She has a pet dove, and she lets it out a lot, and it always returns. She likes the sound of the violin, but doesn't know how to play it. She has a maid who plays the violin, and Nao orders her to play it a lot.

"Hey. Wake up. You're in my space. Move, will you?"

Crush: ~let's see who joins~

"Oh, will this have action and romance? But you'll need to learn to deal with me first."


"You need to learn how to fly. That's when you'll be able to see everything."


Game Avatar:

Name: Tempotic (usually called "Tempo")

"Be careful. The world is about to take a turn. At you, specifically."

Age: 16 1/2

Gender: Female


Tempo is sly and can be seen as evil sometimes. She doesn't really take sides, but sits back to see how everything will go. She likes to add twists into things, sometimes even helping the enemy just to entertain herself. She doesn't like to go on missions, and just travels around from village to village once in a while to offer potions that she made herself. She is a little less mischievous here, not setting too many traps, but she still likes to sneak up on people and give them a good spook.

Tempo is sneaky and knows how to deal with all kinds of people, but she still has people she doesn't like. She is still vicious when she gets angry, and won't hesitate to give someone a good lesson for messing with her. She doesn't like to fight a lot, but when she does, she gets excited and goes overboard, so people should always be there to stop her when she's fighting. When you get to know her, she can be funny and loud, even though she looks quiet and mysterious at first. She likes to have people with her since she is usually alone to sell things. She made many friends along the way, but they don't keep in touch with her a lot.

Tempo is very pushy and just as stubborn as Nao is herself, threatening people to do her work if she orders them to. She doesn't threaten them with a knife to their neck, but does it so sweetly it can make someone sick just watching her. She also has a thing for clothes and accessories, and she likes to give them to people if she's close with them.

"I could help you if you can do a little favor for me."



"Magic is not fake, young one. Oh, wait, you're older than me. Haha, whoops."


Vlue - A large staff that looks like a white-blue striped candle. There is always a flame on top of it, and it changes color depending on her mood. When it is small, it looks just like a candle. It can go off, but only when Tempo orders it to. This is used as a fire-weapon and shoots fire for long distances. It can also create thick smoke.

"Beauty is a lie. Most of the time. Well, I hope you get the point."


Tempo is very good at casting sleeping spells, and it only takes her a second to put someone to a deep sleep. This works on people that are levels lower than her, and a maximum of 10 levels higher than her.

Tempo doesn't like hot weather, and gets a bit weaker and less alert during humid weather. Her fire-powers are more stronger, but she is slower and her stamina goes down. She likes colder weather more than hot, humid weather.

Her fire magic is only from Vlue, and she can make her fire in a whip, but it cannot grab things. It burns everything it touches, like real fire, but the things it touches burn up faster. This fire is also hotter, therefore more damaging. This whip can only stay for a certain amount of time, and Tempo usually just shoots fire out from her staff.

She is skilled in making potions such as sleep potions, curing potions, health potions, HP potions and more. She can also identify the problem with a patient after some inspection, and usually has the needed materials right away.

Combat: Level 50

(hand-to-hand-combat is her weakest, then physical strength, then stamina as her strongest)

Weaponry: Level 15

(She can only make candles that shoot certain amounts of fire)

Cooking: Level 15

(She can only cook the meat and herbs she has)

Speed: Level 40

(Speed is her weakest, then flexibility, and agility as her strongest)

Healing: Level 45

(She can heal herself and others' HP, and provide things for paralysis, poison, etc.)

Medics: Level 40

(She can heal people and herself, but her Medics skills is usually for strength power-ups, and they are her greatest support)

Magic: Level 45

(Her sleep magic are the most powerful, then her defensive. Fire power is her major magic.)

"Will you send the devil my hello? I'll send you there momentarily."

Party Member(s): None yet--she doesn't like to go on missions

Current Item(s): Herbs, Meat, Vlue (usually with her), a spell book, powders, a small knife, wrapping bandages, TelStall x1, clothes and accessories

Money: Tempo is fairly rich since she makes a lot of money of the things she sells. She saves them up to see what she could do with it later.


Tempo is usually playing with the fire at the tip of Vlue, and drinking a dark colored juice which is not coffee, but smells like it. It's very sweet.

Crush: ~We'll see~


"Twists are what make stories so exciting! Oh, oh, here's one now! And here we go!"
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Real Life Character/User:

"It's like a dream, or your own world. No one can bother you."

Name: Cianne (Yuma) Takemoto

Age/Grade: 15 1/2 (10th grade, 2nd Year)

Gender: Female


Yuma is soft-spoken, yet hard on the inside. She doesn't wish to grow close to anyone since she has a bad view of people around her, but still finds company comforting at times. She easily grows attached to people, which is why she brushes them off before they can try and get to know her. Yuma prefers that she's left alone, and that no one knows about her thoughts or feelings, so she rarely talks, and tends to avoid people.

Yuma, despite this, has a strong sense of curiosity, and is very alert, often listening or observing most of the time. She takes other into consideration, especially their well-being, but hides it underneath her stoic expression. Yuma is also fond of dreaming, or sleep in general, since nothing can tie her down, and she can generally do what she wishes. She is often mesmerized by general beauty, such as a clean, crystal lake, or petals in the air during a spring day, or stars that gleam brightly at night.

Yuma loves water, and is always soaking in her bathtub, or standing in the rain. She is skillful in swimming, but for some reason, cannot do any other sport besides that. She stays out of anything that includes a ball since she doesn't want to end up hurting someone. There is a high chance that the ball would fly into someone's face, and break their nose. However, Yuma's academical skills are supreme, and she gets near-perfect scores on most of her exams, but presentations are her greatest fear aside from spiders and general insects. (though she would mostly just move to the other side of the room from where the insect/spider is ASAP)

Yuma often stares intently when observing, so she is labeled as "strange" by many people. She doesn't mind, and likes the peace that everyone gives her, though she appreciates the couple who have the courage to talk to her. Her love for music is very strong, and is almost always on her phone listening to it, staring into nothing. Yuma also tends to over-think things, and is a fairly deep thinker, often worries about how she affects other people (negatively). This tends to go beyond the boundary, and she is usually just worrying herself over nothing.

Yuma is reserved, but it is not easy to get her flustered. She may be thinking affectionately, but it will not appear so on her face. Those who are close enough to her are able to read her emotions "through her eyes". Her actions usually speak more than words, and she isn't particularly shy about any physical affection, since she doesn't understand most of it. Yuma secretly loves to be appreciated by a pat on the head or a hug, since no one really made contact with her, or so much as speak a word to her. She may even randomly hug people if they're close enough with her.


"Memories...sometimes, those are the key to your sanity."


Yuma's father was part of the N.A.P. coropoeration, so she rarely got to see him. Her mother was studying abroad for a report that she had to file in, and so, she lived alone with a couple of relatives in her household. With her father in the gaming program, Yuma herself became immersed into the world of fake reality, and soon became obsessed to a certain degree.

At school, she was interpreted as a spoiled, arrogant child, even if she rarely spoke. But due to her father's position, they dared to say anything bad about Yuma to her face. Her gaming habits only deepened the ridge between her connection with the people around her, and she grew close to people who were online more than in the real world.

Yuma's gaming reputation quickly rose once she started playing, and was well known in the online world with the username "Cienne."
"Why...? I would like you to answer the same question."


-Yuma plays the piano when she is inspired

-Her favorite drink is iced tea and she is always craving crepes, or any type of sweet

-Yuma loves the nighttime
"Sorry. I was staring...did it bother you?"

Crush: (Will be decided in the RP, or PM me~)

"...Thank you."


"Stars shine more brightly when surrounded by darkness."


Game Avatar:

Name: Cienne Lunare (Alias: Solo)

"I stand alone. I advise you to think twice before deciding to join me."

Age: 15 1/2

Gender: Female


Cienne is generally lax and calm, a little air-headed and lazy in movement. However, she is sharp, calculating and fierce in battle, able to finish a job without a second thought. Her smiles and her general face expression appear sleepy and loose, and she rarely shows any emotions besides sleepiness, mild happiness and slight surprise. Cienne is surprisingly hard to anger or annoy, as she has a lot of patience, but when a nerve is struck, she can become harsh, or break down. Luckily, it is hard to find such sensitive topics, as Cienne is very secretive.

Cienne hates to lead people, which is why she doesn't party often, and when she does, she is usually comfortable taking orders. Her soft personality makes her an easy person to confide in, even if she doesn't have much to offer but her attention. Cienne is someone who accepts things the way they are, though she may have her rare stubborn moments, and respects other's opinion, since she almost always is void of one. Her strange attraction to water is still a part of her, and her love for sweet foods as well.

Cienne loves to get lost in thought, since it brings peace to her mind. She loves sitting in warm, quiet areas just to enjoy the moment, and takes everything, or most things lightly. She can be gravely serious many times, but outside of danger, she is light-hearted and supportive. She usually worries about others and their safety over hers, which is why she needs to be supervised sometimes to be held back from throwing herself into life-threatening situations.
"Do you need a place to stay?"


"Oh, my name? Don't think about it too much, and rest."


Glaxe - A long-blue silver sword that is fairly lightweight and specifically designed for Cienne's preferences. It glows in a pale-blue hue when used for physical attacks. It can also conduct magic, though the source is from the user. It is not made of ice, and does not shatter easily.


Ekou - A white bow and arrow infused with magic, or for magical purposes. Can be used regularly as well, but becomes more powerful with magic. It has enhances points, so it can pierce straight through a tree with enough concentration and power. It is usually poisoned, or has a freezing spell cast on it. The appearance of the bow changes depending on what magic is cast on it, but it does not affect the power, etc., of the attack.



Silen - A small throwing knife that is also conductible with magic. This can multiply up to a maximum of 15, and can be shot all at once even without the user making contact with it. However, to do this, one must possess a great amount of concentration.


They have the ability to turn miniature, just to the size of a bracelet charm when not in use.

"I hope you're not plotting anything. I'd hate to turn against you."


Cienne specializes in combat and magic, her magic mostly consisting of ice/water, though she uses other magic such as illusions, floating/jumping, and molding. She can mold temporary weapons with her ice magic, which creates her own ice, though it only a little tougher than actual ice, so it can only withhold so much pressure.

She can freeze her opponents, though it is most effective with those underneath her in levels. Cienne can also make her ice become a shield-like structure, but of course, every detail, such as thickness, height, etc., must be pictured in her head in order for her to "mold" ice.

Cienne is skilled in casting spells, as a majority of her attacks are magic-based, even though she participates in simple physical combat. She is more useful when she is out of sight-battle (head-on-head), and performs better for silent, surprise attacks, as she is skilled in hiding traces of herself. Stealth is a strong skill that Cienne uses often.

Sudden changes in temperature can negatively affect Cienne's body, as it is sensitive to temperature change. She dislikes any extreme temperature, such as too cold or too hot, but can perform to some degree in said conditions before she can only resort to defensive, or absolutely no attacks. Her stamina is greatly decreased during these times.

