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OVERCAST: Mason's Rebellion

Mason wastes no time in hailing the militiamen back, stating that he's from the group that met with them earlier and is looking to meet with Hartnup today.
[im changing National Reform Front to Allied Reform Front/ARF since the National Provos are back]

Hartnup walks out from behind an SUV, an assault rifle hanging from his chest on its strap. He wears a boonie hat and a gray coat, as well as a pair of gray trousers. He has a stubble, brown hair and brown eyes, and looks like he might be in his forties. He waves to you in greeting, before approaching. "Hey, how's it goin'?" he asks.

Mason returns the wave in kind and closes the gap between him and Hartnup. "Can't complain. So I'll be blunt. My name's Mason, and my CO sent me here to talk terms with you. He didn't want to come out himself for security reasons, but I speak with his authority. We're hoping for an alliance between our camps, something to help coordinate men and resources. How's that sound to you?"
Hartnup nods understandingly. "Sounds good to me, pal. The ARF need more friends in this part of the Zone. Got two big govie cities between us, so the rebs gotta all stick together if we're gonna make it," he says. "Now, as you may know, we plan on launching an assault on the Lake Outpost soon. That's our priority at the moment, but after that we can take over Crossroads Camp and maybe the NPA internment camp, the latter of which could help replenish our losses. How are you and your group doing in terms of armanents and personnel?" Hartnup asks. "Just so I know if we're ready to strike anytime soon."
"We've got several squads and enough hardware that everyone's armed with something. A handful of automatics and some long rifles supplement the rank and file, and we've got vehicles. Supplies are starting to run low though. We've got some ideas on fixing that but we'd like to know where you stand on that front. How have you been stocking up food and such?"
Hartnup scratches his stubble. "We have a decent amount of supplies. We could always use more medicine, scrap parts, and machine components. And, obviously, we need 5.56, 7.62, and .308 cartridges for our primary guns. If you need food, we'd be willing to trade you some for those essential supplies. If you have any rings- DZ currency- then we'd also be willing to trade for that. We have a few smuggler contacts with links to DZ settlements, so that money is still good out there. Provo scrip doesn't have much value at the moment, since you can't really waltz into cities and buy things, can you? Especially with the government rationing going on," he says. "Even if you did find something, I'd say that scrip is worth five times less than a ring. Makes sense, since the government can just print scrip willy-nilly, and rings are actually worth something. Gotta kill a zed to get a ring, usually."
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"Fair point. I'll take it up with HQ when I get back. In the meantime what's your plan of attack for the Outpost?"
"Currently, the ARF units in Tosaco, Chauvez, and a few mercenaries I hired will be participating in the assault on Lake Outpost. The rebels in Chauvez, led by Lieutenant Camroy, will be attacking the eastern side. My men will be attacking the northern and western ends. My hired hands will be using motorboats on the lake, and if possible, intrude on the southern end and bypass their fences. If not, they will disembark on a small island nearby and provide support using sniper rifles," he tells you.

Hartnup frowns. "Captain Sinclair in Arkwright isn't participating in the attack. He still thinks he can save Parliament. The provos are sending in a lot of elite troops from Denmont- commandos by air, Motor Cavalry guys using the highway... The NPA really doesn't want that city slipping from their cracked old fingertips. Sinclair thinks he can sabotage their reinforcements, but he's just going to get all of his men killed. They don't know what they're up against."

Of course, you've heard of the 1st Motorized Cavalry Division. They are some of the NPA's finest, and they are all equipped to similar standards to the pre-outbreak army. Every man in every squad tends to be wearing ballistic body armor, and equipped with frag grenades and auto-carbines. This contrasts NPA regulars, who are generally unarmored and only carry semi-auto Government Model carbines. Motor Cavalry units are almost always accompanied by armored elements as well, hence their name. NPA regulars are more suited for the destruction of zombies, while the Motor Cavalry division is a force tailor-made to wage war on fellow humans.
[retroactive info. ICly, you probably received it before showing up at Hartnup's meeting spot, so feel free to bring it up if needed.]

