Out of Character Chat

Woot! I am in. I am still at the drawing board with my character but I am working on it. I am thinking an uptight, perfectionist, compartmentalizing intern. 
I am feeling like there are too many women characters in this rp at the moment. I am considering holding back my one character and going with a male instead. Do you know what the ratios is looking like right now @giraffesarebetter ?
Ah, okay. I must have miscounted somewhere. I thought there was one male character and four females. 
Ah, okay. I must have miscounted somewhere. I thought there was one male character and four females. 

Ah, okay. I must have miscounted somewhere. I thought there was one male character and four females. 

I have a male and a female, snowflower has a male, and nemothesurvivor has a female. Adding in your accepted character and that makes three females and two males. I was counting the accepteds only, since theyre the only ones that will be in the roleplay
@Manic Muse @NemoTheSurvivor @Snowflower @QueenOfLies @JaydenMancino

Couple of announcements!

We have 7 characters right now, and I think 10 is a good starting point, and we'll be continuing to accept characters after the roleplay is started. So as soon as we get three more characters we can begin! 

Also as of right now only one character has applied to be a resident (Though I think they might have meant Attending since they said General surgery) But we do need those as well because the residents teach the interns just as much, if not more, than the attendings do!

Also, @NemoTheSurvivor has graciously agreed to be my moderator for this RP, so any questions can be answered by him, characters can be accepted, he can create surgeries, etc. He's basically in charge when I'm not around, so he should be respected just as much as me, okay!
Aye if anyone is up for some form in relations with mag character feel free to discuss :) I'm all ears :3

Here or Pm c:
Alright guys don't forget to tell people about this! Don't be rude or obnoxious about it obviously but feel free to let people you think would be interested know it exists 

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