Paint the world in the color of your dreams.


Aspiring Artist
Hi y'all! T'name's Sera, and I've been looking for a chance to roleplay the way I learned how to do text based roleplaying; Through a wonderful little site that since a few years ago died because honestly, interest died. (Although you would not believe the shi-)

1. I like drawing. I enjoy it if I can find even a SHRED of motivation to get on it in the first place. I am by no means a Da Vinci, but if I may say so myself, I am not bad. Point being, roleplays motivate me to go just a teensy bit BEYOND text and add my own interpretation of the world, characters and story around roleplaying by illustrating it. Preferably through not-so-overly-detailed comics which if anything else will bring a good laugh to the table! Now I haven't looked around a lot, but I doubt I'm the only one around here with any form of artistic skill, in which case I'd be glad to make your aquaintance, discuss a little common interest, you know what I'm sayin'?

2. I'll be the first to admit I consume maybe just a little bit more alcohol than your average guy, which I'll admit may have some rather weird results. However, this is roleplaying! Your character ain't the LAWD, he'll occasionally do some silly shiz while intoxicated, while you as a PLAYER will know the consequences. Well, the only real solution to that I found is to really LIVE INTO THE ROLE, by which I mean hit the bottle HARD. It will result in dumb stuff happening, and it'll be FUN to explain to the guard why you fell into a barrel, rolling down a hill, puking all over yourself inside of it, hitting a few fish and egg stands before finally plunging into the saltwater down the harbor. (Oh, and I'm not making this up. This HAPPENED.)

3. I'm a pushover. Really. I have a REALLY hard time playing the bad guy in any given scenario, even when I'm supposed to be playing an evil character. Now I know from experience that me playing an evil character lasts for exactly one session in which he does his business in REALLY roundabout ways that kind of works out for everyone, which means I've been stuck with the support roles: Playing the healer or the Paladin (Insert Ultima reference here), the goody two-shoes who really have nothing else on their agenda but petting rabbits, hugging seals and holding up large signs that say "NO FIGHTING" on. ALTHOUGH I do have ideas for characters who aren't explicitably douchefaces, but still get to be somewhat rude, which is why a fresh start on a new RP-forum felt like a great idea.

4. Look, I'm lazy. I really am. I am so lazy that Beetle Bailey is asking me for lessons (which he won't show up to, I'll bet). This doesn't mean I have no ideas. I got a BILLION ideas going around in my head, covering just about any possible twist and outcome, but I might not be able to perfectly explain them in detail. Not because I don't know how, but because I might not feel like doing it. Hey, I work practically 11 hours a day, sleep for 9 and do necessary things like showering and eating which takes about an hour in total. That leaves me about 3 hours a day to relax, and man, I like you, but I don't like you enough that I'll spend an hour explaining my character's behaviour in a 6 A4 post just so that my character will look like I know what I'm doing! Mistakes will be made, we'll just have to work them out in- and out of game! We'll find a way to continue our glorious adventure! Now, this don't mean I'm inactive, because trust me, I'm not. I'll find a way to write from work if I have to, but the posts might not be extremely detailed and actually make us progress very little, but it'll be something to do. We won't be stuck because one guy decides he's got a life!

(Again, BEEN THERE. The aforementioned site pretty much died because nobody posted.)

5. (This is the boring part, without wisecracks)

I've roleplayed for about 8 years of my life, through text based roleplaying games, tabletop standard D&D in just about every edition post-3.0, DM'd a fair share of games, although most of those were homebrew systems (which worked fine with a few kinks) and even live action roleplaying Vampire: The Masquerade.

I've moderated a bit on roleplaying sites before, which means I got a bit of experience with it, but I'm really not interested in doing so. I know the work that comes with it and it'll tear into the 3 hours of spare time I have, not including weekends of course. I don't mind DM'ing of course, but I know a guy (the guy who brought me here, in fact) who's much better at being a DM than I am, should the need arise.

