Advice/Help Out of sinc


The evil one
I have in the past roleplayed to my hearts content, but ever since i left the rp i had been in for 4 years do to personal issues, i felt completely lost. I have lost my ability, and i want to bring it back. But in order to do this i need to roleplay in places that are difficult, with people i can learn from. In short I miss them, and i also miss my roleplaying mind. I don't remember how to roleplay, well i know how, just not at the extent i once could. Any helpful comments?
My mind desires that constant interactions i've been denying it. Yet, i don't think i can go back to the level of writing i once was, and that pains me, to know i might never be able to reachieve that. "'Lost, desperate, on the verge of despair.' writing a battle that i cannot win, a heart that only longs for something it cannot attain."
I’m not quite sure what the problem is but if you want to get back into roleplay all you have to do is just throw yourself back out there.

Also realize you are your own worst critic. No one is going to worry over much about your writing as long as they can read it.

As for writing, we all grow and change. Best not to worry about how you used to write and practice writing now. It might be a little different but that doesn’t mean it can’t be just as much fun.

Plus writing like anything requires practice. So again put yourself out there.

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