Cienne is usually the medic of the group (as she either prefers to be behind-the-scenes, or support), stocked up on may different kinds of spells and potions, though spells are used more often to prevent things, and heal injures. She has thing for battle-related effects only, so she cannot cure colds or diseases. Burns, wounds, paralysis, poison, etc., are the things she could deal with.

Combat: Level 55

(Her hand-to-hand combat skills match her stamina, and her physical strength proves weakest in this category.)

Weaponry: Level 10

(She can create basic weapons from her ice magic, though it doesn't prove to be stronger than actual ice)

Cooking: Level 60

(She is in love with food, and went through great times to try and max-out her cooking abilities--she can cook many things, though the more rare the materials, the harder it is to cook)

Speed: Level 45

(Speed, flexibility and agility are on the same level)

Healing: Level 40

(She can prevent and deal with most battle-related injuries)

Medics: Level 50

(She can immediately deal with fresh injuries within a limit amount of time, and provide support for her party)

Magic: Level 60

(Her magic is one of her strongest aspects. She mostly uses ice-related magic, but resorts to illusion spells and floating/jumping)

Party Member(s): None yet

Current Item(s): Food/Drinks, Spell book, Potions/Spells, Weapons, Cloak (that she usually wears during travel), First-Aid materials

Money: Rich enough to have custom items made and pay for rent in houses without worrying about money.


-Cienne likes to dip her feet into the water if she does not dive head-first in

-She hums random melodies when she is in a peaceful state

-Cienne openly warms up/becomes clingy to those she holds dear to her

-She usually gives of a flowery/bakery mixed smell due to her always cooking, and having spells with her
Crush: (Will be decided in the RP, or PM me~)


"There's always tomorrow. Strength comes from getting up every time you fall."

(still working on a couple of categories, and if you need me to fix anything, I will.)
macaron said:
Real Life Character/User:
"It's like a dream, or your own world. No one can bother you."

Name: Cianne (Yuma) Takemoto

Age/Grade: 15 1/2 (10th grade, 2nd Year)

Gender: Female


Yuma is soft-spoken, yet hard on the inside. She doesn't wish to grow close to anyone since she has a bad view of people around her, but still finds company comforting at times. She easily grows attached to people, which is why she brushes them off before they can try and get to know her. Yuma prefers that she's left alone, and that no one knows about her thoughts or feelings, so she rarely talks, and tends to avoid people.

Yuma, despite this, has a strong sense of curiosity, and is very alert, often listening or observing most of the time. She takes other into consideration, especially their well-being, but hides it underneath her stoic expression. Yuma is also fond of dreaming, or sleep in general, since nothing can tie her down, and she can generally do what she wishes. She is often mesmerized by general beauty, such as a clean, crystal lake, or petals in the air during a spring day, or stars that gleam brightly at night.

Yuma loves water, and is always soaking in her bathtub, or standing in the rain. She is skillful in swimming, but for some reason, cannot do any other sport besides that. She stays out of anything that includes a ball since she doesn't want to end up hurting someone. There is a high chance that the ball would fly into someone's face, and break their nose. However, Yuma's academical skills are supreme, and she gets near-perfect scores on most of her exams, but presentations are her greatest fear aside from spiders and general insects. (though she would mostly just move to the other side of the room from where the insect/spider is ASAP)

Yuma often stares intently when observing, so she is labeled as "strange" by many people. She doesn't mind, and likes the peace that everyone gives her, though she appreciates the couple who have the courage to talk to her. Her love for music is very strong, and is almost always on her phone listening to it, staring into nothing. Yuma also tends to over-think things, and is a fairly deep thinker, often worries about how she affects other people (negatively). This tends to go beyond the boundary, and she is usually just worrying herself over nothing.

Yuma is reserved, but it is not easy to get her flustered. She may be thinking affectionately, but it will not appear so on her face. Those who are close enough to her are able to read her emotions "through her eyes". Her actions usually speak more than words, and she isn't particularly shy about any physical affection, since she doesn't understand most of it. Yuma secretly loves to be appreciated by a pat on the head or a hug, since no one really made contact with her, or so much as speak a word to her. She may even randomly hug people if they're close enough with her.


"Memories...sometimes, those are the key to your sanity."


Yuma's father was part of the N.A.P. coropoeration, so she rarely got to see him. Her mother was studying abroad for a report that she had to file in, and so, she lived alone with a couple of relatives in her household. With her father in the gaming program, Yuma herself became immersed into the world of fake reality, and soon became obsessed to a certain degree.

At school, she was interpreted as a spoiled, arrogant child, even if she rarely spoke. But due to her father's position, they dared to say anything bad about Yuma to her face. Her gaming habits only deepened the ridge between her connection with the people around her, and she grew close to people who were online more than in the real world.

Yuma's gaming reputation quickly rose once she started playing, and was well known in the online world with the username "Cienne."
"Why...? I would like you to answer the same question."


-Yuma plays the piano when she is inspired

-Her favorite drink is iced tea and she is always craving crepes, or any type of sweet

-Yuma loves the nighttime
"Sorry. I was staring...did it bother you?"

Crush: (Will be decided in the RP, or PM me~)

"...Thank you."


"Stars shine more brightly when surrounded by darkness."


Game Avatar:

Name: Cienne Lunare (Alias: Solo)

"I stand alone. I advise you to think twice before deciding to join me."

Age: 15 1/2

Gender: Female


Cienne is generally lax and calm, a little air-headed and lazy in movement. However, she is sharp, calculating and fierce in battle, able to finish a job without a second thought. Her smiles and her general face expression appear sleepy and loose, and she rarely shows any emotions besides sleepiness, mild happiness and slight surprise. Cienne is surprisingly hard to anger or annoy, as she has a lot of patience, but when a nerve is struck, she can become harsh, or break down. Luckily, it is hard to find such sensitive topics, as Cienne is very secretive.

Cienne hates to lead people, which is why she doesn't party often, and when she does, she is usually comfortable taking orders. Her soft personality makes her an easy person to confide in, even if she doesn't have much to offer but her attention. Cienne is someone who accepts things the way they are, though she may have her rare stubborn moments, and respects other's opinion, since she almost always is void of one. Her strange attraction to water is still a part of her, and her love for sweet foods as well.

Cienne loves to get lost in thought, since it brings peace to her mind. She loves sitting in warm, quiet areas just to enjoy the moment, and takes everything, or most things lightly. She can be gravely serious many times, but outside of danger, she is light-hearted and supportive. She usually worries about others and their safety over hers, which is why she needs to be supervised sometimes to be held back from throwing herself into life-threatening situations.
"Do you need a place to stay?"


"Oh, my name? Don't think about it too much, and rest."


Glaxe - A long-blue silver sword that is fairly lightweight and specifically designed for Cienne's preferences. It glows in a pale-blue hue when used for physical attacks. It can also conduct magic, though the source is from the user. It is not made of ice, and does not shatter easily.


Ekou - A white bow and arrow infused with magic, or for magical purposes. Can be used regularly as well, but becomes more powerful with magic. It has enhances points, so it can pierce straight through a tree with enough concentration and power. It is usually poisoned, or has a freezing spell cast on it. The appearance of the bow changes depending on what magic is cast on it, but it does not affect the power, etc., of the attack.



Silen - A small throwing knife that is also conductible with magic. This can multiply up to a maximum of 15, and can be shot all at once even without the user making contact with it. However, to do this, one must possess a great amount of concentration.


They have the ability to turn miniature, just to the size of a bracelet charm when not in use.

"I hope you're not plotting anything. I'd hate to turn against you."


Cienne specializes in combat and magic, her magic mostly consisting of ice/water, though she uses other magic such as illusions, floating/jumping, and molding. She can mold temporary weapons with her ice magic, which creates her own ice, though it only a little tougher than actual ice, so it can only withhold so much pressure.

She can freeze her opponents, though it is most effective with those underneath her in levels. Cienne can also make her ice become a shield-like structure, but of course, every detail, such as thickness, height, etc., must be pictured in her head in order for her to "mold" ice.

Cienne is skilled in casting spells, as a majority of her attacks are magic-based, even though she participates in simple physical combat. She is more useful when she is out of sight-battle (head-on-head), and performs better for silent, surprise attacks, as she is skilled in hiding traces of herself. Stealth is a strong skill that Cienne uses often.

Sudden changes in temperature can negatively affect Cienne's body, as it is sensitive to temperature change. She dislikes any extreme temperature, such as too cold or too hot, but can perform to some degree in said conditions before she can only resort to defensive, or absolutely no attacks. Her stamina is greatly decreased during these times.

Cienne is usually the medic of the group (as she either prefers to be behind-the-scenes, or support), stocked up on may different kinds of spells and potions, though spells are used more often to prevent things, and heal injures. She has thing for battle-related effects only, so she cannot cure colds or diseases. Burns, wounds, paralysis, poison, etc., are the things she could deal with.

Combat: Level 55

(Her hand-to-hand combat skills match her stamina, and her physical strength proves weakest in this category.)

Weaponry: Level 10

(She can create basic weapons from her ice magic, though it doesn't prove to be stronger than actual ice)

Cooking: Level 60

(She is in love with food, and went through great times to try and max-out her cooking abilities--she can cook many things, though the more rare the materials, the harder it is to cook)

Speed: Level 45

(Speed, flexibility and agility are on the same level)

Healing: Level 40

(She can prevent and deal with most battle-related injuries)

Medics: Level 50

(She can immediately deal with fresh injuries within a limit amount of time, and provide support for her party)

Magic: Level 60

(Her magic is one of her strongest aspects. She mostly uses ice-related magic, but resorts to illusion spells and floating/jumping)

Party Member(s): None yet

Current Item(s): Food/Drinks, Spell book, Potions/Spells, Weapons, Cloak (that she usually wears during travel), First-Aid materials

Money: Rich enough to have custom items made and pay for rent in houses without worrying about money.


-Cienne likes to dip her feet into the water if she does not dive head-first in

-She hums random melodies when she is in a peaceful state

-Cienne openly warms up/becomes clingy to those she holds dear to her

-She usually gives of a flowery/bakery mixed smell due to her always cooking, and having spells with her
Crush: (Will be decided in the RP, or PM me~)


"There's always tomorrow. Strength comes from getting up every time you fall."

