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Realistic or Modern Out Of Service


Resident Babyface
Feel free to ask any questions you may have as well as just chatter.
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I'd like to reserve a spot please, but I don't understand are we not able to choose our own power?

I'll reserve your spot right away!

And the powers are chosen randomly on a generator.

Because it's way more fun having a character that isn't perfectly suited toward their power. So you can't base a character around a specific power. I dunno, I thought it would make it more fun
Ok, cool... whats the generator your using?
Abyss said:
Ok, cool... whats the generator your using?
I was planning on doing a number generator for each character, with a number between 1-16 corresponding to a power. The character order is in the order of who posted their character first

Netflix Addict] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/979-wantyoursoul/ said:
@WantYourSoul[/URL] Is our clothing choice describing what they're wearing on the day of the accident, or what they normally wear?
Yeah, what they're wearing the day of the accident. Because maybe they're going to a recital and are dressed fancily when they usually wear jeans and a dirty t-shirt, yeah?
What kind of powers are you thinking of listing? *mishevious grin*
Abyss said:
What kind of powers are you thinking of listing? *mishevious grin*
All kinds, if you have an idea on one i missed out just, like, punch me and tell me what to add

SirDerpingtonIV said:
Will powers be chosen based off a character's personality? And may we see the list of powers? :P
The powers are random, so personality has nothing to do with it.

And, in no particular order:

  1. Super-Strength
  2. Super-Speed
  3. Fire Manipulation
  4. Wind Manipulation
  5. Earth/Plant Manipulation
  6. Water Manipulation
  7. Telekinesis
  8. Soundwave Manipulation
  9. Mimicry
  10. Healing
  11. Flying
  12. Telepathy (Limited)
  13. Animal Communication
  14. Shape-Shifting (Limited)
  15. Invisibility
  16. Spirit Communication
  17. Electricity Manipulation
  18. Light Manipulation (Limited)

There's a lot of things on there, for Background Characters and if I let more than the original 14. (I added two more slots from the original number whoops)
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With animal communication, all you can do is talk to the animals ? Or can you control them to a certain extent ?
[QUOTE="Of the Red]With animal communication, all you can do is talk to the animals ? Or can you control them to a certain extent ?

It would be communication, but you could talk an animal into something they originally weren't going to do. Say, for instance a deer managed to fall into one of the tunnels, and is very frightened. You could communicate and try calming it down. Of course it's the same way with humans that no matter how hard you try it still may not work
Grr, shapeshifting--- want it so bad!

Actually I'd be willing to take on any of these powers.... except for telepathy, I've never liked telepathy > :)
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SirDerpingtonIV said:
Haha! How about plant manipulation though? Like vines and sht?
That's what earth would generally entail to, because concrete wouldn't count as something able to be manipulated. Seeds from fruits and random ones in your pockets (It can't be only me) would be able to sprout in minutes with a little water, dirt/dust, and willpower.
Concrete is made from material derived from earth though, as is glass which is made from melted sand. Although I suppose it could work that way if they couldn't manipulate materials altered from their organic state. But if one is only capable of manipulating plant life wouldn't that just be plant maniplation?

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