**Past radio messages.

HARRY: "Miranda's team and the other group, Prater's Rebellion, have secured Sturgess Tree Nursery. Four hostile NPA holdouts were killed, and three others were captured. Major Magnall had died of his wounds before they arrived, but the distress caller and two NPA workers (gardeners) were captured. Miranda does not hold custody over them, as they were taken by the other group. Prater had the distress caller executed, but spared the workers.

Andres Nuñez was clawed by a zombie during the sweep, and may have to be quarantined in case he contracted the infection.

Miranda met with the leader of the other survivors, General Prater of Prater's Rebellion. They're an unaffiliated reformist movement, open for diplomacy. Prater gave us his radio frequency and is wondering if we could give our own. Overall, Prater lost two men, with one being killed by NPA holdouts and the other being bitten by a zombie and having to be put down. He also suffered two wounded."

As his men did the majority of the work, suffered the most losses, and have less military-grade equipment compared to our own, Prater says he wants to take most of the weapons and armor. Though, Miranda told me that Prater is open for negotiation in regard to the loot. Here, I'll tell you Miranda's data on what was looted from the nursery."


-600 wood
-400 rations
-25 scrap
-2 toolboxes
-10 components
-15 medicine

-Radio pack
-2x ballistic vests
-3x flak jackets

-Service pistol [16/16, 16/16]
-9mm pistol [12/12, 12/12]
-9mm pistol [12/12, 12/12]
-9mm pistol [12/12, 12/12]
-9mm pistol [12/12, 12/12]
-9mm pistol [0/12]
-9mm pistol [0/12]
-9mm pistol [0/12]

-Auto-Carbine [20/30, 0/30]

-Burst rifle [15/15, 15/15]
-Burst rifle [15/15, 15/15]
-Burst rifle [15/15, 15/15]

-Tac-SMG [30/30, 15/30]
-Tac-SMG [30/30, 15/30]
-Tac-SMG [30/30, 15/30]

-Gov't carbine [15/15, 15/15]
-Gov't carbine [15/15, 15/15]
-Gov't carbine [15/15, 15/15]
-Gov't carbine [15/15, 15/15]
-Gov't carbine [15/15, 5/15]
-Gov't carbine [15/15, 5/15]
-Gov't carbine [15/15, 5/15]
-Gov't carbine [15/15, 5/15]
-Gov't carbine [15/0, 15/15]
-Gov't carbine [0/15]
-Gov't carbine [0/15]
-Gov't carbine [0/15]
-Gov't carbine [0/15]

-Pump shotgun [6, 10]
-Pump shotgun [6, 6]
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"Sounds like a solid plan of attack. Where would you want us positioned, and how many men were you hoping to get?"

Mason becomes curious in regards to the comments about Sinclair, and decides to ask into it tentatively. "What makes Sinclair think he's got a chance at sabotage? Doesn't make sense to move in unless he thought he had a sure thing."

As for the radio transmissions received from Harry, Mason logs the information away and plans to respond when Hartnup isn't within earshot. Mason will explain that the non-com (gardener) prisoners are Prater's responsibility since he's the one that ordered the execution of the distress caller. The supplies already gathered are enough, and Mason will suggest that Harry not challenge Prater for salvage as a gesture of good will. Right now their main concern is food supplies, so if Prater is willing to be generous on that front then all the better. The radio pack as well is a good prize since it might be useful in hacking into NPA comms. Mason will also authorize Harry to disclose a secure channel that Prater can use to contact the compound if need be. Mason would like to establish comms with Prater soon in order to continue building bridges among the forces scattered around the area.

Nuñez is to be put into quarantine and brought back to base immediately for a full medical check. On the way back Mason wants the squads to be wary of any Rangers, NPA stragglers or leftover rotters that might be patrolling the woods. All that noise could likely have brought in some kind of inquisitive eyes.

As a side note, Mason tells Harry to ask Sinclair about his plans for the future. See if there's anything to Hartnup's claims and primarily just get Sinclair's side of the story.
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"It would be good to have at least fifty men, ideally," Hartnup tells you. "And if you could focus your men on the northern side, it would leave me more men to go against the western end. And as for Sinclair's plan, well..." He seems to chew on the inside of his cheek.