(still working on a couple of categories, and if you need me to fix anything, I will.)

accepted, and thanks for joining! (i'm sure that you'd make sure not to be too OP, right? :D )

Real Life Character/User:

Name: Konota kenjirou

Age/Grade: 17 years old, 11th grader

Gender: Male

Personality: Konota isn't the most blithe or exhilarating person one will ever come across with, he doesn't show it but he's actually the very exuberant and flamboyant type but only rarely does he break out of his shell as he is afraid of what people might think of his sudden grasp of joy, so as protection he likes to keep a wall around him, keeps thoughts to himself and contemplate of what else waits beyond his path, he is bold and protective he likes to put others before himself since it makes him feel like he has a purpose or something he is worth for. Konota can be pretty darn affectionate but only shows it in the most subtle ways since he's very embarrassed and ashamed to feel such a thing towards others, and often tries to hide it behind his neutral expression. Just because konota is not the most accurate person on the modern era doesn't mean he's not smart, he has a huge love for learning and is constantly always searching for new creativity or knowledge to feed himself with, though this can always turn him into a very rebellious person since he would do anything just to learn new things. But even after all the excitement he holds in himself he is always a silent person konota doesn't like to place people in a close role or have himself think or delude himself into thinking people care it, upsets him to figure out people lie to him only out of pity, he has always wanted a nice relationship with friends but has never gotten to it since at the moment he has grown very depressed and angry so as a result this backs people off into thinking he is always like this.

Appearance: (anime, preferably)

History: Konota was born and raised in a small middle class family where he spent most of his time roaming the woods that were located near his house just two hours away, he usually went on his bike, he was very interested in the astounding and beautiful life that wandered around the woods, he found it worth while to see such creatures up close and it was something that made him smile, it was said to be cut down for its wood and kill the animals for their fur or meat, though they never came to do such, so he dusted it off. He was never the one to socialize and his anxiety disorder grew bigger because of it, his father home schooled him so he decided it was best never to walk out of his little space of comfort and enjoyment it scared him so much he had to take medicine to calm him down, so from then on he hadn't been able to socialize with any other human other than his family. When he got older he stopped riding over to the forest so frequently and spent his days writing or cooking at the house and playing piano his parents said he was an aspiring artist and he felt confident about such a compliment he decided to enroll over to a school of arts, Konota felt he was able to socialize and ready to mingle with a diverse crowd of his kind his parents were very encouraging towards him, happy to see such a boy grow into a confident man was all they ever wished, but this ocean of happiness didn't last long. A Corporation was ready to take action on setting a new business there, he refused their offers but found his shouts useless, they were able to kill off the animals and start a fire of which he wasn't able to bring his parents out of, it was a massacre of which he could not forget and because he wasn't able to do anything about it he dragged himself into the city, still having the school to turn over to he was luckily accepted and brought in under their wing. Though needing the money he decided to apply for a job as a piano player over at a café downtown he improved his skills at playing several instruments but piano was by far his favorite, it took a very long time to earn a large amount of money but he achieved his goal and was able to pay off his debts but as reward he was gifted with a top selling video game console called N.A.P.


He has a soft spot for musicals and animals

Because of his lack of communication to the outside world he can easily get confused on many modern things

Konota is multilingual, he liked to learn different languages in his spare time

He isn't very fond of sweets or spicy foods.

Crush: He's scared of showing emotion and of being rejected

"I'm sorry, b-but I don't think I'm emotionally ready for this test"

Quote(s): "Everything is exciting! Particularly existence"


Game Avatar:

Name: Perpetuum

Age: 17 years old

Gender: Male

Personality: Perpetuum's appearance gives off a negative and pessimistic feeling, he usually keeps a dark and cold expression in order to hide his emotions well, he really doesn't trust anyone enough to give them knowledge of how he feels but that's besides the point, while outside in the real world he has a very great knowledge of the human feeling, when he is in the video game all this is very foreign to him as he has always rejected his sentiment or reactions towards situations, as to him always being able to hold is neutral expression, but he can be caring or protective of someone when needed to even when it's someone of whom he hates a very lot he knows he can trust the person and be able to create a connection with them, he has a huge amount of Patience which sometime makes him look like he doesn't care but he's always the opposite of what people define him to be.

Appearance: (anime, preferably)


Weapon(s): Harpoon gun, Slingshot, needles and darts


Combat: Level 56

(He isn't the quickest person but he has good agility and strength, he preforms acupuncture in able to keep his enemies in place )

Weaponry: Level 13

(He is able to make arrows, harpoons, dart bombs and small swords)

Cooking: Level 59

(He can is able to cook a good meal with vegetables,fruits, grains and meats he actually gets this since he had always been the one to cook his own dishes)

Speed: Level 38

(He doesn't have the best speed but he can react quick enough to dodge an oncoming hit)

Healing: Level 43

(He is able to heal others but he loses some of his health points in order to do so.)

Medics: Level 37

(He can heal others but again can only do so by wasting his own health, but unless someone isn't injured severely or dying he can keep his points and can heal them nicely)

Magic: Level 50

(He uses arcane magic along with mental magic which only comes in rarely.)

Party Member(s): He hasn't been able to trust anyone enough

Current Item(s): Needles, excellent spyglass disguised as a kaleidoscope, A bottle of lemon juice for writing down invisible messages, Slingshot, explosives, nylon rope.

Money: He has a fair amount of money to keep him going throughout his missons


He constantly tries to hide his horns and keep them away from danger.

Is very good at communicating with creatures.

He Kneels and zones out in order to think properly.

He gets pressured and upset when people depend on him, but even if he doesn't show it he tries to keep a good composure in order to keep his teammates in a good demeanor.

Has a sweet tooth and loves to chew, this actually explains why he has a strong jaw.

Crush: Has no interest in anyone so far.

"I really don't have time"

Quote:"We have nothing to fear, except ourselves, we are unholy awful people fear ourselves with silence "
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Real Life Character/User:

Name: Konota kenjirou

Age/Grade: 17 years old, 11th grader

Gender: Male

Personality: Konota isn't the most blithe or exhilarating person one will ever come across with, he doesn't show it but he's actually the very exuberant and flamboyant type but only rarely does he break out of his shell as he is afraid of what people might think of his sudden grasp of joy, so as protection he likes to keep a wall around him, keeps thoughts to himself and contemplate of what else waits beyond his path, he is bold and protective he likes to put others before himself since it makes him feel like he has a purpose or something he is worth for. Konota can be pretty darn affectionate but only shows it in the most subtle ways since he's very embarrassed and ashamed to feel such a thing towards others, and often tries to hide it behind his neutral expression. Just because konota is not the most accurate person on the modern era doesn't mean he's not smart, he has a huge love for learning and is constantly always searching for new creativity or knowledge to feed himself with, though this can always turn him into a very rebellious person since he would do anything just to learn new things. But even after all the excitement he holds in himself he is always a silent person konota doesn't like to place people in a close role or have himself think or delude himself into thinking people care it, upsets him to figure out people lie to him only out of pity, he has always wanted a nice relationship with friends but has never gotten to it since at the moment he has grown very depressed and angry so as a result this backs people off into thinking he is always like this.

Appearance: (anime, preferably)

History: Konota was born and raised in a small middle class family where he spent most of his time roaming the woods that were located near his house just two hours away, he usually went on his bike, he was very interested in the astounding and beautiful life that wandered around the woods, he found it worth while to see such creatures up close and it was something that made him smile, it was said to be cut down for its wood and kill the snimals for their fur or meat, though they never came to do such so he dusted it off. He was never the one to socialize and his anxiety disorder grew bigger because of it,his father home schooled him so he decided it was best never to walk out of his little space of comfort and enjoyment it scared him so much he had to take medicine to calm him down, so from then on he hadn't been able to socialize with any other human other than his family. When he got older he stopped riding over to the forest so frequently and spent his days writing or cooking at the house and playing piano his parents said he was an aspiring artist and he felt confident about such a compliment he decided to enroll over to a school of arts, Konota felt he was able to socialize and ready to mingle with a diverse crowd of his kind his parents were very encouraging towards him, happy to see such a boy grow into a confident man was all they ever wished, but this ocean of happiness didn't last long A Corporation was ready to take action on setting a new business there he refused their offers but found his shouts useless, they were able to kill off the animals and start a fire of which he wasn't able to bring his parents out of it was a massacre of which he could not forget and because he wasn't able to do anything about it he dragged himself into the city, still having the school to turn over to he was luckily accepted and brought in under their wing. Though needing the money he decided to apply for a job as a piano player over at a café downtown he improved his skills at playing several instruments but piano was by far his favorite, it took a very long time to earn a large amount of money but he achieved his goal and was able to pay off his debts but as reward he was gifted with a top selling video game console called N.A.P


He has a soft spot for musicals and animals

Because of his lack of communication to the outside world he can easily get confused on many modern things

Konota is multilingual, he liked to learn different languages in his spare time

He isn't very fond of sweets or spicy foods.

Crush: He's scared of showing emotion and of being rejected

"I'm sorry, b-but I don't think I'm emotionally ready for this test"

Quote(s): "Everything is exciting! Particularly existence"


Game Avatar:

Name: Perpetuum

Age: 17 years old

Gender: Male

Personality: WIP

Appearance: (anime, preferably)


Weapon(s): Harpoon gun, Slingshot, needles and darts


Combat: Level 56

(He isn't the quickest person but he has good agility and strength, he preforms acupuncture in able to keep his enemies in place )

Weaponry: Level 13

(He is able to make arrows, harpoons, dart bombs and small swords)

Cooking: Level 59

(He can is able to cook a good meal with vegetables,fruits, grains and meats he actually gets this since he had always been the one to cook his own dishes)

Speed: Level 38

(He doesn't have the best speed but he can react quick enough to dodge an oncoming hit)

Healing: Level 43

(He is able to heal others but he loses some of his health points in order to do so.)

Medics: Level 37

(He can heal others but again can only do so by wasting his own health, but unless someone isn't injured severely or dying he can keep his points and can heal them nicely)

Magic: Level 50

(He uses arcane magic along with mental magic which only comes in rarely.)

Party Member(s): He hasn't been able to trust anyone enough

Current Item(s): Needles, excellent spyglass disguised as a kaleidoscope, A bottle of lemon juice for writing down invisible messages, Slingshot, explosives, nylon rope.

Money: He has a fair amount of money to keep him going throughout his missons


He constantly tries to hide his horns and keep them away from danger.

Is very good at communicating with creatures.

He Kneels and zones out in order to think properly.

Crush: Has no interest in anyone so far.

"I really don't have time"

Quote:"We have nothing to fear, except oourselves, we are unholy awful people fear ourselves with silence "

thank you for applying--accepted!

Real Life Character/User:

Name: Aaron Kanagiri

Age/Grade:17, entering his third year of high school

Gender: Male

Personality: Aaron is to others what we see in a fat person. He isn't very active and when he does run its from the girls at school trying to ask him out or confess to him. He is very hesitant to trust many people but will completely be straight forward about anything and everything when its toward a person he knows. he also gets very defensive over kids getting bullied and always rushes in to stop it.

