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Fantasy Pack of Wolves 1x1x1x1 (CLOSED)

She stared for a second. Now she had really no idea what's going on. She was so confused she shook her head back and  forth few times. She looked at another person. "Hi who are you" she asked very straight forward and plain. She didn't want to waste another  minute here. He had enough of a report if only she could get her book back. She tilted her head and her hair fell over her shoulder.  she looked closely, "you all look the same  to me" Ira said as she 

looked up. The person Was obviously taller then she was so she had look up to see the full body. "Now you have to explain why going on here or get my book from that guy?" He pointed to the Person she was talking to before. She wa worried but exhited. She rolled her eyes an folded her and at the same time.
Lavitz happily ate chips and whatever else he could get his hands on. He had helped gather it all anyway. Looking around the huge place , we were all humans. But we were family, brought together by circumstance. Stayed together by choice. His belly full, he put his face in his arms and put his head down, carefully resting easily around his family.
After napping,

Lavitz woke up with a jolt. He didn't even realize he had fallen asleep. He just wanted to rest his eyes for a moment, along with his belly. He didn't mean to eat so much either. Muttering again, "I'll have to go shopping." 

He lazily slumped his head down and his White T-shirt was starting to feel small, and it bunched where he needed to stretch. Feeling too tall he moved his lanky legs over the bench and stood up.

"No more resting" practically grumbling to himself.

He nodded assuredly, and glanced around the room, the cafeteria was huge, white walls and white floors. Maybe years ago, but now it all had the rustic yellow. Everything needed a paintjob. 

If anybody was to clean the floors then maybe we'd see the white. But for now, it was scuffed, and had footprints leading to the fridges and storages, and then leading to a table of their choice.

Lavitz felt he was getting old, and it didn't really matter anyway.
Iryxa, I said in my post that the person was speaking through the speakers on the gate. He's not physically there. Could you repost with a different post or edit your post please?)

Wolfgang was hugging his knees outside the cafeteria, whimpering. He looked like a lost puppy that someone abandoned on the corner. He didn't know what to do with himself when he didn't have his 'older brother' to be with. 

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