"Sure, he can probably do some damage, but the fact is, too many NPA reinforcements have already reached Parliament. Too late to save the boys there now. It'd take some kind of miracle to take that city back, and I think we're outta miracles at this point."


Harry says that Miranda said that she's heading back to regroup with him now. She said that Prater wanted to have the radio pack, but gave her some extra rations to compensate for it.

During a short break from speaking with Hartnup, you learn from Harry that Captain Sinclair plans to attack the NPA convoys with RPGs, IEDs, and ambush tactics, which would likely give them an edge over even the elite units. You learn that Sinclair does not actually have delusional aspirations of completely saving Parliament- instead he wants to to weaken them for the next time an uprising happens. Another motivation for attacking the elite troops is in case they are unleashed on the countryside after the urban war in Parliament is won.
"I'll see what I can do, though I think we can supply that many men in the short term. When did you want to start the assault?"

Mason confirms the information, and tells Harry to see if Sinclair is willing to exchange secure comms channels so they can keep communications open.
"Three days, ideally. However, let me know if you need extra time, up to a maximum of two more days," the rebel leader tells you. "I think that the NPA may grow in strength at that location in anticipation of our attack if we wait any longer," Hartnup says.

Harry replies that Sinclair would be willing to do that, and says you should be able to talk to him tomorrow. It's getting rather late, and Sinclair has turned in.
"That aughta work, but we'll see. Would you be willing to exhange comms with us so we can coordinate better in the future?" Mason hoped that was the case so he could finish the meeting and head back to base for some well earned rest. Tomorrow was another day and there was much more planning to be done.
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"I've set aside a spare channel for us to use if we ever need to communicate," Hartnup tells you, before slipping you a small piece of paper with the frequency number written carefully down on it. "Make sure that the knowledge of this frequency is restricted to the commanders in your group only, and not kept for general-use among the common men. We don't want this to eventually fall into the hands of military or police listeners," he warns. "Anyway, is there anything else you'd like to discuss here and now? If anything comes up later, call me on the radio tomorrow. I think we ought to get going before the undead prowlers get too dangerous tonight."
"I think this will do for now. We can discuss most specific strategy the day of the attack if we need to, anything else we've got your number now. Take care Hartnup." And with that Mason heads back to base to confirm reports from Harry and bed down for the night.
Hartnup bids you farewell. You and your party head back to the base, where night watch is just shifting into place. Rations of food and alcohol have been issued, and your comms officer has finished setting up a secure channel with Prater's group, as well as Sinclair.

Harry tells you that he can RTB in the morning if needed.

Andres Nuñez begins to exhibit symptoms of Reanimatory Necrosis while in quarantine. Your medics, wearing protective face masks, do their best to treat him.


The next morning, you find out that Andres Nuñez started to convulse and foam at the mouth; the scratch he received was definitely infected. Waiting on your orders, your medics held him down and anesthetized him, using up a unit of medicine, then managed to strap him down to a table and put a spit hood over his head (he did not request to be put down). As it seems he won't recover, Andre's old equipment was added to the armory after being disinfected with a unit of alcohol.
First order of business is to get Andres' remains properly disposed of to ensure there's no spread of disease. Afterwards Mason instructs Miranda Stover to choose a replacement from the recruits and to equip them with Andres' old equipment and get them up to speed on their use. Then Mason instructs Greaves to get with each of the numbered squad leaders and choose two recruits to help supplement their ranks, then get started on training them up. Mason knows most won't be ready before the scheduled attack on the outpost, but some training is better than none.

Next Mason gets on the radio and hails Harry, asking about the situation with Arkwright and Sinclair. Primarily he wants to know if Sinclair is asking for any assistance, and secondly he wants to know if the town is viable for salvage sweeps or not.
Andre's infected husk is put down with a scalpel spike directly to the brain. Doctor Cayden Smart observed that it took roughly 11 hours for depersonalization to occur.