Appearance: (anime, preferably)


History: Aaron lives in a family of very well mannered interracial parents. His father is Japanese while his mother is American. He lives with them in Japan since his dads company runs out of the main office in Tokyo. In terms of life he had a pretty good one. He had a few friends and had a nice dog named Shiro because the dog was completely white like snow from head to toe. Aaron has always been fond of video games and as such has invested almost all of his free time in every game imaginable. Since his family had a large enough amount of money to support them for years he wasn't to worried about money but his father had always taught him to work for himself, and to earn his lot in life. Aaron had a part time job he had always stated was a pain but he always went and always tried his best to make sure everyone he worked with was happy. During one of his shifts he had found an entry form for a testing trial for a new game and so he entered the contest and had later been chosen as on of the 200 users to give the new virtual reality game a try. A few months after the trials had ended he had started to get his life together and even got himself a girlfriend and made some friends from school. He was enjoying life as it was and had honestly almost given up on MMORPG's until he received a package in the mail with the N.A.P console and the finished product of the game he had been selected to test. After clearing his schedule for the day he plugged in his new machine and started the game up. He had decided to try and become one of this games best players but he wasn't quite sure how so he waited as the game loaded so that he could see how the game worked. He was ready to experience the pain and stress caused by the games monsters and world conditions and he was content with what would happen if the game consumed him like the others did. What he wasn't prepared for was the server error that wouldn't let him log out of the game. He waited hours trying give his players menu load properly with no luck. afterward he spent his time learning more about the games mechanics and leveling system as well as the extra skills for cooking and crafting so that he knew exactly what he was dealing with. Thats when he decided he was going to be the best swordsman there ever was. After a while he had started to pick up pace as one of the few solo players that could do things others couldn't and he hated it. He hated being alone and feared by everyone else. He wanted to go back to his girlfriend and his friends and family but he had to face the harsh reality that he was stuck in a world that wasn't nearly as kind as the one he came from.


Aaron has never really like doing many things but when it came to sports he was in martial arts and had almost made his way to becoming the japanese national champ until he had injured himself and had to resign from the competition.

He likes anything spicy and will not drink coffee.

He loves dogs no matter how big or small.

Crush: (opt.)

(will be added later during RP)

Quote(s): (can be added throughout the CS)

"Life is more interesting from a distance, thats why I'm just gonna stand back and watch."


Game Avatar:

Name: Kazuto Yuuki



Personality: Compared to what he is like in real life he tries to be more out going and social with the other players. He is still very honest with people when he is asked to be. Kazuto is also trying his best not to break down to help the other players around him get out of this game safe and sound. No matter who it is he will be there to help them especially when people tell him its hopeless.

Appearance: (anime, preferably)


Weapon(s): Elucidator:It is a pitch black sword with trims of gray and is evenly balanced and quite powerful. It has a black handle connected to a hand guard that drops down on the right side. Attached to this elongated area of the hand-guard is part of Elucidator's obsidian blade so as to better aid the user in retaining their grip on the sword when it is being used. The blade is completely black like the rest of the sword and the said blade is outlined in a light gray. A small cross is emblazoned on the flat of the blade, just beneath the tip. The sword is less than 120 centimeters long.

Dark Repulsor:This sword is aqua-colored. Its grip is a darker color than the rest of the blade and is completely straight. It leads up to a hilt that is exactly perpendicular to the grip and is designed to look like a pair of conjoined dagger blades. At the center of the guard is a large aquamarine gem. The blade itself is a deep aqua color, the base of the blade has a light-aqua attachment that causes the blade to have a natural indentation when one traces its length due to the angle that the attachment bends at.

Throwing pick: A type of weapon that is small, easily concealed, and used for damaging small animals or objects. Due to its size, it can only slightly damage players, but can kill smaller animals with a single strike. Some types of it are also known to have attribute called "Continuous Piercing Damage over Time (DoT)", which will inflict damage per five seconds until it is taken out.

Skill(s)/Level(s): Kazuto specializes mainly in using his dual sword skill in combat rather than magic. Since his swords are enchanted to deal dark magic damage with each successful strike on his enemy so he hasn't felt the need to learn any more magic than he had started to learn in his first 15 levels. Since he spends most of his time either training or going on quests he is always raising his combat level exp as well as his healing over time ability. Kazuto can generally deal a lot of damage at amazing speeds with every slash of his swords and normally tries to do his best to draw any enemies closer to him to help the others in his party heal up and then strike from behind. He does not have very much health however since he wears very thin light though very durable black cloth armor as to reduce the stress any movements put on his stamina. His running speed is also another one of his selling points when in battle since he can use it for the basic "Hit'n'Run" tactic if alone or is assisting his allies in battle.He is also very good at enchanting his items as to maximize his overall effectiveness while on quests and hunting raids. He specializes in Dark energy enchantments as well as lightning and fire damage enhancements. He sells his enchantment skills to others seeking them but will generally only sell for low and or reasonable prices.Kazuto can't deal very well with water based locations due to his very real seasickness. He also hates being on boats since the swaying not only makes his sickness worse but also take away from his endurance and agility during battle. He also can not deal with extremely hot temperatures since he has the risk of feinting from a very real health issue in his real life.

Combat: Level 62

(Kazuto has focused almost solely on enhancing his combat skill bringing up his stamina to match his reflexes while also raising his strength to be able to hold, carry and use his equipment including his swords)

Weaponry: Level 36

(He is pretty good with his crafting of weapons but he can only do enough to make low level gear and maintain his own equipment)

Cooking: Level 20

(He is always to busy on quests and helping others hunt or collect rare ingredients and materials he never really has time to cook for himself so he has little cooking talent other than making bread and basic stew)

Speed: Level 60

(Kazuto has raised his running speed level as to better benefit him in battle against large monsters and bosses as well as slow creatures he may encounter. To keep up speed he has also increased his stamina so that he doesn't slow down to early when trying to overwhelm his enemy with his speed and striking)

Healing: Level 30

(Kazuto has done his best to be able to heal himself during combat so that he doesn't completely inconvenience his allies)

Medics: Level 20

(Kazuto is almost always alone other than when he is asked for help with quests and hunting missions so he has never had anyone really rely on him to heal them when in trouble)

Magic: Level 40

(Kazuto has not only focused on his combat but his magic as well so that he can put decent level enchantments on his equipment as well as casting low level lighting spells to rpovide light when completing quests in dark areas)

(this can be updated at anytime, but make sure to notify me)

Party Member(s): None at the moment(Currently solo player)

Current Item(s): Throwing picks, Health crystals, Canteen of water, Scrolls for recording enchantment ideas, Quill and Ink bottle, Sword necklace

Money: He has a fairly decent amount of money from selling his findings after quests as well as selling his skills as an enchanter. he has roughly enough to buy himself a small castle with no furniture or cooking implements.


Kazuto has come to love life and has started to put more effort in talking to others unlike how he was in the real world. He has also come to realize he no longer loves the girl he used to call his girlfriend as she would have dumped him for playing this game in the first place as well as he has also started to realise what she was really with him for in the first place(His families money).

Crush: (opt.) None yet

Quote(s): (can be added throughout the CS)

"I will not let a party member die! Not again, not ever!"
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Naegi said:
Real Life Character/User:

Name: Aaron Kanagiri

Age/Grade:17, entering his third year of high school

Gender: Male

Personality: Aaron is to others what we see in a fat person. He isn't very active and when he does run its from the girls at school trying to ask him out or confess to him. He is very hesitant to trust many people but will completely be straight forward about anything and everything when its toward a person he knows. he also gets very defensive over kids getting bullied and always rushes in to stop it.

Appearance: (anime, preferably)


History: Aaron lives in a family of very well mannered interracial parents. His father is Japanese while his mother is American. He lives with them in Japan since his dads company runs out of the main office in Tokyo. In terms of life he had a pretty good one. He had a few friends and had a nice dog named Shiro because the dog was completely white like snow from head to toe. Aaron has always been fond of video games and as such has invested almost all of his free time in every game imaginable. Since his family had a large enough amount of money to support them for years he wasn't to worried about money but his father had always taught him to work for himself, and to earn his lot in life. Aaron had a part time job he had always stated was a pain but he always went and always tried his best to make sure everyone he worked with was happy. During one of his shifts he had found an entry form for a testing trial for a new game and so he entered the contest and had later been chosen as on of the 200 users to give the new virtual reality game a try. A few months after the trials had ended he had started to get his life together and even got himself a girlfriend and made some friends from school. He was enjoying life as it was and had honestly almost given up on MMORPG's until he received a package in the mail with the N.A.P console and the finished product of the game he had been selected to test. After clearing his schedule for the day he plugged in his new machine and started the game up. He had decided to try and become one of this games best players but he wasn't quite sure how so he waited as the game loaded so that he could see how the game worked. He was ready to experience the pain and stress caused by the games monsters and world conditions and he was content with what would happen if the game consumed him like the others did. What he wasn't prepared for was the server error that wouldn't let him log out of the game. He waited hours trying give his players menu load properly with no luck. afterward he spent his time learning more about the games mechanics and leveling system as well as the extra skills for cooking and crafting so that he knew exactly what he was dealing with. Thats when he decided he was going to be the best swordsman there ever was. After a while he had started to pick up pace as one of the few solo players that could do things others couldn't and he hated it. He hated being alone and feared by everyone else. He wanted to go back to his girlfriend and his friends and family but he had to face the harsh reality that he was stuck in a world that wasn't nearly as kind as the one he came from.


Aaron has never really like doing many things but when it came to sports he was in martial arts and had almost made his way to becoming the japanese national champ until he had injured himself and had to resign from the competition.

He likes anything spicy and will not drink coffee.

He loves dogs no matter how big or small.

Crush: (opt.)

(will be added later during RP)

Quote(s): (can be added throughout the CS)

"Life is more interesting from a distance, thats why I'm just gonna stand back and watch."


Game Avatar:

Name: Kazuto Yuuki



Personality: Compared to what he is like in real life he tries to be more out going and social with the other players. He is still very honest with people when he is asked to be. Kazuto is also trying his best not to break down to help the other players around him get out of this game safe and sound. No matter who it is he will be there to help them especially when people tell him its hopeless.

Appearance: (anime, preferably)


Weapon(s): Elucidator:It is a pitch black sword with trims of gray and is evenly balanced and quite powerful. It has a black handle connected to a hand guard that drops down on the right side. Attached to this elongated area of the hand-guard is part of Elucidator's obsidian blade so as to better aid the user in retaining their grip on the sword when it is being used. The blade is completely black like the rest of the sword and the said blade is outlined in a light gray. A small cross is emblazoned on the flat of the blade, just beneath the tip. The sword is less than 120 centimeters long.

Dark Repulsor:This sword is aqua-colored. Its grip is a darker color than the rest of the blade and is completely straight. It leads up to a hilt that is exactly perpendicular to the grip and is designed to look like a pair of conjoined dagger blades. At the center of the guard is a large aquamarine gem. The blade itself is a deep aqua color, the base of the blade has a light-aqua attachment that causes the blade to have a natural indentation when one traces its length due to the angle that the attachment bends at.