So yeah, that concludes my introduction! I look forward to playing with whoever's interested in the scenarios I'm involved with!

Ah, the barrel roll stories. Given, that one is comedic, I think we have a few stories that could be told over a mug of alcoholic beverage that are downright epic. Overthrowing a kingdom, killing a king, ripping the throats of babies in vengeance, overcoming your own moral standpoint and accepting the world for what it is, making the best of what reality is. I think there are some great points in Illya that we overlooked when we played.

Anyway, I'm not the right person to welcome you (as I just made my introductory post as well), but I can only hope that you will enjoy the site!
Yo man, our adventures will be epic. Anyone who wants to come along are welcome! I welcome any kind of race, really, as I'll probably be playing a semi-lycan in the adventure me and Cortex had in mind (he also goes by the name of Azoh, which I'm more used to calling him.).

Let's do heroics, y'all!
Hello there, Sera. Welcome to RpNation! Congratulations on choosing the best roleplaying site there is on the internet. We have a large variety of roleplays, a great community of members, and awesome staff who are always happy to help.

We have two different types of roleplays; Roleplays and Forum Roleplays. The roleplays are neatly organized into different genres. The actual roleplay content is separated into three tabs; RP Overview/IC Roleplay, Character Sign-Up, and Out of Character. The forum roleplays are for project-like roleplays, or huge roleplays.

We a posting requirement to be able to access all of RpNation's tools. You just need to post 10 posts and be a member on this site for at least twenty-four hours. By then you will be able to send Private Messages, set a signature and so much more. If you have any questions and/or would like to learn more, please check out this thread: New Anti Spam Measures - Post Requirements

Anyway, I would like to wish you good luck and thank you for choosing RpNation. I'm a shitty artist so I envy your artistic ability. Haha! I hope to hear more of you in the future!
Hello Darth, and thank you for the welcome!

Me and my buddy up there are currently working on a campaign which if I know Cortex right, will be massive. I suppose then we should be posting in the Forum Roleplays, but if you don't mind me asking I was kind of wondering if there are any specific roleplaying rules we need to follow. This game will essentially have no DM, we let the players form their own path. By "essentially" we mean that we'll still be slightly directing the story, just to keep the setting on track. We will mostly allow our players to decide what happens next through their actions, but we want to keep it in a way so that the story doesn't progress too fast. We want character development, ya know? A lot of it.
Serastroph said:
Hello Darth, and thank you for the welcome!
Me and my buddy up there are currently working on a campaign which if I know Cortex right, will be massive. I suppose then we should be posting in the Forum Roleplays, but if you don't mind me asking I was kind of wondering if there are any specific roleplaying rules we need to follow. This game will essentially have no DM, we let the players form their own path. By "essentially" we mean that we'll still be slightly directing the story, just to keep the setting on track. We will mostly allow our players to decide what happens next through their actions, but we want to keep it in a way so that the story doesn't progress too fast. We want character development, ya know? A lot of it.
Well, of course, we have the RpNation Site Rules, make sure to check it out sometime. As for specific roleplaying rules, as a creator/moderator of the roleplay, you get to decide what kind of rules you would like. Do you want to put a quantity minimum for the posts? Do you not want any swearing in your roleplay? Perhaps you only want a certain type of picture? And so on. But, no sexual themes since RpNation is a PG-13 site. Violence and gore is perfectly fine though.
SushiGossip said:
Welcome to RP Nation, Sera! I'm also new here. :smiled:
Hey, thanks! If you are interested in a semi open world RP, feel free to join mine and Cortex' newly created on! We're recruiting players ready to have a good time!
Serastroph said:
Hey, thanks! If you are interested in a semi open world RP, feel free to join mine and Cortex' newly created on! We're recruiting players ready to have a good time!

I'm not exactly open to large roleplays just yet. I'm still trying to adjust to this site.

:) Though once I feel like participating in an open roleplay, I'll make sure to check yours out.

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