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Realistic or Modern Out Of Service


Resident Babyface
You were running late. You were running an obscene amount of time late and the only subway stopping at your destination soon is one on a long, winding path along the big city.

This train was dubbed the "late-comer's tube" due to its frequent passengers of those who are very, very late.

Just like you! Just as the sleek white body slides to a stop with a gust of displaced rubbish, you rush to avoid being caught by the night shift workers from the nearby nuclear plant disembarking. They looked harrowed and were carrying bags in their sweat-sleek arms.

Too late too pay attention, you make a weaving dash to the car, you slide in just in time to catch a teenager running full tilt at the car with the common "I'm too late for even the late bus" expression. The kid's crushed expression is the last thing you see as the tunnel plunges into darkness as it slides forward. That expression is one you're familiar with.

After a minute or so of darkness, the lights had remained dark. And then instead of lights turning on, a horrendous shriek of concrete and metal warping assaults your ears.

Through the ringing in your ears, you vaguely hear screaming before a piece of rubble slams into you, turning the dark absolute.

The aforementioned power plant that rests nearby the subway station has had a catastrophic systems meltdown.

The resulting explosion was devastating.

But no one, except those fleeing workers, could have known, right?

Those who didn't die from the explosion soon died of the sudden flush of radiation coursing trough the tunnels, which served almost as veins to transport this deadly wave of radioactivity.

People kilometres away were unknowingly standing in a time bomb, unaware of the explosion and radiation until it was too late.

Everyone was dead, except for you. Except for all pubescent teenagers and children in the cars. The deadly radioactivity seemed to have spared you, possibly because of the bodily changes and unstable hormones served as a sort of barrier.

You were alive, but changed.

Those around you had developed strange abilities. One kid could create fire with a snap of their fingers. Another could make a seed blossom in the palm of their hands.

You are trapped below the city with no help from adults, unsure if anyone outside the two cars not entirely destroyed by the explosion are even alive. You are trapped with uncontrollable powers and limited supplies in a collapsed station.

The adults are all gone, and now is more than ever when you'd like them to get you out of trouble.

But why would an adult run to fix the problems they created?
The train arriving in 18th station was pristine and white, even if it were plagued by disuse. The only people who even rode it were the power plant workers and the occasional late-comer.

Today seemed to be no exception, save for the extra-large rush of workers who were finishing their shifts at the plant and multiple adults already in the car and waiting for the passengers at this stop to load up.

The blind girl bobs her head steadily to the beat of unheard music and taps her cane along the ground towards the hydraulic hiss of the doors.

Across from her, a boy detaches himself from the wall and trudges forwards with his music blasting through the dangling headbuds in his hoodie.

The two didn't know what they were stepping into, and neither did any of the other passengers.

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