Throwing pick: A type of weapon that is small, easily concealed, and used for damaging small animals or objects. Due to its size, it can only slightly damage players, but can kill smaller animals with a single strike. Some types of it are also known to have attribute called "Continuous Piercing Damage over Time (DoT)", which will inflict damage per five seconds until it is taken out.

Skill(s)/Level(s): Kazuto specializes mainly in using his dual sword skill in combat rather than magic. Since his swords are enchanted to deal dark magic damage with each successful strike on his enemy so he hasn't felt the need to learn any more magic than he had started to learn in his first 15 levels. Since he spends most of his time either training or going on quests he is always raising his combat level exp as well as his healing over time ability. Kazuto can generally deal a lot of damage at amazing speeds with every slash of his swords and normally tries to do his best to draw any enemies closer to him to help the others in his party heal up and then strike from behind. He does not have very much health however since he wears very thin light though very durable black cloth armor as to reduce the stress any movements put on his stamina. His running speed is also another one of his selling points when in battle since he can use it for the basic "Hit'n'Run" tactic if alone or is assisting his allies in battle.He is also very good at enchanting his items as to maximize his overall effectiveness while on quests and hunting raids. He specializes in Dark energy enchantments as well as lightning and fire damage enhancements. He sells his enchantment skills to others seeking them but will generally only sell for low and or reasonable prices.Kazuto can't deal very well with water based locations due to his very real seasickness. He also hates being on boats since the swaying not only makes his sickness worse but also take away from his endurance and agility during battle. He also can not deal with extremely hot temperatures since he has the risk of feinting from a very real health issue in his real life.

Combat: Level 62

(Kazuto has focused almost solely on enhancing his combat skill bringing up his stamina to match his reflexes while also raising his strength to be able to hold, carry and use his equipment including his swords)

Weaponry: Level 50

(He is pretty good with his crafting of weapons but he can only do enough to make low level gear and maintain his own equipment)

Cooking: Level 20

(He is always to busy on quests and helping others hunt or collect rare ingredients and materials he never really has time to cook for himself so he has little cooking talent other than making bread and basic stew)

Speed: Level 60

(Kazuto has raised his running speed level as to better benefit him in battle against large monsters and bosses as well as slow creatures he may encounter. To keep up speed he has also increased his stamina so that he doesn't slow down to early when trying to overwhelm his enemy with his speed and striking)

Healing: Level 45

(Kazuto has done his best to be able to heal himself during combat so that he doesn't completely inconvenience his allies)

Medics: Level 20

(Kazuto is almost always alone other than when he is asked for help with quests and hunting missions so he has never had anyone really rely on him to heal them when in trouble)

Magic: Level 40

(Kazuto has not only focused on his combat but his magic as well so that he can put decent level enchantments on his equipment as well as casting low level lighting spells to rpovide light when completing quests in dark areas)

(this can be updated at anytime, but make sure to notify me)

Party Member(s): None at the moment(Currently solo player)

Current Item(s): Throwing picks, Health crystals, Canteen of water, Scrolls for recording enchantment ideas, Quill and Ink bottle, Sword necklace

Money: He has a fairly decent amount of money from selling his findings after quests as well as selling his skills as an enchanter. he has roughly enough to buy himself a small castle with no furniture or cooking implements.


Kazuto has come to love life and has started to put more effort in talking to others unlike how he was in the real world. He has also come to realize he no longer loves the girl he used to call his girlfriend as she would have dumped him for playing this game in the first place as well as he has also started to realise what she was really with him for in the first place(His families money).

Crush: (opt.) None yet

Quote(s): (can be added throughout the CS)

"I will not let a party member die! Not again, not ever!"
accepted~but i'd like it if you create a more original character, not from an anime, or something from your mind

for your weaponry level, your description does not match your level. from what i can tell, he is about level 30-35 in that category

your healing level--if he is only able to heal himself, the level should be around 20-30 depending on how much at a time he can heal himself

Real Life Character/User:

Name: Konota kenjirou

Age/Grade: 17 years old, 11th grader

Gender: Male

Personality: Konota isn't the most blithe or exhilarating person one will ever come across with, he doesn't show it but he's actually the very exuberant and flamboyant type but only rarely does he break out of his shell as he is afraid of what people might think of his sudden grasp of joy, so as protection he likes to keep a wall around him, keeps thoughts to himself and contemplate of what else waits beyond his path, he is bold and protective he likes to put others before himself since it makes him feel like he has a purpose or something he is worth for. Konota can be pretty darn affectionate but only shows it in the most subtle ways since he's very embarrassed and ashamed to feel such a thing towards others, and often tries to hide it behind his neutral expression. Just because konota is not the most accurate person on the modern era doesn't mean he's not smart, he has a huge love for learning and is constantly always searching for new creativity or knowledge to feed himself with, though this can always turn him into a very rebellious person since he would do anything just to learn new things. But even after all the excitement he holds in himself he is always a silent person konota doesn't like to place people in a close role or have himself think or delude himself into thinking people care it, upsets him to figure out people lie to him only out of pity, he has always wanted a nice relationship with friends but has never gotten to it since at the moment he has grown very depressed and angry so as a result this backs people off into thinking he is always like this.

Appearance: (anime, preferably)

History: Konota was born and raised in a small middle class family where he spent most of his time roaming the woods that were located near his house just two hours away, he usually went on his bike, he was very interested in the astounding and beautiful life that wandered around the woods, he found it worth while to see such creatures up close and it was something that made him smile, it was said to be cut down for its wood and kill the snimals for their fur or meat, though they never came to do such so he dusted it off. He was never the one to socialize and his anxiety disorder grew bigger because of it,his father home schooled him so he decided it was best never to walk out of his little space of comfort and enjoyment it scared him so much he had to take medicine to calm him down, so from then on he hadn't been able to socialize with any other human other than his family. When he got older he stopped riding over to the forest so frequently and spent his days writing or cooking at the house and playing piano his parents said he was an aspiring artist and he felt confident about such a compliment he decided to enroll over to a school of arts, Konota felt he was able to socialize and ready to mingle with a diverse crowd of his kind his parents were very encouraging towards him, happy to see such a boy grow into a confident man was all they ever wished, but this ocean of happiness didn't last long A Corporation was ready to take action on setting a new business there he refused their offers but found his shouts useless, they were able to kill off the animals and start a fire of which he wasn't able to bring his parents out of it was a massacre of which he could not forget and because he wasn't able to do anything about it he dragged himself into the city, still having the school to turn over to he was luckily accepted and brought in under their wing. Though needing the money he decided to apply for a job as a piano player over at a café downtown he improved his skills at playing several instruments but piano was by far his favorite, it took a very long time to earn a large amount of money but he achieved his goal and was able to pay off his debts but as reward he was gifted with a top selling video game console called N.A.P


He has a soft spot for musicals and animals

Because of his lack of communication to the outside world he can easily get confused on many modern things

Konota is multilingual, he liked to learn different languages in his spare time

He isn't very fond of sweets or spicy foods.

Crush: He's scared of showing emotion and of being rejected

"I'm sorry, b-but I don't think I'm emotionally ready for this test"

Quote(s): "Everything is exciting! Particularly existence"


Game Avatar:

Name: Perpetuum

Age: 17 years old

Gender: Male

Personality: WIP

Appearance: (anime, preferably)


Weapon(s): Harpoon gun, Slingshot, needles and darts


Combat: Level 56

(He isn't the quickest person but he has good agility and strength, he preforms acupuncture in able to keep his enemies in place )

Weaponry: Level 13

(He is able to make arrows, harpoons, dart bombs and small swords)

Cooking: Level 59

(He can is able to cook a good meal with vegetables,fruits, grains and meats he actually gets this since he had always been the one to cook his own dishes)

Speed: Level 38

(He doesn't have the best speed but he can react quick enough to dodge an oncoming hit)

Healing: Level 43

(He is able to heal others but he loses some of his health points in order to do so.)

Medics: Level 37

(He can heal others but again can only do so by wasting his own health, but unless someone isn't injured severely or dying he can keep his points and can heal them nicely)

Magic: Level 50

(He uses arcane magic along with mental magic which only comes in rarely.)

Party Member(s): He hasn't been able to trust anyone enough

Current Item(s): Needles, excellent spyglass disguised as a kaleidoscope, A bottle of lemon juice for writing down invisible messages, Slingshot, explosives, nylon rope.

Money: He has a fair amount of money to keep him going throughout his missons


He constantly tries to hide his horns and keep them away from danger.

Is very good at communicating with creatures.

He Kneels and zones out in order to think properly.

Crush: Has no interest in anyone so far.

"I really don't have time"

Quote:"We have nothing to fear, except ourselves, we are unholy awful people fear ourselves with silence "


  • Name:

    "Niko seems to be a popular nickname."

    Nikolai Oseni


    "Grade Twelve..."



    "My hair isn't that long..."



    "I've been compared to a sponge."

    For most people it is difficult to place an actual word on someones personality for it is constantly developing and morphing. It is impossible to define a person for that would make no room for change; no person is the same for more then a week. But this doesn't seem to apply to well to a certain high schooler by the name of Nikolai Oseni. The blonde for the past seven years can be notably the same as he was when he was ten, and can easily be described in a single word. Expressionless.

    Niko has difficulty expressing his emotions and understanding emotions in predictably any scenario and can definitely be most commonly found sporting a normally bored or either tired expression; though that doesn't mean he doesn't feel emotions for that is false. Nikolai holds many emotions and opinions within himself but he doesn't understand how one is supposed to show it for so many people have their own ways, and he often questions 'do people cry when their happy or sad? Both? How do you know when they're happy and not?' These observations lead him to be very unresponsive with his facial features though there are moments where his face may move naturally and by instinct without his regards which will be the most frequent reason for him ever showing anything.

    Nikolai can be found to be more of an introverted and independent person, but when he is in a group he refrains from speaking his own opinion and mainly follows those who seem the most responsible and level headed in his own mind. But this does not mean he is unable to decide for himself for he is more then capable of doing so and when he finds there to be a useless debate about something as simply as which path to take he can be found to just make his own decision and walk down the path he finds more trusting or interesting despite what anyone else may say. But the blonde is secretly fairly naive and innocent in many scenarios despite his exterior persona, many peculiar things can be found to make him uncomfortable or frantic. Small things such as the topic of love, bugs, and others being upset easily send him into a mental downward spiral.

    Niko can't comprehend his own emotions and can barely read others on an occasion, if you are to begin crying he won't know what to do and will predictably make a flabbergasted fool of himself due to not knowing how to react.


    "Listen close 'cause i'm not saying this again."

    Nikolai had been described for a long time as a very over exaggerate child, very dramatic with his tone and emotions unlike how he is today; but it was mainly for the reason that there was a point to be. Niko had been born with a female twin sister by the name of Talindra, a girl he never left the side of as they both got along with one another fortunately very well. They would often times play with each other over the option of other children in their apartment complex, at points their parents would ask jokingly if they were ever going to get tired of one another, which would always be answered with a serious and truthful 'No!'.