Orders are relayed to the squad leaders to select a few recruits to induct into their squads. Once it's over with, the roster is updated with the new arrangements. The Gunnery Officer Bell points out that a few of the new squad members are only armed with handguns and .22 caliber rifles. "We should consider distributing those NPA carbines we scavenged. They're an interesting design," he says. "Simple-looking, but it looks like they can withstand a lot of wear-and-tear. The 15-round magazines of these NPA models also appear to be interchangeable with the 12-round magazines of mini-carbines."

A decade ago, back when you were a captain in the army, you and your compatriots were still issued the auto-carbines that had been adopted since before the outbreak. However, at the time you had heard that the NPA was looking for cheaper alternative to those aging models. The new rifles Miranda brought back from the Sturgess outpost, simply stamped "GOV'T MODEL, 5.56," must have been the replacement they adopted since then.

Bell continues with his suggestions. "It might be best give the captured rifles to the recruits we reassigned, or give them to the more experienced members of their squads so that they can switch their old guns with the recruits. We could still let the recruits keep their pistols as sidearms, and put away the .22 weapons for training purposes."
"I agree. Let the Assault Squad get a look at the carbines first, then if there's any left we can distribute them and that new burst rifle accordingly. I'll let you head that one up Bell. Preferably I'd like the newer weapons to be given over to the squad vets first since they'll be more familiar with how to handle them."

After the weapons issue is resolved Hunter gets with Foreman Hopkins and tasks him with constructing three additional foxhole barricades around the eastern side of the compound. Beyond that Mason is open to suggestions that Hopkins has to improve the compound's defenses and general utilities.

With the weapons issued settled Mason gets back to the comms room so he can hail Harry and ask about the situation with Arkwright and Sinclair. Primarily he wants to know if Sinclair is asking for any assistance, and secondly he wants to know if the town is viable for salvage sweeps or not.
As an aside Mason asks Greaves if there's been any attempt to make daily scouting parties, and if not that he'd like that done ASAP so at the very least their immediate perimeter can be secured.
Bell redistributes the weaponry that was obtained from Sturgess Tree Nursery.

Greaves agrees to organize small patrols on a regular basis to ensure the perimeter's security.

Harry tells you that Sinclair is indeed looking for help. He has requested an audience, either in person or via radio. Harry tells you that Sinclair would prefer that you help him before he allows any scavenging in Arkwright.

More trees have been cut down on the northern and western sides of the compound. You gain 39 units of lumber, but they are quickly used up in the construction of the new palisades. You've used up all your wood making the palisades, but they should be done relatively soon. Hopkins says that watchtowers could be constructed to increase the range of the compound's defenders against potential attackers, as well as increase its line of sight. He also says that trenches could be dug (using shovels) that could be used to defend against ghouls, as well as serve as dangerous pit traps against human attackers if they happen to fall into them.

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Mason decides that digging trenches wouldn't be an awful idea, and since they have some of the tools necessary there's no reason to not get started on it. Mason instructs Hopkins to begin work on the trenches with whatever recruits aren't busy, and for Greaves to start organizing some basic squad drills to get them ready for combat in two days. After that Mason tells Harry over the radio that he'll be out to Arkwright shortly to meet with Sinclair in person. Mason takes two of the more experienced members from squads 1 and 2 as his personal guard before heading out for the meeting, leaving Greaves in charge of the base until he can send Harry back with squads 5 and 6 in tow.
Before you leave, Hopkins asks you to mark down on the map where you want the trenches to be dug.

Your squad leaders assemble a small escort to accompany you, as well as a vehicle.


Bethany Harvaan | Militia | Compact SMG [20/20, 20/20] | Flak jacket
Walter Sargent | Militia | Burst rifle [15/15, 15/15] & 9mm pistol [12/12, 0/12]
Maurice Jones | Militia | Gov't carbine [15/15, 15/15]
Hart Rickles | Militia | Gov't carbine [15/15, 15/15]
Mason designates the western side of the base as the primary section he wants covered with trenches, with the north side being the immediate secondary.

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