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Fantasy P.I.C. Character Sheet

Character Profile
  • 573860

    Name: Kai Izaya

    Age: 17

    Grade: 11

    Gender: Male

    Personality: A bit more on the cold side, he shoves people away to keep from getting close to them. He has been hurt in the past so he wants nothing to do with anyone if it can be helped. Does not want anything to do with the paranormal despite being able to see things he can't explain and being able to exorcise them. He may seem cold and distant, but he is actually a very nice person if he warms up to you. Wears fake glasses in the hopes that no one will recognize him.

    Takoyaki, Sushi, Ramen, Udon, most pastries, kind people, helping those in need, his guitar

    bad paranormal experiences, his ex and liars.

    Before transferring to Leslie Academy, he was part of a rock band outside of school. His band "Grief" was quite popular with a lot of the nation and with that his face was plastered all over the place beside his, now ex, girlfriend. One day on the eve of Christmas, he decided to try to take her out to dinner but found her in the studio making out with another member of the band. Heartbroken and pissed off, he cut all ties with the band, ended his career and transferred to Leslie Academy to be rid of her. Back in his hometown his Uncle allowed him to stay in his home, however he was to ensure that the Izaya Shrine would always be cleaned. Agreeing he has since then, cleaned his families shrine everyday.

    Family/Friends if any:
    His parents will not make an appearance, Uncle (Gou Izaya)

    Skills if any: Guitarist (former) for Grief, adept at making talismans, knows a great deal about making protective charms and barriers
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