    The two remained this way for a long time until the age of ten, for at that point something had noticeably been wrong with their parents. The two of them had earned their compassionate and passive personas from their parents who they had never seen or heard fight. And so it hadn't taken much to send them into a shocked induced terror when they heard their parents voices rise above their normal tones towards each other, only now does Nikolai understand that the two had been fighting for longer then that single night. But it seemed that cold winter evening had been the last straw, his and Talindras parents getting a divorce and separating only a month later. The twins at first had been confused but not entirely upset because they had thought they would remain with each other. But that was proven otherwise when Nikolais mother had gotten custody of his twin notably asking for only her rather then her son.

    It was as though Nikolai and Talindra had been Siamese twins and he had just been surgically removed from her but with the use of a chainsaw and without the pain medicine to soothe the pain.

    This was when his emotions had begun to grow scarce, after a year of showing nothing but his normal blank face whenever his father eyed him Nikolai had been sent to therapy on many different occasions but each seemed to only worsen his case, as he would never say a thing to any adult that was supposedly there to 'help' him. When Niko had entered high school and there still hadn't been a change in his behavior his father had grown accustomed to it, or he had simply given up on his son more then he already had and let the blonde stay to himself. At some points his father would ask if he'd ever bring any friends home to which he'd remind his guardian of how he didn't have any acquaintances before climbing the stairs to his room.

    Nikolai didn't find any excitement in his life for it had lost its past color, and that was when he seeked out N.A.P.


    "Hey...Wow how exciting..." *Very unenthusiastic*

    Nikolai is actually oddly talented in the performing category, possessing a calming singing voice and a mean skill of juggling most anything.

    Nikolai is a terrible gambler and believes that people will be fair to a first timer.

    Nikolai is a hands on learner, teaching without a visualizer is a quick way to confuse him.

    Nikolai is terrified of the supernatural and definitely believes in ghosts, no matter what he says.

    Nikolai completes
    ADORES the feeling of someone playing with his hair, he'll crumble into whoever does.


    "Like I'd admit that."



    "I don't have a dog but I can't think of any other excuse for why I didn't do my homework."
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Cole Hemsey


18, third year of high school.




It's really hard to make a word come out of him. He barely even talks in a day, that doesn't mean he's shy. He's very energetic and mostly with a smile on his face. He loves music with a passion, smiling everytime he listents to it. Him never talking doesn't stop him from being energetic, he has a great voice, with a lower tone than usual.

You will always find him with his headphones or earphones all the time, jamming to his favorite bands. John is a very formal and elegant person, being very elequent and nice ways to dress up. never really tells them to much people, since, he feels that is quite personal, but get close to him, and he'll even do a karaoke for you. He is a sweet and caring person, overall.

He loves to hug people, go out with them. As said before, he is extremely quiet, but very sociable. He loves to make friends and spend time with them, even tough he speaks little, people love to talk to him for a strange reason.


John is a french guy. He was born in France, obviously, and he lived the first thirteen years of his life there, so his accent is more than present when he talks. His parents were always loving and caring of him, not your cliche hating and divorced parents. They were a rich, happy family, spending all dinners like a classical 80's family. He went to private schools and always lived in luxuries, his first car being a black mustang. His luxuries and money didn't spoil him, tough. He would be found sneaking his lunch money and dividing it with his friends. Even tough most of them, only liked him for his money.

Time passed, and the fact that people could actually enter some kind of virtual reality struck, the N.A.P had gone out. His parents obviously didn't struggle or even drop a sweat to buy his son the thing he most enjoyed. He was always a person you would find at home, gaming all his heart out, and of course, that made the excitement flow out of his veins. He would dedicate most time of his to this place, trying to be always the best, and he almost always made it. Everywhere he would go, people would either salute him, or fear him, and he liked that, a lot. He was big, very big. Everyone knew him. And then, the news came. You couldn't log out. Even tough he loved doing this, he feared, a lot. His personality changed in-game, now, no one would like him, people would now hate and fear him, and that, was bad.


Loves coffee

Loves being hugged

Likes all types of food




''Why learn to walk when you can learn to fly?''



[in combat]


[Out of combat]








You will fear him. His infamy is huge and it's there for a reason. He is cold and only speaks with his fists. He will most of the time go alone, but, if he actually likes you, will be in your party. Get close to him, and he's a great person, letting his real-person side shine. Try to fight with him, and he will do so, and probably defeat you with ease.


He mostly uses his fists, even tough he has a weapon.

Black Iron Wristguards: Their knuckles have extremely tough and painful tiny spikes, allowing him to put stab them in people. They extend to his shoulders, making him able to block swords

Black Star Gun: A long range pistol, he uses it to fight against magic-depended people


He will mostly be right in your face, hitting you with hits in the face and abdomen. He is extremely fast, being able to dodge arrows from moderate players. He uses his magic a lot, using them to make him dissapear and for his fists to catch on fire. Apart from his alias ''Iron'', he is also called ''Wings'', since he is so fast, sometimes people don't even see him. Obviously, he won't cross the earth in a second, but he is very fast.

A extremely good sword player might beat him if he actually has the skill, but he will surely take a beating.

A long range person with pin-point aim can defeat him.

Combat: Level 48

(He focus greatly on hand to hand combat, he even invented his own style of fighting, combining Box and Krav Maga)

Weaponry: Level 10

(He is not quite the best at crafting weapons)

Cooking: Level 27

(His real-life persona loves to cook, so, you guessed it)

Speed: Level 75

(Obviously, for him to be called wings, he has to be really fast, and he doesn't fail at that)

Healing: Level 29

(His healing is very weak, since his ego makes him think he'll not be hits)

Medics: Level 16

(Since he is always solo, he is also very bad at this skill.)

Magic: Level 55

(Apart from his great combat skill, his magic has to be real tough to actually take a while to beat)

Party Member(s):


Current Item(s):

A bunch of healing crystals


He is quite rich in-game, but not enough to actually buy everything he wants.




Even tough it's in-game, there is a real person behind, and he likes a special girl


''The only hit I'll feel is the one when you fall to my feet.''
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SkyFilms said:

  • View attachment 97054


    "Niko seems to be a popular nickname."

    Nikolai Oseni


    "Grade Twelve..."



    "My hair isn't that long..."



    "I've been compared to a sponge."

    View attachment 97065

    For most people it is difficult to place an actual word on someones personality for it is constantly developing and morphing. It is impossible to define a person for that would make no room for change; no person is the same for more then a week. But this doesn't seem to apply to well to a certain high schooler by the name of Nikolai Oseni. The blonde for the past seven years can be notably the same as he was when he was ten, and can easily be described in a single word. Expressionless.

    Niko has difficulty expressing his emotions and understanding emotions in predictably any scenario and can definitely be most commonly found sporting a normally bored or either tired expression; though that doesn't mean he doesn't feel emotions for that is false. Nikolai holds many emotions and opinions within himself but he doesn't understand how one is supposed to show it for so many people have their own ways, and he often questions 'do people cry when their happy or sad? Both? How do you know when they're happy and not?' These observations lead him to be very unresponsive with his facial features though there are moments where his face may move naturally and by instinct without his regards which will be the most frequent reason for him ever showing anything.

    Nikolai can be found to be more of an introverted and independent person, but when he is in a group he refrains from speaking his own opinion and mainly follows those who seem the most responsible and level headed in his own mind. But this does not mean he is unable to decide for himself for he is more then capable of doing so and when he finds there to be a useless debate about something as simply as which path to take he can be found to just make his own decision and walk down the path he finds more trusting or interesting despite what anyone else may say. But the blonde is secretly fairly naive and innocent in many scenarios despite his exterior persona, many peculiar things can be found to make him uncomfortable or frantic. Small things such as the topic of love, bugs, and others being upset easily send him into a mental downward spiral.

    Niko can't comprehend his own emotions and can barely read others on an occasion, if you are to begin crying he won't know what to do and will predictably make a flabbergasted fool of himself due to not knowing how to react.


    "Listen close 'cause i'm not saying this again."

    Nikolai had been described for a long time as a very over exaggerate child, very dramatic with his tone and emotions unlike how he is today; but it was mainly for the reason that there was a point to be. Niko had been born with a female twin sister by the name of Talindra, a girl he never left the side of as they both got along with one another fortunately very well. They would often times play with each other over the option of other children in their apartment complex, at points their parents would ask jokingly if they were ever going to get tired of one another, which would always be answered with a serious and truthful 'No!'.

    The two remained this way for a long time until the age of ten, for at that point something had noticeably been wrong with their parents. The two of them had earned their compassionate and passive personas from their parents who they had never seen or heard fight. And so it hadn't taken much to send them into a shocked induced terror when they heard their parents voices rise above their normal tones towards each other, only now does Nikolai understand that the two had been fighting for longer then that single night. But it seemed that cold winter evening had been the last straw, his and Talindras parents getting a divorce and separating only a month later. The twins at first had been confused but not entirely upset because they had thought they would remain with each other. But that was proven otherwise when Nikolais mother had gotten custody of his twin notably asking for only her rather then her son.

    It was as though Nikolai and Talindra had been Siamese twins and he had just been surgically removed from her but with the use of a chainsaw and without the pain medicine to soothe the pain.

    This was when his emotions had begun to grow scarce, after a year of showing nothing but his normal blank face whenever his father eyed him Nikolai had been sent to therapy on many different occasions but each seemed to only worsen his case, as he would never say a thing to any adult that was supposedly there to 'help' him. When Niko had entered high school and there still hadn't been a change in his behavior his father had grown accustomed to it, or he had simply given up on his son more then he already had and let the blonde stay to himself. At some points his father would ask if he'd ever bring any friends home to which he'd remind his guardian of how he didn't have any acquaintances before climbing the stairs to his room.

    Nikolai didn't find any excitement in his life for it had lost its past color, and that was when he seeked out N.A.P.


    "Hey...Wow how exciting..." *Very unenthusiastic*

    Nikolai is actually oddly talented in the performing category, possessing a calming singing voice and a mean skill of juggling most anything.

    Nikolai is a terrible gambler and believes that people will be fair to a first timer.

    Nikolai is a hands on learner, teaching without a visualizer is a quick way to confuse him.

    Nikolai is terrified of the supernatural and definitely believes in ghosts, no matter what he says.

    Nikolai completes
    ADORES the feeling of someone playing with his hair, he'll crumble into whoever does.


    "Like I'd admit that."



    "I don't have a dog but I can't think of any other excuse for why I didn't do my homework."
Keiser said:
(( You forgive me, I forgive you ^^ ))
(that is the best kind of forgiveness~! and i was just pointing it out, so it wasn't your mistake--that was still mine for not letting people know of my maximum limits. i'll do my best to be a lot clearer next time, especially for detailed RPs~)
Real Life Character/User:

"Dreams never die! So please don't give up!"

