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Fantasy Pack of Wolves 1x1x1x1 (CLOSED)


Keyblade Master
The cloudy overcast gazed its soft fluffy clouds over the park that morning. Normally a park would be bustling with young children and their parents eager to see the zoo animals, but this park was much different.

It was abandoned, with its dezidens only being described as cannibalistic savages from the outside. They weren't really cannibals, although they definitely weren't a peaceful group. Everyone left them alone in fear of what they'd do. Those who wandered into their territory... never came out.

A soft yawn was heard as an older man, in his thirties woke up with a mighty stretch ontop of a wolf's den. This den was truly one for a wolf- for the den held the leader of the tribe; a mighty leader who was only known by the rest of the tribe as their father.

"Alright wolf cubs! Rise and shine!" Came the speakers all over the park, followed by some howls and groans from the 'cubs.' 
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Ira walked down the road with a notebook in her hands and a pencil half way I'm her mouth. She looked around for something inspiring to draw. She decided to go to the park and get a few scetches down. She walked towards the closest park and sat down by a tree with notebook on her legs. She started scetching without a care and constantly looking up on the park. She sighed after she got one drawing done and leaned on the tree. She usually was full of ideas but now she didn't have a single idea in her head. She put her book and pencil away in her purse that was still on her shoulder. She stood up and decided that she was bored which she really hated. She tried to think of something to do but nothing popped in her head. So she slowly walked into nowhere and was just looking around the streets. She saw and heard so many people on the streets. Suddenly sn idea popped in her head. She recently h are of some abandons zoo. She didn't really know what was in it or a a place in general but she decided to write few pages about it. Maybe the report will turn out good enough? She started making her way towards the zoo. 
Snarling, he fought to stay asleep. Lavitz adored his sleep. But he knew he had to awaken. 

"Morning.." He said to the others around him. He kicked off his covers and patted at his chest, his jeans, and patted around him. His blue messy blankets disguised his cigerette pack perfectly. "Who took my smokes?! " he growled. 

Kicking the cub lightly, but still hard enough to topple the young thing. "I told you they're not toys!" 

He glanced around some more and spotted his lighter. Sure enough right beside it was his smoke pack. He carefully lifted the blanket and reached the smokes. One hand easily popped out a smoke and the other had the lighter lit. He put his pack in jeans and put his hand back up to block the wind . whether there was wind or not, it was habit. He inhaled and looked around. Not sure what to do today, he waited for orders, sitting up in his bed and tapping the ashes in a coke can beside him. His shirt had started to smell, his jeans felt raunchy, he grabbed his spares and headed for the water. It used to be a watering hole for the old animals, maybe drinking water for us now.

Without shame he undressed , threw in the dirty clothes and dressed in his spares. Realizing he just threw in his pack of smokes he grunted and fetched his wet clothes. He inhaled and exhaled his last smoke and put it out in a small puddle beside the watering hole. Taking out the wet pack he tossed it backwards and continued scrubbing his clothes. 
Ira was getting closer to the place. Little by little she we getting exhited to get there. She thought maybe it will  give her some  inspiration for drawing? Or she could write a report in the place.  She wondered if there was anything interesting there. She thought a lot bout the place as she walked down the streets. She started eyeing the glimpses of the place as she got closer. Finally when she arrived, she saw it, it was really abandoned. She quickly got her notebook out and started writing as she walked in slowly. "This place is awesome!" She looked around to left and right and up and up and down. She sat down for a second to catch up on her writing and draw some scetches of the land place.  She looked up often until she put her book and pencil back in purse and started walking agin. She didn't know where she was going but it didn't bother her. She just kept on walking.
Lavitz washed his clothes, and laid them out flat to dry. Wishing the sun was out he looked at his meager clothes. He grumbled, "gotta go hang these up" he walked to the nearest fence, and laid them out on there. "Good enough" though he was alone, be felt he was talking to someone. Which comforted him . liking it too much, he often mumbled to himself. He had to find a bathroom that wasn't clogged, dirty, or in use. Luckily the zoo was huge and most people just used the public washrooms. But he knew exactly where to go, the employees lounge. There were only a few of us that knew of this spot. There were three employees lounges but this one was a haven. He had to walk ten minutes to walk around the exhibits but it was worth it. He started jogging eager to be the first one to use it that morning. As he stepped up to the building he was glad no one else had made it yet, he slipped his hand through the broken window on the glass door and unlocked it. Swinging wide, he sauntered in , locked it again, and used the bathroom in peace. Few minutes later he poured some water from the tap , which only worked because he was taught a little plumbing and managed to make the whole lounge have running water. He kept the place tidy and sat on the ratty long couch, outstretched his legs, and continued waiting for orders. If anybody could find him. 
Ira kept on walking deeper into the forest  without realizing it herself. "Wow" she was writing as she looked around. She looked at her neat few pages report with a good handwriting. "This should do it for now" she said to herself and put the notebook away again. She looked around the embody cages and beat out flashlights. There where scratch marks all over the trees and the glass was beaten out on everyday  window she saw. It was dark but he could still see around her. She wondered around and thought of anyone might live here but she doubted that anyone would live in such an empty and abandoned place. Whil she was walking she also took few pictures for her report on her phone.  "I should come here more often it gives mme inspiration" she said to herself as she walked through cages and doors. "HThe is place is huge!" She said to herself again and threw her arms up but then d opted them again. Her red hair was flowing gently in the wind  but she didn't seem to mind. She just kept on walking deeper into the abandoned and dark zoo. She almost lost her way around because it was so big and dark. She looked up in the sky and it was night time with a bright moon and stars. She wondered how long she had been here for w second but then shrugged and kept on walking without saying a word this time.
(Ira it's daytime- morning)

