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Realistic or Modern Outcast Island Lore



Beastly Member
This journal and all ideas in the said journal are pure, and original ideas produced by the beautiful and intelligent minds of the RP, Outcast Island, which is accepting new members with equal inclusion.

Other Member's of the Outcast Island have equal right to post entries into the journal as it is part of a collective collaboration. No Outcast Island member has any right to deny another Outcast member from posting in the journal unless the following situations are in effect: The poster is spamming, has not talked to the creator about the new addition, has been banned from the roleplay, is posting immature/sexual content, or the form doesn't follow the preferred format which can be added onto at any given time to meet the full expectations of the journal and its upkeep.

Required information:
•Character Name writing the post
•Creature Name
•Creature picture
•General description
•Personal encounter
•Danger Class


•Class A - No Danger
•Class B - Passive; Hostile when Threatened
•Class C - Danger; Do Not Approach
•Class D - Very Dangerous; Avoid at All Costs
•Class E - Guaranteed Fatalities

***This is a Class D monster- avoid engagement.
Description;; The Kamacuras is a giant praying Mantis with the native island plants mutated right on his body! His eyes has not only increased in size- the power has increased exponentially as each of its nasty segments can focus intensely on its surroundings. I wouldn't want to get on its bad side because it has sharp teeth and razor-like spikes on its arms for shredding up prey for dinner. It has also taken a liking to humans as its primary prey but when desperately hungry has been known to even turn on each other. Don't think you are safe in the skies, this baby can fly (and those wings are so hard to carve!) It's leaf-like wings are used to get a better vantage point on its prey or getaway in a quick haste. Their skin is pretty easy to cut into and they green blood actually makes excellent fertilizer. But don't think you can just go up and give him a cut because if you pick the wrong plant- spurs of radiation will burst from his body and settle on your skin. Let me tell you from first hand after seeing what this liquid radiation will do with your skin- you won't come back from it with more superpowers for sure. The beast ranges between 12-20 feet in size, depending how much prey it consumes.

Strengths;; Superior eyesight, razor teeth, and arms, flying, radiation spurs

Weaknesses;; Malleable skin, hungry rages, eyes, bug brains, hard to maneuver in small spaces

Personal Experience;; WIP
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Journal entry 37

Ivan Mikhailov

On the matter of the Nemean Boars, Pictured below

Class C beast, although it would likely be class D if it wasn’t so stupid and so nutritious.


Much talked about on the island they are perhaps exemplar of it’s vicious nature. Nobody really agrees where the came from, although the general consensus is that the large pork slaughterhouse had something to do with it. They are one of the major food sources on the island, as well as providing armor for some of the better hunters who can secure. It is not anything like the nemean hides of legend, but it stands on fairly even ground with kevlar, especially when tanned right. Boar armor is considered a mark of status and responsibility, showing that someone is capable of bringing one down and providing a great deal of food. They are massive beasts besides their toughness, standing four feet tall at the shoulder and slabbed with muscle. However there are two weakspots, the mouth and a softer patch of skin around the eyes. Most hunters target these spots exclusively, although there are one or two with relevant powers who bring them down other ways.

Ivan thanked his father for insisting that his heirs be able to survive in as many environments as he could possibly teach them to as he tracked the boar. He hadn’t thanked his father since he had clawed control of their local crime family from him decades ago, but much as he hated him, the man had prepared his children well. He thought of the child he had found on the shore and tucked away in his cave. She was more than half dead, and if he didn’t bring this boar down and get the food back soon she wouldn’t make it. As he followed the tracks of the boar he resolved that if she survived he would teach her at least as well as his father had him taught, and would try to give her some basic empathy too. That thought of his family nearly killed them both as he nearly missed the snort from a nearby underbrush right before the boar charged him. He managed to dodge just barely but the creatures reckless dash knocked his bow away from him and likely damaged it too badly to be used again. As the boar crashed into the tree that had been behind him he drew his knife, trying not to think about the fact that the boar had all but snapped the tree in half with it’s rush. Alone against a nemean bear with one seven inch flip knife he stared death in the eyes as it turned and snorted. It pawed the ground and he knew he had to move before it charged again. He back up in a straight line and quickly bent back as he did, touching the ground. As the bear charged him again it hit the small patch of ice he had managed to call in front of it, and as it slid towards him he grabbed its front legs and threw it over his head. If he had tried to actually lift it it probably would have killed him but he just relied on it’s own momentum to slam it onto it’s back. As it squealed with rage he took his knife and darted it into the creatures mouth, stabbing into it’s brain and killing it instantly. He quickly stripped away as much meat as he could, packing it into a sack he had brought with him. The main bulk of the creature would have to be left to the scavengers. Throwing the sack over his shoulder he rushed back to his hideout.
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***This is a Class D monster- avoid engagement.
Description;; This nasty fish is commonly called Akuma no Sakana, the Japanese translation for 'Devilfish'. The Akuma no Sakana comes in a variety of shapes and sizes, though they most often hover between the ten to twenty feet range. These ugly tuna commonly lurk offshores and in underwater caverns. They are carnivorous by instinct but will eat kelp in the winter months when the water takes on colder temperatures. The Akuma has also been known to chase its prey on shore when it feels the chances of success are high. Commonly, they try to avoid this due to their weak legs. Their mouths are equipped with hundreds of slender teeth that commonly rip into their prey, and their nose is a very important asset that is stocked with sensitive scent glands. Their bodies are most often on the slimmer side, with a thick top shell and scales that secrete a thick mucus.

Strengths;; Biting, Slick skin, Durable shell, Sense of smell

Weaknesses;; Legs, bare under-belly, running speed, eyes

Personal Experience;; (Avery) WIP

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