Name: Setsuna Kazusa

Age/Grade: 16 (Grade 10, 2nd Year)

Gender: Female

"Being there, in that world... it's amazing"

Personality: Setsuna is a naturally passive and timid girl that never seems to have her own opinion. She tends to stay quiet and avoid talking to people that she has no interest in socializing with. Setsuna doesn't have any idea about affection or anything happy emotion like that as she never as experienced it before. She tends to show her happier side in public as she doesn't like to be called a gloomy girl. She strives to please others and wants to hide forever in someone's shadow until she feels that she can face the world on her own. Setsuna decided once she convinced her parents to get her the game that she would create her avatar the way that she wished she could be like. As she began to 'create' the avatar in her notebook slowly she became an antisocial and mute like girl that nobody cared to be around.

At home Setsuna rarely talked to anyone at her home except for her mother who would occasionally ask about her studies and all her 'friends' and when they would come for a visit. Setsuna would reply the same way every time the question was asked though her parents never seemed to notice. This bothered her at first, but she got used to it. Slowly Setsuna stopped attending school and enrolled herself in a homeschool as her parents would sign anything as long as she said that it was a permission slip for school.

As she stayed inside of her house she became scared of the world and never went out in public. The only time she would go outside was at night and she would go to the backyard and sit by the pond and watched the moon flowers bloom. Setsuna however continued to keep her kind personality towards her pets and maids. She would listen to music whenever she couldn't game or was sick. The music that she listened to was always a sad and dark type of music, though on occasion she would listen to brighter music.

Setsuna has a darker side that only a couple people have seen and she likes to keep it that way because she has a very abusive side. Of course this abusive side isn't physical as she is very short and weak, so the only abuse she gives is verbal abuse which can really hurt someone, including herself. This side of her personality developed when she would have to play and hero and villain during her childhood as she never had anyone to play with growing up. You would never guess that such an innocent girl could be such a cruel thing at times.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/fa__tamako_market_by_iayuta-d5s8nz0.png.c5fedbca4f30a39cbf30ab77eee18b16.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39946" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/fa__tamako_market_by_iayuta-d5s8nz0.png.c5fedbca4f30a39cbf30ab77eee18b16.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"I wonder why people say try try again, when we all know it's pointless"

History: Setsuna grew up in a wealthy family that always seemed so kind and proper to her until she was old enough to learn how different her family really was. As her father came from Europe he never was one that was interested in any other culture that Setsuna was interested in. Her mother being Japanese would often try and have them participate in traditional Japanese festivals and other things, however her father rejected those suggestions and soon her mother stopped asking and caring.

Since she was all alone by the age of five, Setsuna played out in their large garden under the watchful eyes of the maids. She would always play silly games such as house and cops and robbers, even when she had no one to play with. She soon discovered that she had a wonderful imagination and was able to come up with imaginary friends that were very unique. At the age of 10 Setsuna discovered that she could draw the characters in which she invented and spent much time either in the garden or in her room drawing out the many, many imaginary friends that she created over the years.

When she turned 14 she discovered the gaming world and soon became engrossed in it and put all of her characters to great use. She would often use the name 'Asuna Flina' as she had always wanted to be called Asuna as a kid, but never was. However her very first character was named 'Iri Flina' and she was a vampire queen that everyone feared yet admired and then she came up with her daughter, 'Asuna'. After hearing about the new gaming console called N.A.P she convinced her parents to buy it for her.

"Even if you try to understand me, I'll always remain a mystery"


- Setsuna has a great fear of the dark

- She drinks tea in the middle of the night when she can't sleep

- She has a great fear of death and the unknown

- She really likes bunnies and has two named Echo and Oz

- She enjoys drawing out her characters in her spare time

Crush: [Will be decided later in the RP or you can PM me~]

"Love is something that people wish to obtain. I don't want to be something someone can simply obtain..."


"I'm sorry, but I can't stay. I hate this world!"


Game Avatar:

"Understanding my complex self will only lead to despair"

Name: Asuna Flina

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Asuna is naturally an aggressive and assertive girl and is passed off as a very unfeeling girl that doesn't care about anyone else. This is somewhat true as she is very independent and says that she has no use for emotions for they can hold a person back. Since she doesn't show any true emotions she is a very good liar and many can't tell the difference between her truth and lies. She is a woman of many 'masks' aka facades and doesn't like when people try to understand her. Asuna has a tendency to use the emotions of others' against them whether they are negative or positive. She doesn't really understand how she's able to do this for she knows that nobody seems to trust her as she looks like someone who will use you for awhile then once they're done they throw you away. She hides all of her feelings inside and even then she doesn't let them effect any designs unless it involves flowers or animals.

Asuna has a dark sense of humor however she never shows that she finds humor in anything. The only time anyone can see any emotion on her face is when she's outside in a garden and watches the flowers. Only at this time can people see a smile and other emotions of hers. Why she only lets down her guard at this time is unknown and will always be that way since Asuna has no intention in opening up to anyone. She mainly sports a slightly saddened or angry expression on her face or she looks totally neutral. This goes double for when she's fighting as she doesn't let the enemy know what she may be feeling on the inside. Asuna has strong negative outlooks on people that believe in silly things such as love and finding a hero who will always save you. Since she is a very negative person most of the time she can be very cruel to people with words and actions.

However despite all the rough and tough side to Asuna, she can be a very caring person that will try her hardest to live up to your expectations. This side of her is rarely seen and she likes to keep it that way because to her it is her greatest weakness. Even if it is a weakness this side to her could help her a lot if she chose to act a it more human and civil towards others.

"The light will only be overridden by darkness, then darkness shall fall to the brilliant light once again"


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/iri_flina_by_oniguiry-d56vmfw.png.37244eda3ac008288324173301acab57.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39740" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/iri_flina_by_oniguiry-d56vmfw.png.37244eda3ac008288324173301acab57.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Iri_Flina1_by_saoriXIII.png.f5aea459553b1e77da4ad58b7fbd36c4.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39739" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/Iri_Flina1_by_saoriXIII.png.f5aea459553b1e77da4ad58b7fbd36c4.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/iri_flina_by_xkazuyoshixuchihax-d4fw9hp.jpg.35c500daadcc8e66e98341a38d12b58e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39741" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/iri_flina_by_xkazuyoshixuchihax-d4fw9hp.jpg.35c500daadcc8e66e98341a38d12b58e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/iri_flina_by_xkazuyoshixuchihax-d4fwbpi.jpg.ee4d284d00113dc41a0e76c40b519b11.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39742" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/iri_flina_by_xkazuyoshixuchihax-d4fwbpi.jpg.ee4d284d00113dc41a0e76c40b519b11.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/iri_flina_render_2_by_serenityaesis-d51qi3k.png.ec53ef7d0fc0e0a6b63d090904bdda15.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39743" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/iri_flina_render_2_by_serenityaesis-d51qi3k.png.ec53ef7d0fc0e0a6b63d090904bdda15.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/iri_flina_render_by_serenityaesis-d51lv6s.png.ae5a7537138e8f7d9e86fd5d6b10acf2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39744" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/iri_flina_render_by_serenityaesis-d51lv6s.png.ae5a7537138e8f7d9e86fd5d6b10acf2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

"Let me show what true darkness is..."


Ultima or Holy Light- A sword that is just over 120 cm long. The hilt is a silver color with a blue tint to it, while the blade is a light aqua color through there are ornate gold designs on the edge and middle of the blade. The main design on the blade is a golden vine that wraps around the whole sword and ends at the tip of the blade then it blossoms into a ornate rose. The vine then ends at the end of the hilt. The sword itself is known as a very beautiful blade and its pure looks it was nicknamed 'Holy Light'. However when she enchants Ultima with her magic a white and gold colored spark of electricity will wrap around her sword and makes it so her attacks send a strong bolt of electricity towards an opponent and is able to stun the enemy for a short period of time. However this spell doesn't last long.

Oblivion or Satan's Soul- A sword that is just over 120 cm long. The sword is evenly a pitch black color, however the hilt is trimmed in the same silver as Ultima. The blade itself has a red tint to it and is much more visible when the light hits it just right. Wrapping around the hilt there is a small design of a rose and vine that ends where the blade starts and the design is a blood red color. Going back to the blade it seems like it's just an obsidian blade, however when an incantation is put on the blade a ornate design of a thin vine wrapping around the blade is shown. When the vine nears the top there is a delicate design of a red rose, trimmed in gold. When she enchants Oblivion with her dark magic a black and red spark of electricity will wrap around it and makes her attacks send a strong bolt of electricity towards an opponent and is able to stun them for a short period of time. However this enchantment doesn't last long.

"Ultima and Oblivion. Such unique swords... would you like to meet them?"

Skill(s)/Level(s): Asuna specializes in combat and magic, her magic is dark magic or some refer to it as black magic. With her magic she is able to enchant her weapons to help aid her in battle, however she mainly uses incantations on them more than enchantments. When Asuna fight close range however she does much better than from far away as she wields swords so she doesn't usually fight from far away. However if she is fighting someone that is better at long range fighting she mainly relies on her speed and dodging abilities until she can get close enough to strike head on. When Asuna can't beat an enemy with just incantations on her weapons then she will remove her eyepatch and is able to strengthen her normal magic abilities as well as aid her during battle. (ex. hiding within shadows) Even though this helps strengthen her magic and helps aid her, she becomes vulnerable to strong attacks and her defense lowers as well. Because of this Asuna rarely takes off her eyepatch unless absolutely necessary. However without using her special Demon Eye as she calls it, she still can hold her own unless the enemy uses extremely powerful attacks.

Since Asuna is lacking in physical strength and therefore whenever she fights someone who is much stronger than her, Asuna will often have a very hard time fighting them. She also doesn't do well in extreme weather such as scorching hot weather or freezing weather. She doesn't really understand it, but in these extreme temperatures her defense is lowered and her attacks don't have their usual damage. Though if she is able to find something that gives her warmth for the cold or cold for the warmth then she will start to return to normal.

Combat: Level 57

(hand-to-hand-combat is her strongest, then stamina, then physical strength is her weakest)

Weaponry: Level 12

(She can only make small weapons such as knives.)

Cooking: Level 23

(She can cook good meals, however they can't compare to those who are able to cook with rare materials.)

Speed: Level 40

(Agility and speed are even however flexibility is her weakest skill.)

Healing: Level 39

(She can heal herself and others' HP, though when healing others it lowers her HP slightly)

Medics: Level 28

(She can heal people and herself, but since she usually is by herself this is one of her weaker skills)

Magic: Level 45

(She uses dark magic however her strongest magic comes from when her eyepatch is removed and she is able to use more powerful magic than the usual incantations that she puts on her weapons.)