Right next to the red head woman came a arrow, hitting right next to her foot. Evidently whoever shot it planned to miss.

"Who the hell are you girly?!" Came a guard, shirtless as he stood on top of the gate. He had another arrow aimed at him.

Meanwhile one of the 'cubs,' a happy eight year old waddled around when Larvitz first woke. He whimpered when Larvitz kicked him and topped over from stealing the cigarets, but he still followed.

"Hey hey hey Larvitz! Can we play? I wanna play!" He chimed, following along. He noticed Larvirz sneak off, and was able to even follow him to the lounge. Some shuffling could be heard outside as he tried to get in.
 (Well iam dumb. Can't do anything about it)

she he felt something hit her leg. "Ow?" She sat up. She looked at the person meanly.  "Iam a human." She said with a puffed face. "I have a report to write so let go of me? Pretty please?" She tilted her head as she took her purse and put the book and the pencil away in the purse. She looked at a person who was standing in f int of her. "You from here?" Her face lit up.  She planned to scratch out people ho where living here but first she had to get the conversation off of her.  She heard voices. "I guess people do live here." She grinned 
Lavitz enjoyed his time alone , until he could hear the scratching at the door. 

He sighed and rolled over , the couch squeaked loudly with eberu muscle movement. 

"Maybe he'll go away, little runt."

His long legs outstretched the couch and he knew there would be no more relaxing. He flung his legs off and in a swift motion he was up. He walked one last time to drink from the tap and slurped the water up. Turning the rusty tap off , he perked his head up and listened. He didn't hear the runt at the door anymore. He wandered to the door at a slow shamble. He peered out the glass and looked around. 
Eventually he stopped looking around and just opened the door and peered out. Still daytime, and spotting a stranger . he glowered and shut the door again. Why is there food walking into our area. Arent they all aware of this area..? 

He glared out a crack in the door. Wondering if the leader was going to act first. If not he would surely love to kill the girl as an offering for leader. 
"Oooh" she quickly got out her notebook ignoring the  arrow on her shoe and started scetching "stay still" she looked up and quickly scetched the person in front of her. She then got out her phone and took few shots before putting both things away. "My boss is going to love this report" she seemed more exhited then scared.  "It's a nice place for horror movies." She quickly looked around the place once more.
((May I?))

( you should just jump right in, its kind of dead in here?)

Lavitz swung the door wide and kicked the door to make a loud noise on purpose. He squinted and shamelessly looked over the girl , a small redhead, sketchbook in hand . Squinting harder , he noticed the arrow beside her. He chuckled at the bad shot. If the watchdog had intended to kill her, it was a lame shot. Lavitz laughed a lot lately, letting stress go down, and freedom takeover. But he refused to show his calm side to the stranger. Sketching an abandoned zoo, what is she doing in a place like this? 

He chuckled again and looked up, blinded by the bright sun, even though it was covered in clouds, wondering what the watchdog at the gate was doing to let someone in, he snuck out the lounge and ducked behind the buildings. And looked around for the runt, and the leader. Anybody. If they were hiding he didnt understand why. Even though he was also hiding. He felt foolish and smacked his face with his right hand. His left, patted his body for smokes. Only finding his lighter he let out a sigh of despair. No smokes, a strange visitor. And no orders to let him know what to do. He stood in the shadows and contemplated.
(I'll message you Kara)

Suddenly, a small force came absolutely out of nowhere and tackled Larvitz right into the ground. A soft giggle was heard as the tiny newcomer clung to him.

"Larvitzzzzzzz! Let's playyyyyyyyy!" Came the young pup, nuzzling his face in the older male's. "I wanna play I wanna play! Play? Play? Yes, play yes."

Meanwhile the guard tilted his head at Ira's strange yet foolish behavior.

"What the hell? Are you dumb or something? This is like, the living incarnation of hell! Oh wait, what're you doing?" He couldn't help but look on in curiosity, going down from the gate to actually approach her. He snatched the sketchbook and looked at it.

