Palanquin [Closed]

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Senior Member
Title: Palanquin
Game: 5e, on CitM Discord
Player Count: 4-6
Note: This is not on a first-come first-serve basis, I'll give it a day or two, and I will be prioritizing people new to the server or with fewer games.


Behold, the Living City that cares not for its living.
Behold, the ghosts of the past that tread and trample upon the future.
Thus has been the truth we toil by -- but no more.

Far too long have the chosen few, chosen by blood and circumstance, reigned supreme upon the "lowblooded" masses.
Far too long have they ruled when they have no right to rule, when their rule provokes nothing but Prejudice, Fear, and Obsolescence.

We seek nothing but equality for our fellow peoples
Equality in opportunities and freedoms
Equality in ideals and truths
Equality in arcane knowledge and magicks.

As such we henceforth make our mark upon this land, this land whose tyrants we were naive enough to prostrate for under the guise of sanctuary, only to find ourselves prisoners to the wicked and ideologically blind.

And on this Day, which shall be remembered for ages to come
The throne of savage magicks and false idols was toppled
And in their place
Man reclaimed control.

For Lifana was the cave of Yesterday
And Sehlen shall be the city of Tomorrow.

The Declarations of the Independent Peoples of Sehlen, the precursor to the Academic Spellcasters' Manifesto


In 1145 IR (Imperial Record), history was made as the royal family of Lifana was overcome by a surprise coup and slaughtered overnight, while they were all gathered in the castle for their eldest daughter's wedding. After centuries of being under their thumb, kept meek through the nobles' sorcerous witchcraft, the common people used the new invention of the spellbook to overthrow them and create a new haven where everyone had equal access to magic and opportunity. The city of Sehlen was that haven, and it has since become the cornerstone of the academic magic community across the world of Aeyvis.

But this is not their story. This is a story about a girl who snuck out for sweet tarts and found the entire world crumbling down around her instead.

The Game:
This is a (relatively) short oneshot exploring the political uprising and coup that saw the royal family of Lifana slaughtered, save for their second youngest daughter. 4-6 individuals -- esteemed members of the court, loyal servants or guards, or even visitors of unfortunate circumstance -- make it their mission to escort the young heiress to her aunt, who is married to a baron in a neighboring kingdom. All the while they must evade the agents of the rebellion, the masses running amok in the chaos, and the dangers of the wilds and beyond.

This is just a oneshot and I don't currently have plans to continue as a campaign after this. Still, I think it's an interesting story to explore and I'm interested in fleshing out the history of one of the core cities in my homebrew world, Aeyvis.

Character Creation:
Level 3, rerolling stat totals under 70. Everything published is allowed (though you might have to refresh my memory of certain newer supplements), I am open to considering UA or homebrew. Most standard races are fine, talk to me if you're considering something more monstrous/uncommon.

Everyone gets a choice between average for their classes' starting gold or regular starting equipment. Rations will be tracked and I will have an actual map prepared to measure travel distances, but please don't buy supplies in advance if your character wouldn't keep them on hand normally -- you are random strangers finding themselves in an unexpected position, not apocalypse preppers. There will be chances to buy things or barter supplies later.

I welcome any and all questions regarding my setting but I specifically ask you talk character ideas with me if you are considering a magic-based class, especially wizard or sorcerer. Prejudice against magic is at the heart of this conflict and it will likely define your character's role in the grand scheme of things.

Some main points:
- The spellbook was invented in the last two decades
- Sorcerer bloodlines are treated as nobility or at least upper class
- Any FR deity can be worshipped as a "pagan" god (I have a main pantheon but it is uncommon in this part of the world)
- The land is still heavily wooded and there is a big emphasis on communing with nature

Other Things:
I'm usually online at most times of the day (EST), but being able to write posts or run combat is largely dependent on my other responsibilities -- I'm in my last semester of college (hopefully) and have plans to move out at some point and work at my full-time job, virus permitting. Still I like to think I'm pretty chill and love to enable people to have fun with their characters, and I love it when people get excited about their characters because I get excited in turn. I don't expect this to be a super quick game but I think it'll be easier for me to plan things through since I have an explicit end to events here.

Thanks for reading, feel free to hit me up on Discord if you have any questions / just want to chat in general. Happy adventuring! <3
A new notification on Discord. Surprisingly enough, it's come from the channel dubbed Ads. Even more surprisingly, it has come from none other than Neph. Rune thought back fondly to his first ever experience with the Castle in the Mist discord group, when Neph was running him and his fellow adventurers through the first few pages of the legendary Curse of Strahd. So comes by no surprise that his interest was piqued immediately.

He began typing even before reading the description of the forum post. At this point, he thought it best if he at least skimmed through it. A one shot, the description said. Honestly, Rune preferred those. A short story with the ending clearly in sight is much better suited for a Play-by-Post game of D&D, as opposed to the premise of a long story of epic proportions that will crumble to dust within half a year, leaving everyone unsatisfied.

I should be doing my assignments. He thought to himself, contemplating cutting his sign up post short. He then took a deep breath and reorganized his thoughts. But that just wouldn't do, now would it? Of course not. This game is worth more than a oneliner. So he began typing away. Here we go again...
Putting my name down with my wandering tiefling bard idea who probably just happened upon the girl while passing through, this sounds super fun.
Hi! I'm new to the server and just new to actually playing D&D in general so it'd be nice to be in the same boat as other players in a party. I have an idea for a possible character and I really like the setting you've got going there.
I’m very intrigued in your homebrew world and I’d love to join, but I will graciously bow out in favor of new folk!
I'm by no means a new player, but if you just need someone flexible and easy going to add to your list, by all means, throw me in.
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