"Relying on others is pointless. You are your own hero"

Party Member(s): None yet

"Fear can destroy a person, but not me. I live and breathe fear"

Current Item(s): Weapons, small knives, books, potions, clothes and accessories, food/drinks, first-aid materials

Money: Asuna has enough money that allows her to have custom items made and being able to pay for things like rent without having to worry about money.


- Asuna likes to watch flowers bloom in the night

- She tends to dress more like a guy most of the time

- She likes to try new teas and other drinks

- She loves dark clothing and colors

- The bat tattoo on her left leg is the same tattoo that Iri Flina had on her chest

"I don't want to feel the things you do. I have no use for those feelings"

Crush: [Will be decided later in the RP or you can PM me~]


"I'm merely a shell of a person. There are no true emotions within this body"

((I hope this is okay DX I'll edit it if I need to))



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kawiibunnygirl said:
Real Life Character/User:
"Dreams never die! So please don't give up!"

Name: Setsuna Kazusa

Age/Grade: 16 (Grade 10, 2nd Year)

Gender: Female

"Being there, in that world... it's amazing"

Personality: Setsuna is a naturally passive and timid girl that never seems to have her own opinion. She tends to stay quiet and avoid talking to people that she has no interest in socializing with. Setsuna doesn't have any idea about affection or anything happy emotion like that as she never as experienced it before. She tends to show her happier side in public as she doesn't like to be called a gloomy girl. She strives to please others and wants to hide forever in someone's shadow until she feels that she can face the world on her own. Setsuna decided once she convinced her parents to get her the game that she would create her avatar the way that she wished she could be like. As she began to 'create' the avatar in her notebook slowly she became an antisocial and mute like girl that nobody cared to be around.

At home Setsuna rarely talked to anyone at her home except for her mother who would occasionally ask about her studies and all her 'friends' and when they would come for a visit. Setsuna would reply the same way every time the question was asked though her parents never seemed to notice. This bothered her at first, but she got used to it. Slowly Setsuna stopped attending school and enrolled herself in a homeschool as her parents would sign anything as long as she said that it was a permission slip for school.

As she stayed inside of her house she became scared of the world and never went out in public. The only time she would go outside was at night and she would go to the backyard and sit by the pond and watched the moon flowers bloom. Setsuna however continued to keep her kind personality towards her pets and maids. She would listen to music whenever she couldn't game or was sick. The music that she listened to was always a sad and dark type of music, though on occasion she would listen to brighter music.

Setsuna has a darker side that only a couple people have seen and she likes to keep it that way because she has a very abusive side. Of course this abusive side isn't physical as she is very short and weak, so the only abuse she gives is verbal abuse which can really hurt someone, including herself. This side of her personality developed when she would have to play and hero and villain during her childhood as she never had anyone to play with growing up. You would never guess that such an innocent girl could be such a cruel thing at times.


View attachment 97183

"I wonder why people say try try again, when we all know it's pointless"

History: Setsuna grew up in a wealthy family that always seemed so kind and proper to her until she was old enough to learn how different her family really was. As her father came from Europe he never was one that was interested in any other culture that Setsuna was interested in. Her mother being Japanese would often try and have them participate in traditional Japanese festivals and other things, however her father rejected those suggestions and soon her mother stopped asking and caring.

Since she was all alone by the age of five, Setsuna played out in their large garden under the watchful eyes of the maids. She would always play silly games such as house and cops and robbers, even when she had no one to play with. She soon discovered that she had a wonderful imagination and was able to come up with imaginary friends that were very unique. At the age of 10 Setsuna discovered that she could draw the characters in which she invented and spent much time either in the garden or in her room drawing out the many, many imaginary friends that she created over the years.

When she turned 14 she discovered the gaming world and soon became engrossed in it and put all of her characters to great use. She would often use the name 'Asuna Flina' as she had always wanted to be called Asuna as a kid, but never was. However her very first character was named 'Iri Flina' and she was a vampire queen that everyone feared yet admired and then she came up with her daughter, 'Asuna'. After hearing about the new gaming console called N.A.P she convinced her parents to buy it for her.

"Even if you try to understand me, I'll always remain a mystery"


- Setsuna has a great fear of the dark

- She drinks tea in the middle of the night when she can't sleep

- She has a great fear of death and the unknown

- She really likes bunnies and has two named Echo and Oz

- She enjoys drawing out her characters in her spare time

Crush: [Will be decided later in the RP or you can PM me~]

"Love is something that people wish to obtain. I don't want to be something someone can simply obtain..."


"I'm sorry, but I can't stay. I hate this world!"


Game Avatar:

"Understanding my complex self will only lead to despair"

Name: Asuna Flina

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Personality: Asuna is naturally an aggressive and assertive girl and is passed off as a very unfeeling girl that doesn't care about anyone else. This is somewhat true as she is very independent and says that she has no use for emotions for they can hold a person back. Since she doesn't show any true emotions she is a very good liar and many can't tell the difference between her truth and lies. She is a woman of many 'masks' aka facades and doesn't like when people try to understand her. Asuna has a tendency to use the emotions of others' against them whether they are negative or positive. She doesn't really understand how she's able to do this for she knows that nobody seems to trust her as she looks like someone who will use you for awhile then once they're done they throw you away. She hides all of her feelings inside and even then she doesn't let them effect any designs unless it involves flowers or animals.

Asuna has a dark sense of humor however she never shows that she finds humor in anything. The only time anyone can see any emotion on her face is when she's outside in a garden and watches the flowers. Only at this time can people see a smile and other emotions of hers. Why she only lets down her guard at this time is unknown and will always be that way since Asuna has no intention in opening up to anyone. She mainly sports a slightly saddened or angry expression on her face or she looks totally neutral. This goes double for when she's fighting as she doesn't let the enemy know what she may be feeling on the inside. Asuna has strong negative outlooks on people that believe in silly things such as love and finding a hero who will always save you. Since she is a very negative person most of the time she can be very cruel to people with words and actions.

However despite all the rough and tough side to Asuna, she can be a very caring person that will try her hardest to live up to your expectations. This side of her is rarely seen and she likes to keep it that way because to her it is her greatest weakness. Even if it is a weakness this side to her could help her a lot if she chose to act a it more human and civil towards others.

"The light will only be overridden by darkness, then darkness shall fall to the brilliant light once again"


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"Let me show what true darkness is..."


Ultima or Holy Light- A sword that is just over 120 cm long. The hilt is a silver color with a blue tint to it, while the blade is a light aqua color through there are ornate gold designs on the edge and middle of the blade. The main design on the blade is a golden vine that wraps around the whole sword and ends at the tip of the blade and end of the hilt. The sword itself is known as a very beautiful blade and its pure looks it was nicknamed 'Holy Light'. However when she enchants Ultima with her magic a white and gold colored spark of electricity will wrap around her sword and makes it so her attacks send a strong bolt of electricity towards an opponent and is able to stun the enemy for a short period of time. However this spell doesn't last long.

Oblivion or Satan's Soul- A sword that is just over 120 cm long. The sword is evenly a pitch black color, however the hilt is trimmed in the same silver as Ultima. The blade itself has a red tint to it and is much more visible when the light hits it just right. Wrapping around the hilt there is a small design of a rose and vine that ends where the blade starts and the design is a blood red color. Going back to the blade it seems like it's just an obsidian blade, however when an incantation is put on the blade a ornate design of a thin vine wrapping around the blade is shown. When the vine nears the top there is a delicate design of a red rose, trimmed in gold. When she enchants Oblivion with her dark magic a black and red spark of electricity will wrap around it and makes her attacks send a strong bolt of electricity towards an opponent and is able to stun them for a short period of time. However this enchantment doesn't last long.

"Ultima and Oblivion. Such unique swords... would you like to meet them?"

Skill(s)/Level(s): Asuna specializes in combat and magic, her magic is dark magic or some refer to it as black magic. With her magic she is able to enchant her weapons to help aid her in battle, however she mainly uses incantations on them more than enchantments. When Asuna fight close range however she does much better than from far away as she wields swords so she doesn't usually fight from far away. However if she is fighting someone that is better at long range fighting she mainly relies on her speed and dodging abilities until she can get close enough to strike head on. When Asuna can't beat an enemy with just incantations on her weapons then she will remove her eyepatch and is able to strengthen her normal magic abilities as well as aid her during battle. (ex. hiding within shadows) Even though this helps strengthen her magic and helps aid her, she becomes vulnerable to strong attacks and her defense lowers as well. Because of this Asuna rarely takes off her eyepatch unless absolutely necessary. However without using her special Demon Eye as she calls it, she still can hold her own unless the enemy uses extremely powerful attacks.

Since Asuna is lacking in physical strength and therefore whenever she fights someone who is much stronger than her, Asuna will often have a very hard time fighting them. She also doesn't do well in extreme weather such as scorching hot weather or freezing weather. She doesn't really understand it, but in these extreme temperatures her defense is lowered and her attacks don't have their usual damage. Though if she is able to find something that gives her warmth for the cold or cold for the warmth then she will start to return to normal.

Combat: Level 57

(hand-to-hand-combat is her strongest, then stamina, then physical strength is her weakest)

Weaponry: Level 12

(She can only make small weapons such as knives.)

Cooking: Level 23

(She can cook good meals, however they can't compare to those who are able to cook with rare materials.)

Speed: Level 40

(Agility and speed are even however flexibility is her weakest skill.)

Healing: Level 39

(She can heal herself and others' HP, though when healing others it lowers her HP slightly)

Medics: Level 28

(She can heal people and herself, but since she usually is by herself this is one of her weaker skills)

Magic: Level 45

(She uses dark magic however her strongest magic comes from when her eyepatch is removed and she is able to use more powerful magic than the usual incantations that she puts on her weapons.)

"Relying on others is pointless. You are your own hero"

Party Member(s): None yet

"Fear can destroy a person, but not me. I live and breathe fear"

Current Item(s): Weapons, small knives, books, potions, clothes and accessories, food/drinks, first-aid materials

Money: Asuna has enough money that allows her to have custom items made and being able to pay for things like rent without having to worry about money.


- Asuna likes to watch flowers bloom in the night

- She tends to dress more like a guy most of the time

- She likes to try new teas and other drinks

- She loves dark clothing and colors

- The bat tattoo on her left leg is the same tattoo that Iri Flina had on her chest

"I don't want to feel the things you do. I have no use for those feelings"

Crush: [Will be decided later in the RP or you can PM me~]


"I'm merely a shell of a person. There are no true emotions within this body"

((I hope this is okay DX I'll edit it if I need to))


After we have another character (or user) join, this RP will start!

I'd appreciate it if you find some advanced RP-ers through private recruiting as well!

Thank you for joining, and I'm looking forward to RP-ing with you all!
Kuu said:
After we have another character (or user) join, this RP will start!

I'd appreciate it if you find some advanced RP-ers through private recruiting as well!

Thank you for joining, and I'm looking forward to RP-ing with you all!
Goodness. So exciting~~ ^-^

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