"Woah I want this! But the boss'll be mad if I am just talking to a random intruder..."
She felt the scetchbolm being snapped out of her hands. She took the arrow out of her show and stood up. "Give it back!" She stomped her foot on the ground.  "You know how long it took me to fit all the drawing in there?!" She folded her arms.  "It's not for you to just 'take'!" She said madly.  "Or I can post the picture of you anyways" she looked at the photo of the person she took not long ago. She started typing something on her phone. "And post" she pressed few buttons and put her phone back in her purse. "Now give it back to me! It has my best drawings!" She said with her hands in fists and her face all puffed up. "I hate people who take my things ya know!" She said madly and reached her arm out. "And Iam not here to be your lunch. Iam a journalist ya know!" She said and took a deep breath.  "Pretty please?" She tried to look calm.
Lavitz was winded, toppled by the one he toppled Earlier. His head banged against the tarmac. "Agh! Runt!" He growled, and sighed, he was not going to go away as he had hoped. He smiled widely. "Let's play a game then, boy!" 

He grabbed the boys hands gently and led him off, so he himself could stand. Still holding his hands he pulled him in close and looked into the small boys gleaming eyes, wider than plates, Lavitz smirked and an innocent voice came, "Hey buudddyyyy, find me a smoke? And we can play allll day, huh? Doesnt that sound good?" He released the boy and ruffled his hair. "Go on."

Lavitz leaned against the wall and dusted himself off. 

He shrouded his eyes with his hands, and noticed the boy still staring up at him, "look, kid, i-i promise? Yeah i promise." He ignored the boy hoping he could convince him to go scavenging for him. Taking one last glance at the girl, he laughed out loud. Our friendly watchdog had stolen her book. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he was having a different day then usual.
The guard huffled, dangling the book above her head in a tease. He continued to look trough her art book, having fun playing with it.

"Ooo what's all this stuff and all that? Can you draw me- you should draw the boss! Oh wait I'm supposed to kill you aren't I..."

Meanwhile the runt whined, still following the Wolf around.

"Oh come on that's going to take forever... I want to play with you!" He chimed happily, hugging Larvitz's leg.

"Can we play? Pleaseeeeeeee?"
She puffed out her face. "I would draw. And you wouldn't kill me. So jut give me my book back ok?" She sighed and shook her head slowly. She was too small to teach it. 'It's like getting bullied' she thought in her head. Her red hair was messy from jumping. "Seriously dude give it back." She folded her arms. "I need it to fishing my report" she said. She had an annoyed look on her face. "Not funny" she added on. "Just low" she looked away. She just wished she would be taller. Or for someone to help her get the book back. But she doubted that anyone takes a step in here so she  kept standing there.
Lavitz instantly melted. No matter how sick he was of the tiny thing , he always seemed to be charmed by the runt. 

"You little brat!" Lavitz crouched to look eye to eye, and poked him in the forehead. "Lets go together then!"

He stretched out his hand and scowled, waiting for the brat to grab his hand before he changed his mind. "Well?" He growled.
"Awww whatcha gonna do? Cry?" He asked with a grin, playing with the book right in front of her. He tilted it this way and that, wanting to get a good look from every angle.

"What stupid report? Maybe if you bark like a puppy I might consider giving it to you!"

Meanwhile the pup cheered happily, wrapping his small arms around Larvitz' arm.

"Yay! Thank you big bro! I promise I'll get you the best ciggy thing in the world." The boy, Wolfgang chuckled as he went to go with him, tilting his head at the woman up ahead.

"Who's that's Larz? I-Is she a bad guy?"
He stared narrowly at him. "If you're done can I have my book back now?" She just stood there with annoyed look. She folded her arms without even trying to go for the book anymore. She just focused her eyes on the person in front of her "Baka" she said quickly and waited for a respond. She didn't care what she was being told she just stared him out. She slowly raised an eyebrow but kept the same exact look as she did before. "cuz I'm getting a little bored here" he deed on and yawned. She wanted to sy more but she didn't. She kept herself from doing it and instead just stared"
Lavitz knew he now, was stuck like glue to tiny Wolfgang.

Flinching as the grip tightened, he sighed and turned to continue walking with the youngster. 

"Wolfgang, you must let me go." Big bro. Treats me as if we are family.

His lips curled to almost smile.

While little brother became frigid, Lavitz realized the open park had been invaded. He looked at what the boy was looking at.

"No, runt, that's clearly a woman." He laughed out loud now, looking down, "it would be a bad girl"
((Is there a character post for this or do I just start?))

Sorry it's not really open. It's just a 4 person roleplay sorry)

The guard sighed as he wasnt really getting any more fun out of the girl. It was frustrating when things got bored.

"Whatever, girlie. Maybe I'll keep your stupid book!" He said with a grin, but all of a sudden he heard a powerful voice boom from the gate. The guard squealed and dropped the book.

"Who goes there?!" Came the speaker from the gate.

Wolfgang nodded in understanding, looking up to Larvitz with an innocent gaze.

"Ohhh so she's like our sisters?  When he saw then guard get scared, Wolfgang couldn't help but giggle.

"Haha! Apolo got scared!"
Lavitz stopped laughing and pulled away from the boy. 

The leader had decided to speak to the intruder and lavitz didn't want anything to do with it. "Let go, boy" he growled, fiercely . he shook him off with force, turned on his heel, and sauntered off. Heated.

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