Out of Soul Chat

I really need to get back into the grove of things. Its been nearly 1 month since I've done any roleplaying. Sure RL stuff obviously in large part responsible but I really need to get back into the groove. T.T
I really need to get back into the grove of things. Its been nearly 1 month since I've done any roleplaying. Sure RL stuff obviously in large part responsible but I really need to get back into the groove. T.T
You will, my duckish compadre. Just keep resting until ya feel like you can post again! We'll strang-Kil-LOVE the gremlin until then!
You will, my duckish compadre. Just keep resting until ya feel like you can post again! We'll strang-Kil-LOVE the gremlin until then!
Eh don't wanna wait to long either and keep things in Hiatus, and then bam stuff comes up that drops me out again for some gap of time. Meh! Probably jumping in an *Insert name here* Academy RP, those tend to not usually be too crazy to warm myself up a lil getting into that kind of groove again.

.... *Realizes that Soul Eater is basically that*

....usually not....
Eh don't wanna wait to long either and keep things in Hiatus, and then bam stuff comes up that drops me out again for some gap of time. Meh! Probably jumping in an *Insert name here* Academy RP, those tend to not usually be too crazy to warm myself up a lil getting into that kind of groove again.

.... *Realizes that Soul Eater is basically that*

....usually not....
Soul Eater's... well, it's Soul Eater XD *Tackle hugs Weasel!*
Lady Warlock Lady Warlock
Waiting on you, btw. No rush, just thought I'd let you know.
I'm aware. My life's kind of crazy right now and I'm getting things done as I can. Deadeye and summer had been waiting longer so I wrote their reply first. I have class until 7pm tonight now so I probably won't be able to write anything more until late tonight or tomorrow after work.

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